CHARLES DJOU:  Help celebrate Djou's crowning achievement - HART !!!

Aloha Republicans:
It is time to celebrate!!  Yes, Charles Djou has really made a name for himself in Hawaii political history.  But Charles is just too humble to brag about his #1 crowning achievement -- an accomplishment SO HUGE that it will impact the people of the City and County of Honolulu for decades and decades to come.
This Saturday marks the 7th Anniversary of Charles writing and pushing hard for the impactful law which now touches the life of every single person on Oahu by creating an entire City government agency from scratchthe Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation better known as "HART".  That's right!!  The founding of the multi-billion dollar HART agency to build and expand the City's heavy rail system is all thanks to Charles Djou and his historic City Council Resolution 09-252.
Djou's humility is probably the reason he never talks about his signature accomplishment on the Honolulu City Council . . . he's actually the founding father of the most famous and far-reaching City government agency of all time!

Not a day goes by when HART isn't in the news, which is why Charles Djou deserves full credit for making HART such an integral part of all our lives.  With your help this election season and your generous donation to HIRA Action , the Hawaii Republican Party's chosen candidate for mayor will finally get the full recognition and accolades that Djou deserves.

To help raise awareness of Charles' signature achievement as " The Founding Father of HART ", Hawaii Republican Action is sponsoring a major contest starting TOMORROW in which one lucky winner could walk away with $100,000.  In addition, HIRA Action will match that $100,000 prize
with a timely $100,000 SuperPAC donation to Djou's 2016 mayoral campaig n .
exciting details coming tomorrow ***

With his trademark 'Djou independence' on the City Council, Charles ignored the naysayers and the critics who either misunderstood or disagreed with his bold vision of a new City bureaucracy which doesn't have to answer to the mayor or the city council (or even to the HART board), which doesn't have any financial constraints, which has a blank check to build and operate 34-miles of heavy rail -- so that riders of TheBus have another option to simply staying on the bus.  Yep, pretty soon the 6% of folks who commute on TheBus can ride their bus AND then transfer onto TheTrain just like they do in heavily populated big cities on the mainland with much larger tax bases than Honolulu!!  And the massive HART bureaucracy will be there to build and manage TheTrain, thanks to Charles Djou.
Recognizing Charles' visionary legislation to create HART and load it up with billions and billions of dollars in startup funds, leaders and VIP's from across the state rallied to Councilman Djou's side to help him draft the legislation founding HART, then introduce it before the City Council, then lobby Djou's fellow members, and finally get HART approved by both Djou's colleagues and voters alike.  Charles has proven that his ability to work in lockstep with Democrats can get the job done and make HART a household name.
Thanks to Djou's natural political allies who saw the potential of HART, groups like the Pacific Resource Partnership (PRP), the Hawaii Government Employees Association (HGEA), the United Public Workers (UPW) and many, many other construction-related financial beneficiaries of the rail project joined with Charles seven years ago this Saturday to ensure the founding of Djou's HART agency to impact our cost of living and quality of life for generations to come; changing all of our lives forever.
So when you think about HART, it's only right that you think about Charles Djou and his City Council Resolution 09-252 .

Here are some of the highlights of Charles Djou's fantastic HART-founding legislation.  You really have to read the whole 18-page bill to fully appreciate Charles Djou's vision for how billions of your dollars will be spent and by whom:
  • Creates from scratch a new and very expensive government bureaucracy of reliable Democrat donors who support keeping the rail project on track, like any Republican elected official would want to create;
  • Provides the rail transit authority with a blank check for spending whatever money becomes necessary to build and operate the rail project;
  • Establishes the permanent authority for HART to build 34-miles of steel-wheel-on-steel-rail, no matter the political wind blowing across Oahu, and no matter the outcome of any election for mayor or council;
  • Completely strips both the mayor and city council of power and oversight by transferring everything related to rail from the City's Department of Transportation Services to the newly-created and semi-autonomous HART agency;
  • Puts union leaders, politically-connected developers, and other beneficiaries of the rail project on the mostly powerless board of HART through appointment by Democrats at City Hall.
  • Makes it legally impossible for the current or future mayor or the PRP-owned City Council to make any meddlesome changes to the City's planned rail system, even if everything has become FUBAR; unless voters buck the system and go through the lengthy and burdensome process of repealing Charles Djou's HART agency from the City Charter.

Yes, it's been seven amazing years this Saturday, August 20th. Thanks to Charles Djou, HART has become a part of our daily life on Oahu.  Those critics who wrongly say that "Charles Djou stood in the way of rail" need only look at Djou's championing of the HART mission and its bureaucracy and its absence of oversight or budgetary constraints to recognize that Djou made heavy rail more of a reality than any other member of the Honolulu City Council, past or present.
It's no wonder that the Hawaii Republican Party looks to the 'Founding Founder of HART' to be our next mayor of Honolulu.  HIRA Action can't wait to start letting the public know how proud they should be of Charles Djou for giving us the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transit.  Obama might be known for ObamacareBut Charles Djou deserves to be known and remembered for HART.  And that's why Oahu Republicans HART Charles Djou!  Because Republicans HART big government!!

TO WIN $100,000 ***

Please donate to HIRA Action, the official SuperPAC for the Hawaii Republican Assembly, to support HIRA's work to educate voters about failed Democrat policies and about conservative Republican solutions for Hawaii.


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is the conservative standard-bearer of the Republican Party of Hawaii 
and the leading advocate for conservative solutions in the islands. 

We are not an official arm of the Republican Party of Hawaii (RPH). 
We are the conservative base of the Republican Party. 
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Hawaii Republican Assembly  | P.O. Box 2567 | Ewa Beach, HI 96706