November HMIS Update
November 30, 2018
End of Year HMIS Users Meeting supports a *New Start*
HMIS User Meeting

Our last HMIS Users Meeting of the year will have a slightly different structure than our usual ones. Part 1 will focus on Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) topics, and Part 2 will be general Q&A Helpdesk with our team members.

It has come to our attention that PSH projects need more specific support for entering Project Start Dates and Move-In Dates in HMIS. It was a pretty big change last year when PSH began recording client engagement before move-in dates. So, let's start again with some dedicated training for PSH users at our December HMIS Users Meeting.

If you join the meeting for Part 2 at 1:45 pm, we'll split off into small groups or individual calls to address your questions or concerns. Bring to our attention that nagging issue or a new surprise!

Join Us for our HMIS Users Meeting December 20th
Part 1 is 1:00 pm and Part 2 begins at 1:45 pm
via conference call/webinar
Check out previous HMIS Users Meeting materials on the NCCEH News Archive.
Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting
LSA Corrections - Target Zones!
We need your help to submit accurate and complete data for our CoC! Please respond to Data Center calls and emails as soon as possible to correct or confirm data.

Social Security Numbers
Unlike most elements, SSN is not accessible for corrections by users. Only System Admins at the Data Center can assist corrections here. SSNs flag as missing or errors when they are partial or accidentally mislabeled on the DQ dropdown question.

Homeless History Questions
Questions to help identify chronically homeless (CH) clients are required for all clients, even if you know they are not CH clients. Make sure that all five responses from paper forms are copied into HMIS. If you see a pattern of missing Homeless History questions, let the Data Center know and can help you consider workflow improvements

Housing Move-In Date (RRH and PSH only)
Enter Housing Move-In Dates through Interim Updates for the Head of Household. Remember, this data element is asking you for the date the client first slept in their new unit, not when the lease was signed.

Exit Destination
We've seen HUGE improvements in Destination data collection in recent years, but you can get an even better picture of outcomes when you follow-up with clients on where they stayed. Having trouble deciding what a client response means for HMIS? Keep our Exit Destination Guide handy for those interview!
Has your Funding changed?
The LSA report requires the Data Center to update and double check the Federal Funding for every project using HMIS. If your project has new sources or different sources of funding, we need to hear about it!

We also need your Grant Identifier for every contract annually. Please write the Data Center to help us keep HMIS up to date!
What's new for HMIS?
HMIS Training from MCAH (changed 11/8)
As you may have seen in our email update, MCAH's previous website is down. MCAH has created a new training website.
  1. Request a license from the Data Center Form
  2. Follow the emailed guide to the watch the correct Training Videos and pass the Quizzes
  3. Email the Data Center your MCAH Training certificates
Any new user is encouraged to call/email the Helpdesk with any questions about the process, the material, or the timeline for getting a new license. Let us know what you need!
HMIS@NCCEH Launch Update
Progress! We are now testing another version of our new system to see if all of the data we need is in the new site, nothing else! Please continue to enter data as usual until we are able to set a Launch Date. More details to be announced here.

What do you want from HMIS Training?
Part of our preparations for the HMIS@NCCEH launch is to develop our own suite of trainings for new HMIS users. Let us know what is most important to you through this short three minute survey.
Make sure you have these events and deadlines on your calendar!

If you'd like training specifically for you or your agency, please submit a request with a two week window and what type of training you need here: NCCEH Data Center Training Request Form.
December 6 th -- HMIS Entry/Exit Training in Durham - Register Now

December 20 th -- NC Balance of State CoC HMIS Users Meeting - Register Here
-- Longitudinal System Analysis (new AHAR) report submission deadline

January 30 th -- NC Balance of State CoC Point in Time Count

HMIS@NCCEH Transition - Launch details here
As always, we are thankful for your dedication to clients and our entire community. We also hope you're taking good care of yourselves this holiday season - you can do the best work for clients when you have a chance to catch your breath!
NCCEH Data Center | 919.410.6997 |