eVOICE for March 20, 2025


The Third Sunday in Lent

March 23, 2025

We will be celebrating with Transfiguration Church via Zoom at 9:00 am, and in-person at Good Shepherd Church 10:30 am.

Good Shepherd Mission Statement

We are a people who hear the Good Shepherd's voice.

We know by faith that we belong to God.

We are called to seek and love our neighbors as God loves us!


Announcing a meeting of all current Altar Guild members and Lay Eucharistic Ministers -on April 6 after the 10:30 am service. We will be meeting to go over current practices and preferences for our worship service with Reverend Linda our Deacon. We would welcome anyone who seeks to serve with us. More hands means less work and our worship service is a reflection of our love and dedication. During this Lenten season we hope you discern the call and join us!

Heifer Campaign- Heifer International’s goal is to break the cycle of hunger and poverty and create a path to sustainable income for those in need around the world. Last year during Lent Good Shepherd raised $2257.72 for Heifer. Last year Heifer International supported 1.3 million participant households and worked with 31,284 partners including (farmer-owned hubs, cooperatives, NGOs, and others). For Good Shepherd’s 2025 fundraising campaign our goal is to send two gifts of “Joy to the World” ($1500 each). Each gift includes two sheep, four goats, one heifer, and a bundle of seeds, along with training and education. You may join us to support these farmers and collaborations by donating at any time. Please indicate that your contribution is for Heifer International, such as by writing a check to Good Shepherd and indicating “Heifer” on the memo line. Our final ingathering for Heifer this year is on April 27, 2024. Contact is Elisa Elliot at or 240-688-6994.

Lenten Adult Education Series- The Lenten Study group will take place on Tuesday nights, 7- 8:30 pm through April 15th. We'll be discussing Bishop Mariann Budde’s book, How We Learn to Be Brave. You are welcome to attend as many of the sessions as you can. In her book, our Bishop provides stories of how she felt God empowered her to undertake steps and actions she might not have considered. Our discussions will explore her stories, when we have felt the same, how we have responded, and what we can learn. What are the journeys and outcomes that have helped us practice our own personal and faith-based bravery? Come and help us explore this fascinating book. To receive the Zoom link for the discussion, even if you have already spoken to one of us in person, please send an email to

Stations of the Cross- Join Deacon Linda for Stations of the Cross on Zoom on Friday evenings during Lent from 7:00-7:30 PM. The dates are: 3/21, 3/28, 4/4, and 4/11. The liturgy for Stations of the Cross is the same each week. Many people find that it is a helpful spiritual practice during Lent. Come as many times as you wish. For more information or to sign up, please email Linda at:

Maundy Thursday & Meal In A Bag- We are reviving an old favorite at GSEC - our simple bread and soup supper on Maundy Thursday, April 17, 2025 @ 6pm. It involves a simple meal of a bowl of hot soup, some bread and water. After the meal, we will proceed to the sanctuary for a service involving foot washing and prayers. All GSEC and friends are invited; the meal will be provided to you. Please bring a donation of a bag of groceries (non-perishable foods), or a cash donation or gift card from a local grocery store. Donations will be added to our usual food drive. See Florence Walters for more information.

Wednesday Bible Study - 11:30 am in-person with Deacon Linda Mahler 

Telephone prayer meeting every Thursday at 9:15 am. The number to call to join the prayer meeting is 508-924-2778. If you have any questions contact Lynette Clark at 301-357-1726. 

SAVE THE DATE!  Good Shepherd’s Annual Plant Sale returns on Saturday, May 3 from 1:00-2:30 PM in the church parking lot. We'll have a tempting selection of vegetable and herb plants specially suitable for small gardens and container growing!

Announcement from the Worship Team- Worship at Good Shepherd has been through many changes in 2024 as we worked with several different supply priests and guest preachers, offered morning prayer and Taize services. The Zoom service we collaborate on with Transfiguration Parish is still going strong. Whatever form our worship has taken, whoever has been present, the Holy Spirit has been with us. Since December 1st, we have been very fortunate to have Reverend Randy Wilkinson with us as our long-term supply priest, offering us very welcome steadiness and stability. In recent weeks, Good Shepherd has also begun live-streaming our in-person worship service. We are working steadily to improve the quality of the recordings so that they can be a resource for our parishioners and others through Facebook.

Schedule of Services for Lent, Holy Week, and Easter

Maundy Thursday, 4/17 7:00 pm

Good Friday, 04/18 7:00 pm

Easter, 4/20, 9:00 am zoom, 10:30 am In-Person

Senior Warden’s Message

Good Shepherd is in the process of working with the partnership between Montgomery County Green Bank, Interfaith Power & Light (IPL) and the Episcopal Diocese of Washington to convert to solar energy for our electrical needs. This partnership will enable us to minimize our dependence on non-renewable energy sources and save money in the process. We started this journey in 2022 by participating in the Diocesan “Solar Bootcamp” but could not follow through at the time because we did not have the money to put a new roof on our building (a requirement for solar). Fortunately, the program has continued and with our new roof(s) we are finally able to take advantage of this opportunity and join other parishes in the Creation Care Initiative that is a fundamental program in the Diocese. Joelle Novey, the Director of IPL, recently wrote the following:

“There is an instruction that is inscribed in Hebrew at the front of many Jewish prayer spaces: ‘Know before Whom you stand.’ I draw strength from faithful ancestors who defiantly insisted they served a holy purpose beyond any human idol. I am so grateful, as ever, to be in sacred partnership with you, ever sustained by the one Breath of all Life right here in the common home we share.”

We at Good Shepherd are grateful to her for her leadership and the leadership of the Diocese and Montgomery County as we do our part in caring for God’s Creation.


St. James' New Support Group for Federal Workers, and Updated Resources

The St. James' family invites our members and their friends who are impacted by the executive actions resulting in firings of federal employees to join a St. James' community support group. We are stronger together when we hold each other up in hope. If interested, please sign up through the office, Logistics regarding meeting times and format will come soon.

Resources: Below are some resources for federal workers and other impacted communities. If you need pastoral or emergency services, please contact the clergy through the office,

The Episcopal Church Joins a Lawsuit to Protect First Amendment Rights 

The Episcopal Church, along with many other faith communities, has joined a lawsuit that seeks to protect rights under the freedom of religion clause of the first amendment to the US Constitution. Click here to find out more.

Learn More About Our New Partner MUM (Mid-County United Ministries) -Check out the website:

Shepherd’s Table is asking Good Shepherd for volunteers. Please follow this link for opportunities to volunteer or reach out to Daniella Burgos Thank you!

Grocery Shopping for our Food Collection- All nutritious staples are happily received.

- Tuna, Salmon, or Chicken, in water

- Dry or canned beans (low sodium, if possible)

- Natural nut butters

- Brown rice (16 oz)

- Whole grain pasta

- Pasta sauce in plastic jars

- Canned vegetables (low sodium, if possible)

- Canned fruit (in juice)

- Fruit cups

- Shelf-stable milk in individual milk boxes

- Cooking oils and spices


The Third Sunday in Lent

The First Lesson: Exodus 3:1-13

Psalm: 63:1-8

Second Lesson: 1 Corinthians 10:1-13

Gospel: Luke 13:1-9

The Week of March 23, 2025

Sun 3/23 via Zoom 9:00 am, in-person at Good Shepherd 10:30, Panda computer class, 1 pm, Troop 97 3 pm, M de Vida 5 pm

Mon 3/24 M de Vida service 7 pm

Tues 3/25 SDA service 6 pm, Lenten Adult Education Series (zoom) 7-8:30 pm

Wed 3/26 Bible study, 11:30 am

Thurs 3/27 SDA 6 pm

Fri 3/28 SDA 6 pm, Stations of the Cross zoom 7-7:30 pm

Sat 3/29 SDA service 9 am & 6 pm, M de Vida service 6 pm

Sun 3/30 Zoom 9:00 am, in-person at Good Shepherd 10:30 am, Panda computer class, 1 pm, BS Troop 97 3 pm, M de Vida 5 pm

Zoom Readers (9 am):

March 23 Laura Meissner-Denmark

March 30 Elisa Elliot

April 6 Sue Womack

April 13 Florence Walters

LEM & Lector

March 23 Liz Cocke, Elspeth Nunn

March 30 Donna Clemons-Sacks, Lillian Luksenburg

April 6 Diane Russell, Florence Walters

April 13 Debbie Beebe, Araba Pobee


March 23 Miguel and Galo Correa

March 30 Diane Janesko, Shaun Hardy

April 6 Florence Walters, Kirk Franklin

April 13 Miguel and Galo Correa

Vestry on Duty

March 23 Vanvisa Sivali

March 30 Lillian Luksenburg

April 6 Shaun Hardy

April 13 Debbie Beebe

Altar Guild

March 23 Millie Mautz

March 30 Arlene Mahon

April 6 Diane Russell, Elisa Elliot

April 13 Debbie Beebe


Ray Battistelli (GS member), Lori Duane (GS member), Sue Womack (GS member), Frank Desmond (GS member), John Elliott (GS member), Joan DeMoss (GS member), Althea Peters (GS member), Bruce Campo (brother of Sal Campo), Joanne Cate (former GS member), Val Cole (friend of Eric Reiffenstein), Stacie Scarrow (friend of the Campos), Gabe Garcia (Melissa Garcia's uncle), Madison Smith (friend of Linda Campo), Robert Tschinkel (friend of Patricia Dorn), Jeanette Ottley (friend of Florence Walters), Trystan Walters (nephew of Florence Walters), Christina Ogg (daughter of Pat Ogg), Kyle Boggs, The Hamiltons (sister & family of Florence Walters), and Tory Green (friend of Florence Walters).

Names of Family and Friends will remain on the list for 4 weeks.

Clergy & Staff

Deborah Beebe


The Rev. Linda Mahler

Organist & Choirmaster

George Drumwright

Megan Kennedy

Parish Administrator

Vestry & Delegates

Senior Warden

Deborah Beebe

Junior Warden

Eric Reiffenstein

Shaun Hardy

Ray Battistelli

Becky Parks

Liz Cocke

Vanvisa Sivali

Lillian Luksenburg

Diane Janesko


Rosemary Addy

Alternate: Ana Janckson-Curtis

Counters & Recorders (All serve on a rotating schedule.)

Ray Battistelli

Elisa Elliot

Kirk Franklin 

Arlene Mahon

Florence Walters

Greg Wood

Jim Woodhams

Allen Wyrick



Quick Links: GS website GS facebook Episcopal Diocese

Questions/Comments Form
