The Thinking Woman's Almanac
From Annie Shaver-Crandell's Studio
May there be light in us all in our time.
Star of Wonderful Possibilities,
oil on canvas, fabric, glitter and glue, 12" x 9," 2016
This piece comes with my best wishes for you all as this rather unusual year turns into the next one. As readers of my last newsletter will be aware, my recent months have been personally tumultuous, though not without bright elements.
My best autumn adventure was a trip to New Mexico in the company of Paula Gerson, with whom I collaborated years ago, along with Alison Stones, on a translation of a 12th-century translation of a Latin Pilgrim's Guide to Santiago to Compostela. (If you are new to my circles of interest, please have a look at the October 2015 edition of this newsletter ), in which I wrote about what that project has meant in my life.) Paula and I had traveled extensively together, but not in recent years, and never in the luxury of English, rather than French or Spanish.
A few highlights: the high altitude scenery of northern New Mexico, which reminded us of mountains in France and Spain, a breathtaking visit to the pilgrimage sanctuary at Chimayo, which made us both cry, and, on a lighter note, a shopping visit by appointment to Tangoleva, a wonderful studio in Santa Fe ( where I bought and ordered a new tango wardrobe, which I am now enjoying in Manhattan.
The artist in part of her new tango wardrobe
photo by Molly Davy
As for studio life, I appreciate bei
ng able to work additively, and sometimes find, after I've looked for awhile at what I thought was a completed piece, that it's not done at all. It's usually another color family that asks to be added or elaborated on for completion. Here are a couple of collages; in one case, there have been changes since the collage's appearance in the last newsletter (if you're curious, go to the
October 2016
Healing the Overturned Heart
Fabric collage on canvas
24" x 24," 2016
Purple and Turquoise Fantasy
Fabric collage on canvas, 18" x 13 1/2," 2016
Three Red Squares
Fabric collage on canvas, 24" x 24" 2016
Homage to Goya: Spanish Kittens
monotype, 1/2, 2015
Monotype events at the Salmagundi Club are another ongoing source of delight. In this season of political surprises, I seem to be fixated on my
Chincoteague ponies -- as in, horses' asses in abundance -- and continue to find inspiration in a random group of three similar pony rumps. I'll present a group of these in the next newsletter; but, in the meantime, you can see -- and purchase -- from the Salmagundi Club's annual.
Thumb-box exhibition (through January 1, 2017) my painted monotype
Three Fillies. We've just closed an invitational show co-sponsored by the club and the New York Society of Etchers in which I showed
SCNY Thumb-box Exhibition & Sale 2016
Upper Gallery, November 21, 2016 - January 01, 2017
The BIGGEST little Art Show of the Year!
To view the art, click
On view Mon - Fri 1-6pm, Wed until 8pm. Sat & Sun 1-5pm.
Astor Place Subway, monotype, 1/2, 5" x 7," 2014
Chasing the Blues
Sunday, January 29, 2017, 11:30 am-3:30 pm
Still life in Blue: After Tango, watercolor, gouache and watercolor pencil, 10 1/2" x 17," 2016 |
January, as a friend of mine used to say, is when you really need a party, to chase what we commonly call winter blues. What better season to make a virtue of necessity and focus for a time on positive aspects of blue in art?
You might have gathered from things I've painted or written about painting, that I am fascinated by the qualities and behaviors of pigments, especially in watercolor. What you might not be aware of, if you've not yet been to my loft, is that much of it has ceilings, walls or moldings that are various shades of blue.
With that in mind, I'm offering a workshop here on Bond Street about aspects of blue, both as a tool in painting and as a subject. Though my instructional focus will be in watercolor, participants are welcome to work in other non-toxic mediums (gouache, acrylic or blue drawing materials other than pastel). You'll have the option of working either in the studio, with still life materials I can provide, or of depicting the interior of the loft during a time of day when there is good winter light. Participants will be encouraged to experiment with a range of pigments, many of which -- but not all -- will be blues.
Suitable for all levels of experience. Beginners can make use of supplies provided. Feel free to contact me for further information.
Light snacks and appropriate music.
Space is currently available in my group painting classes, offered in my Bond Street studio. Class is in session three times a week, on a drop-in basis. All experience levels welcome. Email me for details about these and private lessons.
Classes have begun. A few spaces remain.
Current schedule:
Monday 2:30pm - 5:30pm
Wednesday 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Thursday 10:00am - 1:00pm
A typical workstation
At the Salmagundi Club, the next monotype party is
January 5, 2017, 6-9:30; $20 for SCNY members, $30 for
non-members, and on January 10, a "ghost party" to work on embellishing or correcting second impressions, which we call ghosts because of their fainter ink; same times, $10 for SCNY members, $15 for non-members. See SCNY website ( for details). For any questions about the ghost party, feel free to
contact me, as I'm the host for that event.
Monotype Party
Thursday, January 5, 2017, 6-9:30 pm.
$20 for Salmagundi members, $30 for non-members.
Ghost Party
to work on embellishing or correcting second impressions
Tuesday, January 10, 2017, 6-9:30 pm
$10 for SCNY members, $15 for non-members.
Salmagundi Club,
47 Fifth Avenue @ 12th St,
New York 10003
212-255-7740 or to reserve.
The club's bar is open at 5:00.
Annie Shaver-Crandell: A Collection of Views Landscapes, Cityscapes and Interiors
36 page book, 8 3/8" x 10 7/8"
Carousel Mug |
Please visit the online
store to purchase my recently released book and collectible mug.
Please visit my studio for a private viewing. Call me at
212-464-7519 to schedule. I am also available to discuss commissions.
Experiments and possibilites will appear in the next newsletter
I love hearing from all of you with all your questions and comments. Please feel free to write me at and I promise to reply. Your comments help me build my studio.