Photo by Molly Davy

The Thinking Woman's Almanac

In this issue
Gift Certificate
for classes with Annie
at the Bond Street Studio



One 3-hour Group Lesson with
Annie Shaver-Crandell at the 39 Bond Street Studio   

Please go to Annie's store to purchase Gift Certificates. click here for Annie's Store.

I have recently added to "Annie's Store" a certificate for a class with me -- an excellent way to treat yourself or someone else to a dive into the life of my studio here on Bond Street in Manhattan. Classes are very small, tea is served, pigments abound (though not in your tea -- we are careful here).  Though I usually refer to the classes collectively as Fearless Watercolor, students are welcome to work in acrylic, gouache, oil, oil pastel or oil stick.  Once the weather improves, and we can work out-of-doors, I'm also happy to share what I know about pastel.

Here are some recent images from the studio.
Here are some recent images from the studio.

Annie working on Cantilevered Tulips
with oil sticks

Judith Schiff painting roses

Desiree Perez Rodriguez paints Venice.
Marge Wolf inspecting her watercolor

Space is currently available in my group painting classes, offered in my Bond Street studio. Class is in session three times a week, on a drop-in basis. All experience levels welcome. Email me for details about these and private lessons.

Classes have begun. A few spaces remain.

Current schedule:
Monday 2:30pm - 5:30pm
Wednesday 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Thursday 10:00am - 1:00pm

A typical workstation

Annie's favorite oil-painting shirt.
Photo by Marge Wolf


To see more designs and purchase Annie's collection please go to:
Current (and simultaneous) Exhibitions

SCNY Open Printmaking Exhibition

January 29 - February 15, 2018
Lower Gallery, Salmagundi Club 
47 5th Avenue at 12th Street, New York, NY 10003

Adirondack Sunset 1/3, monotype,
8" x 8," 2017

Adirondack Sunset 2/3, monotype,
8 x 8," 2017

SCNY Annual Black & White Exhibition, Upper Gallery

Reception for both exhibitions February 1, 6:00 - 9:00pm
(gallery will be closed January 31 and February 7.)

White Bouquet: Deep Winter's Day,
oil, 18" x 18," 2018  
White Bouquet with Portland Grey and Warm White, oil, 24" x 18," 2018

Figure Study,
conté crayon, 8" x 15", 2017

Figure Drawing, conté crayon,
8" x 15," 2018

Miscellaneous Resources
Kremer Pigments Inc. 247 W 29th Street, New York, NY, 10001 
More than 1000 pigments historic and modern binders
balms - waxes - resins

From the inventory .... Some things we noticed while preparing this newsletter that made us laugh.

Odalisque in Fur, monotype 1/1, 2012
20 minute figure study, conte crayon, 2017


Coming in Annie's next newsletter, Blooms


I love hearing from all of you with all your questions and comments. Please feel free to write me at and I promise to reply. Your comments help me build my studio.

Annie's work may be seen at  


Stay connected with Annie

Please contact me for more information at and 212-464-7519

© 2018 Annie Shaver-Crandell