A year ago, I visited for the first time in my life, the place where Jesus likely hung on a cross to die. We sat in lush green garden with sweet smelling flowers and looked out a dusty red earthen hillside on the edge of a rugged curved road. We sat in silence. I imagined Jesus there, with a criminal on his left and his right, the crowds taunting him and the heavens opening to receive his spirit. Then I stood and walked over to the edge of the garden and realized that just a few feet away from this holy site was a bus station where buses were coming and going, honking their horns and squealing their brakes as they pulled up under an awning. It was the most mundane image of ordinary life right next to this holy place of awe and wonder.

I feel like this is exactly where we have been living for the last three months. Because of the pandemic and the protests for racial justice, our vision of the holy and the ordinary have been glimpsed from a new angle, and we have realized that our spiritual lives and our ordinary lives are not two separate realms.  Keep reading...
Worshipping in Spirit and Truth
By Rev. Tyler Heston, Minister to Youth

Last week, some of us worshipped together with others demonstrating and speaking out against racist violence and injustice in our country. On Friday night, a group of youth and young adults joined together at the Nelson-Atkins Museum to walk over to a peaceable demonstration at the Plaza. Wearing masks and keeping our distance from each other, we marched, led by a minister at Unity Southeast Church and kneeling for a few minutes in honor of George Floyd.

Afterwards, we sat at Mill Creek Park listening to an open mic of speeches and poems from Black neighbors here in Kansas City. We were told stories that showed us the difficult realities of racism in our own city; we heard motivating calls to make a real change; we listened to difficult truths and words of cathartic hope. We found solidarity with people crying out along with God's spirit that anoints Jesus in Luke 4 to bring good news to the poor, proclaim release to the captives, and to let the oppressed go free.

Thank you to all who have mailed or returned your giving estimate. If you have not yet returned yours, it's not to late to do so.   Send your card by mail, or skip the stamp and use the links below  or calling  Rachel Clement, Director of Finance  (816-381- 9256). Follow up calls will begin the week of June 15. 

You are making a difference in the lives of people served through the ministry of our church and your generosity is deeply appreciated.

Electronic Vote for Lay Leadership - Watch your email on Sun., June 14 for the electronic ballot for  officers and new deacons for the 2020-21 fiscal year. To view the slate and for more information, click here

Text Talk - For women in their 30s and 40s. Carla's Zoom class Text Talk, continues on Mon., June 15 from 7:00-7:45 p.m. Click  here for more information about how to join the class on Zoom.

Backyard Bash - This summer's Backyard Bash offerings look a little different, but as we have done the last two summers, we are excited to offer online class offerings and activities for children and families. Our goals of community, spiritual development and fun are still present this year. There are two ways to participate on Wed., June 17. Click here for details.
  • For Children and Families -- Seek-and-Find and Ice Cream, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
    Families are invited to our Backyard Bash-Seek-and-Find in the church yard, followed by an ice cream treat in the backyard.
  • Spiritual Formation for Adults -- Reading for Racial Justice, 8:00 p.m.
    Tune in to hear Catherine and Tyler share a bit about how they come to the work of anti-racism and introduce a few helpful books on thinking about racism in America and how to participate in God's work of reconciliation and advocating for racial justice. These books are best read in community, and you'll be invited to join in one of several ongoing studies of some of the titles included. Streamed here
Resources for Listening and Learning about Race and Racism - At Country Club Christian Church, we are reaffirming our commitment to work for justice for all of God's children and more specifically to partner with our members and friends in eliminating systemic racial injustice. One of the first steps in responding is committing to ongoing education. Our ministers have curated a list of titles for all ages, so that we may all listen and learn.

Spiritual Formation Resource Library - Is your small group or class seeking resources for continued spiritual formation during these uncertain times? Our clergy have complied a list of resources for reading, discussion and sharing

The Tent Is Here
A large tent has been set up in back yard at church for small group gatherings with social distancing measures. If your group would like to gather under the tent, call email Jason Ashley to make a reservation for day and time. 

Children and Families 
For updates from Children and Families Ministries, including details about  Service Learning Summer Camp, a new book group for parents, and more here.  

Below, Backyard Bash Bingo Night was so much fun! 

Backyard Youth Group starts this Sunday evening! More details on that, TogetherKC Summer Service-Learning Week, a new book group for parents, and much more at this link.

We are grateful for your continued financial support, which is allowing the church to continue to serve in ministry with you through these uncertain times. If you would like to share your weekly offering electronically,  please do so at  this link, or text the word General to 816-484-3399 to give quickly and easily.
In Worship This Week 

June Sermon Series:
 Part 2: Holy Saturday, based on Psalm 13.
 Dr. Mike Graves preaching.

Streaming  at 9:01, 10:00 and 11:00 a.m.

Miss last Sunday's service? You can watch it here.  

Did you get your candle?
The shared act of lighting the candle during worship welcomes the spirit of God into our homes and our lives, and reminds that we are not alone. If you did not receive a candle, email Carla Rauth.