IACP Progress Report - April 5, 2018

A Message from the EVP

If you are anything like me, I like to "see" what all we've accomplished together! We are lowering that shoulder like I promised and the IACP Committees and Board are dominating 2018 by creating new programs to meet your needs!  I know we have released, and will be releasing, many projects and I want you to know about each one and how take advantage of the benefits that each new program offers to you.

As such, I wanted to take a moment to give you a Progress Report of what all we've accomplished together and what all we have yet to come!

I am so thrilled and excited with our Board, Committees, Members and staff that I can hardly believe we have accomplished all of this in such a short time - and we aren't done yet!  There is still more to come - lots more.

So let's take a moment to take a look at what all we've accomplished together and let's get excited for what we have to come!  As always, if you have any questions or comments, please let us know!


Member-Driven Initiatives Progress Report
IACP is a Member-Driven Academy and we are so thankful for all YOUR input and your commitment to preserving patient access to compounded medications.

Project Launch 1. 
2017 Look Back / 2018 Look Forward, EVP Article

In my pledge to keep you informed on all IACP is doing, we put together a whopping article that took a
Look Back at what we accomplished together in 2017 and pursuant to the IACP strategic, we outlined our Plan for 2018. I also drafted an EVP Article detailing even more about our plans together. We reviewed your responses to our IACP membership survey and shaped the plan for 2018 around your needs from IACP.

Please find our Look Back HERE.  Our Plan for 2018 HERE and you can find my EVP Article HERE.

Project Launch 2.
Committee Chair Highlights 

IACP is a member-driven Academy and as such, it's essential that you know and have access to the individuals representing IACP membership by serving on the IACP Board of Directors and as IACP Committee Chairs!  It is also essential that IACP has an open and transparent process for running for the Board of Directors and being appointed as Committee Chairs.  

In order to connect you with the individuals serving on the IACP Board of Directors and as Committee Chairs, we introduced and installed the new IACP Board of Directors at the first annual President's Gala during the IACP Educational Conference.  What an amazing time that was had by all!  It was a true success and as such, we will be continuing this party with colleagues and sole IACP fundraiser in the future and installing the IACP Board during this event. You can also always find your Board of Directors HERE

We also highlighted our amazing  Committee Chairs  and their goals for the year that are driven by YOU, IACP's members and they provided us with some amazing insight! We are so lucky to have these individuals as Chairs!  We have a new energy and passion that is tangible and really shines through with every committee meeting, board meeting, member engagement and certainly, at the staff level.  If you missed getting to know these awesome individuals, you can find those highlights about each of the IACP Committee Chairs here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5. We aren't stopping here, however!  We will have new Chairs to announce in the coming weeks as our Committees and Sub-committees continue to grow!

We are going to make sure you stay connected to your Board and Committee Chairs by featuring them in the IACP newsletters.  Stay tuned for some really fun questions and the opportunity to get to know your Board and Committee Chairs on a more personal level! Who doesn't want to know what jobs they had before they became compounding pharmacists and technicians?  We have some fun answers in store!

Project Launch 3.
IACP COMP PAC Newsletter

Your IACP COMP PAC Committee is launching all new COMP PAC Programs!  The COMP PAC Committee has been working diligently to bring you new programs that give you the opportunity to be more involved with the IACP COMP PAC, to share your stories and your patients' stories with Members of Congress, and to become more engaged in preserving patient access through the IACP COMP PAC!

The new IACP COMP PAC Newsletter  was released to keep IACP members informed on what the Committee is working on, where the donations have been made and what new programs and events are on the horizon. To read the first edition click HERE and the second edition click HERE

Project Launch 4.
New Membership Category & Giveaway

We heard your request! Many of you responded to the IACP Membership Survey that you would love to see an IACP membership category that gives you additional benefits to IACP events! 

The IACP Membership Committee, under the leadership of Doug Yoch, has worked tirelessly this year to give you the membership categories you want! IACP is excited to share our newest membership category, think of it as being an IACP VIP, the  Executive Membership. If you are thinking about going to CCH this year, this is the perfect time to upgrade or renew your membership to the Executive level and receive a  FREE CCH registration! We would love to see you there and Storm the Hill with your peers! For full details visit our  WEBSITE or click  HERE FOR A PDF.
The Executive Membership opened to a fantastic response!  So far  IACP President-elect Jen Burch IACP Vice President and IACP COMP PAC Chair, Shawn Hodges,   IACP Board Member and Infrastructure Review Committee Chair, Jeffery Bray , IACP Members Joe Grasela, Stephen Laddy, and IACP Foundation Board Member, Linda McElhiney have joined the fun and that isn't everyone!  We are now up to a total of 11 members. Will you be next? Let's keep the momentum going!

Project Launch 5.
New Corporate Member Tiers Program

We heard the IACP Corporate Members' feedback from the IACP Corporate Member survey and the 
IACP Corporate Member Committee, under the leadership of IACP President Erik Tosh,  set out to ensure that IACP is recognizing our incredible Corporate Members and giving them the benefits that they deserve!  IACP is excited to launch the Corporate Member Tiers that allow IACP to recognize and thank our amazing Corporate members!  The Corporate Member Tier Program is jam packed with Corporate Member recognition and benefits! 

We are so grateful for the support and feedback the Corporate Members provide.  To see a list of IACP Corporate Members, please click  HERE .

For more information on the IACP Corporate Member Tier Program, please click  HERE

A compete look at the Corporate Member Tiers and benefits associated with each tier, can be found  HEREFor information on how to apply and to find the application form, please click  HERE .

Project Launch 6.
New Webinar Programs, Speakers, Topics, Benefits & Cost Structure

IACP's Education Committee, under the leadership of IACP President-elect, Jennifer Burch, has been working diligently to ensure IACP continues to provide the continuing education (CE) compounding pharmacy professionals need. IACP kicked off 2018 with an awesome Educational Conference program, which embarked our journey to providing you more LIVE CE's! 

IACP is continuing our commitment to provide you with more live CEs by launching the IACP AdvanCE Webinar program! Under the new webinar program, IACP AdvanCE will now be offering quarterly educational tracks with multiple  LIVE webinars  throughout the year to be your one-stop shop for all CE related to pharmacy compounding! To read more about this amazing new program click HERE

In addition to the programs in the boxes above,  we snuck in a few additional exciting new programs 
for members!  

Extra Project Launch.

The IACP Membership Committee, Chaired by Doug Yoch, worked tirelessly on a  NEW IACP Ambassador Program.  The IACP Ambassador Program gives IACP members an opportunity to  represent IACP as an ambassador at specific conferences and events. This allows IACP to be involved in more events and able to share our voices at more conferences to carry the message of preserving patient access forward! In return, IACP Ambassadors will receive discounts on registration to IACP events and other benefits.  This is one more way we are listening to your feedback and requests!  We heard that you want to be able to represent IACP more at other conferences and events by speaking and we are answering your call! 

So far, we have had three IACP Ambassadors represent IACP at recent events and have gotten several applications for more potential IACP Ambassadors.   A big thank you goes out to Doug Yoch, Lauren Aller and Brenda Jensen for being our first IACP Ambassadors!

Please take a look at the information about the IACP Ambassador program to get a feel for how it works and to see the amazing benefits! For information on how to apply and to find the application form, please click HERE.

But wait, there's more!

We have been working on competitions and awards for CCH, new IACP and new COMP PAC fundraising events during CCH, and more member engagement opportunities.

Project Launch 7. 
New PAC Tiers Program & Giving Program

Your IACP COMP PAC Committee has worked tirelessly this year under the leadership of COMP PAC Chair, Shawn Hodges. Last year, through the COMP PAC Committee's fundraising efforts, the COMP PAC Committee allowed IACP and IACP members to attend a record number of PAC events! This PAC Committee has shown us that they were only getting started!  This year, the COMP PAC Committee is launching all new COMP PAC Programs!

The COMP PAC Committee has been working diligently to bring you new programs that give you the opportunity to be more involved with the IACP COMP PAC, share your stories and your patients' stories with Members of Congress, and become more engaged in preserving patient access through the IACP COMP PAC!

1. To continue fundraising for COMP PAC, in order to enable IACP members to attend more events with Members of Congress, the COMP PAC Committee members showed us their dedication to the IACP COMP PAC by launching a new  COMP PAC Match program !  It's a very simple concept - for every $1 donated to COMP PAC, our PAC Committee members will match that donation by $1. We are thrilled to tell you that we have already tallied $16,250! It's now your turn to shine! Make this Match program count by donating to the IACP COMP PAC HERE!

2. The IACP COMP PAC Committee heard your requests for additional avenues to donate to the COMP PAC and for more benefits for your donations, and they rose to challenge by developing and launching the new  IACP COMP PAC Tier Program. The new  IACP COMP PAC Tier Program recognizes those of you that are donating to the IACP COMP PAC by giving you valuable COMP PAC benefits.  Not only do you get to support pharmacy champions in Congress, but you also receive amazing COMP PAC benefits!  It's a win-win for everyone!  Please find additional information on the IACP COMP PAC Tier Program HERE.

3. In addition, many of you have asked for a  monthly donation program  versus a one-time donation plan. The IACP COMP PAC Committee is making that happen for you!  We want to make it as easy and convenient as possible for you to donate to COMP PAC. Please find the information on the monthly donation program HERE!

4. We want to make sure that along with the awesome COMP P AC benefits that you will receive under the new COMP PAC Tier Program, that we are also recognizing you as the awesome donors you are at all IACP events. In order to  do this, the IACP COMP PAC Committee has developed some beautiful pins! The  New COMP PAC Contributor Pins  - are what all the fashionably dressed will be wearing at Compounders on Capitol Hill in D.C. this June! Don't you want one of these awesome pins?
5. The IACP COMP PAC Committee also heard your requests for more COMP PAC events at CCH and responded by adding an additional opportunity to meet a Pharmacy Champion to the CCH agenda. In addition, in future years we will continue to add these opportunities to the agenda to give you the opportunity to meet in a small setting with Members of Congress that are helping to preserve patient access!  So, do not forget to Save the Date and get your tickets for the  COMP PAC Dinner and Fundraisers being held during Compounders on Capitol Hill! You can reserve your ticket for the COMP PAC dinner  HERE  We will be sending out more details about the additional COMP PAC events at CCH in the coming weeks, so watch your inbox for additional information!

Project Launch 8.
New SOPs, New Membership Category Giveaway & Membership Competitions

The IACP SOP Committee has been working incredibly hard this year under the leadership of Willie James to provide the structure that the IACP Board of Directors and Committee Chairs have requested. The SOP Committee has been meeting regularly to create  SOPs for IACP  to provide the Committee Chairs with the additional resources they need!  This is an exciting time for IACP! We will be giving sneak peeks of the completed SOPs soon! 

The Membership Committee has been diligently working on fun competitions to get you more engaged and to recognize the members that really go above and beyond!  We will be launching the Membership Competitions soon and they are sure to be a blast!

In addition, we will be revealing  TWO NEW Memberships  soon! We have heard from you that IACP needed to develop more membership categories to include everyone's voice in preserving patient access, and the IACP Membership Committee has answered that call by creating two more new membership categories! The Membership Committee isn't slowing down in answering your needs!

Project Launch 9.
Website Reveal

The  Website Reveal  details and updates are coming!  We have been working diligently with our vendors to launch a new IACP website.  In the meantime, we are constantly updating the current IACP website to reflect all new material and the material that has been requested by IACP members. 

Project Launch 10.
Membership Competition Winner Announced

The  Membership Competition Winners  will be announced in early May.  

Project Launch 11.
New CCH Programming & Events Sneak Peek

It's going to be an amazing year to be at CCH!  Your patients need you to walk the halls of Congress more than ever!  This is not the time to sit on the sideline! Join us at CCH!

CCH Programming Sneak Peek!
 IACP has some amazing sessions coming your way such as...
Keynote Presentation - Congressman Morgan Griffith: 
Your Role in the Effort to Preserve Patient Access to Compounded Medications 

Compounding Compliance: SOPs and Staff Training
Brenda Jensen, CPhT, CNMT, MBA, Compounding Consultants, LLC
Walking the Halls of Congress for Patients:  What you need to know!
Cynthia E. Blankenship, Esq. EVP, IACP; David Pore, Partner, Hance Scarborough LLP; Jim Turner, Former Member of Congress (TX) Partner, Hance Scarborough LLP

What's Going on Legislatively, Judicially, and by way of Enforcement? A Pharmacy Law Update
Deborah Pearce, JD, Law Offices of Deborah A. Pearce
What's Going on in the States?  State Legislative and Regulatory Update
David Kosar, BSJ, MAJ, Consultant, National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations (NASPA)
How to Successfully Interact with Media to Preserve Patient Access 
David Ball, MS, President and Founder, Ball Consulting Group, LLC
Pharmacy Design Considerations for USP <800>
Bryan Prince, MBA, Lab Red Pharmacy Consultants, LLC

In addition, 
CCH has some incredible social gatherings 
that let you have a blast with your colleagues! 

To kick things off on Saturday, the Welcome Reception is sponsored by our friends at
Letco Medical

After a full-day of CE programming, the generous folks over at Flaktek have sponsored a Happy Hour  on Sunday.  

You can head right from happy hour over to the IACP Foundation's Fundraiser, the  Rx Mixer - Aloha State of Mind and spend some time with friends and colleagues while you support the efforts of the IACP Foundation.  Get your Rx Mixer ticket HERE

To round out our social events, save the date and get your tickets for the IACP COMP PAC Dinner and Fundraiser on Monday night.   IACP COMP PAC is continuing the tradition of offering an amazing opportunity to break bread with a Member of Congress over a glorious three course meal at  Ruth's Chris Steak House, Monday, June 25, 2018, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.  during the IACP COMP PAC Dinner and Fundraiser with Congressman Buddy Carter. You will have the incredible opportunity to speak to the Member of Congress in a fun and relaxed environment.  Get your tickets HERE !

That's not all!  Stay tuned for details coming soon on a NEW IACP COMP PAC Lunch Fundraiser at CCH and your opportunity to meet a true pharmacy champion and share your and your patients' stories!  You won't want to miss this NEW PAC event!

Stay tuned as we roll out new CCH games, competitions, programming and much, much more.  You don't want to miss this event!

Project Launch 12.
New CCH Giveaways, Programming & Games

In May and early June IACP will keep you up to date with an updated schedule with programs, events, giveaway and games!

Do you want to attend CCH for FREE? Keep an eye on your inbox, we will be sharing more on all the different ways you can!  If you have a competitive side, one of these options will be tailor-made for you!


IACP Executive Vice President Cynthia Blankenship, Esq.
Your Presence is Needed at CCH!

As a former Congressional staffer in the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives, I am often asked why storming the Hill during  Compounders on Capitol Hill  (CCH) is so important and whether it's worth your time away from patients and your pharmacy. My answer is a resounding YES and here's why.

I've been on the other side of the table from you with the Senator and Congressman for many years during fly-ins on the Hill. Every other day, we met with lobbyists and attorneys and not to say that isn't important - but  no one can represent YOUR voice and the voices of your patients like YOU. If you aren't showing up, you are gambling that someone else will represent your voice, your passion for preserving your industry and patient access, and share your personal stories - and that's a dangerous gamble to make. We have an incredible government affairs team at IACP that we are grateful for, but as they would also admit as former Congressional staffers - no voice is as powerful as YOUR voice. Compounding is personal and so are your stories and the stories of your patients.

Your Voice Matters - Your Vote Matters: The most common misconception I saw as a Congressional staffer was that pharmacists didn't understand how powerful their voice was and what makes them different from their opposition.  YOU have something that no one else has - YOUR vote which spans in every Congressional districtYou are a constituent; your patients are constituents and the providers you work with are constituents - and, constituents vote during elections, they tell those they work with, their families, and their friends how to vote as well. In times like these when our opposition is actively working against us on a daily basis - it's important to keep in mind that none of our opposition has this benefit that you have - but you have to make that benefit count. It's what makes you different and it's what makes YOUR presence as we Storm the Hill and walk the Halls of Congress at CCH so important.
If you are new to Hill day or feel that you want to ensure someone that is a Hill veteran goes to the Hill with you, don't let this hold you back! We have added an option on the registration form where you can let us know! We have a vast army of volunteers from former Congressional staff, Corporate Members, and other Hill day veterans lined up ready to storm the hill with you!

We are also going to shake it up this year with some incredible competitions coming your way for those who get the most folks to CCH! We have some amazing prizes and awards in store! Stay tuned next week for the launch of these competitions and more information! No one's voice is more powerful than your voice on Capitol Hill and in getting your colleagues to join us at CCH!

Also, please note that in order to ensure you are able to attend all your scheduled meetings, please do not schedule your flight before 6 p.m. on Tuesday, June 26th!

So, tell your colleagues and tell your friends to j oin us in Washington, D.C. for the 24th Annual  Compounders on Capitol Hill  (CCH), June 23-26, 2018 at the Renaissance Washington D.C. Downtown Hotel.

The stakes are too high and this is not the time to sit on the sidelines and hope that someone else will represent your voice. Join your colleagues in preserving patient access and join us in the Halls of Congress to deliver this messaging like ONLY YOU can.

Please email  [email protected] if you have any questions,  OR if you'd like to get more involved with IACP!  We'd love your help in achieving these 2018 goals!

IACP loves our Committee Chairs and Members!  We couldn't do it without you.  If you are interested in joining a committee, let us know!  Please email Jennifer Petska at [email protected] for more information.

Registration for Compounders on Capitol Hill is 

Compounders on Capitol Hill  (CCH) brings together the top-level compounding pharmacists and technicians from across the country with the same goal - to protect pharmacy compounding.  Network and  Reconnect  with old friends and meet new colleagues who share your passion and interest in protecting, promoting and advancing pharmacy compounding!

The 24th Annual Compounders on Capitol Hill will be held June 23-26, 2018 at the Renaissance Washington DC Downtown Hotel. With more than 400 expected attendees in 2018.


IACP COMP PAC offers the rare and incredible opportunity to meet with Members of Congress one-on-one to share your and your patients' stories. We have heard your request for more opportunities to meet Members of Congress in this rare, small setting, and your COMP PAC is answering the call by having more PAC events than ever at #CCH2018!
As a sneak peek on the events to come, IACP COMP PAC is continuing the tradition of offering the amazing opportunity to break bread with a Member of Congress over a glorious three course meal at Ruth's Chris Steak House, Monday, June 25, 2018, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. You will have the incredible opportunity to speak to the Member of Congress in a fun and relaxed environment. This event also serves as the SOLE IACP PAC Fundraiser of the YEAR!
Your attendance and donations to COMP PAC events are essential in helping preserve patient access to compounded medications. Your voice makes a tremendous difference - we need YOU at IACP COMP PAC events this year!

To buy your IACP CCH COMP PAC Dinner and Fundraiser Tickets, click here or contact Ashlyn at [email protected].

IACP Foundation

14th Annual Rx Mixer: Aloha State of Mind

The ONLY IACP Foundation fundraiser of the year and helps support the Foundation's invaluable mission! This fun Party with a Purpose is being held Sunday, June 24, 2018 from 6:30 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. The Price is $175  for one event ticket and three drink tickets. Late Registration is $200 after June 10, 2018. This is a separate ticketed event.
This event ensures a night to remember and an awesome opportunity to relax and party all night with your colleagues. Join us in paradise and come relax with your colleagues and friends.  Guests will be treated to a fun evening of classic food, cold drinks, fellowship, and Dueling Pianos to lead us in song and cheer!  Try your hand at the Live Auction, Silent Auction by the IACP Foundation, Memorabilia Silent Auction by GrandStand Sports and the Reverse Card Draw!
Join us in paradise and
Party with a Purpose by registering  here.

To donate, sponsor, or volunteer please contact Jennifer at [email protected].