Hawaii GOP Silence for Sale by Team Hellreich
Aloha, Republican:
What kind of sick, twisted, misguided local Republican Party officers would pay tribute to a local Democrat Party megadonor (Hawaii's own version of leftist
George Soros
) as the
at a
GOP fundraiser last week in Donald Trump's name
, provide that same Democrat with a special table, then give him a cake and encourage all Republicans in attendance to sing him "Happy Birthday" and then cheer for him after he helped destroy that same Hawaii GOP's candidates only weeks earlier (on the heels of leading that destruction for more than a decade)???
Those sick officers are Miriam Hellreich, Fritz Rohlfing, and Gene Ward; the top three officers of the Hawaii Republican Party, with the full and unquestioned cooperation of nominal local Trump campaign 'leaders' Nathan "The Prophet" Paikai, Warner "Kimo" Sutton, and Al "Big RINO" Frenzel. They clearly don't mind that a fortune has been spent by their 'guest of honor' over more than a decade in Hawaii to
ensure the losses of Republicans
-- state and local and congressional -- at the polls
: Carr must have gotten a real kick out of Hellreich leading low-information Republican donors to sing and cheer for him, since
Carr has made it his mission to destroy Republicans
. . . especially the low-tax, small-government ones who oppose the Democrat Rail Cartel.
- ● "I'm a strong supporter of the Honolulu rail project."
- ● "Are we really going to say no to extending an existing tax?"
- ● "Caldwell's reelection was in part a message from Oahu voters to finish the rail project as planned."
Stanford Carr is such a huge supporter of heavy rail spending and heavy taxation that columnist David Shapiro
reported not long ago that Carr was described
as "a principal member of (Mufi) Hannemann's campaign committee and a close political advisor." Unless you are Fritz Rohlfing -- who tried (in a secret GOP meeting inside his Manoa house with other local GOP leaders) to recruit Hannemann to run as the Hawaii GOP's nominee for governor in 2010 -- you already understand that Carr could not possibly support the beliefs and policies held by real Republicans in Hawaii.
Like another well-known Democrat megadonor George Soros, Stanford Carr's dirty money routinely gets donated to the who's who of Democrat politics in furtherance of his Democrat Rail Cartel agenda.
GOP Rep. Andria Tupola worked hard in 2016 to get a Republican, Marc Paaluhi, elected in a neighboring district on the Waianae Coast.
But Stanford Carr didn't like that idea at all
. In fact,
he donated money in 2016 to help Democrat
Cedric Gates
beat Republican Paaluhi
. Now, thanks to Hellreich, Tupola and 300 other Republicans get to help sing Happy Birthday to the guy who helped put yet another Democrat into office. That's probably okay, since RINO's and rail tax supporters Beth Fukumoto and Lauren Cheape eagerly take Carr's campaign donations in exchange for their RINO votes at the legislature in favor of BILLIONS in higher taxes for Carr's pet project.
Carr is pushing really hard in 2017 for another extension of the multi-billion dollar rail tax increase in order to soak Oahu taxpayers for billions more to fund his favorite public works project. But that's not all Carr wants. In addition, Carr has been publicly advocating squeezing taxpayers even more to pay for subsidizing construction of apartment buildings. Guess who would build them with your money? "
A billion is not too much for a pilot program
," says Carr on TV without any shame, self-awareness or sense of hypocrisy. After all, he's a Democrat megadonor who plans to get rich with the purchased cooperation of weak-minded Democrats and RINO's.
: If you wonder why we're on the sidelines on every single issue which matters to Republicans, here's why. Team Hellreich's selling of the Hawaii GOP soul appears to be for the purpose of keeping the lights on at the overpriced, luxury Kakaako headquarters of the beleaguered party organization . . . for the truly unimportant sake of Hellreich's legacy and reputation. In exchange, what the Democrats have been getting is our party's deliberate silence, while failed Democrat policies remain in place and our candidates get needlessly slaughtered.
So, what exactly does Stanford Carr get in return by purchasing thousands and thousands of dollars in fundraising tickets from Miriam Hellreich? A totally silent, officially neutral, and completely ineffective GOP . . . plus a laugh at our expense while the party Carr is committed to destroying sings his praises and celebrates his birthday. For the sake of Miriam Hellreich's real estate legacy on Kapiolani Boulevard, the Hawaii GOP has sold its voice to the highest bidder. We are no longer Republicans. We are Democrats for hire.
What's next, singing Happy Birthday to George Soros?
Let's be honest, with all the waste and fraud and corruption and voter manipulation and cost overruns by the Democrat Rail Cartel, the Hawaii GOP could not possibly have sent a worse message to Donald Trump than dancing with rail advocate and profiteer Stanford Carr for all the world to see. But that was the point. The Hawaii GOP has been co opted and neutered; with failed party leaders hiding behind and claiming credit for a Trump victory they have nothing to do with, running a state party with zero impact on Hawaii politics and fewer elected Republicans every year.
: So, was Stanford Carr's money well spent? Was it smart for this pro-rail Democrat mega-donor and tax hike advocate to make a carefully-timed donation to an ailing party which just lost $500,000 in 2016 election cycle and ended up broke and with fewer elected Republicans in office?
: Of course!! Team Hellreich has consistently put up the Hawaii GOP for sale to Democrat special interests. That's why our party never fights. That's why our party has a platform which is officially neutral on all issues. That's why Hawaii Democrats won't be challenged by an assertive Republican Party organization in 2017 or ever, over taxes, wasteful spending, or anything else. And that's why Pat "We Stand for Nothing" Saiki was able to perfectly articulate the Hawaii Republican Party philosophy under Team Hellreich:
HIRA won't even delve into the related matter of Miriam Hellreich's other VIP guest: well-known DEMOCRAT MEGA-DONOR CLYDE KANESHIRO of Honolulu Disposal who helps all the same Democrats beat Republicans as Stanford Carr.
In fact, this whole episode with Carr (and Clyde Kaneshiro) explains why backstabber
Kym Pine-Ryglowski
who funded multiple the campaigns of multiple Democrats in 2016 (all of whom defeated Republican candidates, including Tupola associate Paaluhi)
is still a member in good standing of the Hawaii GOP . . . even after flouting party rules and helping more Democrats than there are elected Republicans remaining in Hawaii.
: Reform of our party is desperately needed . . . unless we're happy with losing and being a subsidiary of the Democrat Party. Only sick narcissists like Miriam Hellreich, Fritz Rohlfing and Gene Ward would make Stanford "Destroyer of Republicans" Carr the
and have duped Republicans sing Happy Birthday to him while blowing out candles on a cake during the Trump event last week. Yes, Happy Birthday Stanford. Team Hellreich has delivered the Hawaii GOP to you and the Democrats on a silver platter in exchange for some mortgage payments and maintenance fees. Democrats win big. Republicans lose bigger.
Thanks for your support for making our party better with new and serious leadership in 2017. Let's throw down the gauntlet and begin reversing our fortunes in 2018. Please join the push for local GOP reform today so we can change Hawaii tomorrow.
President, Hawaii Republican Assembly
Please donate to HIRA Action, the official SuperPAC for the Hawaii Republican Assembly, to support HIRA's work to educate voters about failed Democrat policies and about conservative Republican solutions for Hawaii.
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The Hawaii Republican Assembly (HIRA), an affiliated chapter of
is the conservative standard-bearer of the Republican Party of Hawaii
and the leading advocate for conservative solutions in the islands.
We are not an official arm of the Republican Party of Hawaii (RPH).
We are the conservative base of the Republican Party.
Hawaii Republican Assembly
| P.O. Box 2567 | Ewa Beach, HI 96706