Population Health Framework: 27 Strategies to Drive Engagement, Access & Risk Stratification 27 Strategies for a Population Health Framework

Population Health Framework: 27 Strategies to
Drive Engagement, Access & Risk Stratification

Faith-based integrated delivery system Adventist Health is on a mission to improve population health status with a wellness-based approach it estimates will eventually net $49 million in savings.

Population Health Framework: 27 Strategies to Drive Engagement, Access and Risk StratificationPopulation Health Framework: 27 Strategies to Drive Engagement, Access and Risk Stratification walks through the elements of Adventist's population health management program that engages individuals to modify behaviors and prevent illness in the future.

In this 25-page report, Elizabeth Miller, vice president of care management at White Memorial Medical Center (part of Adventist Health) details the program, which relies on a combination of incentives, risk stratification and engagement strategies.

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By empowering individuals as stakeholders in population health, Adventist has succeeded in attaining a 96 percent enrollment rate after rolling out the wellness-based program to its employees.

Following a five-year plan, Adventist rolled out the population health initiative to employees and then spouses. Next the program will roll out externally— where its savings potential is likely to make it an easy sell.

Ms. Miller provides details on the following:

  • How to use risk analysis to determine the high impact areas to help employees and patients achieve health and wellness;
  • The key elements of an incentive structure used by White Memorial that led to a 96 percent program participation rate by its employee population;
  • Targeting high-risk populations with appropriate interventions;
  • Using strong messages to recruit and retain population health management program participants; and
  • The role of data analysis, big data and the patient portal in population health management.

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P.S. -- You may also be interested in these population health management resources: