Brothers and Sisters of the Diocese,

Yesterday's Ash Wednesday services marked the beginning of the Lenten season, a time of intensified prayer and fasting. As a diocese, we remain focused on key concerns and the ongoing development of several important initiatives, with leaders working diligently in each area. In this season of seeking the Lord’s will in His way, we invite you to join us in prayer and fasting each Thursday in Lent as a diocesan family. Each week, we will send a "Thursdays Together" reminder, highlighting specific concerns and initiatives for prayer and fasting.

This week, please join in prayer for:

1.) God's protection and provision during my travels

2.) The continued development of mission and ministry design teams

3.) The Diocesan Council's efforts to bring order and effectiveness to its ministry

4.) The Diocesan Ministry Team as they strive to embody communication, cooperation, collaboration (CCC)

5.) Ongoing church planting and residency development

6.) The continued growth of Hispanic Ministries

7.) The Diocesan School for Mission and Ministry as it expands and develops

Fasting is a spiritual practice that trains us to shift our focus from self-reliance to humble dependence on God for all that we need and more. If possible, consider fasting from food, one of our most basic physical needs.

Here are some suggestions to guide you:

  • Choose a fasting period that works for you. You might fast from breakfast until lunch the next day, with a light meal if needed.
  • Another option is to fast from dinner through the night and morning, breaking the fast with a light meal at dinner.
  • There are many ways to approach fasting—find the method that best cultivates your dependence on God.

May you all find the Lord transforming your hearts this Lent, and may we rise again with him on Easter morning!

In His peace,


St. Lydia's Serves Those In Need

In February, several members of St. Lydia's spent the morning serving the homeless community of Lafayette, LA, at The HUB. It was a meaningful opportunity to share the love of Christ to those in need.

HopePointe Has Been Full of Activity

On January 5th, the HopePointe church family gathered for their second annual 12th

Night Party. They were blessed to have Bishop Clark in attendance, and handed out chalk and a new year blessing for marking their front doors.

The HopePointe Epiphany Jubilee and Chili Cook-Off took place in February, immediately following a morning worship service. It was a fantastic gathering where they reflected on all the wonderful things the Lord has done through HopePointe over the past year and shared their mission for 2025.

Also in February, their Prayer and Worship ministries came together for a special Night of Prayer and Worship. Led by Sandy Rambach and Austin Hunt, the evening was filled with heartfelt prayers for their families, their church, and the world.

Thanks to a generous donation and thoughtful planning, HopePointe is building a new playground for its growing children’s ministry! The project is set to be completed by Holy Week.

Looking Ahead at HopePointe:

  • March 28, April 4, & April 11– Lenten Supper & Lecture Series, organized by HopePointe clergy and featuring lectures from staff and members.
  • Click HERE to view HopePointe's Holy Week service schedule.

St. Timothy's Cathedral Hits the Ground Running in 2025

St. Timothy's started off the Epiphany season by enjoying Star Trip, an entertaining tale of the Epiphany as it might have occurred in a "galaxy far, far away." Several of their parishioners showcased their acting and musical talents before everyone went outside for the Burning of the Greens, followed by their annual Mexican Potluck. Fun was had by all!

In February, STAY (St. Timothy's Anglican Youth) sponsored their annual fundraiser, the Valentine's Day Dinner and Dance. Participants enjoyed fellowship, a delicious Chinese dinner, and an opportunity to take a spin on the dance floor.

On Fridays, during Lent at St. Timothy's, The Stations of the Cross followed by the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will be offered beginning at 6:00pm (only the Stations of the Cross will occur on Good Friday). All are welcome and encouraged to join them!

Apostles Houston Enjoys a Busy Epiphany Season

In January, Apostles also celebrated the joy of the sacrament of Baptism, baptizing 6 children into the family of God!

In February, Apostles held their Annual Celebration and Chili Cook-Off. It was a fantastic time of great food, friendly competition, and wonderful fellowship!

Outreach at Trinity Anglican Church

Trinity members recognize that life is a gift from God. For the past two years, they have raised funds, volunteered, and actively supported the Agape Women's Center, which now has an office in Cedar Park in addition to Round Rock. In appreciation of Trinity’s support and the dedication of its volunteers, a plaque has been placed in one of the counseling rooms where women receive guidance before viewing an ultrasound of their baby. Agape Women's Center serves hundreds of expectant mothers and fathers, offering counseling, medical testing, and essential baby items. Trinity has long supported Agape as one of its outreach ministries.

Galentine's Brunch at Christ Our King

In February, the ladies of the Jude Bible Study at Christ Our King enjoyed a glorious Galentine's Brunch together! It was a great time filled with laughter, encouragement, and fellowship as they celebrated friendship and God's love.

Grace Anglican Celebrates a Baptism and Confirmations

At the beginning of February, Grace enjoyed a celebration of both a baptism and confirmations — always a powerful reminder of God’s grace at work in our lives. Praise be to God!

Covenant Anglican Church hosts a Regional Biblical Leadership Conference

In February, Covenant hosted a Regional Biblical Leadership Conference. Leaders from parishes across their region of our Diocese (Covenant, Good Shepherd, Christ Our King) gathered to explore the question, "What does the Bible teach us about leading God's people in the Church?" It was a day filled with rich teaching, prayer, and encouragement, equipping everyone with a renewed vision and purpose in their ministry.

Table Groups at All Saints

In January, All Saints launched a new session of their Table Groups, beginning a journey through the Lord’s Prayer. The turnout was incredible, but even more importantly, it was another beautiful step toward deeper community and vulnerability. Meanwhile, the youth and children gathered in separate rooms for their own group time.

DWGC Youth Retreat

In January, youth from throughout the diocese gathered together for the annual DWGC Youth Retreat. This year's theme, "Gospel Conversations", focused on practical ways to engage with others and effectively share their faith, addressing common barriers students often face. The weekend was filled with worship, large group teaching, small group discussions, prayer, and time for fellowship and fun!


Please Pray For 2025 Clergy Retreat

Our diocesan clergy will gather on March 19-21 for prayer, worship, teaching, and fellowship at our annual DWGC Clergy Retreat.

Please pray for all of those in attendance, that they would experience the Lord's leadership and power during their time together.

BBQ COOK-OFF - May 2 and 3

Hosted by St. Timothy's Cathedral

Get ready to fire up the grills and join in the fun! St. Timothy’s annual cook-off is coming up on May 2 and 3. Churches from across the Diocese are encouraged to gather a team and join in this exciting event. Whether you're a seasoned pitmaster or just love to cook, we invite you to bring your team, your church family, and your appetite for a memorable time. Mark your calendars, gather your crew, and get ready for a deliciously good time at St. Timothy’s!

Registration Form
Rules & Guidelines

Save the Date for the DWGC Women's Gathering - June 13-14

Ladies, mark your calendars - June 13-14! Plan to join us for our annual Women's Gathering: DWELL at St. Timothy’s Cathedral. It's sure to be a fruitful time full of worship, prayer, teaching, and fellowship. Keep a lookout for registration.

YOUTH RETREAT - July 6th - 12th

Soul in City 2025: Who I AM, Take Two

Soul in the City is a unique opportunity for youth to participate in God's kingdom work in Houston, serving alongside one another at worksites and in various not-for-profits and ministries. Past outreach activities have included working with food pantries, homeless ministries, home renovations, and special needs centers.

Learn More Here

Disaster Response Trips

March to June in North Carolina

The Anglican Relief and Development Fund (ARDF) has been supporting the community around Black Mountain, NC, part of the epicenter of damage from Hurricane Helene. If you are interested in joining one of the five trips/teams scheduled with ARDF this March to June or would like more information, click the link below.

Learn More Here

New Wineskins Pre-Conferences: September 15-17

New Wineskins offers several Pre-Conferences, providing a unique opportunity to dive deeper into specific areas of interest, connecting you with like-minded Christians for continued training, encouragement, and mobilization—long after the main conference ends. With approximately 15 Pre-Conferences in the works, be sure to check the Pre-Conference Page regularly for updates and new additions.

Pre-Conference Page

New Wineskins Global Missions Conference - September 17 - 20

Registration is now open for New Wineskins Global Mission Conference: Hope for the Nations. This conference is their ministry's signature event that occurs every three years. It's more than a training conference, it's a family reunion for mission-minded Anglicans from all over the world.

Learn More Here


The Gospel of Luke Devotional - from Covenant Anglican

This devotional is an adaptation of a method of prayer and Scripture reading developed by the Irish Jesuits, which enables us to create space in our hurried lives for stillness, engagement with God’s Word, and honest prayer. You'll be guided to spend a few moments reflecting on artwork and thoughts each day before being led through seven

movements of prayer and Scripture reading to turn our eyes into ears; so that God’s word is received as God’s voice.

The Gospel of Luke - Devotional

Journey to Jerusalem Devotional - from Grace Anglican Katy

This Lenten devotional features reflections from ten Grace writers who want to join you on your Lenten journey to Easter morning. Each day, they offer you a gift: a reading from the ACNA Sunday Eucharistic Lectionary, a thoughtful reflection on its significance, and a prayer to encourage and guide you along the way.

Journey to Jerusalem

Cross & Crown Devotional - from Oak Forest Church

Each day in this devotional consists of Scripture readings, prayers, and questions for reflection. If you only have 10 minutes to spare, not a problem! If you want to ponder the readings for hours, go for it! Our ultimate aim is to reflect meaningfully upon the death and resurrection of Christ, and our union with Him, while pursuing holiness.

Cross & Crown

A Guide to Daily Prayer in Lent - from Apostles Houston

Apostles also offers a great introduction to Lent, including a helpful FAQ section, on their website. You can view it HERE.

A Guide for Daily Prayer


DWGC Lenten Resources

Last week, we sent out an email to everyone throughout the Diocese with a variety of resources for your journey through Lent. In case you missed them, you can find them in the link below: