Friday, March 14, 2025 | Second Sunday in Lent | |
Dear People of St. Paul's,
We begin the season of Lent with Ash Wednesday, where we receive the imposition of ashes with the solemn words “remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” The ashes represent one of the ways in our Christian tradition that we remember that we are mortal human beings reliant on God for sustenance, guidance, and forgiveness.
But actively remembering that we are mortal is more than just acknowledging the reality of death. It is embracing an understanding of who we are as human. And human beings are indeed limited. Mortality may be our ultimate limitation, but we have many other things that limit our lives. We are limited by the health of our bodies, by our life circumstances, by our unique gifts and challenges, by our communities and the circumstances of our world. And while the world may sell us many hacks for how to avoid these vulnerabilities, the truth is we will always face the challenge of having limitations of control, agency, time, and capability.
But what happens if we accept our limitations rather than fighting against them? What if we learn to let go of the things we truly cannot control so that we can have more bandwidth to address the things we can? And what if accepting our limitations is the way we can truly discern what's most important and find the momentum to pursue those things with purpose and peace?
These are the very questions we are addressing together in our Lenten Soup Supper series! Over the next four weeks, we will be exploring these questions together, and if you happened to miss the first one, don’t worry! There’s plenty of soup, camaraderie and laughter to make such serious topics less intimidating and more approachable. And the gifts of such brave examination is more peace, more joy, more wisdom – all beautiful gifts of God that I pray each of us finds this Lent.
Mtr. Morgan
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We begin at 9:00 AM with:
Godly Play | Third Floor
Youth Formation | Third Floor
Adult Forum | Garden Room | Readings
And continue at 10:00 AM with:
Worship | Nave | Drop, drop, slow tears - Knecht (Guest musicians Sascha Groschang and Zsolt Eder)
- Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: Central States Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Kansas City, Missouri and the Spiritual Formation Commission
- Third Sunday healing prayers will be offered in the Tower Room during communion.
- Click here to view this week's readings
Children's Worship
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Find out more about what's happening at St. Paul's on our website.
To view the Sunday worship bulletin and join us for online worship, click here.
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Full calendar is available on our website.
Mar. 16: First Liturgy Talk with Kurt | After Service | Info Below
Mar. 16: Walnut Street Closed | Construction | Info Below
Mar. 19: Second Lenten Soup Supper | 5:30 PM | Info Below
Mar. 23: Book Group | A Flicker in the Dark | Info Below
Mar. 28: Steinway Dedication Concert | 7:00 PM | Info Below
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Action Required Now - Ordination & Consecration of New Bishop
On Saturday, May 3, Bishop-elect Amy Dafler Meaux will be ordained and consecrated the IX Diocesan Bishop of the Diocese of West Missouri. The liturgy will take place at 10:00am at Grace and Holy Trinity Cathedral. The diocese is requesting that anyone who is interested obtain a free ticket at this link ASAP. Without this ticket, they will not let you into the building.
It is customary for a new bishop to be presented several gifts that are symbol of their office including a ring, mitre (hat), crozier (long staff), and other items. If you would like to contribute to the fund to purchase these, please click here.
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Steinway Dedication Concert & Celebration
Friday, March 28 | 7:00 PM
Our Steinway Model B grand piano has finally reached its new home in our nave! Our acquisition of this world-class instrument was made possible by your generosity, and we are immensely thankful for the support of our community.
Join us Friday, March 28 at 7:00 PM as we dedicate this piano with a little concert and a reception. Our own Kurt Knecht will perform Chopin’s Piano Sonata No. 3 and an improvisation on a jazz standard, showcasing the versatility of this incredible instrument.
After the concert, stay for a catered reception with hors d’oeuvres, wine, and other refreshments in honor of those who helped make this vision a reality.
Come raise a glass and celebrate this exciting milestone with us!
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Walnut Street Construction Project Breaks Ground Today - Walnut Closed Sunday
St. Paul’s Day School is beginning a street calming project for Walnut Street that will help to create a safer environment on campus for all. During this first phase, two raised crosswalks and temporary signage will be added to Walnut Street. We expect this to break ground on March 14 and last from March 17-21. A second phase, which does not have a start date as of now, consists of adding bump outs on the north end of Walnut St. at 40th Street and the south end at 41st street. Permanent, lighted signage will also be part of this phase. This project was funded through the 2024 Fund-a-vision at the St. Paul’s Auction. During construction, that block of Walnut Street will be closed. After construction, access to the St. Paul’s campus will not be changed.
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Staff Update
Michael Scherer, our Hospitality/Maintenance Coordinator, has concluded his employment with us. We are grateful for his time with us. We will now begin searching for a new person to fulfill this important role.
As we begin the search for a new team member, we are refining the role to focus primarily on property upkeep, maintenance, and room/event setup. This will be a part-time position, with no Sunday responsibilities. A full job description will be available on our website next week.
If you know someone who may be interested in this vital role within our community, please reach out to Fr. Steven.
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A Thank You from Bishop Bruce
"Dear Steven and everyone at St. Paul's -
How do I even begin to thank you for your incredible generosity? Sending $3,935 to the Diocese of Los Angeles' Fire Relief fund - One Body, One Spirit - in my name makes me cry. Thank you so much!
I will never forget all the kindnesses you have shown me in my time in West Missouri!
Blessings, love, and many, many thanks!"
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Save the Date: Gumbo Fest at St. Paul's
On April 26th from 12-4 PM, St. Paul's will be the host for the Prospect KC's Gumbo Fest, with live music, vendors, and kids activities, too!
For more info, including tickets to attend or to register a gumbo cooking time, click here! St. Paul's attendees receive discounted tickets!
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Lent at St. Paul's
Lenten Soup Suppers
March 12th-April 9th, Wednesday evenings, 5:30-7:00 PM
Join us on Wednesday nights this Lenten season as we share a home-cooked meal and reflect on biblical wisdom and practical advice on how to embrace our limitations so we can make the most of the life we’ve been given. We will engage in practices that help focus on our attention and reflect together on befriending our fears, surrendering to life, and finding community along the way. Sign up to bring food, wine, and other necessities by clicking here!
Lenten Soup Suppers for Kids
March 12th-April 9th, Wednesday evenings, 5:30-7:00 PM
This year we are excited to welcome kids ages (5-11) to join us for Lenten Soup Suppers too! We will have healthy, kid-friendly dinner selections available, and after eating with parents and caregivers, kids are invited to join Mother Brittany and the Children's Ministry Team for an evening of games, crafts, and fun. Kids 12 and up are welcome to join as peer mentors for the younger kids.
Let Mtr. Brittany know you're coming to help her prepare - send her an email!
Seven Last Words Community Reflection
Fridays via email
Each Friday of the Lenten Season you may receive a reflection in your inbox on the Seven Last Words of Christ. These reflections are lovingly crafted each year by a member of the St. Paul's community, and it is a beautiful way to engage the Lenten season and the spiritual insights of people with whom we worship and serve.
If you want to receive this special series, please sign up here.
Liturgy Talks with Kurt Knecht
March 16, 30 and April 6, 13 after Sunday Liturgy
Following the postlude on these Sundays during the Lenten Season, join Kurt Knecht for a short interactive exploration of the liturgy. Topics we will delve into include the order of service, why certain texts are spoken or sung, and how our historical space and the liturgy serve to shape our spiritual lives. Come with curiosity and questions!
- March 16: The Architecture of St. Paul's
- March 30: Service of the Word, Part I
- April 6: Service of the Word, Part II
- April 13: Service of the Table to Dismissal
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Coffee Hour Refreshments
Many Sundays, St. Paul's depends on your generosity to provide snacks for fellowship after church at coffee hour. As more and more people attend both church and coffee hour, we are grateful for anything you may be able to provide. Fruit, cheese and crackers, small treats (store bought is just fine!) or really anything at all is more than welcome. Please bring it to the kitchen and grab a platter and leave it in the Parish Hall for after church. If you would like to sign up to host a coffee hour, please click here to sign up.
| | Touching the Soul Book Group - March! | |
A Flicker in the Dark by Stacy Willingham
Discussions: March 9 and 23
“Exceptionally smart, entertaining." - The Washington Post
Please join us in reading this edge-of-your-seat novel! We'll read through chapter 23 for our meeting on March 9th and finish the book on the 23rd.
Everyone is welcome! Come to the Archive Room on the third floor at 11:45 after coffee hour to join in the discussion. If you would like to join us by Zoom, please let Nancy Day know ahead of time. If you'd like to personally receive updates and discussion questions in advance, please register by emailing Nancy. Hope to see you there!
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The warmer weather let the Pantry Van operate outdoors last Saturday. Donations seem to find their new owners much more easily when we are outdoors. We will try a similar outdoor set up tomorrow at TEFAP for the first time.
Our guests were glad to see the array of kitchen and household items—the largest non-clothing selection we have had for awhile.
Thanks, donors. The brown trunk in the hallway leading to the food pantry, just past the elevator, welcomes your offerings.
| | First time Pantry visitor Charlie poses with me—the long and the short of it. | | Deborah was a long time Friday volunteer pre-pandemic. She returned last week to get groceries. | | New and nearly new baby gear made a hit amongst the donations. | |
Do you have something you think should be included in this email? Submit your request to the editor by 6:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. If your request is submitted after this cutoff, we may not be able to include it in the same week's edition. Thanks! |
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