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June 26, 2019
Distribution: Regional Vice Presidents, District Directors, Chapter Chairs
@scorevolunteer Email Adoption

Your chapter leadership is working with HQ to take the first step to prepare for the new Engage system. This means that everyone will need to have and use a SCORE volunteer email account address. You will no longer be using your personal email account with SCORE. 
Please note: Your @scorevolunteer.org email address account and your Volunteer Center (CORE) account are not the same accounts 
  1. Your @scorevolunteer.org email account is an account that will be accessed via Google (gmail.com) NOT Volunteer Center (CORE).
  2. Your Volunteer Center (CORE) account is accessed via CORE - core.score.org/user NOT Google. 
  3. Going forward, you will be using your @scorevolunteer.org email address as your username for BOTH your SCORE email account (via Gmail) and your Volunteer Center (CORE) account. 
For security purposes, you will receive a notification that asks you to reset the password for this new email. Please do so immediately. 

Preparing for SCORE Engage 

As you are aware by now, SCORE Engage (our brand-new CRM system replacing CORE) will start to roll out to chapters beginning with a group of early adopters this Fall.

As part of helping chapter leaders, Engage Facilitators, and Engage Training Coordinators prepare themselves to guide their chapters through the onboarding process to Engage , we are offering a webinar titled "Preparing for SCORE Engage: The Highest Impact Business Rule and Process Changes."

The webinar will communicate vital information about how SCORE will be operating differently and better within SCORE Engage, focused on business rule and process changes that will have the greatest impact on chapters. It is not intended as a detailed description of the features within Engage. 

**Attendance to this live webinar is required of all Chapter Chairs, Engage Facilitators, and Engage Training Coordinators prior to the chapter's SCORE Engage roll-out date. See the high-level roll-out schedule

This webinar - which includes a 30-40 minute presentation followed by a Q&A period with a panel of SCORE Engage project team members - will first be presented on July 11 and July 23. Following a break for the NLC in August, we will be making this same webinar available as a live event no less than monthly (dates and times TBD), starting in September 2019 and running through May 2021. A reording of the webinar will also be available starting in August. 

Each webinar is identical, therefore participants need to only attend one session to receive all of the content. 

Please register for one of the following dates and times: 
For questions or concerns, please visit https://help.score.org or email [email protected]
"Simple Steps for Exiting Your Business" - Powered  by MassMutual
The education series which is comprised of three modules; Succession Planning, Retirement Planning and Estate Planning; is available to all SCORE chapters to deliver as an educational workshop. The full "workshop in a box" includes the following components: 
  • Facilitators guide
  • Facilitators e-learning module
  • Workshop marketing assets including flyers, social media promotion template, press release template, course talking points, PowerPoint Presentations, registration tools, and evaluation tools.
Click Here to view the accompanying eGuide.
Powered by SBA Logo Inclusion
As you all have seen, the SBA audit report mentions that SCORE's published materials did not consistently acknowledge SBA's support of the program. Many of you are aware that the SBA released a new logo in May 2018, and  you have been updating materials ever since you were notified.  We are asking for more clarification around how and where the logo should be, and will share that with you as soon as we have that information.

For the Powered by SBA logo, click here
For the general brand guidelines , click here
SCORE Volunteer Spotlights

Check out our outstanding volunteers and chapters featured this month!