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The Pattern & The Path

Sometimes we have subtle patterns in our life that have a way of making our life a little more difficult. This last week I picked up on one of mine. I have yet to find a mechanic in Sedona I feel confidence in -- not that I have looked that hard and that lack of effort is part of this story. The belt in my car has been squealing on and off since I bought it. No one has been able to really figure it out. So I lived with it!

A week ago it was getting worse and decided to find a mechanic that would finally fix it. The first person I asked led me to a mechanic in the next town about 20 minutes away. Now here's the pattern: the fact that the mechanic was that far away made me feel comfortable about that referral. Why? Because there is no way that the thing I need to support me is close to me and easy! But it goes deeper -- wait and see!

When I lived in NY, all the people that supported me were always a long drive: doctors, dentists, mechanics, chiropractors, etc... I never seem to get off the road. When I moved to Sedona, I made myself a promise -- I would find "support people" locally. And for a while I stuck to this plan. I remember the first time I went to a local dentist. I got there in three minutes and I was disoriented! In NY it used to take me 45 minutes. That plan didn't last long and unawares I slowly found myself going out of town for things I needed. I guess I couldn't get my head around the 3 minutes!

So I traveled 20 minutes to see the mechanic. The name of his business had the word "Bear" in it -- anyone who knows me knows how special bears are too me -- so good omen. I walk in the office and introduced myself to the owner and then the phone rings. Right away I could sense there was a special energy about the owner and I hear him mention on the phone that his wife is a cancer survivor and their having some kind of problem. He hangs up and I talk to him about the car. But I am thinking to myself--maybe I need to say something about the phone call. I apologize and say, "I am sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I heard you mention your wife is a cancer survivor. I am too and I work with many survivors." We got into a talk about what was happening with her and I offered a few tips that I thought might help. So cool, this was meant to be and I took it all as a sign to let the guy do the work on the car and scheduled an appointment.

I wake up early -- too early -- because it's a long drive! He doesn't get to my car for close to 2 hrs. No worries, I am in a place of acceptance and going with the flow. A note here: this is a long way from another Greg many moons ago! Finally they look at the car and figure out the belt is just dirty and run a bar of soap on it and the squeal suddenly stops-it was like a miracle! We all laughed at the magic of it! His mechanic says if it doesn't work I might have to change the belt. Everyone shakes hands and there is no charge!

I head up the road and within ten minutes the belt is squealing again, like off-key birds! Here is what surprised me -- I didn't get upset. Why? Because I realized that being led to the mechanic was not about the fixing the belt but offering him some advice about his wife. I believe I realized that because my awareness is higher. I followed "the path" or the omens and maybe I helped someone. I thought about turning around or going back the next day but in that moment I said to myself you need to start making your life easier and make more of an effort to find a mechanic locally.

Later that day I bring the car to a local place that I am not totally comfortable with because the owner can be a little surly. They change the belt and I am free of the noise!

That surliness or my perception that he is surly gave me a perfect excuse to give into the "pattern". And I seem to forget that the few times I did use them they always did a good job. But what do I remember -- the surliness -- so obviously it's not meant to be and I need to travel 20 minutes!

Now here is the mind-blower! Out of nowhere, I suddenly remember that this was a pattern of my mother. She was always going far-a-field to see people too. This is not a knock on her in anyway -- she was best friend and my book is dedicated to her.

So here are the questions: Are you making decisions -- maybe just simple ones that make your life more complicated than it needs to be? Do you feel that if it's harder it gives it more value? Do you have a commitment to make life harder? Or do you have a promise to not make it easy! Are you following a pattern of your parents but it really doesn't serve you?

And here is the other part: There's more to pattern, I can sense it. But I am not going to try and figure it out. I will let go of it and have faith it will come to me via an insight. This is theme with a lot of clients lately -- they are trying to manage their personal growth.

This was a tough one to write about but I think it turned out okay!

A Ho,
Gregory Drambour, 
Magic Kingdom Sector July 2016

Quote Of The Month
During my big clearing of the house I ran across a quote from my long-time business coach of 32 years!

"There is no where to go, nothing to do, nothing to be. Stay present, that's the whole deal!" 

Amen, brother, amen! 

Free 6 Half-Hour Sessions Open This Week!
6 Free Consult Sessions this week: July 11th - July 15th**

Every few years, I offer half-hour free phone consultation for those subscribers who are interested. If any of the following themes are coming up for you, schedule some time!

  • I Want To Forgive Myself and Others. 
  • Please Help Me Stop Thinking So Much!
  • I Want My True Self To Come Out!
  • I Want To Know When My Wisdom Is Talking To Me.
  • I'm Stuck & I Can't Figure Out How To Get Unstuck!
  • I Am So Tired Of My Need To Control Everything! How Do I Let Go?
  • I Know There Is Something I Am Suppose To Do, I Just Don't How To Figure It Out! 
  • I Get The Laws Of Attraction But It Isn't Working!
  • I Have Gone to Workshops, Counseling But I Still Can't Find The Peace Inside!
  • Identifying and Clearing The Emotional Contributor to Illness!
  • Couples & Relationship Renewal! 

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