April 29, 2019
Dear Friends,

Business Appreciation Week took place this past week from April 22 to 26. Teams of ambassadors comprised of department heads, government officials, community organizations, and employees of Howard County Economic Development Authority (HCEDA) visited various businesses to listen to ways we can improve the business community.

Along with HCDEA, we visited more than 150 Howard County businesses. I am so thankful for every one of these businesses for choosing Howard County as their home. You can check out the pictures from Business Appreciation Week on our Facebook page. Our county is incredibly fortunate to have so many diverse and thriving enterprises. 

This Week in HoCo
Money Matters Fair
Yesterday was the “Money Matters” Fair at  The Mall in Columbia . This one-stop opportunity for resources was designed to promote financial literacy for all. The fair provided assistance on everything from college to retirement saving. Thank you to all our sponsors and everyone who worked hard to provide this important information to our community. 
Autism Awareness Month

Shani and I had a wonderful time at the  Howard County Autism Society Gala. April is Autism Awareness Month and an important time to educate our communities on Autism Spectrum Disorder and those who live with it. It’s important that we create a community that is entirely inclusive. As this month comes to an end, let us continue to advocate for our Autistic community.
Ellicott City SpringFest
Saturday was SpringFest in Ellicott City! I had a wonderful time celebrating all that Ellicott City has to offer. SpringFest is an incredible annual event where the charm of Ellicott City is on full display. From the amazing stores, to the great food, to the sense of community, Ellicott City is the perfect place to spend time with your friends and family!
Drug Take Back Day
Saturday was Drug Take Back day with  HC Drug Free Community Coalition and the  Howard County Police Department. It’s important to make sure we keep our communities safe by discarding old and/or unused prescriptions. You can always discard your old prescription medication at Howard County's four Permanent Medication Disposal Boxes FOR PILLS ONLY located at:

  • The Northern Police District Station, 3410 Courthouse Drive, Ellicott City, 21043
  • The Southern District Station, 11226 Scaggsville Road, Laurel, 20723
  • The Gary Arthur Community Center, 2400 Route 97, Cooksville, 21723
  • The Community Outreach Building, 10741 Little Patuxent Parkway, Columbia, 21044.

If you have sharps (needles, syringes and EpiPens), contact HC DrugFree's office and do NOT put them in the boxes. Thank you for keeping us all safe!
Rebuilding Together Howard County

It was a beautiful Saturday morning! Started the day with  Rebuilding Together Howard County to renovate this house to assist those undergoing rehab. Thank you to the  Howard County Police Department for your diligence to better our community!
Ellicott Mills Drive Reopens

I was honored to lend a hand to the Ellicott Mills Drive construction which, I’m proud to announce, opened in time for Ellicott City’s SpringFest this past Saturday!

This important project has made Ellicott City more flood resistant and a safer place to visit, and the timing could not be better. Special thank you to the Department of Public Works - Bureau of Highways team for their hard work and dedication to ensuring this street is open for us all to enjoy.
Bring Your Child to Work Day
Thursday was Bring Your Child to Work Day! I’ve been looking forward to this day for weeks. I’m so happy that my daughters, Alexis and Alyssa, could join me. We stopped by the  Elkridge Volunteer Fire Department for a kick-off for our Bring Your Child to Work Day event, where kids and their parents had a hands on experience with various Howard County Departments. Then, we took a tour of the Waste Management recycling facility also in Elkridge. A huge thank you to everyone on my team who worked tirelessly the last few weeks to make this event a success.
Congratulations, Lonnie Robbins

Last week, we marked 30 years of service that my Chief Administration Officer, Lonnie Robbins, has dedicated to Howard County. Lonnie is an exceptional leader and friend. I'm so honored for the opportunity to serve alongside him. Congratulations on 30 years, I can't wait to see what's ahead!
Celebrating Earth Day
Happy Earth Day! I feel so lucky to live in a community that is passionate about protecting our environment and spending time outdoors. To affirm my commitment, I signed Howard County onto the Paris Climate Agreement because I believe it is up to all of us to take the lead on making our world cleaner and safer for the future. We only have one planet, we all must be dedicated to do our part to save it.
2019 Human Rights Commission Award Winners
Congratulations to the 2019 Human Rights Commission Award winners!

  • Frank V. Eastham
  • Dou Alvin Zhang, MD, PhD
  • Howard County Voices for Change Youth Coalition.

This year’s award recipients were honored for their commitment to providing education, healthcare, and opportunity to the citizens of Howard County. Additionally, this year marked the 50 th anniversary of the Howard County Human Rights Commission. Current and former Commissioners were present to celebrate this historical occasion.
Legislative Matters
In the County
Monday night, I was honored to present my Operating Budget to the Howard County Council. With historically high funding to education, strengthened public safety, and investments in public health, my proposal will protect our exceptional quality of life.
In the State
We have a lot to celebrate from this legislative session. I was proud to provide testimony to help make our community a stronger, safer, and a better place to live. This year will also bring historic, record-breaking funding from the state to Howard County.

I want to thank the entire Howard County delegation for their hard work and I look forward to continuing to speak up on behalf of our residents in Annapolis. Here is a quick snapshot of some of the bills that passed this year.
Departmental News
Department of Community Resources and Services
Ensure that your preferences for medical treatment are honored should you become incapacitated or unable to express your wishes by taking part in Howard County’s Law Day on Wednesday, May 1 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Volunteer attorneys will offer FREE preparation of Maryland medical decision documents to participants at the following 50+ Center locations: Bain , East Columbia , Elkridge , Ellicott City , Glenwood and North Laurel . To schedule your appointment, please contact your local participating 50+ Center today.
Howard County’s Commission for Women is proud to present Miss Representation, a documentary which exposes how mainstream media and culture contribute to the underrepresentation of women in positions of power and influence. Join the Commission on Thursday, May 2 from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. for this FREE screening event at the Bain 50+ Center, 5470 Ruth Keeton Way in Columbia. Open to all, ages 13 and older; to register, visit . For questions and/or more information, contact our Department of Community Resources and Services at 410-313-6400.
Department of Fire and Rescue Services
Coming soon to a school near you, the County’s Department of Fire and Rescue Services new educational safety trailer. Set to launch this upcoming school year, the trailer will include various simulation stations, such as a bedroom with a heated door, an escape window, a non-toxic smoke system and interactive presentation technology that provides immediate feedback after quizzing participants. This upgraded safety classroom will be used to educate elementary-aged students in the Howard County Public School System through a captivating learning program and will be featured at various community events throughout the year. A $96,872 grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency made the purchase of the trailer possible.
It is with great sadness that I announce the unexpected passing of West Friendship Volunteer Fire Department (WFVFD) firefighter Carl Buell , a life member and Board of Directors Chairman. A Howard County native, Buell joined the WFVFD in 1981 and was an active operational member, in addition to performing administrative duties on the Board of Directors. I ask that you please keep the Buell Family in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. The WFVFD will hold a memorial service at the station on Saturday May 4 at 11:00 a.m. to celebrate Carl's life and service.
Department of Fire and Rescue Services' Office of Emergency Management

Preparedness begins with understanding your local hazards. As  Howard County Office of Emergency Management  (OEM) works to update the county's Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) plan , OEM needs your help. OEM has developed a 17-question survey to help the county gauge how natural disasters may impact you, your family, your business and even your pets. The HIRA plan analyzes man-made and natural hazards that have impacted Howard County and our region in the past, as well as hazards that could impact us in the future, and serves as a foundation for OEM and the county’s future emergency preparedness and planning efforts. We thank you in advance for your help as we work towards ensuring our community is prepared for future disasters, should they strike.
Howard County Health Department
Are you an environmental health professional with an interest in the health and sanitary needs of the people of Howard County? If yes, consider applying today for the county’s Board of Health. To be eligible for consideration, candidates must be Howard County residents, 18 years of age or older, have an interest in public health and be able to attend the Board’s meetings. With the exception of December, July and August, Board meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. To learn more and for information on how to apply click HERE . DEADLINE to apply is Friday, May 24.
Department of Housing and Community Development

Don’t miss out on your chance to call Howard County home. There are just two days left in the open enrollment period to apply for this quarter’s Moderate Income Housing Unit (MIHU) program. Managed by the county’s Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), MIHU is an inclusionary zoning program that requires developers of new communities to sell approximately 10 to 15 percent of the dwelling units to households of moderate income. MIHUs are sold at affordable prices set by DHCD. To learn more about MIHU homebuying and rental programs, contact DHCD’s Housing Opportunities Programs Division at 410-313-6318 and select option two or visit .
Department of Planning and Zoning

Typically held the first Thursday of each month, due to the May 2 nd public meeting on Phase 2 of the Ellicott City “Safe and Sound” plan, this upcoming month’s Historic Preservation Commission (HCP) meeting will take place on Wednesday, May 1 at 7:00 p.m. in the George Howard Building’s Columbia/Ellicott Room.
A five-member board comprised of Howard County residents, the HPC makes recommendations to the Planning Board, Hearing Examiner and Department of Planning and Zoning Director on matters related to historic resources, mainly historic structures being impacted by development proposals. The HPC also renders decisions for any exterior alterations to both historic districts, Ellicott City and Lawyers Hill, and approves tax credits for historic restoration projects throughout the County and advisory comments for historic structures affected by development. Before giving Advisory Comments or granting approval for a Certificate of Approval, the HPC holds a public meeting that provides an opportunity for the applicant to present their proposal and interested persons to provide comments.
Meeting agendas and schedules, applications and historic district guidelines are available on HPC’s website
Department of Public Works Construction Report

Below are details regarding new underway/upcoming Capital Projects, as well as maintenance projects. For a full list of previously announced projects, please refer to the April 15, 2019 newsletter .

  • Broken Land Parkway and Mall Ring Road Intersection to Become Multi-Way Traffic Stop – Project to convert the intersection of Broken Land Parkway at Mall Ring Road to a multi-way traffic stop is scheduled to take place on or about Tuesday, April 30. Recent studies have shown that traffic volume continues to increase in the area, making the change necessary to improve safety for turning traffic at that intersection. The project will involve the addition of two stop signs on northbound Broken Land Parkway at the intersection to create the new traffic pattern. 

  • Little Patuxent Parkway Paving Project (Capital Project H-2014) – Project to mill and repave Little Patuxent Parkway between Columbia Road and Broken Land Parkway. Work along westbound Little Patuxent Parkway will take place first, followed by eastbound Little Patuxent Parkway. To minimize traffic disruptions, work will take place Sunday through Thursday, from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Flagging operations will be in place to direct traffic as needed as lane shifts can be expected. Additionally, a recorded message at 410-313-3637 will carry project updates. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by late June. 

  • Gorman Road and Skylark Boulevard Intersection to Become Multi-Way Traffic Stop – Project to convert the intersection of Gorman Road and Skylark Boulevard to a multi-way traffic stop is scheduled to take place on or about Tuesday, April 30. Recent studies have shown that traffic volume continues to increase in the area, making the change necessary to improve safety for turning traffic at that intersection. The project will involve the addition of a stop sign on westbound Gorman Road and one on eastbound Skylark Boulevard at the intersection to create the new traffic pattern.
Past Project Updates – Completion Date Change

  • Brighton Dam Upgrade – A Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission maintenance project to upgrade the Brighton Dam on Brighton Dam Road. Originally expected to be completed by mid-April, weather permitting, this project is now expected to be completed by late November.


  • Broken Land Parkway Water Transmission Main (Capital Project W-8307) – Project to install a water transmission main along southbound Broken Land Parkway between Stevens Forest Road and Snowden River Parkway in the Village of Owen Brown. Originally expected to be completed by late April, weather permitting, this project is now expected to be completed by late May.

  • Waiting Spring Pond Dam Repair (Capital Project D-1160) – Jointly funded project between Howard County and the Columbia Association to replace the dam infrastructure and embankment at a pond at the end of Prophecy Place in the Village of Long Reach. Originally expected to be completed by early November, weather permitting, this project is now expected to be completed by mid-May.
Ellicott City

  • Diversified Land Pond Repair (Capital Project D-1159) – Project to repair a storm water management pond in the vicinity of 9780 and 9792 Diversified Lane. Originally expected to be completed by late January, weather permitting, this project is now expected to be completed by mid-June.

  • Ellicott City Interceptor Sewer Siphon (Capital Project S-6282) – Howard County and American Rivers construction project to replace the 12-inch diameter Bonnie Branch interceptor sewer. Originally expected to be completed by March, weather permitting, this project is now expected to be completed by early May.

  • Glenmar Pond Repair (Capital Project D-1159) – Project to repair a storm water management pond located between Debbie Court and Mitzy Lane. Originally expected to be completed by late February, weather permitting, this project is now expected to be completed by mid-June.

  • Sybert Drive Sidewalk (Capital Project) – Project to construct a sidewalk along a portion of westbound Sybert Drive, between Columbia Hills Court and Meadowbrook Lane, fronting 9104 Sybert Drive. Originally expected to be completed by mid-April, weather permitting, this project is now expected to be completed by early May.
Past Project Updates – Projects Completed

Ellicott City

  • Old Annapolis Road Pathway (Capital Project K-5036) – Project to extend an existing pathway along a portion of eastbound Old Annapolis Road between Oakhill Drive and Woodland Road, fronting 9673 Woodland Road.
To learn more about DPW Capital Projects currently underway, visit . Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s website and search by “county” to learn more about State road projects.
Also, be sure to follow the county’s Facebook and Twitter pages every Monday morning for upcoming maintenance projects happening that week, weather permitting. On these social media pages, you’ll also find information regarding the county’s street sweeping schedule, which generally begin in the months of January, April, July and September.
Department of Public Works’ Bureau of Environmental Services

CONGRATS to this year’s Bureau of Environmental Services’ “Business Recycling and Waste Reduction” and “Green Community Leadership” award winners. I thank this year’s winners for the role they place in helping us protect and better preserve Mother Earth and for their commitment to making environmentally responsible decisions.
In the “Business Recycling and Waste Reduction” award category, which recognizes Howard County businesses for their recycling and waste reduction efforts, the winner was Roll Up N’ Dye, which developed diverse strategies to minimize waste from their facility.
The “Green Community Leadership Award” recognizes groups and organizations that demonstrate efforts, projects or programs that help protect Howard County’s natural environment and preserve its resources. This year’s winners of the Green Community Leadership Award were:

  • Howard EcoWorks: Landscapes for Life nursery program with the Howard County Department of Corrections.
Award winners were recognized at the county’s 12 th annual GreenFest celebration, held earlier this month.
Department of Recreation & Parks

This year’s Wine in the Woods is less than four weeks away! Howard County’s Department of Recreation & Parks and I are pleased to present the 27 th year of this annual wine festival, featuring wines from more than 20 of Maryland’s finest vineyards, live entertainment on two stages, juried artisans, gourmet food, wine education and a souvenir glass. Tickets are on sale now for this year’s event, set to take place Saturday, May 18 from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Sunday, May 19 from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in Symphony Woods in Columbia. Advance purchase ticket holders may enter the grounds each day at 10:30 a.m. For more information about the event, ticket prices, the designated driver program and more, visit or call 410-313-1668.
Department of Transportation

REMINDER: Starting this Sunday, May 5, MAJOR service route changes to Regional Transportation Agency of Central Maryland (RTA) are taking effect. Routes are being restructured to shorten wait times between buses, with all buses now running on 30 minute or one-hour intervals. Ride times are also being shortened, weekend service is being expanded and connections are being improved. These changes will make riding RTA more convenient, more reliable and more efficient. Visit to learn more.
Upcoming Events and Meetings
April 29 - Sunny Field Stream Restoration Project (Capital Project D-1158) Public Meeting

The Department of Public Works will hold a public meeting tonight, April 29 at 6:30 p.m. at Howard County Library System's Elkridge branch, to present plans to complete stream restorations on three portions of Rockburn Branch, a tributary to the Patapsco River. The sites’ construction access points will be located between 5347 and 5351 Sunny Field Court, between 7854 and 7846 Rockburn Drive, and between 7718 and 7719 Graystone Court in Ellicott City. Like many steams in the area, these portions have been heavily impacted by stormwater and have eroded significantly. Construction is scheduled to begin in fall 2019. For more information about this meeting, click HERE .
May 1 - Cherrytree Farms Pond Repair Project (Capital Project D-1159) Public Meeting

The Department of Public Works will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, May 1 at 7:00 p.m. at Howard County Library System's Savage branch, to present plans to repair the Cherrytree Farms stormwater management pond adjacent to 8411 Sand Cherry Lane in Laurel. The project will include safety and maintenance upgrades. Construction is expected to begin in spring 2020. For more information about this meeting, click HERE .
May 2 - Coffee with a Cop

Join Howard County Police Department (HCPD) for its monthly Coffee with a Cop on Thursday, May 2 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. at K-9 & Coffee, located at 3830 Ten Oaks Road in Glenelg. Come meet face-to-face with HCPD's Community Outreach Officers in an informal and neutral space to discuss issues, ask questions and build relationships one cup of coffee at a time. As always, coffee and conversation are on the house. For more information and/or questions, contact HCPD's Community Outreach Division at 410-313-2207.
May 2 - Autumn Manor Pond Repair Project (Capital Project D-1159) Public Meeting

The Department of Public Works will hold a public meeting on Thursday, May 2 at 6:30 p.m. at the George Howard Building, to present plans to repair the Autumn Manor stormwater management pond located at the intersection of Fall Chill Court and Autumn Rust in Ellicott City. The project will also include the improvement of water quality treatment of stormwater and functionality and maintainability of the stormwater management system. Construction is expected to begin in fall 2019. To learn more about this meeting, click HERE .
May 2 - Wood Creek Stream Stabilization Project (Capital Project D-1158) Public Meeting

The Department of Public Works will hold a public meeting on Thursday, May 2 at 7:00 p.m. at Howard County Library System’s Miller branch, to present plans to complete a stream stabilization project on an unnamed stream, a tributary to the Little Patuxent River, located at the intersection of Phelps Luck Drive and Wild Lilac in the Wood Creek community in Long Reach. Like many streams in the area, this stream has been impacted by stormwater and has eroded. Construction is scheduled to begin in winter 2019. For more information about this meeting, click HERE .
May 2 - Public Meeting Re: Phase 2 of EC “Safe and Sound” Plan

On April 17, my team and I held a press conference unveiling the second phase of my Ellicott City “Safe and Sound” Flood Mitigation and Public Safety Plan, which consists of f ive, potential flood mitigation options. This Thursday, May 2 at 7:00 p.m. in Howard High School’s cafeteria, 8700 Old Annapolis Road in Ellicott City, I will be hosting a public meeting to offer the community a chance to provide its input on the plan’s second phase. If you are unable to join us on the 2 nd , you can also submit feedback on which of the five options you prefer online on the EC “Safe and Sound” website .
May 4 - Spring Fishing Tournament

Join Howard County’s Department of Recreation & Parks for its annual spring fishing tournament at Centennial Lake, 10000 Route 108 in Ellicott City. Geared towards participants five and older, cost is $20 for ages 5 to 13 and $30 for ages 14 and up. All anglers, ages 16 and older, must have a 2019 fishing license. For official rules and tournament information, visit .
May 4 and May 5 - Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival

This annual festival highlights and reflects traditions dating back to the domestication of sheep. For thousands of years, people all over the world have shepherded and selectively bred sheep for various desired characteristics for food and fiber. Their work, their vision, their ingenuity and appreciation of the utility and aesthetic qualities of sheep and wool are the foundation of the spectacular array of breeds, and types and uses of wool, and technologies for working with wool celebrated at the festival. This two-day festival will run the first weekend of May (Saturday, May 4, 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Sunday, May 5 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) at the Howard County Fairgrounds, 2210 Fairgrounds Road in West Friendship. For a schedule of events, tickets and more, visit .
May 5 and 6 - Annual Native Plant Palooza

Come shop Robinson Nature Center’s native plant sale from noon to 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 5. Select from a large variety of native shrubs, wildflowers, ground covers, trees and edible native plants for your yard or garden. By planting native, you can save on the cost of water, fertilizer and pesticides while providing habitat for butterflies, insects and other local wildlife. A portion of the proceeds from the plant sale will benefit Nature Center educational programs. Master Gardeners will also be on hand to answer your gardening and plant questions. Open to all ages. To learn more, visit or call the Nature Center at 410-313-0400.
May 7 - Using Medicare’s Plan Finder

Hosted by Howard County’s Department of Community Resources and Services (DCRS), participants will learn how to use the ‘Plan Finder’ tool on the website. The ‘Plan Finder’ tool is a powerful aid that helps users compare and review the various Medicare Prescription Drug Plans available to them. The ‘Plan Finder’ can also be used to compare Medicare health plans, such as HMOs, PPOs and Cost Plans. The workshop will take place on Tuesday, May 7 from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at DCRS headquarters, 9830 Patuxent Woods Drive in Columbia. Interested individuals who are not familiar with the structure of Part D plans, however, are encouraged to first attend the department’s “Understanding Medicare’s Drug Coverage” presentation before participating in this workshop. For questions and/or more information, call 410-313-7389.
May 10 through May 12 - Preakness Festival

One of many events planned during a series of week-long activities to kick-off and celebrate the annual running of the Preakness Stakes, this year’s Preakness Festival will take place Mother’s Day weekend (both Friday, May 10 and Saturday, May 11 from 6:15 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., and Sunday, May 12 from 6:15 to 8:00 a.m.). The Festival will feature rides and games, food and drink, musical entertainment, appearances by the Fastrax Skydiving Team, hot air balloons, including the popular nighttime balloon glow, tethered balloon rides and more. Come and experience all that the 2019 Preakness Festival has to offer. While admission is free, parking is $20. For information and a schedule of events, visit .