Happy belated Mother’s Day!
Yesterday, my daughters and I celebrated the most amazing mom I know, my wife Shani. Her dedication to our family and love for our daughters is a daily inspiration to me.
To those apart from their mothers for any reason this week, I send you my support and best wishes. To all the mothers in Howard County, I wish you a very Happy Mother’s Day.
Thank for you for all that you do!
NACo 2019 Achievement Awards
Howard County will build a reputation as the most innovative and effective government in the region by solving the problems of today with the ideas of tomorrow. I'm proud to announce the
National Association of Counties
(NACo) has selected Howard County for seven 2019 Achievement Awards. The awards honor innovative, effective county government programs that strengthen services for residents.
These awards reflect the incredible work being done throughout Howard County government. To receive a record seven awards is historic for Howard County and demonstrates the unparalleled dedication, ingenuity, and innovation of our employees.
This is our first year with such profound award recognition, but it will not be our last. We will continue to be a national leader in good governance and exciting new programs. I am grateful to everyone who works every day to make Howard County the best county in our country.
Last week was National Nurses Week! Our nurses are dedicated professionals who play a vital role in the wellbeing of our community. Coming from a family of nurses, I understand the sacrifices they make for the wellbeing of others. I was honored for the opportunity to stop by
Howard County General Hospital
to show appreciation for the individuals who sacrifice so much for the health of our community. Thank you to all our committed and compassionate nurses who are crucial in providing quality, meaningful patient care.
Join my Team!
Are you interested in joining my team? The Office of the County Executive is looking for a Constituent Services Representative. If you, or someone you know, is interested in the position,
apply online today!
Transportation Vision Announcement
Decreasing traffic congestion, improving transportation infrastructure, and expanding public transit are crucial to improving the quality of life for all our residents. Howard County is uniquely situated to advance key projects and expand transit opportunity throughout the entire region. The future of transportation in our county will be more dynamic, accessible, and forward-thinking. I am confident that Bruce Gartner will help us reach this future with his capable leadership. You can watch a video of my transportation vision announcement
Police Memorial Service
In honor of National Police Week, the
Howard County Police Department held a memorial service to honor the law enforcement officers who have tragically passed on duty in Howard County. We are grateful for the brave men and women who put their life on the line for our community every day. We see you, we remember you, we thank you.
Howard County Heat Hockey Team
First Lady Yumi Hogan Visits Linwood Center, Inc.
Monday, I was honored to join Maryland's First Lady Yumi Hogan to plant flowers around the memorial sculpture of Hyunsu's Butterfly Statue at the
Linwood Center, Inc.. The center's incredible work reflects the community emphasis that Howard County places on providing for our friends and neighbors on the autism spectrum.
Thank you to the First Lady, Secretary
Carol Beatty, and the Linwood Center for providing this opportunity to commemorate the amazing partnership between the Linwood Center and the Daniel School in South Korea.
It's almost Bike to Work Day! Join us for our celebration next Friday, May 17 from 7:00am-9:00am in front of the Whole Foods in Columbia. Let's encourage a healthier lifestyle, one bike ride at a time.
Stars of the Restaurant Industry Awards
Last weekend the Restaurant Association of Maryland announced their 65th Annual Stars of the Restaurant Industry Awards. Howard County had an incredible showing, reminding us there are so many great places to eat and drink around town. Please join me in congratulating our local winners!
2019 Craft Brew Program of the Year:
The Judge's Bench
During the awards gala, Grace Schuler was honored with the first Eddison Hermond Memorial Scholarship. The scholarship honors the legacy of veteran Eddie Hermond, who died tragically and heroically during the Ellicott City flood in 2018.
On April 25, 2019, the Howard County Office of Human Rights (OHR), in collaboration with the Howard County Housing Commission, hosted Part I of the Fair Housing Training for property and leasing managers as well as others involved in all phases of providing housing in Howard County. The training provided participants with information about the Howard County Fair Housing Law, Landlord/Tenant Law, the Rental Housing Code and Housing Vouchers procedures.
The presenters, from Howard County Department of Inspection, Licenses & Permits (DILP), the Howard County Housing Commission Voucher Program, the Office of Consumer Protection and the Office of Human Rights (OHR), provided information and answered questions about Code enforcement and their programs related to fair housing, rental housing, landlord/tenant law, and other rules and laws governing housing rental in Howard County.
On May 1, 2019, Part II of the workshop was held featuring the topic: Disability Discrimination in Housing. Lucienne Parsley, Managing Attorney for Disability Rights Maryland, provided information and training on housing disability laws (Federal, State and Local). As well, participants worked through possible reasonable accommodation in housing scenarios, which provided practice in implementing the rules and laws.
The participants numbered about 55 people at each session. They were a great audience who asked excellent questions, participated actively and enjoyed interacting and establishing relationships with the Howard County Government officials who presented the information as well as the Howard County Housing Commission and Disability Rights Attorney, Ms. Parsley. One outcome is that these participants and their colleagues now have relationships with all of us and can move forward knowing that each of these individuals and their office staff are available to answer any questions, or provide information when they face particularly thorny problems in property rental and management in Howard County.
In the State
Please join me in congratulating Baltimore's new Mayor
Jack Young on taking the oath of office today.
On the City Council, he served his hometown with dedication and tenacity. He has a remarkable career of helping those with the greatest needs, including children and those in poverty.
His work to increase transparency and serve all constituents is commendable. I believe his leadership and accountability will be great for Baltimore, and I wish him all the best.
National Teacher Appreciation Week
Thank you to our educators for your dedication and commitment. In honor of National Teacher Appreciation Week, I wish to extend my sincere thanks to every educator in the county. We are fortunate to have such a talented group of teachers who help our children discover a love of learning and a curiosity for the world around them.
As an educator, I am impressed by the teaching and learning environment in our classrooms. As a father of two daughters in our public schools, I am so grateful for the care and support educators provide to our kids.
While I wish we could address a decade of underfunding in one year, this year we helped ensure the most funding for schools
ever as county funding increases by $16.2 million from last year (excluding one-time money for non-recurring expenditures), or $5.4 million above the maintenance-of-effort. Our efforts, combined with other sources including additional state funding from the Kirwan legislation, contributes to a total budget growth of over $40 million for the school system in FY 2020, the highest growth in a decade.
Our proposed budget also provides sufficient funding to fully fund the collective bargaining agreement, including salary increases to reflect the value we place on our educators. I am confident that with a historically high growth of budget, the school leadership will make sound decisions to avoid class size increases or severe actions that hurt our invaluable educators.
This week, and every week, let’s stand with our educators. Thank you for all that you do!
Celebrating Latino and Hispanic Students
We know that for far too long institutional challenges have created obstacles for Hispanic and Latino high school students in this country. This week, we celebrate them for academic excellence, for overcoming obstacles, and for service to their community. Congratulations to all our graduates and I wish you the best on your future endeavors! Thank you to
Conexiones for everything they do to inspire out Hispanic and Latino students.
Department of Community Resources and Services
Come explore the avenues to health and wellness with the county’s Office on Aging and Independence, the Howard County Health Department and the Local Health Improvement Coalition this Friday, May 17 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Elkridge 50+ Center, 6540 Washington Boulevard. This Friday’s workshop “Your Health: Strength, Tranquility, Wellness – Presented,” will feature such seminars as “The Effects of Stress and How to Avoid Them” and “HIV and Sexual Health for Older Adults,” as well as a “Lunch and Learn” with Chef Taueret Thomas, health and mental health screenings, auricular acupuncture and more. While the event is FREE, space is limited. To register, call 410-313-5192.
May is National Bike Month. Established in 1956, National Bike Month is a chance to showcase the many benefits of bicycling and encourage folks to giving biking a try. This May, I encourage you to check out the Office of Aging and Independence’s Cycle2Health Howard County (C2H) program. C2H is a non-competitive, peer-led, bicycling club for adults of all ages and riding abilities, offering participants three ride options each week to explore the beauty of Howard County from a new perspective and meet new people. Cost to participate is $15. To learn more and/or to register, visit
or stop by your nearest
50+ Center
Department of Fire and Rescue Services' Office of Emergency Management
Join the county’s Office of Emergency Management this Thursday, May 16
from 9:00 a.m. to noon at the Roger Carter Community Center, 3000 Milltowne Drive in Ellicott City, for its next Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) meeting. This month, the Howard County Police Department and the Department of Homeland Security have partnered together to give a presentation aimed at helping attendees become more prepared, aware of their surroundings and knowledgeable on topics such as “Run, Hide, Fight”, “Police Response” and “See Something, Say Something.” To register, click
Howard County’s LEPC strives to enhance Howard County’s preparedness and response to hazardous materials incidents by involving the government, private business, non-profit organizations and residents in planning and preparing for such an incident. To learn more about the LEPC, click
Department of Planning and Zoning
Designed by the county’s Department of Planning and Zoning (DPZ), the PlanHoward Academy offers residents a chance to obtain a better understanding of how local government works, along with information about current planning efforts. This past week, DPZ offered a modified version of its PlanHoward Academy to two groups of homeschoolers, ages seven to 16 years old. Geared towards meeting their curriculum needs in government and geography, students learned about the pathway to careers in planning and what the role of planning and zoning is in county government.
Speaking of DPZ’s PlanHoward Academy, just last week, I
that the National Association of Counties (NACo) had selected Howard County for seven of its 2019 Achievement Awards. PlanHoward Academy took home NACo’s Civic Education and Public Information Award: PlanHoward Academy. Since 2017, nearly 90 county residents have participated in this five-week course that teaches participants how to access web-based information and the plans, policies and procedures that shape our county. PlanHoward Academy provides a great opportunity for residents to become better informed about the important role they play in shaping the county's future. To learn more about the PlanHoward Academy, click
A five-member board of Howard County residents, DPZ’s Planning Board makes recommendations to the Zoning Board or County Council on matters related to planning and zoning, and renders a final decision on selected development proposals. Before recommendations or decisions are made, the Board holds a public meeting or hearing to provide interested persons the opportunity to provide comment.
This coming Thursday, May 16, DPZ’s Planning Board will be holding a meeting in the George Howard Building’s Banneker Room starting at 7:00 p.m. to hear the following items:
- SDP-79-044 IMH Columbia, LLC – Site Development Plan Redline Revision for a 49,810-square foot multi-story addition to the existing Sheraton Hotel Tower. The Level 1 (basement) footprint will be 5,318-square feet and the addition will be 10 stories, hotel rooms.
- SDP-19-048 Howard County and Edgemoor-Star America Judicial Partners – The applicant seeks Site Development Plan approval for a new 213,000 square foot courthouse. It will also include a café, parking garage for the public, a separate secured judicial parking facility attached to the courthouse and a secured surface lot for sheriff parking.
- SDP-19-047 ABC Parking Business Trust, c/o Howard Research and Development Corporation – The applicant seeks Site Development Plan approval for a Downtown Neighborhood Square. The square is in the Lakefront Core Neighborhood of Downtown Columbia, Tax Map 36, Parcel 321, Non -buildable Bulk Parcels A and B, and will consist of a playground, pavilion, veteran’s monument and associated improvements. Once constructed, the neighborhood square will be deeded to Howard County for public use in accordance with CEPPA #22 of the Downtown Columbia Plan.
To learn more about Howard County’s Planning Board and upcoming meeting dates, click
Departments of Planning and Zoning and Public Works
Howard County’s Departments of Public Works (DPW) and Planning and Zoning (DPZ) will hold a public meeting on Tuesday, May 21 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. in the Patapsco and Avalon rooms of Howard County Library System's Miller branch, located at 9421 Frederick Road in Ellicott City, to discuss the studies related to Council Bill 56-2018 (CB56-2018): Tiber Branch Watershed and Plumtree Branch Watershed Safety Act. This public meeting will provide DPW and DPZ an opportunity to report their findings and recommendations resulting from its analyses of the Tiber Branch Watershed and Plumtree Branch Watershed Safety Act. In particular, the County will report on the stormwater retrofit studies for the Tiber Branch and Plumtree Branch Watersheds. For more information about this public meeting, click
Department of Public Works Construction Report
Below are details regarding new Capital Projects. For a full list of previously announced projects, please refer to the
May 6, 2019 newsletter
- Heritage Heights Water and Sewer Extension Project (Capital Project W-8332) – Project to extend public water and sewer to Thompson Drive and Tulane Drive. Expected to begin on or about Monday, May 13, signs will be posted and flagging operations will be in place as temporary lane shifts can be expected during construction hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by late July.
Ellicott City
- Court House Drive Slope Stabilization Project (Capital Project C-0337) – Project to stabilize a slope and restore an existing storm drain outfall near 3620 Court House Drive. Expected to begin on or about Monday, May 20, flagging operations will be in place as the southbound lane of Court House Drive at the project site will be closed for approximately two days in August, for the construction of the storm drain system. The lane closure will take place during construction hours, 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by late September.
- Spring Ridge Drainage Improvement Project (Capital Project D-1166) – Project to improve backyard stormwater drainage along Springway Road. Expected to begin on or about Monday, May 13, a storm drain will be installed with minor modifications to the stormwater management pond at Springway Road and Deerfield Drive. No impact on traffic expected. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by early June.
To learn more about DPW Capital Projects currently underway, visit
. Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email
for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s
and search by “County” to learn more about State road projects.
Also, be sure to follow the county’s
pages every Monday morning for upcoming maintenance projects happening that week, weather permitting. On these social media pages, you’ll also find information regarding the county’s
street sweeping
schedule, which generally begin in the months of January, April, July and September.
Department of Public Works Bureau of Environmental Services
With the Memorial Day holiday right around the corner, don’t forget, Memorial Day is one of the six holidays that does affect Howard County’s curbside trash, recycling, food scrap and yard trim collection. As a result, the county’s holiday slide schedule will be in effect the week of May 27
to June 1
as there will be no curbside collection on Monday, May 27
. Monday pick-up will slide to Tuesday, Tuesday to Wednesday and so forth. To learn more about the holiday slide schedule and those other five holidays, click
Effective Saturday, June 15, 2019
, the county’s Bureau of Environmental Services will no longer accept curbside recycling placed out in plastic bags. Items placed out for recycling, should be placed loose in your county assigned recycling bin/cart. Beginning June 15
, items placed out for curbside recycling collection in plastic bags will not be collected. Those looking to recycle their clean plastic bags, can do so at participating local grocery stores, big box stores and other retailers who have plastic bag collection bins set up, normally inside the store’s front entrance. Check out the Bureau’s
“Know Before You Throw” website
for a map participating locations. To learn more about this coming change to curbside recycling, click
. Residents will be receiving a postcard in the mail alerting them of this change. For questions and/or more information about curbside recycling, please contact the Bureau of Environmental Services at 410-313-6444 or email
Local businesses in Howard County are a pivotal driver in our local economy. Whenever possible, we, Howard County Government, strive towards supporting local businesses through our procurement efforts. Local businesses interested in doing business with Howard County are encourages to attend our Office of Purchasing’s Local Business Certification Workshop on Tuesday, June 4 from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. in the Ellicott Room at Howard County Library System’s Miller branch, 9421 Frederick Road in Ellicott City. Representatives from the Office of Purchasing and Howard County Economic Development Authority will share information and resources beneficial to the growth of your business. Participants will also learn about Howard County’s Equal Business Opportunity Program, Local Business Initiative Program and how to do business with the county. The workshop is free; however, space is limited, so advance registration is recommended. To register and/or more information, contact the Office of Purchasing at 410-313-6370 or email
Department of Recreation & Parks
Looking for something fun for the whole family? Check out Howard County’s Department of Recreation & Parks’ Baltimore & Ohio Ellicott City Station Museum located in downtown Historic Ellicott City at the intersection of Main Street and Maryland Avenue. The oldest remaining passenger train station in the United States, the B&O Ellicott City Station Museum was originally in operation as a train depot from 1830 until 1972, when it was re-designated as a museum. Open Wednesday’s and Thursday’s, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., and Friday’s through Sunday’s, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., admission is FREE! To learn more about the museum and its programs, click
or call 410-313-1945.
Office of Transportation
This Friday, May 17 is “
Bike to Work Day
.” I encourage you to join the County’s Office of Transportation, Howard Commuter Solutions and myself for a kick-off celebration at Whole Foods Market in Columbia, starting at 7:00 a.m., featuring refreshments, giveaways, biking-related information and prizes. Celebrated each spring across the nation, “Bike to Work Day” promotes clean, fun and healthy commuting as part of our region’s Clean Commute Initiative. Howard County’s event will run in tandem with events taking place in Baltimore City and Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll and Harford counties. I encourage those who live and/or work in Howard County to participate. To learn more and/or to pre-register, click
Upcoming Events and Meetings
May 17 - Bike to Work Day Kick-Off
Join Howard County’s Office of Transportation and Howard Commuter Solutions for a “Bike to Work Day” kick-off celebration on Friday, May 17, 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. at Whole Foods Market, 10275 Little Patuxent Parkway in Columbia. Those who live and/or work in Howard County are encouraged to participate. Ride your bike to work and stop by for refreshments, giveaways, biking-related information and prizes. Pre-registration is encouraged. For more information and/or to register, visit
May 17 - Your Health: Strength, Tranquility, and Wellness
Presented in partnership by the county’s Office on Aging and Independence, the Howard County Health Department and the Local Health Improvement Coalition, come explore the avenues to health and wellness from multiple perspectives. Held Friday, May 17 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Elkridge 50+ Center, 6540 Washington Boulevard, the workshop will feature such seminars as “The Effects of Stress and How to Avoid Them” and “HIV and Sexual Health for Older Adults,” as well as a “Lunch and Learn” with Chef Taueret Thomas, health and mental health screenings, auricular acupuncture and more. While the event is FREE, space is limited. To register, call 410-313-5192.
May 17 - Bike to Work Day After Work Pitstop
Sponsored by the Cycle Mill and held in partnership with the Baltimore Metropolitan Council, come celebrate commuting by bike with a wrap-up “Bike to Work Day” celebration at the Cycle Mill, located at 169 Frederick Road in Ellicott City, on Friday, May 17 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Pre-registration is encouraged. For more information and/or to register, visit
May 19 - Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Celebration
May is Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month and celebrates the achievements and contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States. Join the Chinese American Parent Association of Howard County, League of Korean Americans of Howard County, Indian Origin Network of Howard County, Howard County Chinese School, Peiying Chinese School and Chinese Language School of Columbia for a
on Sunday, May 19 at 2:00 p.m. at Centennial Park’s Pavilion H, 4800 Woodland Road in Ellicott City, to pay tribute to the generations of Asian and Pacific Islanders who have enriched America's history and are instrumental in its future success. The event will feature will food, performances, games and more.
May 22 - Regional Transit Plan Open House Meeting
Help set the region’s public transportation goals for the next 25 years!
Join the project team to discuss current conditions and the region’s future transit needs.
The Howard County meeting will be Wednesday, May 22nd from 5 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at The Mall in Columbia, 1st floor—Lord & Taylor Court.
May 24 - Adult Flashlight Egg Hunt
Who said kids get to have all the fun? Those 21 and older are invited to partake in an Adult Flashlight Egg Hunt at the Robinson Nature Center, located at 6692 Cedar Lane in Columbia, on Friday, May 24 from 8:00 to 1:00 p.m. Collect as many eggs as you can for a chance to win passes to the National Aquarium, gift cards to Wegmans, meal coupons to local restaurants, gifts from wineries and breweries and more! Cost is $29 per person and space is limited, so preregistrations is encouraged. To register and/or for more information, call 410-313-0400.