MARCH 14, 2025

The Search for Data continues!

But not that Data

Last week we shared the great news that we had 100 percent participation from our churches in completing the denomination's annual statistical report.

Unfortunately we are not having as much luck with the Presbytery's Church Data Form due at the same time.

So far we've received completed forms for 2025 from just 29 of our churches.

Rather than name those from whom we've yet to receive the form for 2025, we want to applaud those churches who have submitted them. If your church is not on this list, you may want to track down the form or prod the people needing to complete it.

Our thanks go to: Arbor Dale, Black Mountain, Brevard-Davidson River, Brittain, Buladean, Burnsville First, Cherryville First, Fletcher, Grace Covenant, Grassy Creek, Greenway, Ironton, Montreat, Morganton First, Morrison, New Hope, Asheville, Newdale, Newland, Newton First, Reems Creek-Beech, Robinson Memorial, Rutherfordton, Shelby, Siloam, Tryon, Union, Union Mills, Waldensian, and Warren Wilson. The Enterprise's Commander Data is proud... or would be if he had any emotions.


Outreach funding available

We know for the church to thrive it must extend its reach beyond the sanctuary walls, but it often requires money.

The Presbytery's Church Vibrancy Team wants to encourage outward-focused efforts in our congregations, so it is introducing Community Outreach Grants.

Grants can be up to $5,000, so put on your thinking caps to develop new ideas to engage your members with the communities they live in.


Download more information along with an application form. Applications will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis until funds are exhausted.


Three PDA host sites open for scheduling!

We have had so many calls from across the country offering to bring volunteer teams to help with Hurricane Helene Recovery. It's been so wonderful and humbling to receive such support.

Over the last few months, three of our churches have been working hard with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to assess, discern, and plan for becoming PDA ‘host sites’ for these volunteer teams. We are now scheduling volunteer teams for May and beyond!

Congratulations to New Hope PC Asheville, First Presbyterian Spruce Pine, and Canton PC! For more details and to share this news with others, head to our dedicated Presbytery Recovery Website:

1st round of relief grants approved, on their way!

Our first round of disaster recovery grant applications from across the presbytery were received and our small team of disaster recovery coordinators reviewed and approved them this week.

More than $75,000 is on its way to help families, churches, and communities.

We are thrilled to be able to share the generosity of so many donors with those who really need it. We will have stories about the grant-funded projects on the recovery website over the next few months, and we will update the ‘grants’ page soon so that further requests can be made in the next round of funding (deadline: July 1).

A call for staying connected with groups in the region

The recovery efforts are really starting to ramp up over the region as the warmer weather re-appears, and many counties now have Long-Term Recovery Groups (LTRGs), as well as organized case management for rebuilding and other projects.

To make sure we are staying in touch with the various groups and efforts across the region, we will be reaching out to some of you to request participation in a broader monthly disaster recovery team call. 

If you are connected to an LTRG, or involved in recovery work in your community or church (or would like to be), please let us know so that we can include you in discussions about this broader team!

Please send an email to Anne Waple:

NOTE TO KATE B. REYNOLDS FUND PARTICIPANTS: The Synod reports that this year's K-1 forms are in the process of being completed.

Daily Change deadline April 1

Agencies in your communities tirelessly work to provide food and support to your neighbors. We can encourage those agencies by sponsoring them with a hunger grant.

The Spring deadline is April 1.



MARCH 25: Commissioned Pastor Team meeting

MARCH 27: Faith Formation Team meeting

MARCH 27: Youth Leaders Forum at Waldensian PC (see below)

MARCH 29: PWNC Black Church Event at Ryburn Memorial (see below)

MARCH 31: Examinations Team meeting

Questions? Email Beth Gunn at

It's a day for fun and adventure at Camp Grier! May 3. Click above for details. Click here for registration. Deadline to register is April 27.

Black Church Event: Special guest is soon-to-retire Synod Executive Warren Lesane. March 29. Click on flyer above to download info. REGISTRATION DEADLINE EXTENDED TO MARCH 26.

Students on a mission

Youths from Presbyterian churches in PWNC gathered for a Mission Retreat of faith and service March 7-8, 2025, in Hendersonville.

Activities included work at Habitat Restore and other local agencies as well as devotional time.


Want to Triennium?

We still have room for some more youth participants at this summer's Triennium conference at Louisville, but we need to know now!


2025 National Faith + Climate Forum

Be part of a powerful, nationwide event that brings together thousands of people of faith to explore how we can care for creation and take meaningful climate action. On March 27, the 2025 National Faith + Climate Forum will be a live-streamed broadcast from First Presbyterian Church in Asheville.

This hybrid event offers a dynamic day of interactive sessions, inspiring keynotes, and practical resources to equip you and your congregation to integrate climate care into your faith practices and communities authentically. Whether you’re just starting your journey in creation care or are a seasoned advocate, this event has something for everyone!

Registration is at Look for Asheville, alphabetized by state. The location is First Presbyterian Church at 40 Church Street. There is no cost to attend. Snacks and drinks will be available. You are welcome to bring your lunch if you prefer. Contact Jane Laping at for more information. 

BOP regional summit making a stop at Charlotte

During the next couple of months the Board of Pensions is taking the show on the road to seven locations across the country, including at Charlotte on May 1. Deadline to register is April 14.

The Charlotte program will be held at CN Jenkins Memorial Presbyterian Church, 1421 Statesville Ave., from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Lenten devotional

With the help of many of our members, the Disaster Recovery Team has been hard at work on a Devotional book for Lent titled Lament and Hope. Its devotions are inspired by the aftermath of Hurricane Helene.

You are invited to download this PDF at no cost. Use the link below or you can find it at our website.


Witness Microloan donations at work in Guatemala

The Microloan Task Force is planning its next delegation trip to Guatemala for late October or early November.

Previous delegates have found the experience life-changing. This is an opportunity to travel to see how the Microloan Project has provided Guatemalan women opportunities to grow in self-esteem, hope, and freedom. Trip participants will spend time with the Guatemalan Microloan Staff and visit microloan groups and some of their businesses. The group will also spend time learning about Guatemalan history, culture, and geography.

The cost is $1,800 per person which includes accommodations, transportation, airfare, and meals. It does not cover personal preparation expenses, such as passports and immunizations. Some scholarship/financial aid is available. Your home congregation might help with expenses.

A deposit of $900 is due by July 1. Participants will need a current passport. If you would like more information, contact: Susan Maveety (828-768-5475 or

Spring Gathering set for April 5

Presbyterian Women of the Presbytery of Western North Carolina has scheduled its 2025 Spring Gathering for Saturday, April 5, at First Presbyterian Church of Gastonia. The theme is celebrating resilience, joy and our identity in Jesus Christ.


Guest speaker will be the Rev. Grace Boyer. Also on the program are updates on the Microloan Program, Malawi, the Faith Fund Award and the scholarship award. Cost to attend is $15 per person. Lunch is included.

Registration deadline is March 28.

Thinking about summer camp?

The Presbytery has available several $600 scholarships for any youth wanting to attend a session at Camp Grier this summer. Even if you have already signed up to attend, you can apply for this scholarship. Application deadline is March 31.



Join us in Malawi in 2025

The Presbytery of WNC has a 20-year partnership with Nkhoma Synod in Malawi. God keeps expanding our ministry together. The Malawi Ministry Team invites you to come and see the mission and look toward its future, experience a part of Africa, get to know our Malawian brothers and sisters, and see God at work.

Plans are tentative. One trip will be May 13-28, with option to come on May 16. The second trip will be June 1-12. This trip allows youth and teachers to come after school.


STATED MEETING OF THE PRESBYTERY April 29 at Montreat Conference Center

SPRUCE PINE AREA CLEAN UP Mission Trip May 18-23. Watch for details.




Workshop outlines the dos and don’ts of grant writing

World Mission leader addresses questions regarding shift in global ministry approach

White House unfreezes $19 million in USAID funding for Samaritan's Purse

Have a position open? Looking for an open position? Either way, check our our listings.

PWNC Job Listings

Ministries in our Presbytery may submit job postings here.


  • Music Director, New Hope PC, Gastonia
  • Director of Children, Youth, and Adult Christian Education, Waldensian PC

Share Your Good News With Us!

If you have items of interest to share with the Presbytery in the weekly newsletter, please email John Pea. We would also love to receive pictures of your congregation in action to share in this weekly update!

(Event information should be sent electronically, preferably with an image, 10 days in advance, for inclusion in the following week's distribution. Submissions may be edited for brevity. The General Presbyter or Stated Clerk will make final decisions about what may be included.)

The e-news publication goes out each Friday to members across the Presbytery. We look forward to sharing your good news!


Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (Office building closed/staff remote)



Byron Wade

Ann Philbrick*

Beth Gunn*

Bob Ayala*

Schaap Freeman*

Tom Phillips*

Beverly Thompson*

George Thompson*

Lisa Pressley

Tonya Williams

Robbin Buchanan*

John Pea*

Sarah Robinson*

Anne Waple      

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404/451-4677 cell/text

423/335-1105 cell/text

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(reach by email)

828/279-5017 cell/text

*Denotes part-time

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