Vol.25-11 | 3.18.25

Calling All Advocates

A message from MHLS Executive Director, Rebekkah Smith Aldrich:

Last week we saw both the state legislature release their one-house budget bills and the President issued an Executive Order calling for the elimination of the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). Both have grave consequences for our small, but mighty library community here in the Hudson Valley. I apologize for asking for your efforts on both the state and federal advocacy fronts, but this is what this moment calls for.

State Advocacy:

With utmost speed, library advocates need to reach out to your State Senator and State Assemblyperson to let them know that neither the Executive budget nor the one-house budget bills go far enough in funding library operating aid and construction aid for libraries in the context of reality. We certainly appreciate their proposed increases, and that appreciation should be expressed, but we also need to bring home the urgency behind our message: don't weaken our library systems by continuing this pattern of underfunding. We have limited time to influence the outcome of the state budget which is due to be complete by April 1.

What underfunding of MHLS means for your library:

MHLS receives 78% of its operating aid through the NYS Budget. State funding has failed to keep up with inflation which means our purchasing power has greatly diminished. Our ability to maintain critical services like delivery, ILS support, consulting, and continuing education as well as critical categorical aid programs like the Central Library Services Program - which funds the OverDrive platform, OverDrive content, including eMagazines, Transparent Language and JobNow are all compromised. 

With more than $34 million in reported construction needs from member libraries, the $1.2 million our region receives from the State Aid for Library Construction Program is also not keeping pace. Members are contending with issues such as basic accessibility, energy efficiency, and protecting our facilities from the impact of climate hazards.

Please call today. Contact information for your state legislators can be found here.

You can also email stakeholders through the New York State Library Association (NYLA) Urgent Call to Action!

Federal Advocacy:

The call to eliminate IMLS marks a dark day in our nation's history. This organization has invested in the future of Americans for 30 years providing funding for library jobs, research, and groundbreaking projects that have influenced everything from the adoption of the internet in libraries to the adoption of makerspaces in libraries to how libraries contribute to social wellbeing and community resilience. In fact, I got my first library job thanks to an IMLS-funded project here at MHLS.

What the executive order means for your library:

IMLS administers the Grants to States program, a congressionally mandated program that completely funds the NYS Division of Library Development's (DLD) operations. While MHLS does not directly receive federal funding through this program, we greatly rely on DLD to facilitate the funding we do get from New York State. Defunding DLD will have a ripple effect that could greatly compromise our ability to access the state aid, described above, that is critical to our operations.

Please call today. Contact information for your federal legislators can be found here.

Now is the perfect time to be investing in libraries. Help your legislators understand that libraries are on the front lines of helping residents during this intense era of misinformation/disinformation, division among neighbors, and reduced investment in federal services.

You can also email stakeholders through the New York State Library Association (NYLA) Urgent Call to Action!

Thank you for all you do - every day and in every way - to make the Hudson Valley a wonderful place to live and raise our families. Your work matters and makes a difference to those you serve.

MHLS Announcements

The Poughkeepsie Public Library District in partnership with MHLS and Revolucion Radio Online bring the Consulate on Wheels to the Mid-Hudson Library System Auditorium (105 Market Street, Poughkeepsie) Tuesday, April 8th through Saturday, April 12th.

The Consulate General of Mexico provides its Consulate on Wheels in places where it may be difficult to travel to the consular headquarters in the United States, so that they can process important documents, such as passports and consular IDs.

We encourage all member libraries to advertise this opportunity to their local communities. Access the image file to create posts or add to newsletters or print and cut out postcards to handout. All materials are in Spanish.

All sessions are by appointment only between the times of 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. Appointments can be made by calling MiConsulado 1-424-309-0009.

Appointments typically open two weeks prior to the date of the Consulate on Wheels visit. For the upcoming visit to Poughkeepsie, appointments will open on March 24.

MHLS Libraries

Congratulations to the Howland Public Library on their successful Prom Pop-Up Boutique! The library collected more than 200 dresses and other formal wear to give away to Beacon area high school students for prom season – a true community effort.

Professional Development

The New York State Library’s continued webinar series is engagement focused, with monthly facilitated discussions on a range of library topics through a social work lens.

  • Libraries Working with Vulnerable Patrons | March 21 | 10 - 11 AM | Online via Zoom | Registration link

Join the New York State Library for another session in their Libraries Working with Vulnerable Patrons series, led by New York State Library Excelsior Service Fellow Antonia Bruno. Sessions in this series are structured as guided conversations on various topics and circumstances that participants are interested in exploring. These programs will be dialogue heavy and serve as a safe space and trustworthy environment for participants to share their stories in a meaningful way. 

Antonia will incorporate social work perspectives into the conversations to shape the manner that participants will process their experiences and how it will impact their behaviors in the library moving forward. This space will be a collaborative environment where participants and the host will hear and learn from one another. 

Antonia Bruno is a social worker with previous employment as a social services advocate at a public library on Long Island. At the NYS Library, she aims to reach library staff across the state with a webinar series that supports libraries serving vulnerable and often marginalized populations. Stay in the loop by subscribing to her Social Work Perspectives blog or connect with her by emailing

  • Urban Librarians Unite Urban Library Trauma Study | Friday, April 25 | 2 - 3 PM | Online via Zoom | Registration link 

In 2021, Urban Librarians Unite launched the Urban Library Trauma Study, a project to capture, quantify, and respond to some of the trauma, stress, and burnout experienced by urban public library workers so that public facing staff can work together to innovate solutions. In this workshop, ULU will go over the Urban Librarians Unite trauma cycle, discuss the ways trauma manifests in the body and the brain, and provide suggestions for further reading on the topic. The main goal of this workshop is to give language to library workers to be able to explain what they have experienced, allowing for deeper individual understanding and personal advocacy for needs.  


If you have any questions, email

Registration is open for SENYCon 2025 – an annual conference presented by the Southeastern NY Library Resources Council (SENYLRC) to highlight the unique talents and skills that library professionals in the Southeastern region hold. Cost to attend: $12 for all attendees (includes brunch, snacks, and giveaways!). Livestream registration is free.

Friday, April 12 | 9 AM – 3 PM | SENYLRC, 21 S. Elting Corners Road, Highland

Several sessions will be presented by MHLS staff and member library staff, including:

  • Wi-Fi Beyond the Library Building, Katie Scott-Childress, Rosendale Library, and Laurie Shedrick, MHLS
  • What You Can Really Do with a Seed Library, Bethany Vredenburg, Poughkeepsie Public Library
  • Launching new products to staff, Laurie Shedrick and Kathryn Brew, MHLS
Sustainable Libraries

Partners for Climate Action has partnered again with Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Youth Climate Action Fund to provide grants for young people, ages 15 – 24, to design and implement urgent climate actions in the Hudson Valley. Award amounts will range between $1,000 to $5,000. 

To be considered, submit an online application by March 28, 2025. All submissions will be carefully reviewed by staff and advisory committee. Award announcements for grants will be made on April 22nd. 

Funds must be expended and projects must be completed by October 31, 2025. Application and more information can be found at: Please write to with any questions.

Would you like an opportunity to honor an active library supporter, a community volunteer, or a Friends of the Library organization? The Friends of Libraries Section (FLS) of the New York Library Association (NYLA) offers the FLS Daniel W. Casey Library Advocacy Award to honor the efforts of a volunteer member or group within the library community who have contributed to the growth of libraries or Friends of the Library organizations.

To nominate a group or individual, use the nomination packet for the FLS Daniel W. Casey Library Advocacy Award posted on under “Our Awards and Scholarships.” 

Nominations must be received by 5 p.m. on Sunday, June 1, 2025, at Questions concerning the award process can also be submitted to Lisa C. Wemett, FLS Coordinator for the Casey Award, at this email address.


All the Programs! | April 24 | 10 AM – 12 PM | Online | REGISTER

Join your fellow MHLS Member Library Programmers for lightning round discussions of your best, greatest, easiest, hardest, messiest and most epic events. Aka All the Programs! We want to hear everything - from triumphs to heartbreaks. The session will be broken down by audience type since many of you create programming for a full range of ages.

  • 10:00 am: General Programming – aka All Ages
  • 10:20 am: Older Adults (50-65) and Seniors (66+)
  • 10:40 am: Younger Adults (19-28) and Adults (29-49)
  • 11:00 am: Tweens and Teens (12-18) – aka The Elusive
  • 11:20 am: Elementary Age (6-11)
  • 11:40 am: Babies, Toddlers and Preschoolers (Birth -5)

You can drop in for a specific age group or stay for the entire 2-hour event. Just make sure to log in before the start time of the group you want to participate in since we will be changing audience types every 20 minutes! This is an online interactive event for all MHLS member library staff who provide programs for their community. The magic comes from your participation! This event will not be recorded.

Trustee Resources

Trustee Handbook Book Club - Board Development: Recruitment, Orientation, Education and Evaluation | April 30 | 5 – 6:30 PM | Online | REGISTER

Join co-author of the Handbook For Library Trustees of New York State Rebekkah Smith Aldrich and friends for this fun and informative series! At each session, trustees will take a deeper dive on a topic relevant to their role and responsibilities as a library trustee.Have questions for the panelists? Submit them here.

This event qualifies as trustee education and may be applied towards the NYS Trustee Education Requirements.

Administration & Management

414 Kick Off: Review of Steps/414 Vote Libraries Meetup | April 29 | 10 – 11:30 AM | Online | REGISTER

This is the kickoff meeting for the 414 Vote Libraries Meetups. At this meetup we’ll be conducting a review of steps and check in with MHLS member library teams going for a 414 vote this year. We'll share best practices and ensure your team is on track to hit all of the required milestones for a successful vote. This is an opportunity to learn from your peers also working on 414 vote campaigns this year.

Job Openings

Part-time Weekend/Substitute Library Clerk, Hurley Library

The Hurley Library seeks an enthusiastic and friendly individual with strong customer service skills to join our team. Regularly scheduled hours include Saturdays from 10 AM – 4 PM, with the opportunity for additional hours on Sundays from 1 – 4 PM, or as needed for coverage. Duties and essential job functions include assisting patrons by performing routine circulation tasks, such as: 

  • Locating material 
  • Checking In/Out Books 
  • Requesting material from member libraries 
  • Signing up patrons with new or replacement library cards 
  • Shelving returned materials 
  • Processing hold requests 
  • Answering telephone calls and emails 
  • Providing technological help on computers, copier or fax machines 
  • Basic cash tendering 
  • Opening and closing the library  

Minimum Requirements are a High School Diploma, or equivalent. Previous library experience preferred. Pay: $16.00 per hour. To apply: email resume, cover letter and references to Shannon Powell -

MHLS recommends that the minimum starting salary of a full or part-time librarian with an MLS degree be at least equal to that of a teacher with a master’s degree in the same community. 

In the News


MHLS Calendar

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