University Unitarian Church eNewsletter
March 7, 2025
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This Sunday, March 9
Worship services at 9:30 and 11:15 a.m. in the chapel and via livestream
Aria Curtis, Director of Family Ministry, will lead the services which will focus on Our Whole Lives (OWL) and the importance of comprehensive sexuality education at UUC.
Music by the Loft Choir; Rick Scheyer, baritone; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Our Second Sunday Plate will go to Wa Na Wari (see below).
Order of Service
(More info on Sunday worship at the bottom of this newsletter)
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It’s that time of year where we, once again, commit to the life and work of UUC by submitting an annual pledge. A pledge is your stated financial commitment to support UUC’s operating budget for our next church year which runs July 1, 2025–June 30, 2026.
Our draft budget for the 2025-2026 church year is $1.7 million. To support this, our giving campaign this year needs to raise $1.4 million in pledges from UUC members and friends. The ministries and programming of UUC are funded almost entirely by the donations of its supporters. Our endowment, program fees, and other donations will provide additional revenue to support this budget. [Continue reading]
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Board Listening Sessions: Minister Emeritus
Sunday, March 9, 10:30–11:15 a.m. in Knatvold
Sunday, March 16, 10:30–11:15 a.m. in Knatvold
Sunday, March 23, 12:45–2 p.m. in Knatvold
During our June 2024 Annual Congregational Meeting, the Board of Trustees agreed to follow UUA guidance regarding pursuit of Minister Emeritus status for Rev. Jon Luopa. The Board would like to hear your views on this matter, so we will be hosting listening sessions on the next three Sundays. These sessions will allow you an opportunity to comment and listen to others’ comments. [Continue reading]
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Tent City 3 Is Returning and We Need Volunteers |
As most of you know, Tent City 3 (TC3) will soon be returning to UUC, beginning March 22 and ending July 26. As we did two years ago, we will provide some space in our parking lot, as well as electricity and water for the country’s longest running self-governed and city-sanctioned camp for unhoused people. We also will have the opportunity to be in solidarity with them.
You may recall that TC3 is quite different from random homeless camps. To begin, it has strict rules of conduct, including no drugs or violence. Members are required to participate in leadership, security, cleanup, donation collection or other aspects of community life. Rule-breakers are asked to leave. [Continue reading]
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Nominations for Ministerial Search Committee: What You Need to Know |
UUC Board of Directors
Sooraj Kuttykrishnan and Lora Poepping, Board Members
Very few things that a congregation does affect it as greatly, or are as important, as the choice of a minister. Wonderful ministerial-congregational matches provide new life and purpose to a community and help lead well into the future.
The UUC Board of Directors is pleased to take the lead on the nomination and selection process of our Ministerial Search Committee. While the Board takes the lead, YOU are an integral part of this important process. [Continue reading]
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Dialogue Group: Our Congregation According to Congregants
Thursday, March 13, 7:00–8:45 p.m. in Knatvold
All are welcome to join us as we discuss what congregants have to say about our congregation. Last year, the UUC Board conducted a series of listening sessions to hear how congregants answered five key questions, and we’ll be discussing the results. Board members asked us what’s thriving at UUC, what needs attention, how to foster meaningful engagement, and more. Members of the Board met with fourteen groups and recorded what was said. For this session, we’ll be discussing congregants’ answers and what those answers mean for our beloved community. The Board did us all a big service by holding these listening sessions, and now we can learn what our fellow congregants have to say about our church. [Continue reading]
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Wise Women Connecting Potluck
Friday, March 14, 4–6 p.m. in the Knatvold room
Join other women of retirement age from the church at a social event in the Knatvold room. Bring a food dish to share, and be prepared to share smiles, ideas, experiences and goodwill with like minded UUC women. Some WWC Friends are new to the church and many are long time members. It is a really nice mix of experiences. We welcome all. [Continue reading]
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Faith In Action: Join UUC's Family Ministry in Welcoming Tent City 3
Saturday, March 15, 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. in Channing
RSVP through UUC Connect
Help us gather supplies for this effort by purchasing something from the wishlist.
UUC community members of alll ages are invited to gather for this meaningful service and community-building opportunity. We will spend our time putting together personal care kits, to give to folks living in Tent City 3 (TC3), to welcome them to the neighborhood. [Continue reading]
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Interim Congregational Conversation
Saturday, March 15, in person; or Wednesday, March 19, online
Who are we now? What is the future asking of us?
One of the most essential conversations we will have in the interim is to seek the core of why UUC exists, especially in light of the world in which we live.
On Saturday, March 15 (in person at UUC), or on Wednesday evening, March 19 (an abbreviated session on Zoom), we will gather for a conversation that invites you to explore the core qualities of the congregation, your hopes for who you will seek to serve in the coming years, and what the intersection of your values and what is happening in the world now asks of this congregation specifically. [Continue reading]
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Pink Haven Coalition Meeting
Sunday, March 16, 1 p.m. in Knatvold
The Pink Haven Coalition is a national coalition responding to the treatment of trans and non-binary individuals who need gender-affirming care. The UUC group is part of this effort, in partnership with Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, to create a support network for trans/non-binary individuals and their families who must travel outside their home environments to continue receiving care.
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Death of The Rev. Patrick O'Neill |
We are saddened to announce the death of the Rev. Dr. Patrick O'Neill. Patrick was UUC's first ministerial intern in 1977, and then ordained at UUC in 1979. He went on to serve well and faithfully as a parish minister in several UU churches. In recent years, Patrick, along with wife, Patricia Williams, became UUC members after retiring and returning to Seattle. [Continue reading]
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Daylight Savings Time Begins March 9
Don't forget to set your
clocks forward.
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Second Sunday Plate to Wa Na Wari
Sunday, March 9
UUC’s Second Sunday Plate collections serve as a direct expression of our faith through justice and service work. This month's Second Sunday Plate will go to support the Art Program at Wa Na Wari. This non-profit organization provides an inspirational haven of community, which builds hope through black ownership and celebrating art and culture. Wa Na Wari nurtures connection and creativity, through a variety of art forms and events. This is the third year that University Unitarian Church has offered Wa Na Wari our support. [Continue reading]
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Care Team Asks "How Can We Help You?" | |
The UUC Care Team serves people in the UUC community when they encounter illness, grief, medical events, and other life issues. We all need a little help sometimes. If you find yourself needing a listening ear or a little help, please email the Care Team or leave a message on our confidential voicemail at (206) 454-7722. We are trained lay volunteers. We check for messages twice daily and keep your information confidential.
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Communities Rising
Wednesday, March 12, 7–9 p.m. in Nathan Johnson Hall; please preregister
Communities Rising is back to meet this moment after a four-year pause!
We come together to energize and connect with each other to see what is ours to do. When we build community and organize, we can share resources, find personal direction, draw on diverse skill sets, support and inspire each other, and discover ways to become more resilient with the challenges facing us. [Continue reading]
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Sound Alliance Local Power Strategy Session
Saturday, March 15, 4:00–6:00 p.m. at the Seattle Labor Temple
On March 15 over 100 leaders will gather for a Sound Alliance Local Power Strategy Session. You're invited.
Across the Puget Sound region, we want to stand together against division and build the power needed to support our families and communities. Community, faith, labor, social service, and other organizations will come together to develop new and deeper relationships, build trust in a time of isolation, and start working on a plan to move toward action from a place of power in 2025. [Continue reading]
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Open Hands, Open Hearts:
A Fundraiser for the United Churches Emergency Fund
Saturday, March 15, 2 p.m. at Haller Lake Methodist Church
[Continue reading]
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Sunday, March 16
All Ages worship services. Music by the All Voices Choir; Cally Lindenmier, mezzo; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday, March 23
Rev. Beth Chronister will lead the services. Music by the Loft Choir; Camille Watson, soprano; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
Sunday, March 30
Rev. Beth Chronister and Alex Kapitan will lead the services. Music by the Bell and Loft Choirs; Rick Scheyer, baritone; and Dwight Beckmeyer, piano.
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Sunday Worship at 9:30 and 11:15 a.m.
Join us for our Sunday morning services at 9:30 and 11:15 our chapel or via our live stream.
Click here for information on Sunday programs for children and youth.
Current health safety protocols at UUC: Facemasks are optional but welcomed, especially while singing. For the well-being of everyone in our community, please STAY HOME if you have cold or flu-like symptoms, even if you're sure it’s "just a cold."
UUC monitors Public Health – Seattle & King County COVID-19 data dashboards and advisories, updating our health safety protocols accordingly. We also consult CDC About COVID-19 resources to inform our decisions. We additionally track Washington State Department of Public Health Resources and Recommendations for Business and Workers for guidance around COVID-19 safeguards for staff and visitors.
Please continue to check in at a kiosk or on the paper sign-in sheet when entering the building. This helps us better understand attendance on Sundays and for programs and meetings throughout the week. If you would like to be added to our email list for church-wide announcements, please include your email address and phone number on the paper sign-in sheet.
Click here for more information about Sunday mornings.
The Gateway eNewsletter is sent out each Friday. Announcements received by 9 a.m. Tuesday will be included each week.
Email submissions to Please put the date and name of your event in the Subject: line of the email.
Click here to subscribe. (There is an Unsubscribe link below.)
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(206) 525-8400 | | | | | |