June 24, 2019
Dear Friends,

Howard County’s current Circuit Courthouse is almost two centuries old and is no longer equipped to handle our population, increased caseloads, technology needs, or to maximize victim safety. We are building a brand new, 238,000 square foot facility that will better serve the needs of our community. Earlier today, we broke ground on the new Howard County Circuit Courthouse.

Our new courthouse will enhance public safety and security, while also improving sustainability. It was very important to me that this project meet our high environmental standards. The Courthouse will be certified, at a minimum, LEED Silver for sustainability and, at my request, the builders are working toward Gold status. The project will result in an over 50% reduction of impervious surface and no existing trees will be removed, with over 100 new trees planted.

Now that we have broken ground on the largest capital project in the history of our county, we are ushering in a new era of safety, innovation, and justice in Howard County. Watch the groundbreaking here. Read more about the courthouse here. watch conceptual animation of the project here.
This Week in HoCo
Keeping the Bay Clean

Our county makes up part of the 18 million people who live in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and we all depend on it for clean water and food. I remain committed to ensuring Howard County is a leader on environmental progress and our dedicated employees work hard every day to keep our watershed clean.

I'm proud to announce that Howard County has been awarded $1.8 million, dispersed over several years, through the Clean Water Commerce Act Grant from the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE). The grant will be used for the Little Patuxent Water Reclamation Plant Advanced Process Instrumentation and Control System (APICS) project, to protect the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.

Thank you to the Governor and the Maryland Department of the Environment for this grant as well as the Howard County Department of Public Works for their efforts to guard our fragile ecosystem. This grant helps ensure that we can all live healthier lives and better protect a treasured natural resource. Read more about it here.
Udoyon Fusion 2019 Kickoff Picnic

I had a wonderful time on Sunday joining the Bangladeshi organization, Udoyon , at their Fusion 2019 Kickoff picnic. Together, we can ensure every group feels represented and has a seat at the table. It was a pleasure to meet all Fusion founders and members, thank you for welcoming me to your kickoff picnic!
On June 19, 1865, Major General Gordon Granger came to Galveston, Texas to inform a reluctant community that President Lincoln two years earlier had freed the slaves and to press locals to comply with his directive.

Last week we commemorated Juneteenth; a celebration to mark the anniversary of the end of slavery in the United States.
It was my pleasure to join the  Columbia Association for their commemoration of Juneteenth at their “Let’s Talk: The International Day of Drumming and Healing” at the Miller Branch Library. Together, we can continue to make progress by learning about our past and working toward a more inclusive future. 
Manor Hill Farm Festival

It was delightful to join Randy Marriner at the  Manor Hill Farm  Festival where I enjoyed my time with Howard County local business owners like Renee Cristello at Scoop & Paddle Ice Cream Company  and Lourdes Karina Pinto of  Tasty Empanadas . Saturdays are a great time to shop local and support our small businesses! 
New Office of Human Rights Administrator

This week I was proud to name a new leader for the Office of Human Rights. Our communities deserve a Human Rights Administrator with the experience and passion to make positive change. I am proud to announce Yolanda F. Sonnier, esq. as that champion.

Ms. Sonnier, esq. will bring her stellar legal background, leadership on diversity issues, an innovative approach, and compassion for the vulnerable to this post. She has a proven track record of capable leadership and, on behalf of everyone in Howard County, we are excited to begin working with her to help ensure we are a model office for civil and human rights. Read more about what she brings to our county here.
2018 Human Rights Report

Addressing hate and protecting the rights of all are duties I take very seriously. I want to thank everyone in the Office of Human Rights for their diligence in this work. Please, take a moment to read the 2018  Howard County Office of Human Rights  Annual Report.
Our Annual Report reveals a Howard County that still has work to do in order to create a community that is safe for everyone. Moving forward, the Office of Human Rights will continue to be a leader in the community, a symbol of our values, and a force for positive change. Read the 2018 report here .
10th Annual Cyber Conference

In 2017, the average cost of a malware attack on a company was estimated at $2.4 million and ransomware damage costs were over $5 billion, which represents a 15 fold increase since 2015.
Last week I joined the  Howard County Chamber of Commerce ’s 10th annual Cyber Conference at  Howard Community College . This year, the focus was Cyber Sense Making to ensure attendees enhance their knowledge on cybersecurity. Howard County has a robust and growing cybersecurity sector and I look forward to our continued growth as a leader in the field.
Thank you to the Howard County Chamber and Howard Community College for this informative conference and thanks to everyone who works hard to promote our cybersecurity! 
Inaugural HoCo Pride Festival this Saturday

Happy Pride Month! In Howard County, we don’t just tolerate diversity and inclusion, we celebrate it! I hope you will join me and PFLAG Columbia-Howard County for a Pride Celebration on Saturday, June 29th, 2019 from 11:00am – 5:00pm at Centennial Park. This will be Howard County’s very first Pride festival of many to come! I am so honored to co-present this event and look forward to seeing you there. You can find more information  here .
Holiday Closings

Howard County Government offices, courts, animal shelter, 50+ centers and Alpha Ridge Landfill will be closed in observance of the Independence Day holiday on Thursday, July 4. As there will be no trash, recycling, yard trim or food scrap pick-up on Independence Day, the County’s holiday "slide” schedule will be in effect; i.e. Thursday pick-up will take place on Friday and Friday on Saturday. In addition, Cedar Lane and Schooley Mill Activity Rooms, the Gary J. Arthur and North Laurel Community Centers, county historic sites, Kiwanis-Wallas Hall, Meadowbrook Athletic Center and Robinson Nature Center will also be closed on Independence Day. County parks and the Roger Carter Community Center will however be open on the 4th.
The Regional Transportation Agency (RTA) will operate on a “Sunday” schedule. For more information on RTA, call 1-800-270-9553 or visit Howard County parking fees will not be enforced on Thursday, July 4.
The 9-1-1 Center, Police and Fire departments remain staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For emergencies, call 9-1-1; for non-emergencies, please call 410-313-2200. County offices will re-open at regular business hours on Friday, July 5.
Legislative Matters
HCPSS State Audit

Last week, I pre-filed a resolution calling on the Maryland State Department of Education to contract a performance audit of the Howard County Public School System. The audit process is an important opportunity to assess our current path and find ways to support all of our children and educators, while making our schools even better. It will help us evaluate our strengths and determine how to spend more efficiently. 
This year we were proud to provide significant funding to our schools, with direct appropriation of over $607.2 million and total funding of nearly $897.3 million when adding in state dollars. We also fully funded the teachers collective bargaining agreement, including salary increases for our valued educators as well as sufficient funding to maintain class size, and even fully fund employee healthcare costs. 
Looking ahead, we want to ensure all our schools are prepared to adapt to the needs of all our students. We will only be able to solve our challenges if we work together and have a full understanding of the financial picture with complete transparency. 
I believe that every educator, student, parent, and resident in Howard County deserves to know exactly how and where our money is being spent. Similar to audits in neighboring jurisdictions, we can then use this information to help us budget smarter in the next year, 5 years, and 10 years down the road. 
This state-level audit will help us all get the full picture of our school system spending. It will promote accountability and ensure taxpayer dollars are being spent sensibly to make our schools the very best they can be, for every student.

The full resolution can be found here .
Departmental News
Department of Community Resources and Services

The Department of Community Resources and Services’ Office of Children and Families is asking for the public’s help in supporting the Howard County Diaper Project. Through its partnership with the Community Action Council of Howard County, Inc. (CAC), the Howard County Diaper Project collects free diapers and wipes for low-income families in the county, while raising awareness of diaper need. Thirty-six percent of those living in poverty run out of diapers and are faced with the choice of keeping the lights on, paying rent, buying food or paying for more diapers. If interested in helping out, donations can be dropped off at CAC’s Food Bank, located at 9385 Gerwig Lane, Suite J in Columbia and open weekdays, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., or, through the end of the month, the Columbia Association is collecting diapers at all its KidSpace locations . To learn more about the Howard County Diaper Project, click HERE .
To mark the first day of summer, our Department of Community Resources and Services gathered this past Friday for a “Summer Solstice Success Celebration” to honor community members who have overcome homelessness and persevered through adversity. Held on the longest day of the year, a day filled with the most light, the Summer Solstice Success Celebration was created to recognize the strength of those who have journeyed through homelessness, as well as the life-changing benefits of housing.
Here in Howard County, we envision a community in which all members have the support they need to be safely and stably housed. Over the course of the past 12 months, 135 individuals and families have exited the County’s Coordinated System of Homeless Services into permanent housing. While each of these households has its own story to share, together they demonstrate that we can end homelessness for everyone.
Learn more about the steps the County is taking to end homelessness and the resources available to those who currently are by clicking HERE .
Department of Fire and Rescue Services and Police Department

Synonymous with July 4 th , fireworks are extremely dangerous. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), on average, 280 people go to the emergency room every day with fireworks-related injuries in the month around the July 4 th holiday. With July 4 th fast approaching, the County’s Department of Fire and Rescue Services and Police Department are encouraging residents to keep their celebrations safe and lawful.
In Howard County, party poppers, ignitable “snakes” and “snap ’n’ pops,” and handheld sparklers remain legal. However, the sale, possession and use of ground-based sparklers is strictly prohibited. Violators are subject to a fine of up to $1,000. Those who purchase legal fireworks should follow these safety tips from the CPSC. However, the safest way to enjoy fireworks is to attend a display conducted by trained professionals. For more information on Howard County Recreation and Parks' July 4 th Fireworks, visit .
Office of Human Rights

Howard County’s Human Rights Commission is currently accepting applications for the position of Student Commissioner to serve a one-year term from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020 as a non-voting member on the Commission. To be eligible for consideration, candidates must be a student under the age of 18, a Howard County resident, have an interest in human/civil rights and be able to attend the Commission’s meetings on the third Thursday of each month from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Howard County Community Resources Campus, 9820 Patuxent Woods Drive in Columbia. I encourage any eligible student looking to make our community a better place to apply. For details on how to apply, click HERE . The deadline for applications is Friday, July 19, 2019
Have an interest in human and civil rights conditions, policy and problems? If yes, I encourage you to apply for Human Rights Commission. Established in 1969, the Commission is composed of 11 voting members who serve five-year terms and one non-voting student member. For eligibility requirements and how to apply, click HERE . The deadline to apply is Friday, July 19, 2019.
Department of Planning and Zoning
This week, the County’s Department of Planning and Zoning will host two public meetings to update the community and gather feedback regarding the County’s Route 1 Corridor Master Plan. The meetings will take place this Tuesday, June 25, 6:30 p.m. in the Belmont/Hockley Rooms at Howard County Library System’s Elkridge branch, 6540 Washington Boulevard, and this Thursday, June 27, 6:30 p.m. in the Chesapeake Multi-Purpose Rooms at the North Laurel Community Center, 9411 Whiskey Bottom Road.
Each meeting will cover the same material and include a presentation by the Route 1 Master Plan consulting team, led by RKG & Associates. Multiple displays and stations will also be on hand to provide attendees with an update on the progress of the Plan, including the results from the 2018 open houses and 2019 virtual open house, existing conditions, development trends and real estate market demand, land use and transportation assessments, character area analysis, and preliminary implementation tools. County planners and the consultant team will be on hand after the presentation to answer questions and gather comments.
For questions and/or more information about this meeting, contact Peter Conrad at 410-313-4350 or email . To learn more about this project, visit .
This coming Wednesday, June 26, the County’s Design Advisory Panel (DAP) will be holding a meeting in the George Howard Building’s Columbia Ellicott Room (room subject to change) starting at 7:00 p.m. to hear the following items:

Review of Project #19-11
Project Title: Dorsey Overlook
Address: 9850 Old Route 108, Ellicott City, MD 21043
The DAP Rules of Procedure can be found here.
The DAP process encourages excellence in project architecture and site design to improve design compatibility with surrounding development, to promote revitalization, and to enhance property values. The DAP meets at 7:00 p.m. generally on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month at 3430 Court House Drive, Ellicott City, MD 21043.
For questions please contact us at or 410-313-2350
Police Department
Hey, Howard County youth, keep an eye out as Howard County Police Department’s (HCPD) Community Athletic Programs’ Mobile Rec Center is coming to a neighborhood near you starting this week! From June 24 th to August 16 th , 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (expect July 4 th and August 5 th -9 th ), the Mobile Rec Center will be making pit stops at the following locations, with HCPD school resource officers onboard ready to play basketball, baseball, flag football, Xbox or just hang.

  • Mondays – East Columbia Library, 6600 Cradlerock Way, Columbia

  • Tuesdays – Talbott Springs Pool, 9660 Basket Ring Road, Columbia

  • Wednesdays – Blandair Park, 5750 Oakland Mills Rd, Columbia

  • Thursdays – Oakland Mills Middle School, 9540 Kilimanjaro Road, Columbia and Mayfied Woods Middle School, 7950 Red Barn Way, Elkridge

  • Fridays – North Laurel Community Center, 9411 Whiskey Bottom Road, Laurel
No need to register in advance. Just show up for some good, old fashion fun.
Department of Public Works Bureau of Environmental Services

The upcoming Independence Day holiday is one of the six holidays that affects the County’s curbside trash, recycling, food scrap and yard trim collection program. As there will be no curbside collection on Thursday, July 4, the county’s holiday slide schedule will be in effect the remainder of that holiday week; i.e. Thursday pick-up will slide to Friday and Friday to Saturday. Wondering what the other five holidays might be that affect curbside collection? They are Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day and Memorial Day. To learn more about the holiday slide schedule, visit .
Keep it loose, lose the bag! As a reminder, the County’s Bureau of Environmental Services is no longer accepting curbside recycling placed out in plastic bags . Improperly set out material will be tagged and left until items are set out correctly for the next collection. The Bureau is also reminding residents that loose plastic bags, plastic film, flexible packaging and wrappers have never been accepted in curbside recycling. For more information regarding how to properly recycle these items, visit . For questions and/or more information about curbside recycling, please feel free to contact the Bureau at 410-313-6444 or .
Department of Public Works Construction Report

Below are details regarding new Capital Projects and maintenance projects. For a full list of previously announced projects, please refer to the June 17, 2019 newsletter .

  • Ten Oaks Road Patching – Project to patch Ten Oaks Road from the intersection of Ten Oaks Road, Linthicum Road and Green Bridge Road to just before Highland Road. Work is set to resume on Monday, June 24 and work will take place weekdays, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. While two-way traffic will be maintained through the work zone, flagging operations will be in place to direct traffic. Motorists are encouraged to travel with care through the area. Weather permitting, this work is expected to be completed by end of the week.
Ellicott City

  • Park Drive Stream Restoration Project (Capital Project D-1158) – Project to restore and stabilize approximately 1,700 linear feet of stream near 8280 Park Drive. This unnamed tributary of Sucker Branch to the Patapsco Rive was heavily impacted by stormwater and has eroded significantly. While the project is not expected to impact traffic flow, signs have been posted near the project to advise motorists and pedestrians of the construction. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by late October 2019.
To learn more about DPW Capital Projects currently underway, visit . Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s website and search by “County” to learn more about State road projects in Howard County.
Also, be sure to follow the County’s Facebook and Twitter pages every Monday morning for upcoming maintenance projects happening that week, weather permitting. On these social media pages, you’ll also find information regarding the county’s street sweeping schedule, which generally begin in the months of January, April, July and September.
Department of Recreation & Parks
TRAIL CLOSURE UPDATE: Starting today, June 24, weather permitting, Department of Recreation & Parks contractors will begin to clear the trees that created hazardous conditions on the County’s Patuxent Branch Trail from Savage Park to Columbia Association's Lake Elkhorn . Recreation & Parks hopes to complete the work in a week, weather permitting. Recreation & Parks is urging trail goers to stay safe by not going on the trail until it is posted open. For updates, please follow the Department of Recreation & Parks' Facebook page and/or for questions, please feel free to contact the Recreation & Parks at 410-313-4700 for further assistance. We thank you for your patience.
Thank you to everyone who joined our Department of Recreation & Parks last week at Troy Park at Elkridge for this year's “Shootout for Soldiers” Baltimore lacrosse tournament! Shootout for Soldiers uses lacrosse to support American veterans and foster community engagement. The organization strives to educate the community about the challenges veterans face when returning home, engage the civilian and military community to foster empathy and understanding, and amplify the work of leading non-profits in the space through funding their programs, projects and operations. Thanks to everyone’s support, the event raised more than $95,000 for veterans charities. To seek pictures from this year’s event, click HERE .
In case you missed it, the Department of Recreation & Parks has released its 2019 Summer Concerts Series schedule! Back this summer is the Department’s Traveling Bands mobile bus, making a pit stop at a concert venue or park near you from July 13 through August 9. On Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m., from July 10 through August 7, swing by Centennial Park south for Sunset Serenades and enjoy a beautiful evening of music by the lake. The Department will also be hosting two Lakeside Movies @ Centennial Park events this summer, the first on June 26 ( The Sandlot ) and the second on August 28 (TBD: people’s choice). For more information and a full concert schedule, visit .
This July, our Department of Recreation & Parks and the National Recreation & Parks Association (NRPA) invites you to get your game on through a variety of family-friendly activities as we celebrate Parks and Recreation Month. Throughout the month of July, Recreation & Parks will host a variety of fun activities planned for residents and visitors of all ages and abilities. Activities include a free Stop-to-Play event at the Roger Carter Community Center, Robinson Nature Center’s popular Wild for Water Day, an outdoor screening of “The Lion King” at Belmont Manor and complimentary snow cones every Friday at the North Laurel Community Center. For a full list of activities, visit .
Howard County July 4 th Fireworks celebration is right around the corner! Join myself and our Department of Recreation and Parks on Thursday, July 4 at the Downtown Columbia Lakefront for the County’s July 4th Fireworks. The celebration will run from 5:00 to 10:00 p.m. (fireworks beginning after dark) and will feature the sounds of the Columbia Big Band .
Those wishing to place a blanket or sheet out to mark their spot at the Lakefront may do so beginning at 8:00 a.m. on the 4 th . In order to protect the grass, those wishing to place a tarp out or chair(s) on the grass may do so beginning at 3:00 p.m., and no earlier, that day. Boats will not be permitted on Downtown Columbia’s Lake Kittamaqundi from Wednesday, July 3 through Friday, July 5. Free parking is available in the parking lots at the mall or off of Wincopin Circle; however, attendees are encouraged to arrive early to avoid traffic congestion.
Additionally, Little Patuxent Parkway from Governor Warfield Parkway to South Entrance Road will close at approximately 7:00 p.m. on the 4th and will not reopen until the conclusion of the fireworks.
In the case of inclement weather, call 410-313-4451; the rain date for fireworks ONLY is July 5. To learn more about this year’s event, visit .
Mark your calendars Howard County, Solar Fest returns to the County’s Alpha Ridge Park on Saturday, July 13! Our Department of Recreation & Parks has once again teamed up with the Howard Astronomical League for a fun evening of science, engineering, arts, crafts, games, astronomy and much more. Fun for all ages, cost is $8 per participant between the ages of 5-11 years old (if you register by July 5) and $10 beginning July 6. Pre-registration is required, as space is limited. For more information about this event and/or how to register, visit .  
Upcoming Events and Meetings
June 25 - Route 1 Corridor Master Plan Open House Meeting

You’re invited to participate in two upcoming meetings (June 25 and June 27) on the Route 1 Corridor Master Plan. Each meeting will include the same presentations and displays updating the community on the plan’s progress and showing an analysis of conditions, trends, and character areas. This meeting on June 25 will take place from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Elkridge branch library’s Belmont/Hockley Room. For more information on this meeting and the Plan, visit .
June 26 - Lakeside Movies @ Centennial Lake

As part of its Summer Concert series , the County’s Department of Recreation & Parks will host two movie nights this summer on the lawn area in front of the concert stage at Centennial Park south . This month’s feature film is The Sandlot (PG) and is scheduled to begin at approximately 8:15 p.m. So, grab your blanket or lawn chair, bring your family and friends, and come enjoy a movie outdoors. Attendees are encouraged to arrive early and carpool if possible as these events typically draw large crowds. Also, don’t forget your flashlight to help you navigate your way to your seats and car. The Adventure Shack Concessions will also be open until the end of the movie, serving movie night food and refreshment specials. For more information, call 410-313-4700. In the case of inclement weather, call 410-313-4451 after 5:00 p.m. on the day of the performance.
June 27 - Opioid Overdose Response (Narcan) Drop-In Training

On the first Tuesday and last Thursday of each month, Howard County Health Department offers FREE Opioid Overdose Response Program (Narcan) trainings, on a drop-in basis from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. All you have to do is show up and the Health Department will teach you how to administer Narcan, the opioid overdose reversing medicine. For questions and/or more information, contact the Department’s Bureau of Behavioral Health at 410-313-6202 or email .
June 27 - Route 1 Corridor Master Plan Open House Meeting

You’re invited to participate in two upcoming meetings (June 25 and June 27) on the Route 1 Corridor Master Plan. Each meeting will include the same presentations and displays updating the community on the plan’s progress and showing an analysis of conditions, trends, and character areas. This meeting on June 27 will take place from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the North Laurel Community Center’s Chesapeake Multi-Purpose Room. For more information on this meeting and the Plan, visit .
June 27 - Belmont Blockbusters

Experience the beautiful setting of Belmont Manor & Historic Park , while enjoying a free showing of Wreck It Ralph – Ralph Breaks the Internet (PG) with your family and friends on Belmont’s outdoor screen . The park opens at 7:00 p.m., so stop by early to enjoy the gardens and set up your blankets, lawn chairs and picnic basket before our feature film starts shortly after sundown. For more information and/or in the case of inclement weather, visit or call 410-313-0200.
June 27 - 29 - Columbia Film Festival

Presented by the Columbia Festival of the Arts, the Columbia Film Festival is a three-day cinema celebration featuring a diverse selection of juried films from Feature and Documentary productions, to Independent and Student Shorts, as well as a growing new category of Web Series. To learn more, visit .
June 28 - 30 - Paint-It! Ellicott City 2019 Plein Art Paint-Out & Exhibition

Artists from around the region will gather in Historic Ellicott City to participate in Paint It! Ellicott City , an annual plein air painting event. Spectators are invited to spend the summer weekend strolling the streets and shops of the picturesque mill town and watching the artists at work. Community artists are encouraged to grab their easel and brushes and join the fun as Open Paint-Out participants.
June 29 - Nite Bite Fishing at Centennial Park

Ever wanted to fish Centennial Lake at night? Now's your chance! Join our Department of Recreation & Parks throughout this summer and fall, for a unique opportunity to fish the lake after hours. 

Bring your own fishing pole, tackle, bait, bug repellent, flashlight or lantern, chair or boat (note: all boats must meet Maryland DNR requirements and must have the proper lights) and come fish Centennial Lake at night. Advance registration is encouraged; however, on-site registration is available. For more information, visit or contact Dawn Thomas at 410-313-1754 or email .
June 29 - Howard County’s Inaugural LGBTQ PRIDE Festival

Join me and Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) for Howard County’s inaugural LGBTQ PRIDE Festival, a celebration of sexual and gender minorities in Howard County. Set to take place at Centennial Park south, located at 10000 MD 108 in Ellicott City, the festival will coincide with the 50th anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in New York City. Those demonstrations by the LGBTQ+ community helped spur the gay liberation movement that continues today. Accordingly, the theme of the festival will be “Remember, Resist, and Rejoice.” F or information, visit .
June 29 - Soulful Symphony’s #Soulfulsetlist

Soulful Symphony takes the stage June 29 in its inaugural three-show season, Soulful Summers, as Merriweather Post Pavilion’s resident symphony. Continuing its mission of exploring the rich diversity of American Roots Music, Soulful Symphony captures the magic and wonder of one of our nation’s most iconic stages combined with a mash-up of anthems covering every conceivable style and genre. For more information and additional concert dates, visit .
June 30 - Joint Anniversary Celebration: HoCoPoLitSo and Columbia Film Society

Join in saluting the founding of the   Columbia Film Society  and HoCoPoLitSo with an afternoon that celebrates the education of girls, the beauty of story and the power of collective action. Set to take place in Howard Community College’s Smith Theatre from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m., this joint anniversary event features a talk by one of the writers of Girl Rising and a showing of the documentary film that inspired global awareness about the importance of education for girls. To learn more, visit .
June 30 - Columbia Orchestra Summer Pops Concert

Join the Columbia Orchestra for a FREE Summer Pops Concert at the Chrysalis on the grounds of Merriweather Park at Symphony Woods . Bring your lawn chair or blanket, picnic dinner, and your family and friends to enjoy the sounds from your favorite films, including Superman , Magnificent Seven , and The Lion King , Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody, patriotic songs, and the ultimate outdoor classic: The 1812 Overture.
July 2 - Opioid Overdose Response (Narcan) Drop-In Training

On the first Tuesday and last Thursday of each month, Howard County Health Department offers FREE Opioid Overdose Response Program (Narcan) trainings, on a drop-in basis from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. All you have to do is show up and the Health Department will teach you how to administer Narcan, the opioid reversing medicine. For questions and/or more information, contact the Department’s Bureau of Behavioral Health at 410-313-6202 or email .
July 4 - Fireworks

We can’t wait for another great evening at the Columbia Lakefront as we kick off Howard County’s July 4 th Fireworks! Enjoy a pre-show performance from this year’s musical guest the Columbia Big Band, then settle in for an after dark fireworks extravaganza over scenic Lake Kittamaqundi. Info:
July 4 - Community Parades

Come celebrate of our nation’s independence with a 4 th of July parade.

  • 20th Annual River Hill Independence Day ParadeThis year marks the 20th Annual River Hill Independence Day Parade, and it’s going to be BIG! The parade will start at 9:00 a.m. and take place along Great Star Drive in the Village of River Hill.
  • Longfellow 4th Of July Parade – The 48th annual Longfellow Friends of the Traditional 4th Parade will take place rain or shine, at 10:00 am. The parade begins to gather at 9:15 a.m. in the parking lot of Longfellow Elementary School and will travel from one end of Hesperus Drive to the other, and return to the school via Eliot’s Oak Road.
  • Allview Area Community Association Independence Day Parade – The parade begins at noon and starts on Donleigh Drive at Atholton Park and the route goes west before turning sharp left onto Westleigh Drive then proceeds east to Greenleigh Drive, turning left and back to the park.