Last Sunday: Alida preached a powerful sermon entitled Jesus' Inaugural Address, while our Chancel Choir and Wendy Gerbier blessed us with beautiful music. Click here to watch!
This Sunday: It's a Church First Sunday! Church School kids will start the morning with their families in worship at 9:00, and then kids and teachers will be dismissed to their classes at 9:15. We'll share in Holy Communion at both the 9:00 and 10:30 services. And our Junior Choir will bless us with song at the 9am service. On first Sundays, we also welcome in New Members: please be in touch with Alida if you're interested in joining this Sunday!
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THIS SUNDAY, February 2nd, at 11:30am in the Parlor,
A Conversation with Andrea Petersen: “Anxiety”, author of On Edge, her journey through anxiety. Andrea is a member of GHCC and a journalist for the Wall Street Journal. Hosted by SHALOM, Our Mental Health Ministry.
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The Annual Meeting takes place on Sunday, Feb. 9th! One service only at 9:00 a.m., followed by our meeting at 9:45 a.m. Nothing expresses the heart of Congregationalism more than the church annual meeting! We need a quorum of church members to conduct our business -- so please plan on joining us! This year's agenda is a short one: to vote on our church budget, and to elect our new Board members. You may also participate by Zoom - click here to learn more.
Note that Church School will be extended to allow parents to stay for the meeting.
Budget Q&A Session: For those who would like a chance to ask questions about the budget, there will be a meeting with our Treasurer and others on Wednesday, February 5th at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom only. Click here for the Zoom link!
Official Notice: the Annual Meeting of the Greenfield Hill Congregational Church will be held in the Sanctuary following the 9:00 service on Sunday, February 9, 2025, to receive reports of operations during 2024, to approve the budget for 2025, to elect Officers, Board Members, and Chairpersons of Committees and to transact such other business as properly comes before the meeting.
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Church Ice-Skating THIS Sunday! Join us on the Rink at Longshore in Westport (at Longshore Golf Course), on Sunday, February 2nd, when the rink is all ours from 5 to 6 p.m.! Absolutely free and skates included! (come a little early to pick up your skates and be ready to go!)
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GHCC Play Group! An open invitation to all adults with young children who are looking to connect with others to come and gather together on Tuesday mornings from 9:30-11:30 a.m. upstairs in the Church House. We will provide coffee for the grown-ups and toys for the little ones. Interested? Questions? Please feel free to contact Marcia Carothers at ( or call the church office. | |
Our GHCC Support Group (providing support through shared conversation for persons dealing with loss in its many forms) meets today, Wednesday, February 5th at 1:00 pm in the Church House Library. For further information, please contact the Rev. Dr. Brian Bodt, Pastor of Community Care | |
Adults!! Interested in the Appalachia ASP experience? Alida needs 92 adults (19 and older) accompany our 230 teens this summer! Please check out all the info at and contact Alida to learn more! | |
Bible Study: Join us at 10 a.m. in the Parlor (at the back of the church) every Thursday morning! We're talking about The First Year of Jesus' Ministry. Open to all, always interesting! (led by David) | |
Family Game Night presented by The 300th Anniversary Committee will be held on Friday, February 7, from 6-8 p.m. in the Memorial Room. There will be Pizza, Games for all ages, and Prizes! There is no cost to join the fun, though donations are welcome. Parents and children, Grandparents and Grandkids, all generations are encouraged to join us!
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Support the GHCNS Book Fair Next Week! Please stop by the barn on Tuesday and Wednesday 2/4 & 2/5 from 8:45-1pm and Thursday 2/6 from 8:45-12pm to support the GHCNS sponsored book fair. A great opportunity to pick up a birthday or Valentine's Day gift for a child in your life! Can't make it next week? Please feel free to use this link to order your books: GHCNS will receive 20% of all sales. | |
It’s the SouperBowl… You read that right! Our JPF youth group will once again participate in the nationwide 'Souperbowl of Caring' on Sunday, February 9th. Members of the Junior Pilgrim Fellowship (middle school) will be on hand after the Annual Meeting, to collect your contributions for Operation Hope (in soup kettles!). Just a dollar or a can of food would be a great help! Please support the cause! | |
Join us for our Progressive Dinner on March 8th! Everyone is warmly invited to a favorite annual tradition! Here’s how it works!! Everyone gathers together at 6pm for appetizers at the church – that’s when you’ll find out your dinner location! At 7:00, everyone departs for dinner in a church member home, shared in groups of 8-10 people. After dinner, we’re back together at another lovely home for coffee and dessert. This event has become a very popular GHCC tradition, enjoyed by both folks who are new to the church and those who have been with us for many years. If you would like to join in the fun, we do ask that you sign up by February 28th. Everyone contributes to the dinner by bringing a salad, appetizer or dessert … or by hosting one of the dinners! If you would like to sign up for the event and/or volunteer to host, or just have a question, please contact the Church Office at | |
Help us with our monthly dinners at Operation Hope! We provide meals on the first Wednesday of every month and are looking for six volunteers each month to prepare the main meal, salad, or dessert. Click here to sign up! | |
Donating flowers on the communion table on Sundays is so easy and we have many Sundays available in 2025! You can donate in memory or celebration of someone, or even for a special occasion. Following worship, you may take the flowers, or our Member Care Board delivers to those going through any sort of difficult time. All you need to do is contact Bonnie Pfann | |
Valentine’s Day is almost here, and we would love to share it with your college student! The Board of Children and Youth Ministries and our Church School Kids will be sending special Valentine’s Day surprise to all of our college kids. We will use the mailing list from our care packages this past fall; however, if your student’s address has changed since then (ex, if they are abroad this semester), please let us know ASAP! And, if you would like to ADD them to the list, please contact the church office at or call 203-259-5596!
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Prayer Concerns: We invite you always to be in touch with your prayer concerns. Please send your prayer concerns directly to David or Alida (
We rejoice with David and Anny Ward on the birth of grandson Arthur, born to Becky and Callum!
We grieve with Jedd Villanueva and her daughter Jocelyn Santos on the death of Sister Beatriz Santos this past week.
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