Winter 2025: Week Eleven

Good luck on your finals this week!

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What's Included This Week?

OISS Announcements

  • OISS Office Hours
  • Tax Season
  • SEVIS Updates
  • SEVIS Campus Visits

OISS Activities & Events

  • Spring TTC
  • Spring Term Events

OISS Health Information

  • Health Insurance Updates

PCC Events & Resources

  • Learning Garden Seed Giveaway
  • Ramadan Weekly Meeting


  • Parking Enforcement Officer
  • Peer Mentor Positions
  • Hiring Fair



OISS Office Hours

Tax Season

All F-1 international students who were in the US at any time during 2024 must file annual tax forms and/or returns with the US Internal Revenue Services (IRS) and the State of Oregon Department of Revenue (DOR).

Checkout the OISS tax webpage for more information.

Announcements from SEVIS Team


Spring 2025 term registration began on Monday, February 24, 2025. The schedule is now available online.

Pay your tuition before the payment deadline: Monday, March 17, 2025. Students who do not make a payment or sign up for the payment plan before the payment deadline will be dropped from ALL classes.

Helpful registration links:

NOTE: You cannot register for classes if you have a hold. If you have holds preventing you from registering, you can contact OISS for assistance on how to remove them. 

Common holds:


If you plan to depart the US and not continue as an F-1 student at PCC, you must complete the SEVIS Request Form for Departure from the USA. 


If you leave the United States, you must have a travel signature no older than 6 months on your I-20 to re-enter the US as an F-1 student. Please complete the SEVIS Request Form if you need a new travel signature.

SEVIS Campus Visits

Campus Visits 

Rock Creek: 3/19 - Building 3, Room 223, 8am-4pm

Cascade: 3/26 - SU308, 8am-4pm

Schedule an appointment below:

SEVIS Appointment


Spring TTC

Our Spring term TTC schedule is out!

Meet with PCC students and practice English together with International Peer Leaders every week except holidays and during the first and last two weeks of the term.

Talk Time Cafe in Spring begins the week of April 7th.

Spring Term Events

Check out this newsletter and our social media (links at the bottom) for our upcoming Spring term events. Most events will be posted with a sign up sheet, make sure to sign up fast!


Health Insurance Updates

For any additional questions please email us at

Visit PCC's health insurance webpage.


Learning Garden Seed Giveaway

Collaborate on building your dream garden! Relax with PCC Sustainability through tea and herbs from your learning garden, explore resources, and collect seeds! Swaps encouraged.

Wed, Mar 19, 2025

12 PM – 4 PM

Southeast Campus Library

Ramadan Weekly Meeting

This event invites participants to reflect on the profound significance of fasting during the holy month of Ramadan.

The event will encourage participants to gain deeper insights into the purpose of Ramadan, the discipline of fasting, and the importance of reflection and Quranic connection during this blessed month.

Meeting ID: 997 1919 5077

Passcode: 109496

More Information


Parking Enforcement Officer


• Enforces parking policies, rules and regulations outdoors.

• Provides technical information and assistance to students, staff and the public.

• Booting Scofflaw vehicles.

• Performs other related duties as assigned.

SY Application

CA Application

RC Application

SE Application

Peer Mentor Positions with the Bridge to Queer & Trans Student Success Program

Strengthen your campus connections and get paid to engage with your peers as part of the brand new Bridge to Queer & Trans Student Success (BQTSS) Program!

BQTSS Peer Mentors help program participants make the transition to college and succeed during their first year through outreach events, community building, and peer support. Mentors develop and implement a variety of engagement opportunities to support the personal and academic success of their mentees, who are assigned based on Academic & Career Pathways, lived experiences, and interests. 


Hiring Fair

Looking for an amazing leadership opportunity? The Division of Student Wellbeing, Engagement, and Belonging is gearing up to hire student leaders for the 2025/2026 Academic Year!

Time: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Monday, March 31: Rock Creek Campus

Tuesday, April 1: Cascade Campus

Wednesday, April 2: Sylvania Campus

Thursday, April 3: Southeast Campus

Stay tuned—details are dropping soon!


Housing Submission Information

If you are looking for housing or have housing available and would like to share with other students, please complete the form below and we will include it in this newsletter for two weeks.
OISS Housing Post Request Form
Disclaimer: The information in this newsletter is meant to provide assistance in locating off-campus housing. Inclusion of any property, rental unit, or other housing options in this newsletter does not constitute, and shall not be construed or reported as an endorsement or approval by Portland Community College of the housing option, landlord, its properties, or its business practices. Portland Community College expressly disclaims any and all responsibility for any problems that may arise with regard to such housing options, property, or rental units or with regard to disputes between landlords and tenants concerning such property or rental units. All prospective tenants are encouraged to exercise their own good judgment when evaluating housing options, a prospective rental unit, or a landlord.

Check out these pages on our website for more great information and tips!



Health Insurance


OISS Staff

Tax Information

Stay involved, engaged, and connected by visiting PCC Event Calendar, signing up for PantherHub, and by following our social media pages linked below!

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