The mystics, and those like Moses (Exodus 33:12-23), Jesus (John 5:19-20), and John the Divine (1 John 1:1-3) who personally claim to know God, are always aware that they have been let in on a big and wondrous love secret. Anyone not privy to an inner dialogue, that is, some kind of I-Thou relationship, would call such people presumptuous, emotional, foolish, or even arrogant. How could they presume to claim an actual union with the divine? But this is without doubt “God’s secret, in which all the jewels of wisdom and knowledge are hidden” (Colossians 2:2-3). The insiders know that “anyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Anyone who fails to love can never know God, because God is love” (1 John 4:7-8). Such an amazing, but seldom-quoted, line lets you in on the big secret and also makes it universal and available to all.
Excerpted from Immortal Diamond: The Search for Our True Self, pp. 167-168
Loving God, allow me to experience intimacy with you.