
December 2017

SVCC Spotlights Alumni

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t o read more about SVCC alumni.
Recent Spotlights include:

Thomas C. Bullock, III

Sydney S. Brumbelow

Several SVCC employees and family members were recent bell ringers for  the Salvation Army. Pictured are Latrisha McCargo and Dior Davis.

Artist's rendering of new Student Services and Learning Resources Center on Christanna Campus. Groundbreaking will be in the spring of 2018.

Happy Holidays from Johnny Paws and the entire SVCC family!

Vondrenna's Cool Job at SVCC

Vondrenna Smithers' job is cool because, in her own words, "I help potential students, both traditional and non-traditional, connect to the best training for their career goals at SVCC." As Southside Virginia Community College's (SVCC) Advanced Manufacturing Career Coach and Recruiter, she also gets to talk with high school students about Advanced Manufacturing jobs that they may not have considered.

Virginia's Electric Cooperatives and Senator Frank Ruff Recognized at 'Hire Education' Conference
Dr. Glenn DuBois (right), chancellor of Virginia's Community Colleges, presents Mecklenburg Electric Cooperative CEO John Lee with a Chancellor's Award. 
Virginia's electric cooperatives were honored at the Virginia Community College System's Hire Education Conference, held in early December in Hot Springs.

The cooperatives' statewide trade association, as well as two local electric-distribution cooperatives, received the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in the area of Outstanding Achievement by a Collaboration or Consortium. 

Senator Frank Ruff was recognized for his leadership in creating and funding the FastForward training program.  SVCC's Power Line Worker program is an excellent example of a FastForward program. 

Practical Nursing Graduation
Practical Nursing students from Southside Virginia Community College graduated at the Estes Community Center in Chases City recently. 

Front row: Heather Lankford (Clover), Heather Davis (Nathalie), Taylor Anderson (Halifax), Bonnie Chapman (LaCrosse), Danielle Lewis(Burkeville), Kimberly Green( McKenney), Courtney Yeatts (Rice), Haley Tillett (Cumberland)

Middle Row: Travonna Davis (South Boston), Penelope Hamlett (South Boston), Crystal Parker (Saxe), LaCharle Hazelwood (Victoria), Katelyn Sharber (Brodnax), Lori Hafey (Emporia), Kimberly Coleman (South Boston), Keshia Davis (Chatham), Sandra Alger (Keysville)

Back Row: Lorrie Conner (Buffalo Junction), Leila Hughes (South Boston), Marttwett Moore (Blackstone), Lonnie Morgan (Blackstone), Sabrina Burns (Lawrenceville), Sarah Long (Lunenburg)

Not Pictured: Anne Houser (Hopewell)
Friends and Family Celebrate
On Wednesday, December 13, friends and family celebrated with graduates of the SVCC Welding Skills and Machining Skills certification programs housed at  the Southside Virginia Education Center.  Both short term certification programs are offered through Southside Virginia Community College Workforce Development Services.