Albertideation Medium
Albert & Baby Goat
Enjoying Spring & the cherry blossoms by the Willamette River - photo by Edis Jurcys
The Eleven: April 2013
Welcome to this month's The Eleven, my newsletter where I share what I'm thinking and doing and make a recommendation of actions you might take to move the world forward. This month's edition is brought to you by the letter "F" for Flouride. The Portland City Council has put whether or not we'd like flouride added to the purest, clearest, cleanest water on the planet on the ballot next month. Your actions, if you so choose are:
  1. If you live in Portland, register to vote, or if you are in any doubt  make sure your registration is current 
  2. Learn about the issue if you don't know enough to cast an intelligent vote. 
  3. If you live outside of the Portland Metro area - you still might like to learn about the issue - and, feel free to encourage your PDX friends to do steps 1 & 2.
I can only be in so many places at once, and lately between working out (yeah, I re-joined the gym!) and helping publicize the upcoming Village Building Convergence 13 in late May, and teaching the world how to use social media and email marketing, and a few other projects, I'm feeling a bit squeezed. So, I thought I'd share my thoughts about the flouride issue through song. Please enjoy! This is a tune I learned years ago - by Bill Staines, a brilliant song-writer and troubadour - the song is called "River". Here's Bill singing it.  
Many of my friends in the dance community have been active on the issue and I believe if we pull together we might just win this one. I'm afraid we won't get a second chance, so it's stand up and fight we must. Thanks for your consideration. Clean Water Portland can also use any financial help it can get. Donate here.  

It's a beautiful time to be living in Portland, Oregon. Everything is in bloom, the Birthday Garden is getting going, my Farm My Yard project has a few new volunteers helping out and the weather is erratic and shoots are starting to pop up out of the ground. It's a time of growth, the Earth, seeds, trees and living things making themselves known in many ways after a long, rainy Winter. I have a lot to be grateful for.

Take care, and thanks for being there.

With deep gratitude,

Albert Kaufman
Albertideation Medium


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