June 17, 2019
Dear Friends,

How do you spell champion? S-A-K-E-T-H. Huge congratulations to Saketh Sundar for being one of the eight  Scripps National Spelling Bee co-champions. He has made Howard County extremely proud! I’m not just proud of him for his success but I’m proud for his journey. To go from 46th place in 2016 to first place shows the perseverance, fortitude, and drive he will use to be successful.

Thank you to  Howard County Library System and the Howard County Public School System for your support and encouragement of our young leaders, like Saketh.
This Week in HoCo
Scout Awards

As a former Boy Scout, I learned the importance of providing service to our community to help our family, friends, and neighbors create their best lives.
It was a pleasure to honor our Girl and Boy Scouts who achieved the Gold Award and Eagle Rank respectively. Congratulations to all our inspiring, future leaders!
Ellicott City Student Task Force

In February, I enjoyed meeting with the Ellicott City Student Task Force, who presented their recommendations for the revitalization of Ellicott City.

Last week, the student task force members and I discussed how their ideas and recommendations were incorporated in Phase II of my Ellicott City Safe and Sound plan. With leadership like this, I know our future is bright.
Kittamaqundi Community Church 50th Anniversary

Last week, we celebrated Kittamaqundi Community Church’s 50th anniversary. This church personifies the tenants of Jim Rouse’s vision of diversity and inclusion and I’m so glad to have had the opportunity to celebrate with them. Congratulations!
General Plan Update

Since I’ve taken office and throughout our transition process, there has been a consistent call for a thoughtfully created plan that ensures the continued prosperity of Howard County.

I'm proud to announce that we will be updating the county's General Plan. Our General Plan process will chart a path toward the creation of land development regulations that are clear, effective, and balance the interests of all stakeholders.

Read more about the General Plan update and how you can get involved here.
Simulated Congressional Hearing

Last week marked my final Simulated Congressional Hearing of the year. These annual events give our 5th graders across the county the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of the Constitution and the role of government in their daily lives. Our incredible students presented in front of teachers, parents, community members, and elected officials.

By completing this one-of-a-kind learning experience, they are more prepared to engage with big questions about what it means to govern well and keep our republic in good hands. They all did a phenomenal job this year and I was honored to see our next generation of leaders in action. Congrats to all!

Thank you to the Howard County Public School System, Parent-Teacher Associations, and all volunteers who helped ensure all our students had a great experience at their respective hearings.
New Deputy Fire Chiefs

Please, join me in congratulating Chief Louis Winston and Chief Gordon Wallace for their recent appointments as Deputy Chiefs for the  Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services.

I’m confident that their combined 52-years of service will help carry our county forward with a strong vision for our future. I’m wishing you both the best of luck on your new roles. Read more about our new Deputy Chief’s here.
Juneteenth Celebration

On June 19, 1865, Major General Gordon Granger came to Galveston, Texas to inform a reluctant community that President Lincoln two years earlier had freed the slaves and to press locals to comply with his directive.

This weekend, we celebrated Juneteenth with the Howard County Center of African Culture, inc. Juneteenth is a celebration which commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. It’s important we reflect on our history to remember the freedoms we hold today.
Remembering Jane Dembner

I was saddened to hear about the passing of Jane Dembner last week. She was an incredible leader who embodied the vision of Jim Rouse. Her legacy and love of Howard County will never be forgotten. You can read more about her here.
Community Chess Day

I enjoyed meeting some of Howard County’s prestigious chess players at  Howard County Police Department’s Annual Community Chess Day. It takes a lot of strategic thinking, and the level of determination in the players was remarkable.

Thank you to HCPD and the Teen Center for this fantastic event to empower our local youth.
Community Development Organization

On Friday, my Community Development Corporation (CDC) Exploration Committee for Ellicott City released their report, unanimously calling for the creation of a Community Development Organization (CDO).
Thank you to every member of my Exploration Committee for their report. Their recommendations will help guide us toward a future of economic development, revitalization, and job creation. We will be moving with a sense of urgency to create the Community Development Organization that will best serve the needs of Ellicott City.

Read the entire report here.
Howard County Safety and Security Summit

In Howard County, we are putting safety first for all our residents. No matter where you live, work, or worship, you deserve to live with freedom and with peace of mind. We are committed to the safety and security of all people in Howard County regardless of who they are.
Thank you to the  Jewish Federation of Howard CountyHoward County Police Department, Jewish Community Relations Council, U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and the Howard County Board of Rabbis for hosting the Howard County Safety and Security Summit. Together, we can ensure all our residents feel safe.
Welcome Freshly!

I'm so excited to welcome  Freshly, a meal delivery company, to Howard County! Last week's ribbon cutting marks the beginning of a new chapter for Freshly and for our community.
We look forward to increased access to fresh food, more job opportunities in Howard County, and a stronger local economy. I also want to thank  Howard County Economic Development Authority for working with Freshly to help us make this new facility a reality.
HCCA Town Hall
Last Tuesday, members of my administration and I joined the Howard County Citizen’s Association (HCCA) for their Annual Meeting at Oakland Mills High School. I was delighted to serve as their Special Guest. We discussed issues important to you and our community including my vision for Howard County, investing in our local communities and green infrastructure, support for our schools and the importance of creating a network so that all children S.T.R.I.V.E.S. (Strategies To Reach an Inclusive Vision and Equitable Solutions).

Thank you the HCCA and co-hosts Chinese American Parent Association (CAPA), Concerned Citizens of Western Howard County (CCWHC), Dayton Rural Preservation Society LLC (DRPS), Greater Highland Crossroads Association, Howard County Association for Responsible Planning (HARP), Indivisible HoCo MD, Mobilize HoCo Schools, The People's Voice, LLC (TPV), PTA Council Howard County (PTACHC), Savage Community Association, and the Sierra Club Howard County for a successful event. Together, we can create a government that is more innovative, transparent, and inclusive of all communities.
National Hampton Alumni Association's Day of Service

June 1st was the Day of Service for chapters of the National Hampton Alumni Association’s (NHAA). The Howard County, MD Chapter hosted a Donation Drive for Howard County’s Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center. Grassroots provides supportive and professional 24-hour crisis intervention, suicide prevention, shelter, and outreach services to individuals and families experiencing a personal, situational, mental health, or shelter crisis. As part of their shelter services, Grassroots operates a 33-bed emergency family shelter, and an 18-bed men’s shelter, and can house up to five families short-term in motel shelter. 
In support of Grassroots, Chapter members collected donations outside of the Centre Park Giant grocery store (passing out flyers to customers going in and collecting drop off donations). Howard County Chapter collected the requested items such as, laundry detergent pods, sugar, coffee, canned goods, juice boxes, and chips. Thanks to everyone’s generosity, two SUVs were filled to the max with groceries, as well as monetary donations for Grassroots. The staff at Grassroots was overwhelmed by the donation. Our community really rose to the occasion, and we would like to take this time to once again thank the National Hampton Alumni Association Howard County, MD Chapter for their service to our community.

Grassroots is currently looking for bottles of full-size body lotion and new bed pillows. For more information, please, visit the Grassroots website.
Legislative Matters
In the County
For a full list of current legislation, visit the  County Council website. For upcoming Council meetings, visit here.

The next Legislative Public Hearing for the County Council is tonight, June 17, at 7:00pm. Click here for a summary of the legislative agenda.
Education News
U.S. News & World Report has named three Howard County’s high schools, Centennial, Glenelg and River Hill, among the best high schools in our nation for 2019 . Of the 17,245 public high schools across 50 states and the District of Columbia that were ranked, 215 coming from Maryland, River Hill ranked 4 th in Maryland and 245 th nationwide; Centennial 15 th in Maryland and 644 th nationwide and Glenelg 21 st in Maryland and 836 th nationwide. Congrats to Howard County Public School System and the administrators, teachers, support staff, students, family, volunteers and friends on this outstanding recognition.
Departmental News
Department of Planning and Zoning’s Office of Transportation

SAVE THE DATE: The Office of Transportation to host two public meetings to update the community and gather feedback regarding the County’s Route 1 Corridor Master Plan. The meetings will take place on:

  • Tuesday, June 25 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Belmont/Hockley Rooms at Howard County Library System’s Elkridge branch, 6540 Washington Boulevard, and
  • Thursday, June 27 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Chesapeake Multi-Purpose Rooms at the North Laurel Community Center, 9411 Whiskey Bottom Road.
Interested community members are encouraged to attend either meeting as they will cover the same material. Each meeting will include a presentation by the Route 1 Master Plan consulting team, led by RKG & Associates. Multiple displays and stations will also be on hand to provide attendees with an update on the progress of the Plan, including the following:

  • Results from the 2018 open houses and 2019 virtual open house
  • Existing conditions
  • Development trends and real estate market demand
  • Land use and transportation assessments
  • Character area analysis
  • Preliminary implementation tools
County planners and the consultant team will be on hand after the presentation to answer questions and gather comments.
An interpreter for people who are deaf or hard of hearing will be available if requested seven working days prior to the meeting. To request assistance, call Jeff DelMonico at 410-313-2350 between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
For questions or more information about this meeting, contact Peter Conrad at 410-313-4350 or email . To learn more about this project, visit .
Office of Human Rights

Howard County’s Office of Human Rights and the Maryland Commission on Civil Rights will be celebrating Pride Month on June 18, 2019 by offering a free workshop at 9820 Patuxent Woods Drive, Conference room 211 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. This workshop is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! 

“Safe Spaces for LGBTQ+ Individuals: How to be an Ally” is an innovative, dynamic, hands-on approach to creating safe spaces for all; focusing specifically on the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex & Asexual (LGBTQ+) community. From the classroom bully to the unintentional exclusion by use of certain language, LGBTQ+ people frequently find themselves excluded and uncomfortable in a variety of settings. This workshop aims to reduce the often unwelcoming and even hostile environments in which LGBTQ+ people navigate in their daily lives.

Workshop participants will discuss the differences between sexual orientation, gender identify, gender expression and biological sex. Participants will also discuss LGBTQ+inclusive terminology and pronouns, best practices, and explore their role and responsibility in creating a more welcoming environment at work, school, and in our communities. All attendees will leave the workshop with greater understanding and workable solutions for promoting safe spaces of respect, acceptance, and support for all. If you are looking to bring this workshop to your organization, this is a great opportunity to preview the workshop and see it in action!

Register Here
Howard County Bystander Intervention Training co-sponsored by the Office of Human Rights

Have you ever witnessed someone being harassed for their identity or appearance? Learn how to safely step up and be supportive when community members encounter harassment or hate speech. Please join us at 6 p.m. on Monday, June 24 th at the Howard County Library – Elkridge Branch, 6540 Washington Boulevard, Elkridge, MD 21075 for this timely training. To register for this event, please RSVP here.

This program is co-sponsored with CAIR (Council for American-Islamic Relations), Muslim Family Center, People Acting Together in Howard (PATH), NAACP Howard County, Howard County Muslim Council, and Maryum Islamic Center.
Celebrate Caribbean American Heritage Month

June is Caribbean American Heritage Month! Please join County Executive Calvin Ball and the Office of Human Rights on Tuesday, June 25 th at the Belmont Manor and Historic Park, 6555 Belmont Woods Road in Elkridge for an evening panel discussion with the Caribbean American community honoring Caribbean American Heritage Month in Howard County and within the state of Maryland. Representatives from Barbados, Haiti, Jamaica, Trinidad, and more will share their knowledge, insight and culture as we celebrate the vibrant diversity within our Caribbean community.

The panel discussion will begin at 6:30 p.m., with a reception held prior at 5:30 p.m . This event is free and open to the public; however, space is limited. Please call 410-313-5906 to reserve your seat, or email or for more information.  
Police Department
Hey, Howard County youth, keep an eye out as Howard County Police Department’s (HCPD) Community Athletic Programs’ Mobile Rec Center is coming to a neighborhood near you starting next week! From June 24 th to August 16 th , 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (expect July 4 th and August 5 th -9 th ), the Mobile Rec Center will be making pit stops at the following locations, with HCPD school resource officers onboard ready to play basketball, baseball, flag football, Xbox or just hang.

  • Mondays – East Columbia Library, 6600 Cradlerock Way, Columbia

  • Tuesdays – Talbott Springs Pool, 9660 Basket Ring Road, Columbia

  • Wednesdays – Blandair Park, 5750 Oakland Mills Rd, Columbia

  • Thursdays – Oakland Mills Middle School, 9540 Kilimanjaro Road, Columbia and Mayfied Woods Middle School, 7950 Red Barn Way, Elkridge

  • Fridays – North Laurel Community Center, 9411 Whiskey Bottom Road, Laurel
No need to register in advance. Just show up for some good, old fashion fun.
COMING UP! Kids age 5-12 and their parents are invited to BIKE WITH A COP this Wednesday, June 19. Meet at the Oakland Mills Village Center satellite office at 5 p.m. for a bike safety lesson before the ride. Questions? Contact HCPD's Community Outreach Division at 410-313-2207.
National Night Out is August 6 this year! This annual community-building event promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live. National Night Out enhances the relationship between neighbors and law enforcement while fostering a true sense of community.
Details for the kick-off event will be announced shortly. Residents are encouraged to host or attend a party in their neighborhood. Register a party online: (Parties registered by Aug. 1 will receive priority for police attendance.) Contact: Police Department, Community Outreach Division, 410-313-2207,
For more information about this national event, visit .
Department of Public Works
Howard County’s Department of Public Works (DPW) will be holding a public meeting tomorrow, June 18 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the East Columbia Branch Library’s 50+ Center, located at 6600 Cradlerock Way in Columbia, to discuss the future construction of a free-standing, two-story 50+ Center. The new, two-story building will expand the existing East Columbia Library campus and will provide approximately 32,000 square feet of program space, such as multipurpose and meeting spaces, classrooms, lounges, game rooms, fitness and exercise rooms, offices and support spaces, and facilities for the Office on Aging and Independence’s Connections Social Day and/or Kindred Spirits programs. Construction is expected to begin in July 2020. For more information about this public meeting, click HERE .
Bureau of Environmental Services

When gathering up your recycling for curbside collection, please keep in mind, the County’s Bureau of Environmental Services is no longer accepting curbside recycling placed out in plastic bags . Items placed out for recycling, should be placed loose in your county assigned recycling bin/cart. Items placed out for curbside recycling collection in plastic bags will not be collected. Those looking to recycle their clean plastic bags, can do so at participating local grocery stores, big box stores and other retailers who have plastic bag collection bins set up, normally inside the store’s front entrance. Check out the Bureau’s “Know Before You Throw” website for a map of participating locations. For questions and/or more information about curbside recycling, please contact the Bureau of Environmental Services at 410-313-6444 or email .
REMINDER: The Independence Day holiday is one of the six holidays that affects the County’s curbside trash, recycling, food scrap and yard trim collection program. As there will be no curbside collection on Thursday, July 4, the county’s holiday slide schedule will be in effect the remainder of that holiday week; i.e. Thursday pick-up will slide to Friday and Friday to Saturday. Wondering what the other five holidays might be that affect curbside collection? They are: Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day and Memorial Day. To learn more about the holiday slide schedule, visit
Bureau of Highways

The Baltimore Metropolitan Council and Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration Highway Safety Office have teamed up with local partners to launch the “Look Alive” campaign. This campaign strives to raise awareness of pedestrian and bicycle safety, and to educate drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists about safe use of roadways in the greater Baltimore region. To learn more about this campaign and what you can do to keep yourself and others safe, visit
Construction Report

There were no new Capital Projects announced this week (see the June 10, 2019 newsletter for a full list of previously announced projects); however, the following maintenance is underway.

  • Dorsey Road Water Main Installation (Capital Project W-8600) – Project to extend the water main at the intersection of US 1 (Washington Boulevard) and MD 103 (Dorsey Road) in Elkridge to service a proposed, adjacent apartment complex, is expected to begin on or about Monday, June 17. Flagging operations will be in place to direct traffic as needed and signs will be posted to alert residents and motorists of the construction, as lane shifts and closures can be expected. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by late August.
To learn more about DPW Capital Projects currently underway, visit . Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s website and search by “county” to learn more about State road projects in Howard County.
Also, be sure to follow the County’s Facebook and Twitter pages every Monday morning for upcoming maintenance projects happening that week, weather permitting. On these social media pages, you’ll also find information regarding the county’s street sweeping schedule, which generally begin in the months of January, April, July and September.
Department of Recreation & Parks
TRAIL CLOSURE: The County’s Patuxent Branch Trail from Savage Park to Columbia Association's Lake Elkhorn is closed for at least the next month, weather permitting, due to the extreme amount of overhead tree hazards along the trail. For updates, please follow the Department of Recreation & Parks' Facebook page and/or for questions, please feel free to contact the Recreation & Parks at 410-313-4700 for further assistance.
Department of Community Resources and Services
For every dark day, there is also light. This Friday, June 21, I invite you to join me and the County’s Department of Community Resources and Services from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the Pavilion at the North Laurel Community, 9411 Whiskey Bottom Road, as we gather to celebrate our community members who have overcome homelessness and preserved through adversity. Their plight was not permanent. With the proper support and resources, we can and we will end homelessness for everyone.

For more information about this event and/or to RSVP, contact Jennifer Corcoran at 410-313-0224 or email To learn more about the steps the County is taking to end homelessness and the resources available to those who currently are, click HERE.
Upcoming Events and Meetings
June 20 - 23 - David Dimitri L’homme Cirque, The One-Man Circus

One of this year’s Columbia Festival of the Arts offerings invites residents and visitors alike to enter the magical world of David Dimitri. Lauded “Lord of the Wire” by New York Times , this world-famous high wire dancer and veteran of Cirque du Soleil and Big Apple Circus epitomizes innovation as he alone performs an entire circus. Creating what he calls “a unique magic” in the intimate setting of a tent in the Merriweather District, his L’homme Cirque balances dramatic feats like high wire flips and a human cannon launch with humor, poetry, and serenades on the accordion. To learn more, visit .  
June 21 - Nite Bite Fishing at Centennial Park

Bring your own fishing pole, tackle, bait, bug repellent, flashlight or lantern, chair or boat (note: all boats must meet Maryland DNR requirements and must have the proper lights) and come fish Centennial Lake at night. Advance registration is encouraged; however, on-site registration is available. For more information, visit or contact Dawn Thomas at 410-313-1754 or email .
June 22 & 23 - Howard County Living Farm Heritage Museum
“Summer Fest”

Come support the Howard County Living Farm Heritage Museum at “Summer Fest,” featuring the museum’s antique construction equipment that will be put through the paces. There will be cranes, track loaders, crawlers and graders from the early 1900s to the 1960s, as well as a petting zoo, blacksmith presentations, museum tours, live bands and more. To learn more, visit .
June 26 - Lakeside Movies @ Centennial Lake

As part of its Summer Concert series , the County’s Department of Recreation & Parks will host two movie nights this summer on the lawn area in front of the concert stage at Centennial Park south . This month’s feature film is The Sandlot (PG) and is scheduled to begin at approximately 8:15 p.m. So, grab your blanket or lawn chair, bring your family and friends, and come enjoy a movie outdoors. Attendees are encouraged to arrive early and carpool if possible as these events typically draw large crowds. Also, don’t forget your flashlight to help you navigate your way to your seats and car. The Adventure Shack Concessions will also be open until the end of the movie, serving movie night food and refreshment specials. For more information, call 410-313-4700. In the case of inclement weather, call 410-313-4451 after 5:00 p.m. on the day of the performance.
June 27 - Belmont Blockbusters

Experience the beautiful setting of Belmont Manor & Historic Park , while enjoying a free showing of Wreck It Ralph – Ralph Breaks the Internet (PG) with your family and friends on Belmont’s outdoor screen . The park opens at 7:00 p.m., so stop by early to enjoy the gardens and set up your blankets, lawn chairs and picnic basket before our feature film starts shortly after sundown. For more information and/or in the case of inclement weather, visit or call 410-313-0200.
June 27 - Trips & Tours: Brookside Gardens
Sign up today for the latest trip in our Magnificent Maryland series as we journey to Brookside Gardens. Guests will enjoy a gorgeous afternoon at this award-winning, 50 acre public display garden nestled within Wheaton Regional Park. To purchase your tickets, visit
June 27 - 29 - Columbia Film Festival

Presented by the Columbia Festival of the Arts, the Columbia Film Festival is a three-day cinema celebration featuring a diverse selection of juried films from Feature and Documentary productions, to Independent and Student Shorts, as well as a growing new category of Web Series. To learn more, visit .
June 28 - 30 - Paint-It! Ellicott City 2019 Plein Art Paint-Out & Exhibition

Artists from around the region will gather in Historic Ellicott City to participate in Paint It! Ellicott City , an annual plein air painting event. Spectators are invited to spend the summer weekend strolling the streets and shops of the picturesque mill town and watching the artists at work. Community artists are encouraged to grab their easel and brushes and join the fun as Open Paint-Out participants.
June 29 - Nite Bite Fishing at Centennial Park

Ever wanted to fish Centennial Lake at night? Now's your chance! Join our Department of Recreation & Parks throughout this summer and fall, for a unique opportunity to fish the lake after hours. 

Bring your own fishing pole, tackle, bait, bug repellent, flashlight or lantern, chair or boat (note: all boats must meet Maryland DNR requirements and must have the proper lights) and come fish Centennial Lake at night. Advance registration is encouraged; however, on-site registration is available. For more information, visit or contact Dawn Thomas at 410-313-1754 or email .
June 29 - Howard County’s Inaugural LGBTQ PRIDE Festival

Join me and Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) for Howard County’s inaugural LGBTQ PRIDE Festival, a celebration of sexual and gender minorities in Howard County. Set to take place at Centennial Park south, located at 10000 MD 108 in Ellicott City, the festival will coincide with the 50th anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in New York City. Those demonstrations by the LGBTQ+ community helped spur the gay liberation movement that continues today. Accordingly, the theme of the festival will be “Remember, Resist, and Rejoice.” F or information, visit .
June 29 - Soulful Symphony’s #Soulfulsetlist

Soulful Symphony takes the stage June 29 in its inaugural three-show season, Soulful Summers, as Merriweather Post Pavilion’s resident symphony. Continuing its mission of exploring the rich diversity of American Roots Music, Soulful Symphony captures the magic and wonder of one of our nation’s most iconic stages combined with a mash-up of anthems covering every conceivable style and genre. For more information and additional concert dates, visit .
June 29 - Babes in Backpacks at the Robinson Nature Center
Parents and their little ones are invited to explore nature with Babes in Backpacks at the Robinson Nature Center. From 11am-noon, infants have an opportunity to interact with the sights, sounds, smells, and texture of the great outdoors during this short walk on the Robinson trails. To secure your spot, please call 410-313-0400.
June 30 - Joint Anniversary Celebration: HoCoPoLitSo and Columbia Film Society

Join in saluting the founding of the   Columbia Film Society  and HoCoPoLitSo with an afternoon that celebrates the education of girls, the beauty of story and the power of collective action. Set to take place in Howard Community College’s Smith Theatre from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m., this joint anniversary event features a talk by one of the writers of Girl Rising and a showing of the documentary film that inspired global awareness about the importance of education for girls. To learn more, visit .
June 30 - Columbia Orchestra Summer Pops Concert

Join the Columbia Orchestra for a FREE Summer Pops Concert at the Chrysalis on the grounds of Merriweather Park at Symphony Woods . Bring your lawn chair or blanket, picnic dinner, and your family and friends to enjoy the sounds from your favorite films, including Superman , Magnificent Seven , and The Lion King , Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody, patriotic songs, and the ultimate outdoor classic: The 1812 Overture.
July 4 - Fireworks

We can’t wait for another great evening at the Columbia Lakefront as we kick off Howard County’s July 4 th Fireworks! Enjoy a pre-show performance from this year’s musical guest the Columbia Big Band, then settle in for an after dark fireworks extravaganza over scenic Lake Kittamaqundi. Info: