ISSUE 29 ~MARCH 2025

A Message from Pir Shabda Kahn

Received at the Maqbara, Wali Ali Meyer

Personal Exploration of the Sufi Invocation, Amira Sara Pelfrey

Cherags' Unfoldment, by ZubinNur Westrik

Plus, Connections, Calendar, Social Media

Paradiso Canto 22, drawing by Allesandro Vellutello

Dante and Beatrice reach the Sphere of Saturn, the Seventh Heaven.

Dante designs the heaven of Saturn to focus on great saints and founders of religious orders.

A Message from Pir Shabda Kahn

Dearest Family,


I know many of us recognize and feel the pain of the upside down-crazy environment of the world today. Like some of you, I feel insulated from being directly affected by all the insanity, though I know many in our own communities are very directly affected.

While we find our voice and appropriate response to the immediate crisis, I find great solace in knowing that our lineage purpose of manifesting Loving kindness and Compassion in all directions to all beings and to manifest Awakening has been going on for thousands of years and with our help and commitment will continue. As my Tibetan Buddhist teacher said to me once, “Don't worry, you can’t kill the Dharma!


As we continue to share the Dharma, let us listen to whatever way the Universe is guiding us to help support the ship of humanity and our planet, and not lose sight of the present dangers.

Much Love,

Pir Shabda

Pir Shabda and Sheikha Munira Reed with group in Tunisia, Feb 2025

Ya Hayy-oo, Ya Qayyum

Pir Moineddin Jablonski

Watch the video of his 24th Urs Celebration on Feb 27th

with Pir Shabda, Pirani Tamam, Fatima Lassar, Saul Barodofsky,

Ananda Cronin, Mariam Baker, Muiz Brinkerhoff, Leilah Be,

Vakil Forest Shomer, Jelaluddin Sturm, Baraka von Kügelgen

Received at the Maqbara

by Murshid Wali Ali Meyer

About this paper from Pir Shabda:

Thanks to the diligent work of Zardusht van Wert to preserve Murshid Wali Ali’s archive, this paper was found in his office at the Mentorgarten.

Received at the Maqbara, 1982 is written in the voice of Murshid Sam in poetry and in prose. It harkens to the dedicated life and work manifested through Murshid Sam and is a wonderful example of what a deeply attuned disciple can receive.

Draw close to me beloved ones,

The Song of the Universe flows thru

the empty reed

And the heart of the self-surrendered one

Sings sweet and clear the ineffable

Mysteries of the Holy of Holies.

This symphony is unending but


To this music every atom of creation


Unconscious in the bliss of the One

Called by a Thousand Names

But unmarked by human discourse.

Enter with me the Kingdom of the Cipher

Pass with me thru the eye of the needle

Disappear with me into that nameless void

And discover with me the Light therein

The love that knows no limit

The Secret of God and man

Traced in the immortal silence.

continue reading

A Personal Exploration of the Sufi Invocation

by Amira Sara Pelfrey

I feel incredibly fortunate to have my heart nurtured by my teacher, Murshida Khadija Goforth, in a way that opened the door for me to have spiritual practice as a fundamental pillar of my outer work in my community. From the get-go, she always encouraged me to see that my daily life was, in effect, my ministry and a continued movement toward the one. As my life unfolded and I realized that my place in my culture put me in deep places of systemic vulnerability and, at the same time, allowed me to benefit, I needed a prayer to help center that dichotomy. 

Toward the One is a prayer I remember saying at a dance circle in the early 1980s, one of the first real memories of my life, at the Garden of Noor in Spokane, Washington. It became a prayer that has anchored in my heart and continues to unfold as I unfold. This particular version was born during the time of the pivotal Indigenous uprising at the Standing Rock Reservation ... continue reading

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Cherags' Unfoldment

September 2025 - April 2027

Online Course with Sheikha ZubinNur Westrik

Ya Hayyoo Beloved of the One Heart,

Blessings of Love, Light, Peace and Courage.


Are you feeling called to strengthen your Light and to find ways to share your Light in your community, work, wherever you are? Do you feel called to share ritual both in community and personal rituals to support people as they move through the changes and seasons of Life.


What is a Cherag? A Cherag in the lineage of Hazrat Inayat Khan is a Light Bearer, a part of me when reading or saying that always asks “Aren’t we all called to do that?” and my answer is unequivocally “Yes!” and this path is a deepening of this commitment, and a readiness to serve as a Sufi minister, to hold rituals and services and to, as much as possible, hold the space for others (when we are invited) in their times of need.


It involves holding an open heart toward all the different traditions and religions, whilst not considering one better than the other and having the understanding that the message of The Divine has manifested in different ways and forms in different parts of the world to meet the needs of the time there. We will look, practice and read deeply in the various Wisdom Ways of the world to (Insh’Allah) feel the Divine Truth and Compassion that is at the root of all the distinctions and differences... continue reading

ZubinNur Westrik is an artist, writer, musician, Ruhaniat Sheikha,

Siraj (senior minister), leader of the Dances of Universal Peace, and

a DHO conductor offering regular healing circles. She lives in The Netherlands.

The Forty Two Monks of India

Sheikha Mudita Sabato writes from Rishikesh, India:

Yesterday while hiking up further into the Himalayan mountains to an ashram, I ran across this photo in the ashram of the “Forty Two Monks (Guru’s) of India.” May this photo bless you all! I am sure many of you have studied some of their teachings. The photo reminded me of the rendition of our Ruhaniat Family Lineage photo of all our Great Teachers. We are so blessed. Alhamdulillah! 

Toward the One…United with All!

With love,


Ya Fattah

Al-Fattah means both to begin and to open.

Through it you begin to open your heart to the

infinite possibilities of the divine presence.

With al-Fattah, the opening is continuous.

It is an enlightenment that keeps happening.

Al-Fattah brings great power to clear the way

of obstacles and open the path of your life for success.

It is the One who opens the heart to love and ecstasy.

Al-Fattah means to open something with something else,

a key.

It is the key to opening the heart to Allah,

the key to finding the God within.

Excerpt from Physicians of the Heart

Thank you. We are grateful for your donations and service which help us to serve the message of Love, Harmony, and Beauty. Alhamdulillah!

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major camps, recordings and online communities

~ click the calendar link for more listings ~

Calendar of Events

Jamiat Aam - Europe

Near Lauterbach, Thuringia, Germany, April 1-6

Ozark Spring Sufi Camp

Lake of the Ozarks State Park, Missouri, May 22-27

Inland Northwest Sufi Camp

Camp Lutherhaven near Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, May 23-26

Virginia Spring Retreat

Camp Holiday Trails, Charlottesville, Virginia, May 29 - June 1

Jamiat Aam - USA

Murshid Sam's Dargah

Lama Foundation, New Mexico, June 25-29

DHO Gathering

Alton Collins Retreat Center, near Portland, Oregon, July 13-28

Mendocino Sufi Camp

Mendocino, California, July 20-27

Northwest Sufi Camp

Camp Cedar Ridge, Vernonia, Oregon, August 3-8

Southwest Sufi Community

Autumn Equinox Retreat

near Silver City, New Mexico, September 16-25

Pir Shabda Kahn

Khankah SAM

Southwest Sufi Community

Next Gen Sufis

Dervish Healing Order Classes

River of Guidance Library of Past Courses

Ruhaniat Family Zoom Gatherings

Recordings: Video


Sufi Ruhaniat International

Murshid Samuel L. Lewis

Sufi Ruhaniat Latin America

Soefi Ruhaniat Nederland

Sufi Ruhaniat Deutschland

Sufi Ruhaniat New Zealand


Sufi Ruhaniat International

Pir Shabda Kahn

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join Kinship Ray

join Bowl of Saki

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