Grace is a church that says “YES!”,

boldly answering Jesus’ call to “Love your neighbor”

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Easter Eggs Candy Donations

Be a part of our annual Egg Hunt by donating candy! We will soon be stuffing hundreds of eggs with candy in preparation for the Egg Hunt. We’ll need individual pieces of candy for each egg to be stuffed.

To participate donate your candy after any Sunday service. Make sure your candy is individually wrapped and small enough to fit in a plastic Easter egg.

Here are some options of acceptable donations:

– Starbursts (snack sized)

– Skittles (snack sized)

– Laffy Taffy (snack sized)

– Krabby Patty Gummies

– Tootsie Roll Eggs




The Rite of Reconciliation

Dear Grace,

If sin weighs heavily on your conscience; if you want to grow in grace and the love of God and your neighbor; if you seek spiritual counsel for an issue or sin that you can't seem to shake; if you want to enter Easter season with a pure conscience, confident in God's mercy and pardon, then Mother Suzanne encourages you to avail yourself of the Rite of Reconciliation. Confess your sins openly without fear of judgement, and hear God's good word of pardon and absolution. Please email to schedule an appointment

Rite of Reconciliation


Lent Madness Continues!

Mechthild Wins!

(And I cannot think of a pun)

Next UP: Onesimus vs Philip, Deacon and Evangelist

Learn All About Lent Madness
Download Your Scorecard Here

Three Ways To Participate

Points Bracket (HARD)
Percentage Bracket (Medium)
Saintly 16 Percentage Bracket (Easy)

(Nobody told me the buttons weren't working!!! They are now)

We will be talking about the Saints for the week updating the brackets every Wednesday during our Lenten Soup Suppers.


Taize Prayer

Join Us On Wednesday

5:30 - 6 PM

In lieu of a Lenten Book Study, this year all are encouraged to attend Wednesday Taize Prayer


Also on Wednesday 6-7 PM

Lots of great feedback on our new format for Lenten Soup Supper, with the medley of four soups to try. Many thanks to our Soup Supper hosts, the DeLeon Family! More opportunities to "take something on" during Lent! We've grown from six soup chefs to twenty-four!

Brooks Short will be back again this year with his delicious artisanal breads. Here is your Lenten Soup line up:


Join us on Friday at 6 PM for

Stations of the Cross


Next Opportunity for Baptisms -

Easter Sunday, April 20

E. S. Atkinson was licensed as the first lay reader of Grace Church. Friends of Mr. Atkinson’s parents in Brooklyn, New York, sent the baptismal font in memory of Mr. Atkinson’s parents John Paxton Atkinson and Mary Brown Atkinson. It is the marble font we still have. 


Next Bishops Visitation Sunday, May 11

Mother's Day


The Second Sunday of Lent

March 16, 2025

  • Click Here For The Church Calendar
  • Click Here For The Server Schedule
  • Click Here For The A/V Guild Schedule
  • Click Here For The Parish Directory - please download and check for accuracy
  • The Prayer list is now merged with the Worship Bulletin linked below



It is okay to go into the wilderness, however scary; God will be there with us, supporting and guiding us. When we struggle with God, God wants us to win. God wants us to proclaim those joyful and triumphant words, “I have seen God face to face, and I live.”


Br. Geoffrey TristramSociety of Saint John the Evangelist

Click Here To Read More    

When we begin to open, to be present to our lives here and now, miracles start happening. One of the deepest miracles is that you let drop a neurotic habit, or a source of pain and suffering that you have perhaps carried for 20 years or more. You see it, you understand it, you reframe it in a larger context—and suddenly it lets go - the eneagram institute -  



ADDITIONAL WAYS TO SERVE AT GRACE: Looking for ways to plug in at Grace, meet new people, and contribute to the beauty of our worship? Sign up for one of our ministry teams: Ushers, Lectors, Lay Eucharistic Ministers, Acolytes, Altar Guild, Audio & Video, Hospitality, or Coffee Hour. Click here to let Mother Suzanne know.


Parish Finances

Regular giving towards your pledge to our ministry budget empowers our mission and ministry. Thank you.

You can give via online giving, bank ACH, mailed checks, or checks deposited in the offering plate or church mailbox. We encourage all regular givers to consider setting up automated online giving via your bank or on our website here.

Click Here To Give Online


Click Here For Sunday Worship Bulletin And Prayer List
Please help us conserve resources by downloading to your mobile device or printing ahead of time and bringing it along with you to church
  • Morning Prayer Rite II, Led by Community Missioner Ed Carrette
  • The service will also be live-streamed via YouTube - a musical prelude will begin at 8:50 a.m.
  • 3 ways to Give today: Text the word ¨Fund¨ to 844-943-0932 to give via text, download and use the Vanco Mobile* app from the Google or Apple App Store, or visit the link below. Alternatively, you can mail a check to the church office at 112 W. Lang, Alvin TX 77511
Click Here To View Service on YouTube
Click Here To Give Online
Click Here To Download Vanco Mobile App From Google Play Store
Click Here To Download Vanco Mobile App From Apple App Store

The coffee hour hosts sign up sheet will be available in the parish hall kitchen every Sunday. You can also contact Anna Arendell at

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast
Or you can find The Preaching Moment on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify.

The Rector's Bible Study

Mother Suzanne teaches an interactive and engaging class. We continuing a study of the book of Revelation. All are welcome, regardless of your knowledge of the Bible.

Noonday Prayer Around the World

On Wednesday, let's pause together as we join our prayers with brothers and sisters around the world via Zoom and Facebook Live.

Beginning at 11:55 you can log in to Zoom here (passcode 032547) to join us as an active participant in the prayers. Or if you prefer, just follow along via Facebook Live beginning promptly at 12:00 PM this coming Wednesday, Book of Common Prayer beginning on page 103, which you can download ahead of time here. 

Wednesday Sanctuary Choir Practice

The Grace Sanctuary Choir rehearses Wednesdays 7:00–8:00 pm and sings each Sunday at the 9:00 am Sunday Worship Service and on some Holy Days (the choir meets 30 minutes before each of these services).

This group is open. Contact our Organist and Music Director, Paul Humphrey to meet and learn more about our choir -

Celebrating Five Years

Next Church in the Streets

Mobile Food Pantry

Thursday March 20, 2025

Click on the arrow above to watch our

Thursday Mobile Food Pantry story

Please consider volunteering, even if just for an hour - we could use your help. We begin setting up at 7:00 am and distribution ends at 12 Noon. Clean-up follows that. We especially need volunteers for deliveries to the homebound and to help with tear down and clean up starting at around 11:30.

Your Food Ministry Statistics

From Harriet Sturgeon

Weekly Update

The week of February 27, 2025, we distributed 8,307 pounds (0ver 4 tons) of food to 277 families, including 39 homebound deliveries, totaling 831 people. We welcomed 10 new families. This was all made possible by the 64 volunteers (including drivers) who showed up to make it happen.

Monthly Update -


For February, we distributed 89,486 pounds of food to 1,145 families, including 234 homebound deliveries, totaling 3,231 people. We welcomed 65 new families. This was all made possible by the 226 volunteers (including drivers) who showed up to make it happen.


Through the end of February, we distributed 249,662 pounds of food from the Houston Food Bank to 2,314 families, with 105 new families coming to us for food. We made a total of 473 deliveries. The total number of individuals served is 6,574. It required 514 volunteers to pull this off!


As of the end of December 2024, we distributed 837,473 pounds of food from the Houston Food Bank to 13,036 families, with 632 new families coming to us for food. We made a total of 3,046 deliveries. The total number of individuals served is 37,344. It required 2,968 volunteers to pull this off!

The Catholic Daughters of

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church

Fill The Bowl Ministry

876 meals prepared in February

Total Meals Delivered To Grace in 2024


Volunteers Needed From 9 AM - 1 PM

Sunday Card Ministry
Have you noticed the cards on the table as you enter the church on Sunday? Well, one of our parishioners sets these cards out for us to sign and send a greeting to someone we may not have seen in a while, or someone who is ill.

Please take a minute as you come in, or before you leave to sign the cards and maybe write a brief note.



Almighty and most merciful God, we remember before you

all poor and neglected persons whom it would be easy for us

to forget: the homeless and the destitute, the old and the sick,

and all who have none to care for them. Help us to heal those

who are broken in body or spirit, and to turn their sorrow

into joy. Grant this, Father, for the love of your Son, who for

our sake became poor, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

BCP - Prayers and Thanksgivings #35

Grace is committed to helping those in need, including vulnerable children, the unhoused, and those experiencing food insecurity. To learn how you can get involved, check our website or send us an email

1st Sunday

Did you know that the loose plate offering on the first Sunday of each month goes to the Rector’s Discretionary Fund? This fund is used, at the Rector’s discretion, to assist the poor and indigent and to further the ministries of the church, not covered in the church budget. One of the main uses of this fund, at Grace, is to fund our Blessing Box and Blessing Refrigerator.
Birthdays & Anniversaries

You are invited to make a financial offering in honor of your birthday or anniversary. These offerings go to the Herrington fund, which provides scholarships to church conferences and camps for members of our church.  Your offering may be placed in this little basket beside the piano as you approach the Chancel steps.

Kroger Community Rewards

You can help support Grace by simply linking your Kroger Rewards Customer number to Grace. You only need to sign up once and you will earn rewards for the church with every shopping trip! You can enroll at any time, so please try to get your family and friends to sign up as well! Every time you make a Kroger purchase, Kroger will make a donation to Grace. (And you still receive your reward points)

Match Your Gift

Matching your gift is a great way to make a bigger impact. Many companies match cash gifts from employees to qualified non-profits. Some even match gifts from retirees or spouses. To find out if your company will match gifts to Grace, visit your Human Resources Department. The Parish Office can provide you with a copy of our IRS Letter of Determination and W9 should you need it.

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In case you hadn't noticed, we've expanded our social media presence to Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube