Parish Newsletter
"Staying Connected"
March 12, 2025
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Dear Friends,
As we enter the holy season of Lent, we are invited to reflect on a familiar yet profound question: What will I give up for Lent? This sacred time calls us to prayerfully consider how we might grow in our relationship with the Lord through acts of sacrifice and devotion.
Personally, I have found it helpful to make two Lenten commitments—one that involves giving something up and another that is more active. This could mean renewing our dedication to daily prayer, engaging in an act of service, or making a greater effort to give alms to those in need.
One meaningful practice I encourage you to consider is attending daily Mass. For those who already do, I am sure they would join me in recommending this as a powerful way to deepen our faith. While I understand that attending Mass every day may not be possible due to work, family, or other responsibilities, I invite you to consider increasing your attendance—even if it’s just a few times a week.
In past generations, it was common for Catholics to attend daily Mass during Lent, and while this practice has declined, many parishes still see an increase in participation during this season. Some even offer additional Mass times to accommodate those who wish to make this commitment.
I offer this recommendation for two important reasons. First, I truly believe that attending daily Mass and receiving the Eucharist is one of the most powerful yet underappreciated spiritual practices. As priests, we have the privilege of celebrating Mass daily, and I can personally attest to the strength and grace that flow from this encounter with Christ. Among those who attend daily Mass, there is often a strong sense of community—one that warmly welcomes newcomers. If you have never experienced daily Mass or if it has been a while, please consider this a personal invitation to join us.
The second reason I encourage this practice is that it serves as a profound means of Eucharistic revival within the Church. We live in a time when belief in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist has diminished, leading to a decline in Mass attendance—especially among young people. While many factors contribute to this, Jesus’ invitation remains the same: “Do this in memory of me.” He calls us into communion with Him, to be nourished by His Word, and to witness the miracle of the Eucharist.
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Next weekend, we are blessed to welcome Fr. Michael Moore for our Lenten Mission. Fr. Michael is a gifted preacher with a deep love for sharing God’s Word, and this retreat presents a beautiful opportunity for us to come together as a faith community, strengthen our spiritual bonds, and grow in our relationship with Christ.
The mission will include inspirational talks, reflections, and moments of prayer. Fr. Michael will also offer opportunities for confession and Eucharistic celebrations, providing us with a chance to experience the sacraments in a profound and personal way.
By setting aside this time to focus on our faith, we open ourselves to spiritual renewal, leaving the retreat refreshed, strengthened, and recommitted to our Christian calling. It is also a sacred time for personal reflection and deepening our understanding of our own spiritual journey.
We warmly invite everyone to take part in this special time of grace. We look forward to seeing you there!
~ Fr. Paulson
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This year, we are seeking to welcome five new members to our Parish Pastoral Council.
The council is a dedicated group of parishioners who collaborate with the pastor in discerning the vision and goals of our parish, helping to guide its growth and future direction. Rather than taking on every task themselves, these members serve as a representative voice for our parish community, offering insight and support as we work together to strengthen our parish family.
I invite you to take a moment to consider joining the Parish Pastoral Council. If you feel called to serve in this way, please find the application form here.
Application Deadline is March 20.
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Parish Retreat led by Fr. Michael Moore
March 17 - 20 (Monday - Thursday)
CTK - 9:00 am Mass which includes retreat reflection
SS - 6:30 pm Mass which includes retreat reflection (repeat of morning)
Conducted by Fr. Michael Moore, St. Patrick Fathers
Theme: Jesus Christ, Son of God,
Not Only With Us But Also Within Us
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Please see the full list of scripture readings for the week here.
Please Note: There will be no 8am Mass at St. Stephen Church
Monday - Thursday (March 17-20).
We invite you to either the 9am (CTK) or 6:30pm (SS) Retreat Mass.
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As You Journey Through Lent | |
Stations of the Cross - Fridays in Lent | |
Christ the King Church
Please join us Fridays in Lent to pray
The Stations of the Cross
5:30pm - In the Church
March 21 - Stations will be held at St. Stephen
St. Stephen Church
Please join us on Fridays at 12pm for outdoor guided meditation during Lent.
We are also open for self-guided outdoor stations on Fridays 12pm-6pm
and Mon. & Wed. 11am-2pm
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Judas-the bottom of the List
A meditation led by Fr. Paulson. Friday, March 21, at St. Stephen Church:
5:30 pm Stations of the Cross, followed by a soup supper and Father’s meditation.
Read more here.
Fr. Raymond E. Brown’s “A Crucified Christ in Holy Week”
Mondays, March 24 and 31, 10:00 am in the Brian Joyce room at CTK
a discussion led by Jeannette Holmes.
Jesus and His Trial
A meditation led by Fr. Paulson.
Tuesday, April 1, at 10:00 am in the Ministry Center chapel.
The Gospel According to Luke
An eleven-week Little Rock Scripture Study, The Gospel According to Luke,
will begin on Monday, April 7, at 10:00am in the Ministry Center.
Read more here.
Hole-y, Whole-y, Holy.
“Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy.” Lev. 19:2
A presentation by Kathy Roberts on
Monday, April 14, 10:00 am and repeated at 7:00 pm at St. Stephen Parish Hall.
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Religious Education Info Day, Sunday, March 16, 2025.
Outside after all Masses on Sunday
Come check out the tables of our Kindergarten thru 6th grade classes. See what our youngsters are learning. If your child is a diverse learner, come talk to us. We will be rolling out new programs for pre-K, family catechesis and others.
We are taking surveys, please help us out. We need your feedback, your opinion, your suggestions. We need catechists, parent volunteers, assistants...Early bird registration available and encouraged.. THANK YOU!
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Weekly School Newsletter click here | |
Campers and Adult Volunteers - it is not too late to sign up!
Please note:
Student Counselor Volunteer spots are full, but you may sign up for the waitlist.
Come join in the fun at our very own
Vacation Bible Camp
as we celebrate God, our True North!
Song and Prayer
Bible Stories and Skits
Science Experiments
Outdoor and Water Fun
Yummy Snacks
and so much more!
Each Camper will receive a complimentary t-shirt and music download.
See below for more information:
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Time is running out to secure your
Early-Bird Tickets for the CTK Auction!
Prices increase after March 17, 2025,
so don’t wait—get yours today:
Exciting Updates:
- March 18: Cabanas and reserved fire lounges go on sale.
- April 1: Golden Raffle Tickets available (corrected date).
For more details, email Secure your spot today!
CTK Music Festival + Auction is just 1 month away!
APRIL 12, 2025
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Italian Catholic Federation | |
All are invited to join the Italian Catholic Federation to celebrate Saint Joseph’s Day
Thursday evening
March 20 at 6 pm in the CTK Parish Hall
We will be celebrating in the CTK parish hall with our annual Saint Joseph’s table and potluck, followed by our monthly meeting. Come and find out more about the ICF. Our branch is part of a national service organization dedicated to promoting activities that build faith, family, community and an appreciation of the diverse cultural heritage of all members. If you have questions contact our membership chair, Eileen McGuaran: or
call 925-357-5446
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Christ the King - St. Stephen Men’s Retreat
Saturday, April 26, 2025
St. Stephen Parish Hall, 1101 Keaveny Ct., Walnut Creek
8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Cost: $25.00 ($30 if you register after March 31.)
Retreat Director: Rev. B. Kwame Assenyoh
Registration is now open. Click here to register.
See Flyer
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You Can Also Register Here | |
Pope Francis has called Catholics in this Jubilee Year to be Pilgrims of Hope and care for all of God's creation. Members of the CTK-St. Stephen have an opportunity to respond to his call by supporting youth leaders who will advocate for creation care with our elected CA representatives Sunday 4/6/25 and Monday 4/7/25. Youth leaders will meet with our legislators to advocate for sustainable solutions to our most pressing environmental challenges. If you are interested in supporting our youth leaders in person, in Sacramento, please contact Katie Gaines: 925-407-5359. See Flyer here.
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Medicare Information Meeting | |
Medicare Informational Meeting
Thursday, March 20 - 10am
CTK Parish Hall- Room C
Are you turning 65? Or just want to know a little bit more about Medicare? Join us for an information meeting.
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Second Sunday of Lent
Welcome to our weekly reflections on
the Sunday Scriptures.
The three apostles who accompanied Jesus on a mountain hike had no idea what their master had in store for them... and for Jesus himself. But suddenly, there it was... a phenomenon they could never have imagined... Jesus “transfigured” plus his long-dead companions, Moses and Elijah—very much alive and chatting it up! . Read More
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Thank you for your Financial Support | |
If you do not wish to give on-line,
you can continue to contribute using your offertory envelopes.
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Offertory Envelopes and
Paper Checks
Can be sent directly to:
Christ the King Church
195A Brandon Rd.
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
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Offertory Envelopes and
Paper Checks
Can be sent directly to:
St. Stephen Church
1101 Keaveny Ct.
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
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Upcoming Second Collections | |
Upcoming Second Collections
Mar. 16 - Hospitality
Mar. 23 - Catholic Relief Services
Mar. 30 - St. Vincent de Paul
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Mass Schedule - CTK & St. Stephen | |
CTK Weekday Masses
Monday - Friday
9am Mass
(9am Masses will be livestreamed)
CTK Weekend Masses
9am and 4pm Vigil
(Saturday 4pm Mass will be livestreamed)
CTK Sunday Masses
7:30am, 9am, 10:30am and 4pm
(10:30am Mass will be livestreamed).
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St. Stephen Church
1101 Keaveny Ct.
Walnut Creek 94597
Saturday - Mass at 5pm
Sunday - Mass at 9:30am
St. Stephen Daily Mass:
Monday - Friday at 8am
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Readings for Sunday Mass Here | |
Links to our services (livestreamed or archived) can be found at
or by clicking the Facebook or YouTube images below.
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Ongoing Services at CTK & St. Stephen | |
Sacrament of Reconciliation - Private Confessions every Saturday from 3pm to 3:30pm at CTK and Saturday before the 5pm mass at St. Stephen.
CTK Thursday Morning Mass - 9am - Honoring our Mother of Perpetual Help, Worship Aide Here (Also livestreamed).
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Transfiguration Prayer
My transfigured Lord,
you promise suffering and death
to all who follow you...
but You also promise the hope
that awaits those who endure.
Grant me the grace to endure
every cross in my life...
uniting my sufferings with yours...
so that I may one day partake in the
glory of eternal life... in heaven.
Jesus, I trust in you.
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"To Hear the Gospel and Make a Difference"
“To Live and to Love in Christ”
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