May 6, 2019
Dear Friends,

Happy National Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month!

May is a time for us to celebrate the historic and contemporary contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to our community. The month was chosen by Congress because two important anniversaries fall during this time: the arrival of the first Japanese immigrants in the United States on May 7, 1843, and the completion of the transcontinental railroad by many Chinese laborers on May 10, 1869.

Our Asian American and Pacific Islander brothers and sisters have persevered through prejudice and exploitation, all while playing a vital role in our growth, our culture, and our society as a whole. This month we remember their past, listen to their stories, and honor their contributions.
This Week in HoCo
Howard House Opens
Last year in our county, we recorded 188 non-fatal overdoses, and tragically we lost 38 lives to opioids. Since 2016, over 130 people have died in Howard County from the totally preventable cause of opioid overdose. This fact is tragic, it is painful, and it is unacceptable.

I was honored to join  Howard County Health Department for the ribbon cutting of Howard House - the first Howard County-owned service provision for substance abuse treatment in the county. No matter what challenges we face, no matter how difficult the road ahead, we will work together to persevere. Howard County is committed to prevention, enforcement, treatment, and recovery.
Police Chief Myers

I'm honored to have a Police Chief who is inspiring in every way. Chief Myers is known as Howard County's first African American and first female Police Chief. Here are some interesting facts about Chief Myers that you might not have known.
Elevate Maryland Podcast

Elevate Maryland podcast explores the policies, people, and stories that affect the state of Maryland. I was thankful to join Tom Coale and Candace Dodson Reed for the taping of a podcast where we discussed budgets, bond ratings, and the importance of diversifying leadership in local government. You can watch the podcast here and listen to it here.
2019 Assistant Principal of the Year
Please, join me in congratulating Ms. Connie Stahler for her recognition as the Maryland Association of Elementary School Principals 2019 Assistant Principal of the Year! Ms. Stahler is an innovative leader who consistently creates the best opportunities for all our students to succeed. I was honored to stop by Laurel Woods Elementary to personally thank Ms. Stahler for her dedication to our students.
"Soak It Up" Campaign Winners
Please, join me in congratulating  Howard EcoWorks along with their partners  Howard County GovernmentNational Fish and Wildlife FoundationEllicott City PartnershipChesapeake Bay Trust, and  St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Ellicott City for their second place win in the  Chesapeake Stormwater Network Best Urban BMP in the Bay contest for their Soak It Up Campaign!

This campaign engages residents and businesses in Ellicott City’s Tiber Hudson Watershed to reduce stormwater runoff from their properties through on-site solutions such as the installation of small best management practices (BMPs) such as conservation landscapes, rain gardens, tree planting, berm/swale systems and stream buffers.

Thank you for your hard work and diligence in making Howard County more sustainable for us all. Learn more about their work here.
Congratulations, Allison Alston

Please, join me in congratulating  Reservoir High School Junior, Allison Alston, for being elected as the next Student Member of the Howard County Board of Education. We are excited and grateful for your leadership. Thank you for your voice and advocacy. We wish you the best!
Student Award Winners

I was honored to recognize Howard County students for their achievements of excellence in political science and government. This award recognizes one graduating senior from each of the 12 Howard County High Schools, and one student from the Homewood Center. Congratulations on your success and good luck on your future endeavors! Check out all the pictures from the event here.
Zaching Day

May 1st was Zaching Day! We honor Zachary Lederer who continues to be an inspiration for many who are battling through cancer. I was glad to join Zach's family to remember Zach's legacy and his determination.  #ZachingDay
FireOps 101
As a former Emergency Medical Technician and Firefighter, FireOps is one of my favorite events where my colleagues and friends experience what it’s like to be a firefighter. Thank you Lihn Bui of  WJZ-TV | CBS Baltimore  for coming to Howard County to experience what it’s like to be a firefighter.

Special thank you to all the brave men and women of the  Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services  who ensure that our community is safe every day.
Legislative Matters
In the County
The next County Council Legislative session is tonight, May 6 th, at 7:00pm. For a full list of current legislation, visit the County Council website. For upcoming Council meetings, visit here.
In the State

I want to offer my sincerest congratulations to our new Speaker of the House, Delegate  Adrienne Jones . A trailblazer in her own right, she was elected with unanimous, bi-partisan support of her peers to serve as the 107th Speaker of the House. She is the first woman and first African American in Maryland history to do so.

As Speaker Pro Tem, Jones demonstrated strong leadership skills and an ability to build bi-partisan consensus to do what’s best for our state. For several sessions, she presided over the House chamber during difficult, uncertain times and I believe her decades of leadership has prepared her for this incredible honor.

Over the course of her career in public service, she has championed higher education, expanding social supports for families and advocated for our public schools. While she has graciously served her constituents of District 10 in Baltimore County, I am certain she will continue to do so as Speaker of the House for all residents of Maryland.

I look forward to working with her as we build upon the success we had during the recent legislative session to increase funding for education, protect our environment, and strengthen economic resilience throughout Howard County.

As a personal friend to Speaker Jones, I am confident that she will lead the Maryland House of Delegates with integrity, transparency, and fairness for all Marylanders.
Departmental News
Department of Community Resources and Services
May is Older Americans Month (OAM). Since 1963, OAM has been celebrated as a way to recognized the contributions of this growing population. This year’s theme “CONNECT, CREATE, CONTRIBUTE” encourages older adults and their communities to:

  • CONNECT with friends, family and local services and resources;
  • CREATE through activities that promote learning, health and personal enrichment; and
  • CONTRIBUTE time, talent and life experience to benefit others.
Communities that encourage the contributions of older adults are stronger! By engaging and supporting all community members, we recognize that older adults play a key role in the vitality of our neighborhoods, networks and lives.
In this month’s The 50+ Connection newsletter, the county’s Office of Aging and Independence highlights ways some of Howard County’s older adults have connected, created and contributed to the quality of life in our community. You’ll also find a list of events and activities available this month to help you connect, create and contribute to your community.
With warmer weather finally here, the Office of Aging and Independence’s Cycle2Health Howard County (C2H) first casual ride is set to take off tomorrow, May 7, with moderate and advance rides beginning this Thursday, May 9. C2H is a a non-competitive, peer-led, bicycling club for adults of all ages and riding abilities. The program offers three ride options each week for new or experienced cyclists to explore the beauty of Howard County from a new perspective and meet new people. Cost to participate is $15. To learn more and/or to register, visit or stop by your nearest 50+ Center .
Department of Fire and Rescue Services' Office of Emergency Management

Preparedness begins with understanding your local hazards. As  Howard County Office of Emergency Management  (OEM) works to update the county's Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) plan , OEM needs your help. OEM has developed a 17-question survey to help the county gauge how natural disasters may impact you, your family, your business and even your pets. The HIRA plan analyzes man-made and natural hazards that have impacted Howard County and our region in the past, as well as hazards that could impact us in the future, and serves as a foundation for OEM and the county’s future emergency preparedness and planning efforts. We thank you in advance for your help as we work towards ensuring that our community is prepared for future disasters, should they strike.
Howard County Health Department
Are you an environmental health professional with an interest in the health and sanitary needs of the people of Howard County? If yes, consider applying today for the county’s Board of Health. To be eligible for consideration, candidates must be Howard County residents, 18 years of age or older, have an interest in public health and be able to attend the Board’s meetings. With the exception of December, July and August, Board meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. To learn more and for information on how to apply click HERE . DEADLINE to apply is Friday, May 24.
Department of Public Works Construction Report

Below are details regarding new Capital Projects. For a full list of previously announced projects, please refer to the April 29, 2019 newsletter.

 Ellicott City

  • Main Street Water Main Improvements (Capital Project W-8600) Project to repair a water main located along eastbound and westbound Main Street, near Merriman Street, that was damaged by the May 27, 2018 flood. To limit the impact to local businesses and for safety reasons, work will take place Monday through Friday, 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Lane shifts can be expected during construction hours. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by early June.

To learn more about DPW Capital Projects currently underway, visit . Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s website and search by “County” to learn more about State road projects.
Also, be sure to follow the county’s Facebook and Twitter pages every Monday morning for upcoming maintenance projects happening that week, weather permitting. On these social media pages, you’ll also find information regarding the county’s street sweeping schedule, which generally begin in the months of January, April, July and September.
Department of Recreation & Parks

This year’s Wine in the Woods is less than four weeks away! Howard County’s Department of Recreation & Parks and I are pleased to present the 27 th year of this annual wine festival, featuring wines from more than 20 of Maryland’s finest vineyards, live entertainment on two stages, juried artisans, gourmet food, wine education and a souvenir glass. Tickets are on sale now for this year’s event, set to take place Saturday, May 18 from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Sunday, May 19 from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in Symphony Woods in Columbia. Advance purchase ticket holders may enter the grounds each day at 10:30 a.m. For more information about the event, ticket prices, the designated driver program and more, visit or call 410-313-1668.
Office of Transportation

In case you missed it, major service route changes to Regional Transportation Agency of Central Maryland (RTA) went into effect yesterday, May 5. Routes have been restructured to shorten wait times between buses, with all buses now running on 30-minute or one-hour intervals. Ride times were also shortened, weekend service expanded and connections improved. These changes will make riding RTA more convenient, more reliable and more efficient. Visit to learn more.
Upcoming Events and Meetings
May 7 - Using Medicare’s Plan Finder

Hosted by Howard County’s Department of Community Resources and Services (DCRS), participants will learn how to use the ‘Plan Finder’ tool on the website. The ‘Plan Finder’ tool is a powerful aid that helps users compare and review the various Medicare Prescription Drug Plans available to them. The ‘Plan Finder’ can also be used to compare Medicare health plans, such as HMOs, PPOs and Cost Plans. The workshop will take place on Tuesday, May 7 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at DCRS headquarters, 9830 Patuxent Woods Drive in Columbia. Interested individuals who are not familiar with the structure of Part D plans, however, are encouraged to first attend the department’s “Understanding Medicare’s Drug Coverage” presentation before participating in this workshop. For questions and/or more information, call 410-313-7389.
May 7 - Howard County Police Department Fallen Heroes Memorial Service

In recognition of National Police Week, Howard County Police Department (HCPD) will hold a memorial service on May 7 at 11:30 a.m. at HCPD’s Memorial Courtyard and Garden, located at 3410 Court House Drive in Ellicott City, to honor the seven law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty in Howard County.
May 7 - 2019 District 9B Legislative Session Wrap Up!

Join Delegate Courtney Watson for a wrap up for District 9B 2019 Legislative Session , with special guest Senator Katie Fry Hester, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at Howard County Library System’s Miller Branch, 9421 Frederick Road in Ellicott City. Delegate Watson and Senator Hester will provide a summary of the session including legislation that impacts Ellicott City, as well as selected state-wide legislation. The meeting will end with a question and answer session.
May 8 - Howard County Farmer’s Market Opening Day for Ellicott City

Come kick-off the Ellicott City’s Farmer’s Market 2019 season at opening day on Wednesday, May 8 from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. at Howard County Library System’s Miller Branch, 9421 Frederick Road in Ellicott City. From May 8 to November 20, Howard County farmers and producers will gather every Wednesday at the Miller branch library to sell their locally grown products. Buy local and support Howard County farmers.
May 10 through May 12 - Preakness Festival

One of many events planned during a series of week-long activities to kick-off and celebrate the annual running of the Preakness Stakes, this year’s Preakness Festival will take place Mother’s Day weekend (both Friday, May 10 and Saturday, May 11 from 6:15 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., and Sunday, May 12 from 6:15 to 8:00 a.m.). The Festival will feature rides and games, food and drink, musical entertainment, appearances by the Fastrax Skydiving Team, hot air balloons, including the popular nighttime balloon glow, tethered balloon rides and more. Come and experience all that the 2019 Preakness Festival has to offer. While admission is free, parking is $20. For information and a schedule of events, visit .
May 11 - Howard County Farmer’s Market Opening Day for Clarksville Commons

Come kick-off the Clarksville Commons Farmer’s Market 2019 season at opening day on Saturday, May 11 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Clarksville Commons, 12264-12276 Clarksville Pike in Clarksville. From May 11 to November 23, Howard County farmers and producers will gather every Saturday at Clarksville Commons to sell their locally grown products. Buy local and support Howard County farmers.
May 11 - Williams Asset Management 4th Annual Shred-It Event

In celebration of Spring and the end of tax season, Williams Asset Management is hosting its annual free Shred-It Event for its clients and the community from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Dancel Y in Ellicott City. Held rain or shine, participants are limited to three boxes each. For more information, visit .
May 12 - Howard County Farmer’s Market Opening Day for Oakland Mills

Come kick-off the Oakland Mills Farmer’s Market 2019 season at opening day on Sunday, May 12, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Oakland Mills Village Center, 5851 Robert Oliver Place in Columbia. From May 12 to November 24, Howard County farmers and producers will gather every Sunday at the Oakland Mills Village Center to sell their locally grown products. Buy local and support Howard County farmers.
May 17 - Bike to Work Day Kick-Off

Join Howard County’s Office of Transportation and Howard Commuter Solutions for a “Bike to Work Day” kick-off celebration on Friday, May 17, 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. at Whole Foods Market, 10275 Little Patuxent Parkway in Columbia. Those who live and/or work in Howard County are encouraged to participate. Ride your bike to work and stop by for refreshments, giveaways, biking-related information and prizes. Pre-registration is encouraged. For more information and/or to register, visit .
May 17 - Your Health: Strength, Tranquility, and Wellness

Presented in partnership by the county’s Office on Aging and Independence, the Howard County Health Department and the Local Health Improvement Coalition, come explore the avenues to health and wellness from multiple perspectives. Held Friday, May 17 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Elkridge 50+ Center, 6540 Washington Boulevard, the workshop will feature such seminars as “The Effects of Stress and How to Avoid Them” and “HIV and Sexual Health for Older Adults,” as well as a “Lunch and Learn” with Chef Taueret Thomas, health and mental health screenings, auricular acupuncture and more. While the event is FREE, space is limited. To register, call 410-313-5192. 
May 17 - Bike to Work Day After Work Pitstop

Sponsored by the Cycle Mill and held in partnership with the Baltimore Metropolitan Council, come celebrate commuting by bike with a wrap-up “Bike to Work Day” celebration at the Cycle Mill, located at 169 Frederick Road in Ellicott City, on Friday, May 17 from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Pre-registration is encouraged. For more information and/or to register, visit .
May 19 - Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Celebration

May is Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month and celebrates the achievements and contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States. Join the Chinese American Parent Association of Howard County, League of Korean Americans of Howard County, Indian Origin Network of Howard County, Howard County Chinese School, Peiying Chinese School and Chinese Language School of Columbia for a celebration on Sunday, May 19 at 2:00 p.m. at Centennial Park’s Pavilion H, 4800 Woodland Road in Ellicott City, to pay tribute to the generations of Asian and Pacific Islanders who have enriched America's history and are instrumental in its future success. The event will feature will food, performances, games and more.