SVCC Spotlights Alumni
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Recent Spotlights include:
Maria Delossantos
Mike Collins
Erin Robinson
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Education Support Specialist II in Admissions and Records
May 13
SVCC Graduation
9:30 am
John H. Daniel Campus
Keysville, VA
SVCC Grad Will Daniel Has a Cool Job
Will Daniel has a cool job because he gets to work outside, doing what he loves. Growing up on a farm in Lunenburg County, Daniel liked the land, growing plants, raising animals and being outside in any weather. Thank
 s to an Associate's degree in Agribusiness from Southside Virginia Community College, he is able to do what he loves and love what he does as a Farm Supervisor for the Virginia Department of Corrections.
His job takes him to farms at correctional facilities in Nottoway, Lunenburg, Halifax and Dinwiddie. He teaches farming to offenders who make up the manpower to harvest and tend to the stock of beef cattle. There are greenhouses, an orchard, goats, cattle and gardens. The produce is sent to a Corrections Farmer's Market and sold. Offenders also learn to grade and cull the produce and some items are consumed at the facilities.
Fluor Selected as Philanthropy Leader
Fluor was recently honored with the Chancellor's Award for Leadership In Philanthropy. Fluor is a part of the Virginia Community College System's 2017 class of Philanthropy Leaders, selected by each Virginia community college.
Attending the celebration luncheon were Dr. Al Roberts, Karl Humberson, Eric Conner, Molly Hagy, Dr. Glenn DuBois, Curtis Easler, Teri Watkins, Travis Dudley, and Freddy Cabral. More information and a list of past recipients can be seen
Scholarships to Benefit Students
The Board of Directors of the SVCC Foundation is pleased to announce the establishment of the Jerry and Sarah Reynolds Scholarship. Established by Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, this scholarship will assist students from Mecklenburg County. The Reynolds are strong community volunteers and advocates for education. Sarah is retired from Southside Virginia Community College and Jerry serves on the SVCC Foundation Board of Directors.
Members of the Lunenburg/Nottoway Retired Teachers organization recently met on SVCC's Christanna Campus. For many years, this group has financially supported scholarships for SVCC students. In attendance were:
Front: Marjorie Powers;
Back row: left to right: Betsy Sheffield (secretary), Ruby Ingram, Barbara Reese, Ann Stinson, Evelyn Staples (treasurer), Becky Swoap (president), Doris Fisher, Ella Harrell, and Jean Overman.
SVCC Members of PTK All-Virginia Team Recognized
Virginia is one of 38 states participating in the All-State Academic Teams program introduced in 1994 as a way to provide scholastic recognition to Phi Theta Kappa members while promoting excellence at two-year colleges. Students nominated to the National All-USA Academic Team are automatically named to the All-State Academic Teams. Four students from Southside Virginia Community College were selected to the 2017 Phi Theta Kappa All-Virginia Academic Team.
Pictured from SVCC are (left to right)
Dr. Al Roberts, President,
Cassandra Long, Alivia Dunn, and Thomas Crews, along with Virginia Community College System Chancellor, Dr. Glenn DuBois. Also recognized from SVCC but not pictured is student Christopher Hayes. Learn more about the students here.
Nursing Students at Panther Prep Day
Do you know these students?
During the recent SVCC Panther Prep Day, first year Associate of Applied Science in Nursing students on the John H. Daniel Campus posed for a caricaturist to create a collage of portraits. Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Elizabeth Barlow (Dillwyn), Yolanda Banks (Dillwyn), Jeannie Ross (Keysville), Samatha Sparks (Keysville), Heidi Pick (Farmville), Amanda Barnett (Chase City), Christina Solorio (Prospect), Megan Biddle (Amelia County), Xiaoxia Zhang (Amelia County), Jessica Aguilera (Keysville), and
Heather Hill (Chase City).