Deanna Conheeny

Dear Members -

I'm excited to share news about several upcoming events, especially the events in March celebrating our rich Irish heritage!

If you've been looking to explore Ireland, the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society has shared a terrific opportunity to join them on a trip exploring the Emerald Isle this August.

We also look forward to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the twinning of Newport, RI and Kinsale, Ireland this April. Friends from Kinsale will visit April 9-14. More information to come but there will be a reception from 5 to 6:30 p.m. on April 10th at the Edward King House - so please add that to your calendar.

Hope to see you in your green sweater!




Margaret Armstrong Murray

In memory of Vincent J. Murray

FEBRUARY 24, 2025 at 6 pm via ZOOM:

The Irish who had arrived in America after An Gorta Mór (the Great Famine) were closely watching political upheavals in Ireland at the turn of the century, just as the recording industry was exploding here on the east coast. Irish-American musicians on the eastern seaboard became influential recording artists in part because they were in the right place at the right time, as their wax cylinders and 78 rpm records made their way around the world.

At the same time, Chicago’s Police Chief, Francis O’Neill, was also transcribing and publishing Irish dance tunes. These influential books and recordings became coveted markers of identity in the diaspora, helped to influence a folk revival back home, and shifted the discussion on ideas of Irish identity, tradition and authenticity away from Ireland and to our own shores at a critical moment in history.

This presentation, which includes historic musical recordings, will discuss the past century of traditional Irish music and its impact on Irish and Irish-American identity and community. 

SCOTT SPENCER is an Assistant Professor of Musicology (World Music) at the University of Southern California’s Thornton School of Music. He researches at the intersections of oral tradition and digital technology, often through the lens of traditional Irish Music. He is currently writing a history of the NYPD Emerald Society Bagpipe Band, including their creation of the line-of-duty funeral and the ways in which this important rite of passage has become the sonic marker for 9/11 memorials. More at We are delighted to welcome Scott to his first talk for the Museum of Newport Irish History. 



you can still have time to enter this year's Luck of the Irish Raffle!

Raffle tickets were mailed to members in November. You can also reach out to Kathy Papp at (401) 236-2624 or to secure a ticket.

Better yet, make a tax-deductible donation now by clicking here:


If you prefer to mail a check, you can make one payable to Museum of Newport Irish History and mail to:

Museum of Newport Irish History

PO Box 1378

Newport, R.I. 02840 

Supporting the raffle will allow our volunteer board to continue working on the following initiatives:

- Telling the story of the Irish immigrants and their descendants in Newport County!

- Presenting informative talks and tours of the Barney Street Cemetery;

- Preserving artifacts and mementoes relating to Newport Irish Americans’ experiences;

- Facilitating research on Irish history and heritage.

We must note that raffle ticket purchases are not considered charitable contributions by the IRS, so ticket purchases are not tax-deductible. But are a vital source of revenue for the Museum.


MARCH 11, 2025 at 12 noon

Providence Performing Arts Center - free

Kevin Doyle’s Roscommon Soles invite you to “Step into The Irish Parlor”.

From Roscommon to Rhode Island

comes a “parlor racket” of a show with music and dance, song

and story.

Roscommon Soles brings together the region’s foremost

traditional Irish musicians and dancers to celebrate St. Patrick’s

Day season. The amazing Peter Krasinski will create Irish magic

on the historic 1927 Wurlitzer organ on the incredible PPAC stage!

More info here:

March 19 2025 Lecture

MARCH 21, 2025 at 3:30 pm

Richard E. Beaupre Center for Chemical and Forensic Sciences (Room 100) at the University of Rhode Island - free

 “The coldest case in Rhode Island: R.I. versus John and Nicholas Gordon,” Michael DiLauro, retired public defender and criminal justice reform advocate. DiLauro will discuss the 1845 trial of the Gordon brothers, and the case of John Gordon, the last man executed in Rhode Island.

More details on the lecture series, which is open to the public, here:


The New York Genealogical and Biographical Society (NYG&B) is offering an exclusive Heritage Tours trip to the Republic of Ireland, August 24–30, 2025, where participants can explore the past and present through this specially curated small group tour. 

Heritage Tour trip to Ireland includes a group guide for the five-day tour; hotel accommodations; breakfast each day; travel to attractions; and museum tickets. NYG&B staff and knowledgeable local experts will lead participants on private tours, educational events, and sightseeing. Highlights include:


  • Touring the National Archives, the National Library, and Trinity Library (shown photo above) to see the Book of Kells 
  • Exploring Ireland’s ancient sites such as Newgrange and Hill of Tara in County Meath 
  • Touring 17th- and 18th-century estates and gardens in County Wicklow 
  • Visiting Dún na Sí Amenity & Heritage Park and other museums on Ireland’s Viking and medieval history and tenement life 

Pricing, which begins at $5,950 per person, based on double occupancy. The deadline for registration is June 15, 2025.  

For more information, visit  


The Museum of Newport Irish History was established in 1996. Its mission is to tell the story of the Irish immigrants and their descendants in Newport County and the surrounding area from the colonial era to the present. It also seeks to preserve artifacts and mementos relating to their experiences and facilitate research on Irish history and heritage.