Hudson Happenings
H u d s o n  R i v e r  P r e s b y t e r y
In This Issue
From the Presbytery Office
Living Our Values
Trainings and Retreats
Take Action
For Youth and Children
Resources for Education, Liturgy, Justice and more!
Events in the Life of the Presbytery
Seeking and Finding
Employment Opportunities and Connections
Quick Links
 PC(USA) Leadership Statements on Ferguson and Middle East
 Prayer Summit in wake of Michael Brown shooting
Passion - Huguenot youth live our values

Help Families Fleeing Violence in Iraq
Dear Friends,

Meena Alexander opens her poem "Dog Days of Summer,"

In the dog days of summer as muslin curls on its own heat
And crickets cry in the black walnut tree

The wind lifts up my life
And sets it some distance from where it was.

She captures that displacement of life from self that can occur in these balmy days; distance that allows us a vista from which to consider and reconsider who we are and how we are connected -- to our selves, our lives, our neighbors, the places we reside or traverse.  What do you see and hear and understand from a distance, your distance?

The next HH will be published on Thursday, September 4. The deadline for submissions is Tuesday, September 2. Please send your submissions along to [email protected]
From the Presbytery Office
Interfaith Breakfast on August 25th to 
Plan for the People's Climate March

The Hudson River Presbytery is one of the sponsors of the People's Climate March taking place in NYC on September 21st.  On Monday, August 25th at 9:30am, join with area religious leaders of all faiths for a special breakfast for clergy and lay leaders to make sure our communities of faith join in leading the largest-ever mobilization for climate action.  


The breakfast will be held at the White Plains Presbyterian Church, 39 N. Broadway.  At the breakfast, you'll receive information about the People's Climate March and resources to help your faith community get involved. RSVP today!



PC(USA) Leadership Statements on Ferguson and the Middle East Cease Fire which broke down on Tuesday

As our nation struggles anew with the legacy of racism, the militarization of police forces in our country, economic inequality and gun violence following the shooting death of Michael Brown, an unarmed, African-American teen by a Ferguson, MO police officer, PC(USA) leaders call for calm and prayer.  Read their August 19 Statement. 


On August 14, the Reverend Gradye Parsons, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A), joined other Christian, Jewish and Muslim faith leaders in signing on to a statement welcoming the ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas and calling for renewed negotiations for a two-state solution in the land. That cease-fire broke down on Tuesday.  You may also be interested in the Rev. Kate Taber, PC(USA) Mission Co-Worker in Israel/Palestine's, interview with Presbyterian News Service. 



Share Hudson Happenings!

Help your congregation's members stay abreast of the latest news and opportunities by subscribing to Hudson Happenings. A blurb with a link you can circulate electronically is below.


Are you in the loop?

Stay abreast of Presbyterian events, resources, grants, and opportunities.  Subscribe to Hudson Happenings, the bi-weekly online newsletter of the Hudson River Presbytery.    Subscribe by emailing [email protected] or by clicking this link


For a hardcopy HH sign-up sheet that you can use, click here. If you do sign-up people by paper, please be sure to return them promptly to Noelle Damico, [email protected] or fax, 914-941-2263.



E-News from the Synod of the NE

If you would like to join the Synod of the NE's listserv and receive periodic news via email, simply send your name and email to Samantha Demko, [email protected],  the synod's communications manager


PassionLiving Our Values
Passion: Huguenot Presbyterian Youth Mission Trip

The Rev. Jacob Bolton writes, "Youth from Huguenot Church went to Philpsburg, Pennsylvania on a mission trip this past July.   Huguenot teamed up with Group Workcamps to pull off the amazing week of service.  Youth painted, roofed, built porches, and laid cement.

During a midweek worship service, one of our youth was moved to tears.  Many people offered him support, unsure why he was crying.  Upon hugging and comforting their friend, what other youth soon discovered was that their friend was crying because he was so happy.  He was so thankful for the opportunity to spend a week with friends in a new place.  He was thankful to serve alongside beloved members of his faith community.  His tears, his passion, washed over us, as we saw the energy and power of the Holy Spirit transform us as we communed even deeper with our God."  


Huguenot welcomes youth to participate in their trips no matter their church or religious affiliation.  Does your church "make room for mission?"  If so contact Noelle at [email protected] to let the presbytery know you'd welcome interested youth from other congregations.



Joy: HRP Participates in Small Church Residency Program

The PC(USA)'s Small Church Residency Program was established in 2009 and pairs small, underserved congregations in rural, small-town and urban settings with recent seminary graduates.  It is a timely and innovative program focused on spiritual, vocational and congregational transformation. Presbyterian News Service just published an article about this dynamic program called Ecstatic and Enthusiastic in which Susan Andrews says HRP is,"eager to continue to nurture and mentor those new to pastoral ministry and to change as a result of the fresh vision and skill they bring to us."   Learn more about the Small Church Residency Program.

PAYLATrainings and Retreats

PanAfrican Youth Leadership Prayer Summit, Aug. 30

A sign in Ferguson, MO

The Pan African Youth Leadership Academy sent this message this week,


The troubling events taking place in Ferguson, Missouri resulting from the heartbreaking death of Michael Brown have prompted strong passions and deep concern among our young people, especially racial ethnic and immigrant youth. 


The leaders of the PAYLA (Pan African Youth Leadership Academy) Project have decided not to have a youth summit as planned, instead we will use this venue to invite key clergy and youth leaders like you to join us for a time of prayer and reflection.  


This is in response to President Obama's appeal to our nation to set aside a time of prayer and community reflection and "to talk with one another in a way that heals, not in a way that wounds."


We extend an invitation for you to attend the PAYLA Prayer Summit on Saturday, August 30th from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. at Holmes Presbyterian Camp on Denton Lake Rd, Holmes, NY.  Read more.



Faith For a Fair NY Interfaith Retreat, Sept. 16-17

Every community is impacted by social and economic injustice.  Every one of us has the power to act for justice.  You are invited to learn and take action with other justice lasers as part of an interfaith retreat, jointly organized by the Labor-Religion Coalition of NYS, NYS Council of Churches, Reform Jewish Voice of NY, the NYS Episcopal Policy Network, and NYS Interfaith Impact.

The retreat will be held at the Dominican Retreat Center in Niskayuna, NY and provide a unique opportunity for people of faith throughout the state to come together to build relationships and work towards meaningful change on issues of social and economic justice. Learn more.



A Weekend Focused on Christian Witness and Advocacy, Sept. 27-28
Save the date for Changing the Conversation: Claiming Our Voice, Sept. 27-28, a weekend during which we will explore why and how we are called to employ our unique Christian voice to bring about change in the world.  Learn more about ways your congregation can participate with this 2-page flyer.

A conference on Saturday from 9:00am-3:30pm at Stony Point Center will feature J. Herbert Nelson, Director of the PC(USA)'s Office of Public Witness and Mark Koenig, Director of the PC(USA)'s Ministry at the United Nations. They will help us think theologically about advocacy and discuss ways we can engage government, corporations, denominations, congregations and individuals through Presbyterian witness.  The cost is $25 for the program, lunch and coffee.  And on Sunday Sept. 28, a presbytery-wide worship opportunity through video technology is being planned.  Stay tuned for more details and share the flyer!

The Art of Transitional and Interim Ministry, Oct. 13-17
The Art of Transitional and Interim Ministry seeks to be a space for learning, encouragement and learning for pastoral leaders engaged, or discerning a vocation, with congregations in transition and interim periods.  During this one week session at Princeton Theological Seminary you can explore either a basic skills or an advanced track.  HRP's own Gavin Meeks is one of the leaders in this program that will equip and inspire pastoral leaders interested or already engaged in such ministry.  Learn more.

Just Eating, A Food Justice Conference, Oct. 18

Food choices matter. They matter to the workers in the field, to the sustainability of our environment, and to the health of our communities. Join Hudson River Presbytery at Holmes Presbyterian Camp and Conference Center for a full day of workshops aimed at making connections between food, faith and the environment. The workshops will build knowledge, explore best practices, and leave you with concrete strategies for engaging in community building ministries that address issues of hunger, equity, and the environment.  Share the flyer.

Conference Registration is $20 and includes breakfast and lunch. Keynote address from the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW). CIW is a worker-based human rights organization and a partner of the PC(USA) that is internationally recognized for its achievements in the fields of corporate social responsibility, community organizing, and sustainable food. For more information please email [email protected].


New Officer Training Resources for Ruling Elders

Ruling elders workbooks from the series are now available from the Being Reformed: Faith Seeking Understanding series are now available from Congregational Ministries Publishing of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).  HRP's own Susan Andrews is a contributor to these important volumes that assist ruling elders in their discernment, election and exercise of their office, explore what it means to be a "transformational leader," and provide a foundational understanding of the Reformed faith.  

Sea Kayaking in the Bahamas: An Eco-Travel Seminar

The Center for Lifelong Learning at Columbia Theological Seminary announces a unique experiential learning opportunity combining primitive island camping, kayaking on open water, the study of environmental ethics, and time for spiritual renewal.


Sea Kayaking in the Bahamas will take place December 30, 2014 - January 6, 2015. Trip leaders are Mark Douglas, professor of Christian Ethics at the seminary, and Steve Harrington, senior pastor at Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church, Sunnyvale, CA. They share a keen interest in environmental issues and appreciation for the power of the wilderness to transform life and renew the spirit. Douglas has spent his lifetime engaged in outdoor activities, and Harrington has been leading adventure trips for more than 31 years in a variety of settings.  For a complete description of the travel seminar, including registration information, please read the event brochure here.  Registration must be completed and deposit received by October 30.

Take ActionIraq

Help Families in Iraq forced from their home by IS

More than 1.5 million people are in need of urgent humanitarian assistance in Iraq after fleeing the violence and religious persecution that the Islamic State (IS) has inflicted upon large portions of northern and western Iraq. The country is now contending with one of the largest internal displacements in the world.  You can help through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance:  Give, Act, Pray.



Help Furnish the RMM Youth Economic Group Office

Thanks to the wonderful efforts from a number of congregations and volunteers, the renovation of the new home for the Youth Economic Group (in the parsonage of the Liberty United Methodist Church) is coming along.  It is so beautiful!!!   Now we are ready to furnish it.  This is where RMM can use your help.  RMM is asking congregations to "adopt" a room.  Learn more. RMM/YEG hopes to have the office complete by October.


How Will You be Marking Orange Day?

On the 25th of each month, the United Nations has asked people around the world to wear orange to increase awareness about violence against women and girls and to increase commitment to ending it. Perhaps your congregation is already participating in Orange Day or looking for ideas.  On Sunday, August 24, members of the White Plains Presbyterian Church will be participating (for the second year) in Congo Swim.  Last year, following the church service, members ran through a sprinkler, tied orange ribbons on a tree out front, and wrote letters to Congress urging the implementation of US Public Law 109-456 which promotes democracy and the withdrawal of military aid from any government seen to support armed groups that destabilize the Congo and commit atrocities against the people.  This year they'll be doing it again and then members will be wearing orange the next day (8/25) and spreading the word.  How will you be marking orange day?  Let us know by emailing [email protected] and share photos on HRP's Facebook Page.



Respond with Compassion to Unaccompanied Children from Central America

Here are some suggested resources from Sarah Henkel, HRP's Cross-Cultural Catalyst:  minute for mission and call to action that you can adapt for use in your congregation.  This minute for mission includes an opportunity to donate to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.  The  Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)'s Office of Immigration provides many helpful resources for education and worship focused on immigration.  These resources help to build an informed, biblical foundation for responding to the unaccompanied children seeking safety at the border. 

People's Climate March, NYC, Sept. 21

Climate change poses an enormous threat to God's creation, and people of faith must respond. And the People's Climate March, taking place in NY in September, is our chance to lead by standing with people from different faith traditions to demand that our government do its part to address this critical issue. 


During September the UN will host an historic gathering of world leaders for its Climate Change Summit. These leaders will be gathered to develop a plan for addressing one of the most important challenges facing the world today, climate change. And so people from around the country are gathering in New York City on September 21, 2014 to march and let the world leaders know that we are watching and that we expect them to deliver an agreement that pushes for critical reductions in the use of global warming pollutants.  Click here for information on the march, HRP's involvement, the interfaith planning breakfast on 8/25, and to order HRP t-shirts that proclaim "Climate Changed.  Have we?" for the march and beyond! Following the march on 9/21 there will be a multi-faith service at 6pm at St. John the Divine.  Read more. 



The Hamada Project

Through The Hamada Project, individuals, families and churches can send soccer balls and letters of hope to children in these refugee camps.  This is not just a toy; it is a concrete way for children to grow developmentally and is a first step to other educational offerings.  The letters messages of "you are not alone, keep the hope" allow children to know they are not forgotten and that their well-being matters to people here in the US.  Soccer balls and letters can be dropped off at Stony Point Center.  Read The Hamada Project brochure.  


This project was developed by Fouad Abdulameer, a participant in Stony Point Center's Young Adult Summer Institute at the Community of Living Traditions.  Fouad is available to speak to congregations, PW groups, youth groups and church councils.  He may be reached at 774-823-4583 or

[email protected]


Reflection/Action Trips with Presbyterian Hunger Program

Join the Presbyterian Hunger Program for one of their experiential trips which analyze the root causes of hunger and poverty while calling participants to engage in solidarity actions with our local and global partners. The deadlines for applications for upcoming trips to India, Bolivia, Peru, and Central America are quickly approaching. Don't miss out! Learn more.


WhatKidsCanDoFor Youth and Children
Devotional Resource on Psalms for Children and Families

Calvin Institute for Christian Worship has made, Psalms for Families, a Christian devotional available online.  Read more.  It features readings, reflections, and activities for parents, teens and children to do together.


Send Soccer Balls and Notes to Refugee Children
Read about The Hamada Initiative to send soccer balls and notes of encouragement to children in refugee camps on the Iraq and Syrian borders.  This is a great opportunity to have a youth-directed mission effort in your congregations.  Learn more.
Making Room 4 Mission
Pastor Ann Wood of First Presbyterian Church, Jeffersonville, made a wonderful suggestion that churches who have planned mission trips but might have room additional participants let the HRP office know so that youth from smaller churches who may not otherwise have an opportunity might participate.  So we're going to try to compile and publish a list of such opportunities (see below for the first one!)  If you have room on your mission trip, send the information to [email protected].

Resource for Education, Liturgy, Justice and more!
Men in the Mirror      

Violence against women and children is often framed as a woman's issue. We know, however, that it is a human issue for men and women to work together to eradicate. Presbyterian men have a particular role in this movement. Learn more about a new curriculum designed for men's study by the Rev. Kevin Fredrick, Moderator of Presbyterians against Domestic Violence Network.  



Earth Care Resources for All Ages

Don't miss these resources for children, youth and adults from the PC(USA)'s Environmental Ministries. They're a great way to prepare for the People's Climate March on Sept. 21st!  



Belhar Confession Study Resource

The 221st General Assembly voted to send the Belhar Confession to the presbyteries to vote on whether it will be included in the Book of Confessions   The Belhar Confession emerged from South Africa as a witness of Christian faith against the sins of racism. Penned in 1982, the confession has been adopted by many denominations, including the Reformed Church in America.  


A new Study Guide, written by Cynthia Holder Rich, explores what it means to be a confessional church and to meet and confess our faith in the face of racism in its various forms with Being Reformed:  The Confession of BelharThis introductory six-session study focuses on the major themes of unity, reconciliation, and justice in the context of the Church's Trinitarian belief.  Order it now!



Celebrate Theological Education Sunday, September 21

Who will equip the saints for the work of ministry...? (Eph. 4:12):  It takes seminaries and churches together ... to recognize God's call in a person's life offer prayer and impart wisdom and a love of provide a sound theological education...and to prepare faith-filled pastoral leaders for the church of Jesus Christ. 


On Sunday, September 21, lift up theological education in worship.  Use these liturgical resources from the PC(USA). Share your own story of call.  Invite a seminarian to preach.  Create a display of resources from our Presbyterian Seminaries and the Theological Education Fund.  Invite your congregation to take a virtual seminary tour! Learn more about the ministry of the Fund for a Theological Education.  For more ideas or printed resources please contact Lawrence Bartel, the Theological Education Fund representative for the Presbytery by calling (315) 369-3475 or emailing  [email protected].



Evangelism Sunday Resources for Sept. 28

Get ready for Evangelism Sunday, September 28, 2014-our theme: We are both a Sent and a "Scent" people called to share the fragrance of Jesus Christ with those around us. Materials include an introduction, worship and liturgy materials, and a free sample from our Engage Mission curriculum-to encourage you as you intentionally gather for worship to be sent into your neighborhoods. Read more.


HRGoodNewsEvents in the Life of the Presbytery
The Farm at Holmes Pig Roast Fundraiser, Sept. 6

Come on up to Holmes on Saturday, Sept. 6 from 3:00pm - Closing Campfire.  This Old Fashioned Pig Roast (chicken too) features renowned 'Roast-master' Gary ChichesterFresh-from-our-Farm produce, Square Dance with caller David Akin, Silent Auction, Kids Games (ages 6 to 96), campfire and more!  Adults- $100 each, Kids 12-16 yrs.- $25, Kids under 12- Free. 


Rain or shine (under our tent if needed). Tickets on sale now thru Aug. 15th at the Farm or at the Camp Office, [email protected], 845-548-6117.


HRP Fall 2014 Events Flyer

Download the pdf of HRP's Fall Upcoming Events for an overview of the exciting opportunities coming this fall.  It's a great resource for your congregation to learn more about the life and witness of the presbytery.



Free MFA Events on Prison Justice this Fall
The Masters of Fine Arts program at Manhattanville College is proud to host a series of extraordinary events this fall with acclaimed Kenyan author Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Democracy Now host Amy Goodman, and a prison writing symposium with Joy James & Randall Horton. All events take place in Manhattanville College's historic Reid Castle and are free & open to the public.  And just today a screening of "Amazing Grace" has just been added, featuring a conversation with Hans Hallundbaek, HRP's coordinator of the Presbytery Prisoner Partnership.  Read more and spread the word.
Seeking and Finding
Free Organ
For some time, First Presbyterian Church, Florida, NY (Orange County) has been storing the organ which was once in the former Amity church.  Florida now wants to renovate the "back" building in which it is stored and turn it into a food pantry.  The organ is available for free to any church or individual.  All of the pieces are present but it will require some work as it is reassembled.  The Florida church recommends using Elsener Organ from Long Island City as a highly qualified restorer. Contact FPC at (845) 651-4117.

Blue PC(USA) Hymnals Offered for Free 
The First Presbyterian Church in Goshen has about 200 good copies of the blue Presbyterian Hymnal, free to anyone who could use them.  Contact D.C. Kingsley at [email protected].



Pilgrim Hymnals Available for Free
South Church has approximately 200 copies of the Pilgrim Hymnal available to anyone who can put them to good use. Please contact Jane Ann Groom at [email protected].

Excellent Quality Wood Pews Available for Free
Larchmont Presbyterian has 14, 9 foot, blonde wood pews that are very sturdy and seeking church in need of them.  If you're that church, contact Paul Galvez, [email protected]. 

Employment Opportunities and Connections

Coordinator for Congregational Life

The Larchmont Avenue Church (LAC) is seeking a Part-Time Coordinator for Congregational Life (CCL). LAC is a vibrant, multi-generational Presbyterian congregation of 700 members located in southern Westchester County, NY.  The CCL will work directly with the church's two pastors and members in programs and activities welcoming newcomers; engaging members in congregational life via developing group ministries; and emerging efforts with the congregation's connection and communication via social media. 
Interpersonal abilities, creativity, organizational skills, and a degree of tech knowledge are required. The position is an initiative of LAC's Centennial Project, as a three-year project; beyond that, assessment will be made as to further staffing. The CCL is a 20 hour per week, part-time position; salary at $30K per year.  Contact: Rev. Dr. Bill Crawford, 914-834-1800 x 308, [email protected]. 


Church Office Manager, Mt. Kisco

The Presbyterian Church of Mount Kisco seeks an office manager to oversee a busy church office.  Skills needed in supervision of staff and volunteers, computer (Word, Publisher, Powerpoint, Outlook, Excel), record keeping, scheduling, purchasing and creating a welcoming environment for visitors and members.  Experience in non-profit/church office setting desirable.

Position is salaried, four days per week with paid vacation.  Send cover letter and resume to [email protected].



Part-time Bookkeeper, Bedford Presbyterian

Bedford Presbyterian Church in Bedford, NY is looking for a part-time book keeper on a part-time basis.   Hours are flexible and the church is open to creating a flexible work environment for the right candidate.  The position provides key support to our Senior Pastor and Treasurer/Finance Committee. Learn more


Assistant to Pastor Seeking 20 or so Hours a Week

Brian McIntyre, the assistant to Dan Fullerton at FPC Ossining, is hoping you can help identify employment opportunities within the Presbytery, or for the Presbytery, or with affiliated churches and organizations that might be suitable for him.  He has limited hours but is looking to expand his experience working within the wider church.  Have an idea?  Contact Brian directly:  [email protected]



Synod Networker Position

The Synod of the Northeast is seeking someone who will connect individuals, churches, and/or presbyteries sharing a common passion; encourage and promote the development of Synod networks; and become a storyteller, sharing stories of hope, innovation and growth throughout the Synod.  This will be a full-time position with benefits. Learn more.  


The Rev. Noelle Damico
Director of Communications
Hudson River Presbytery
[email protected]