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Unity and the Most Vulnerable

by the Reverend Peter D. Thompson, Vicar

There’s been a lot of talk about unity over the past few days. On cable news shows, across newspaper pages, and in social media feeds, Americans have wondered how, if at all, we can possibly come together. Our new President invoked unity during his inaugural address in the Capitol rotunda. At Washington National Cathedral the next day, Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde preached a sermon that made a lot of Episcopalians proud. Unity was her subject.

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The Third Sunday After the Epiphany

Sunday, January 26

Join us in person at 8 am, 9 am, 11 am, or 5 pm.

The Right Reverend Dean Wolfe, Rector, will preach the 9 am and 11 am services of Holy Eucharist. The Reverend Peter Thompson, Vicar, will preach at 8 am, and the Reverend Molly O'Neil Frank, Assisting Priest, will preach at 5 pm.

Join us online at 11 am. Download our service leaflet to follow along as we livestream from the church on our website, Facebook, and YouTube.

The Forum

Sunday, January 26 at 10 am

AI: Promise and Peril

Computer scientist and St. Bart’s parishioner Clay Williams offers insights into how Artificial Intelligence (AI) works and the challenges it presents around consciousness, morality, and spirituality.

Please post your questions in the comments section on Facebook or YouTube, or email the Reverend Peter Thompson at

20s/30s Brunch

Sunday, January 26, at 12:30 pm

Adults in their 20s and 30s are invited to kick off the new year with our 20s/30s Group January Brunch! The location will be confirmed a few days in advance, once we have a headcount and secure a reservation to accommodate the group. We're excited to start 2025 by exploring a new restaurant together. RSVP here.

Deconstructed and Reconstructing: Building a Robust Faith After Evangelicalism

Sundays, January 26–March 2 from 1 to 3 pm,

in person

Seminarian Nathan Peace convenes a small group for young adults who grew up in evangelical or fundamentalist churches and now seek a more inclusive Christian faith in the Episcopal tradition. Sessions explore theology, the Bible, politics, and spirituality. A pre-course questionnaire is required for participation. Learn more and register.

Peace Book Club: Scary Smart

Beginning January 26 at 1:30 pm via Zoom

The Peace Book Club meets virtually on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. The next book selection starting on Sunday, January 26, will be Scary Smart by Mo Gawdat. A limited supply of the book will be available at the Bookstore. Newcomers welcome!

Seeking Spiritual-but-not-Religious Former St. Bart's Young Adults

Sunday, January 26 from 3 to 5 pm, via Zoom

The Reverend Canon Stephanie Spellers is currently traveling the country learning about the spiritual lives of young adults with no current faith affiliation. On January 26, she plans to interview former St. Bart's members ages 18-44 who grew up in this parish, but are now on a "spiritual but not religious" path outside of traditional faith. They will be invited to share about how they're relating to the divine, how they're building spiritual community, and what wisdom they would share with churches. RSVP is required. Please invite young adults in the wider St. Bart's family to contact Canon Spellers directly at

Click here for a complete list of Community Groups and activities after church this Sunday.

Bach at St. Bart’s: American Symphony Orchestra

Friday, January 24: 7 pm Lecture, 8 pm Concert

The American Symphony Orchestra and Bard Festival Chorale, under the direction of Leon Botstein, offer the U.S. premieres of two works by C.P.E. Bach: ​​Heilig ist Gott (Holy is God) and Die Auferstehung und Himmelfahrt Jesu (The Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus). Co-presented by the Mid-Manhattan Performing Arts Foundation. Tickets at Use discount code FAF25 (Friends & Family) for 25% OFF Priority seating, and ASO25 for 25% OFF general admission seating.

Saturday Mornings @ St. Bart's: The Road to Wisdom

Saturdays, January 25-March 1, from 10 to 11 am,

via Zoom

The Saturday morning group considers the latest book by Francis Collins, a former director of the National Institutes of Health who has been open about his Christian faith. Register here.

Dream Group

Tuesdays, January 28, February 4, 11, 18, 25, 6:30-8 pm via Zoom

The St. Bart's Dream Group, led by seminary-educated parishioner Annette Thies, offers a space for communal interpretation of dreams from a spiritual perspective. For this series we will do dreamwork and dreamplay with both our own personal dreams and biblical dreams, seeking especially the spiritual aspects. All are welcome to join us, those who already enjoy dreamwork and those who'd like to recall their dreams. Register here.

The Forum

Sunday, February 2 at 10 am

Selling Worship: Music in North American Evangelicalism

The evangelical understanding of “worship music” has shifted dramatically over the last 50 years. Melanie Ross, Associate Professor of Liturgical Studies at Yale Divinity School, highlights several key historical and theological shifts in the evangelical approach to music and reflects on what has been gained and lost in the practice of congregational singing throughout the process.

Interfaith Conversations: Exploring

Biblical Texts

Tuesdays, February 4–25, from 6:45 to 8 pm, In person

The Reverend Meredith Ward and Rabbinic Intern

Professor Marcia Pally of Central Synagogue facilitate

a four-week conversation on key Biblical texts,

exploring themes common to Judaism and Christianity

to consider anew how we understand them. This inperson-only conversation will alternate between Central and St. Bart’s. Register here.

20s/30s Super Bowl Party

Sunday, February 9, immediately following

the 5 pm service

Join other members of St. Bart’s in their 20s and 30s for a casual Super Bowl party in Room 33. Food, snacks and drinks provided. Other contributions welcome. Register here. 


Tuesday, February 11 at 7:30 pm

Ophelia, Shakespeare’s tragic heroine, inspires a Valentine’s Day program by sopranos Zoe Allen and Olivia Greene with pianist Christopher Allen, featuring music by Saint-Saëns, Strauss, and contemporary composers. Purchase tickets here.

St. Valentine’s Day Renewal of Vows 

Friday, February 14 at 6 pm, in the chapel

All married couples are invited to celebrate and renew their commitment to each other in this meaningful service followed by a champagne toast. Everyone is warmly welcome to join us for this celebration of love—friends, children, and romantics of all ages. The event will conclude at 6:30 pm. Please register at

Imagine Worship NYC

Thursdays at 7 pm, in the chapel

Imagine Worship NYC continues on Thursday

nights in the chapel. Join us for a casual,

contemporary service of Holy Communion with

soulful original music led by artist-in-residence Mark

Miller, followed by food and hospitality. Learn more.

Little Voices

Every other Monday from 4:45 pm-5:30 pm

Little Voices is a free music education opportunity for the younger children of St. Bart’s. Conceived as a musical playground environment for kids, it’s a place to sing songs, play musical games, and try out musical instruments. Taught by Alex Pattavina, children learn about and listen to music, draw and make crafts, and develop an appreciation for sacred arts. Little Voices is a fun and friendly experience for kids ages 5-8, regardless of any previous musical ability or experience. To sign up, contact Alex Pattavina at

Annual Parish Meeting and Vestry Election

Sunday, February 23 at 10 am

In accordance with the Church’s Bylaws, the Vestry has set the time and place for the annual parish meeting and election of Vestry officers. These will take place on Sunday, February 23 at 10 am in the nave of the church and online. All are invited to attend. Only qualified voters are eligible to vote. Click here for additional information. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Liz Gillespie in the Office of the Rector: or 212-378-0263.

Ongoing Classes and Opportunities

Click here for our calendar of ongoing classes and opportunities.

The Forum from Sunday, January 19

Gandhi, King, and Nonviolence 

Sunday, January 19 at 11 am

The Second Sunday After the Epiphany

The Sermon from Sunday, January 19 at 11 am

Now is the Hour

The Reverend Zack Nyein, Senior Associate Rector

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