Sierra Nevada Region E-Blast
Soroptimist International

E-Blast Digest

January 15th, 2025

Hello Soroptimist Int'l,

Please take the time to read this week's E-Blast so you can stay up-to-date on happenings around the Region and Federation.

NOTE: When you see at the bottom of this eblast "message clipped view entire message" click on it to see the complete eblast.


Soroptimist Stargazer Month

Human Trafficking Awareness Month

January 20

  • Headquarters office closed (Martin Luther King Jr.’s Day)
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Governor Stacey's Message

Hello Sierra Nevada Region Members, Friends and Sponsors!

January isn’t the time to overthink or second guess. It’s that time to trust the plan you’ve already built and take action. This is the perfect time of year to go over your club’s strategic plan and see if you need to make any adjustments or update anything to attain those goals you set forth at the beginning of club year or even when you had a club retreat! So maybe take a moment to review your Club Roadmap or Strategic Plan and review at your next club meeting.

Speaking of goals, SIA has given us Region Goals and I wanted to share those with you

all. Just like all our clubs, SIA has also given us Region Roadmap Goals. So for 2025

we have the following that we are shooting to attain.

For Live Your Dream Awardees in our Region we have a goal to provide 120 LYD

Awards for 2025.

For Dream It Be It, we have a goal of having 238 girls participate in our Dream It Be

Program for 2025.

And lastly, for our Big Goal Accelerator Projects we have a goal of 176 for 2025. This all

comes back to reporting to SIA on all the Dream Program and Big Goal Projects going

on in Sierra Nevada Region. I know we can achieve great things, and these goals are

very attainable. So, let’s get to work and hit those benchmarks for 2025!

I’ve received numerous calls and emails from fellow Soroptimists and friends asking if

any of our fellow Soroptimists in Southern California have been affected by the recent

fires there. I wanted to take a moment to let you know that I have reached out to my

fellow Governor Cynthia Jarvis in the Camino Real Region which encompasses much of

the So California area affected by these recent fires.

This is the email I received back from her today:

Thank you so much for reaching out, Gov Stacey! We are sort of in a holding

pattern. We are expecting another windstorm to hit tomorrow. Hopefully that

won't create additional problems. The Pacific Palisades fire is 14% contained

and the Eaton Canyoh fire is 33% contained. That is good news except that

another windstorm could spread the fires again. So, keep praying.

There has been devastating loss, but at this point I don't have any reports of

Soroptimist members having injuries or loss. That doesn't mean they don't exist,

just not yet reported. I am reaching out to the club presidents to get a better

picture of who has been affected.  We HAVE had a lot of evacuees, so that

might have a financial impact on members who had to leave their homes. And

anyone in the line of fire who didn't lose their homes might have had devastating

smoke damage. So, I really can't give you any real information just yet. But I

thank you for reaching out and will keep you on my list of people to keep


Most sincerely, 

Cynthia Jarvis, Governor 2024-2026

Soroptimist International of the Americas

Camino Real Region 

As always, we will keep you all updated any news from that region. Also note that our

SIA President Ginger Cole is also from that region, and I have also reached out to her

as well. We are so excited to have Dr. Ginger Cole as our official SIA Visitor to our

Conference in June! So please keep all our Soroptimist friends and family in your

thoughts and prayers. To your success always and in all ways ~ yours in Soroptimists,

With gratitude,

Stacey Jensen

Sierra Nevada Region Governor 2024-2026


January 28, 7-8 p.m. (ET)

The Power of Planned Giving: Leave a Legacy for Women and


(Please note: This event is for U.S. members only)

Register here.

March 10, 8-9 p.m. (ET)

Fourth Annual International Women's Day Tea Party

Register here.

 June 24, 6-9 p.m. (ET)

2025 Leadership Round Table

Registration coming soon!

 June 28, 1-4 p.m. (ET)

2025-2026 Soroptimist Leadership Fellows Program (first


Registration coming soon!

Greetings Members,

I sincerely hope you are all safe and your loved ones are as well, from the wildfires in

the LA area. My heart is with those affected by this devastating event. It has brought

home how little control we have over so much, and I am deeply grateful for what I have.

In times like these, I bring myself back to my community and Soroptimist and where I

know I can have an impact, however big or small.

We have been anticipating the winter meetings that your District Directors have been

diligently working on, and I hope many of you can attend them. They are a great way to

learn about leadership in a smaller, more intimate setting with your peers. Stay tuned to

further information in the eblasts.

We have also been working on the upcoming Conference June 6-8, which promises to

be fun filled and enlightening, thanks to our creative and illustrious Governor Stacey!!!

Please stay safe and take care of yourselves.

Gratefully in service,


 Kathy Dunbar

        Governor Elect 


    Soroptimist International

      Sierra Nevada Region

Soroptimist International of the Americas News Alert

We are excited to announce that SIA will host its 49th Biennial Convention in the vibrant city of Incheon, South Korea, from July 22 to 25, 2026. This four-day event is an excellent opportunity to build lifelong friendships, participate in enriching workshops and celebrate Soroptimist's significant global impact on transforming the lives of women and girls. 

We are committed to keeping you informed as we finalize details for the event. We want to share information regarding the mandatory convention club fee that SIA will invoice clubs for in January 2026 and payable on March 15, 2026. We are providing you with this early notification to assist with your budget planning across multiple fiscal years. 

As mentioned to our region governors, club presidents and treasurers last year, SIA anticipated a similar price point for the mandatory convention club fee for the 49th Biennial Convention. To address the rising costs of hosting in-person events, the declining number of clubs, and to mitigate any potential deficit for the convention, the SIA Board of Directors has approved a $25 increase in the mandatory convention club fee, bringing the total to $825.  

The mandatory convention club fee is a cost-sharing model that helps us cover essential costs associated with organizing this significant event—including the general business meeting, production, venue rental, catering, interpretation services and equipment, registration vendor contracts, and keynote speakers. Without your support, we would be unable to offer this valued member engagement opportunity. The registration of one delegate per club is included to ensure your club is represented at the general business meeting held during the convention. Your voice is highly sought at this important meeting where key decisions about the business of Soroptimist are made. 

As always, please feel free to contact us via email if you have any questions.  

We look forward to seeing you in Korea! 

Thank you, 
SIA Headquarters 

A new year marks a key time to consider your long-term philanthropic plans and how you may want to leave a legacy through planned giving. Join Soroptimist for a one-hour webinar on the benefits of planned giving, learn about some of the most common giving vehicles and how a planned gift to Soroptimist can make an impact on women and girls beyond your lifetime. 

 Presenters include:

Lise Detwiler, President of Generate Philanthropic Services 

Lise is president of Generate Philanthropic Services, LLC—a fundraising consulting firm focused on coaching, training and assisting nonprofits to create and implement a balanced fundraising program. She holds an MBA from St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, the Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy designation from the American College of Financial Services and maintains her Certified Fundraising Executive credential.

Laura Pauli, SI/Desert Tuscon, AZ (Golden West Region) 

Laura has been a proud Soroptimist member for 39 years. She currently serves as district four director in Golden West Region. Her past leadership roles include club president, Live Your Dream Awards chair, region program chair, and Dream It, Be It chair. In addition to Soroptimist, Laura currently serves as Board President for SaddleBrooke Community Outreach. The mission of SBCO is to provide opportunities for kids to succeed.  

There will also be a live Q&A to answer specific questions about planned giving. Can’t attend on January 28? A recording of the webinar will be available to view at a later date. 


We look forward to learning with you!

Warm regards, 

The SIA Fund Development Team

It's that time of the year to start thinking Soroptimist Ruby Award !!!!

The Soroptimist Ruby Award celebrates remarkable women non Soroptimist member whose personal or professional efforts have made an extraordinary difference in the lives of women and girls. These honorees are women who dedicate themselves to uplifting others, creating meaningful change, and inspiring future generations. Their work not only has a profound impact but also serves as a source of encouragement and empowerment for others.

If you know a woman who exemplifies these qualities—or if you yourself do—we invite you to submit a nomination for this special recognition. Please complete the form and essay and return it to me by April 1, 2025. Thank you for helping us honor these incredible women.

Looking for more info about the Ruby Awards or Who was Ruby Lee Minar

Please send nominations to me at

Click here for the application

Cheryl M. Henning

SNR Ruby Award Coordinator 2025

(775) 934-4660

UpliftHER Initiative: Human Trafficking

Once a quarter, we will focus on an obstacle that women and girls face on their path to

formal education and economic empowerment. SIA will share information about the

obstacle, along with suggested projects that count towards our Big Goal. Clubs can

participate in the quarterly project focus by sharing SIA posts and posting their own

projects with the hashtag #SoroptimistsUpliftHER.

For January, we will focus on projects that increase access to education for women or

girls who have experienced trafficking. January 11 is recognized globally as the

International Day of Human Trafficking Awareness, making January a meaningful time

to learn more about this critical issue and how Soroptimists can help through the

Soroptimists UpliftHER initiative.

Human Trafficking is more prevalent than you think

  • For every 10 trafficking victims identified globally, five are adult women and two

are girls.

  • The total number of trafficked individuals is unknown, but estimates range from

28 million to 50 million globally.

  • This crime is often underreported and hard to track as it is the second largest

worldwide criminal enterprise.

The Impact of Trafficking

Human trafficking can happen to anyone, but some people are more vulnerable than

others. Vulnerable groups include recent migrants, those with substance use/mental

health illnesses, people with limited education, and individuals experiencing poverty or

homelessness (especially youth). Traffickers may prey on these vulnerabilities to create

a dependent relationship and make it more difficult for victims to leave. Most frequently,

people are trafficked by someone they know and taken by manipulation rather than

force. This manipulation and coercion often escalate to physical, emotional, and

financial abuse.

Once immediate safety is established, the UN states that “acquiring skills and

competencies for sustainable livelihoods” is an intermediate need and crucial part of a

successful recovery for trafficked individuals. Soroptimists have decades of experience

with providing this intervention through our education awards and other financial


Women and girls who have been trafficked often suffer financially, being forced to rely

on their trafficker or forced to turn over their earnings to their trafficker. Even after they

escape and are safe, they often face unfair societal stigma that can make finding

meaningful employment difficult.

How Soroptimist Can Help

Reducing poverty is a powerful way to lower the risk of trafficking and education is a key

pathway to doing just that. Access to formal education can provide women with the tools

to prevent trafficking and to command better wages after surviving trafficking.

Leading organizations addressing trafficking agree that holistic methods are the best

prevention. One of the most impactful preventative methods is to invest in building the

agency of women and girls through access to education. Ensuring that women and girls

have the opportunity and ability to complete school and earn a livelihood plays a

significant role in reducing vulnerability.

Spread awareness about trafficking on social media with these graphics!

Click here to get access to the graphics below

Big Goal Accelerator Project Eligibility

If your club has the capacity, one way to support the educational needs of survivors is to

provide a scholarship for a woman who has experienced trafficking, and if appropriate,

offer a career or college mentoring program. Be sure to report it as a Big Goal

Accelerator Project (or Live Your Dream Award, if your recipient is a survivor of

trafficking). If your club has another project that provides access to formal education or

economic empowerment to women or girls who have survived trafficking, please report

it as a Big Goal Accelerator Project and help us reach our Big Goal!

Report here

Does your club have a different project that increases access to education for women

and girls impacted by trafficking? We’d love to hear about it! Post about it using the

hashtag #SoroptimistsUpliftHER.

HOPE Rising Documentary: A Story of Survival, Transformation, & Hope



Some important news to share- we have created and produced a documentary on human trafficking in our community. 


As you know, the Sacramento Regional Family Justice Center is a regional leader, providing wrap-around services to victims of human trafficking. In honor of Human Trafficking Awareness Month (January 2025), the Sacramento Regional Family Justice Center is partnering with Emmy-Award winning journalist, Cristina Mendonsa, Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department, regional service providers, and Dignity Health to produce a documentary that shines a light on the world of human trafficking in Sacramento County. 


HOPE Rising: A Story of Survival, Transformation, and HOPE will share an unfiltered glimpse into the Sacramento region’s well established, but hidden, human trafficking industry. Trafficking survivors, law enforcement, specialized healthcare professionals, and the SRFJC’s Anti-Trafficking team will take viewers on a journey as survivors fight to exit “the life” and find hope.


Join us for the film screening and panel discussion on January 30th at 6pm at the Guild Theatre.


The event is free. Tickets Here:


We hope to see you on the 30th!


With HOPE, Sacramento FJC

Video Series: Club Civility

Presenting: There is no "I" in Teams! Presented by District Director Rae DeGabriele and Teresa Armstrong. Be more effective and nicer to each other. 

Enjoy this video series with thanks to all our presenters. 

Danielle Kennedy, Public Awareness Chair 2024-2026

TO: Board Members, Directors, Federation Chairs, Committee Coordinators

Past Governors, Club Presidents, Members

FROM: Stacey Jensen, SNR 2024-2026 Region Governor


WHEN: Saturday, March 15, 2025

WHERE: This meeting will be held on Zoom.

Click here to register for the meeting.

You will receive a link to the meeting in your registration confirmation email.

Please join the Sierra Nevada Region Board at the third board meeting of the 2024 - 2026 biennium. All

Soroptimists are welcome to this virtual Board Meeting.

ANY ACTION ITEMS for the board meeting must be sent to Governor Stacey,

before Saturday, March 1, 2025, in order to be included on the Board Agenda.

Please send all Board Reports to Governor Stacey, and Secretary Maureen by Saturday, March 1, 2025, at and

Feel free to contact Governor Stacey if you have questions.

Looking forward to seeing you all, yours in Soroptimist,

Stacey Jensen

2024-2026 Sierra Nevada Region Governor

District 4 Leadership Summit

March 1, 2025

8:30am – 2:00pm

Timbers Lodge, 7050 Del Webb Blvd., Roseville

The Solarium at Timbers Lodge

Our Leadership Summit will focus on enhancing and developing "Leadership Skills" which are

essential for guiding projects to success and inspiring club members. These skills can keep a

group of people motivated and focused on shared goals. No matter what role you see yourself

in your Soroptimist club these skills will inspire you to be successful and engaged.

Cost: $35.00, Light breakfast, lunch

Join us for hands-on FUN and share your challenges and successes with fellow Soroptimist!

Link for Registration:

Marketplace Interest, please call or text Rae @916-316-2174

(District 4 Fall Meeting, Sept 2024)


WHEN: Saturday, March 8, 2025

10:30 AM – 2:30 PM

WHERE: Sierra View Library

4001 South Virginia St. Reno, NV 89502

Located in the center of Reno Town Mall

within walking distance to Atlantis Resort.

THEME: Letting Your Inner Self ‘Spring’ Forth

SPEAKER: Marie Harger, Ayurvedic Health Medicine Practitioner.

Ayurveda is an alternative medicine based on the elements found in everything that

exists. Marie will share how the ‘Science of Life’ works with individuals and groups. She

will also educate us on nutritional, life-style and herbal formulas to improve our quality

of life.

OTHER TOPICS: District 5 Director, Susan will share Federation news on the UpliftHer engagement


Representatives from each District 5 Club will share information on her club’s most

effective service program.

First Time Attendees are encouraged to attend and will receive a welcome gift.

COST: $23.00 includes beverages and a soup, salad, sandwich and dessert lunch.

Click here for REGISTRATION

Click here for the Agenda

District 6 Winter Leadership Roundtable

Saturday February 1st, 2025

10:00 am to 1:00 pm

Zoom Meeting Only!

Click here for the Call to the District 6 Leadership Roundtable

Click here to Register

Happy New Year,

I have included some friendly reminders and upcoming Live Your Dream Awards deadlines. Please take a few minutes to read the below message. 

Your Club's 1st place LYD Awardee must be submitted by the February 1st deadline, to be included in the District and Region level judging. Please be sure to follow the online reporting form process! process! Last year, a handful of clubs did not report this way and were not counted as participating. Don’t let your hard work go to waste! Once you have successfully submitted your club report, you will receive a copy in an email confirmation. If you don’t receive a confirmation email, please email 

If you are a new club in the region that wants to give a Live Your Dream Award this year, please apply for the new club funding! You must submit the form at this link with an eligible Live Your Dream applicant by February 1st if you would like to receive the $1,000 for your first award:

Application Review and Judging:

As you wrap up the application review and judging process, it’s time to finalize your decisions. Follow these important steps to ensure your club’s choices are properly recorded and communicated.

We reviewed our applications and had them judged—now what?

  • Indicate your club’s decision for EACH APPLICANT! Place the application for your top recipient in the Indicate Your Club’s Decision stage (and her application will be sent to the region chair for further judging). You will complete this step for any additional club recipients as well.
  • Please indicate your club’s decision for ALL the applications your club receives, including those you marked as No Award. That way SIA headquarters knows the club’s decision.  You can use the automated emails in the application system to communicate your decisions with the applicants.
  • Be sure to download a copy of any applications your club judges and keep them for at least a year (applications that receive funding should be kept securely in club records indefinitely).
  • Don’t forget to indicate your club’s decision in the online application system, you MUST complete the the online reporting form on JotForm! Without this, your club is not considered as participating in the program.

Use the LYD Toolkit. It has lots of templates and resources to assist you through the process. 

Best Wishes,


Billie Araiza

Live Your Dream Awards

Sierra Nevada Region Coordinator

2024-2026 Biennium

Sierra Nevada Region

Soroptimist International of the Americas

Reminder for Eblast submissions

Happy New Year!

Please send me your Eblast submissions 3 days before the publication date. That would be the 27th or the 12th of each month.

If you are not getting the SNR Eblast please get in touch with me, so I can check your Email.

When sending your club's Eblast, please provide a working URL link. PDF files cannot be larger than 5.0mb. For flyers either a PDF or an image file.

Thank you all so much!

Babette Maiss, Eblast coordinator

CONGRATULATIONS to all clubs celebrating a Charter anniversary during the month of January!

January 1 – SI Sutter Yuba Chartered 2017

January 7 – SI Placerville Chartered 1939

January 11 – SI Chico Charted in 1930

January 19 – SI Colfax Charted in 1946

Hopefully I did not miss anyone!

Governor Stacey

SI Bidwell Rancho

SI Elk Grove

  • Avon Flyer
  • Power of the Purse (02/08/25) Flyer
  • Martini Fundraiser (03/15/25) Flyer

SI Citrus Heights

  • 39th Annual Crab Feed Flyer

SI Grass Valley

  • Zero Waste Club Kit Flyer

SI Greater Sacramento

SI Greater Las Vegas

  • Sweet Fantasy 2025 Flyer

SI Lincoln

SI Loomis Basin

  • It's in the Bag Flyer
  • It's in the Bag Sponsorship Opportunity - Flyer

Si Mineral County

  • Planet Green Recycle Flyer

SI Metropoliton Las Vegas

  • LYD Award Luncheon Flyer

SI Pahrump Valley

  • Voices of Change Flyer (01/11)

SI Rancho Cordova/GR

  • Print cartridge recycling Flyer
  • e-waste recycling Flyer
  • Tru-Earth Eco-products Flyer
  • Human Trafficking Education Program Flyer


  •  "A Chocolate Affair" Flyer

SI South Sacramento

  • "Show You're a Soroptimist" Flyer

SI Bidwell Rancho

SI Chico

SI Davis

SI Elk Grove

SI Grass Valley

SI Folsom/EDH

SI Lincoln

SI Loomis Basin

Find out what's happening with other SI Clubs in our region.

SI Pahrump Valley

SI Rancho Cordova/ Gold River

SI Sacramento

SI Tahoe Sierra

SI Truckee Meadows

SI Sierra Foothills

SI Woodland

Facebook  Instagram  YouTube  Web  Email
E-Blast Submission Guidelines

E-Blasts go out the 1st and 15th of each month. Email your articles, flyers or links to by the 27th of the month for E-Blast going out on the 1st, and by the 12th of the month for the E-Blast going out on the 15th.

A few pointers and notes for a successful E-Blast submission:

  • Submissions should use either Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat or can be typed into an email that I can copy and paste into the E-Blast
  • You may send me a Web Link. Ensure the link you send me works
  • Files can be no larger than 5.0mb. Constant Contact can’t handle it
  • When sending your club's Eblast, please send a direct link or a Pdf file.

I will reply that I received your submission within 48 hours. If you don’t receive my confirmation, check with me. 

Babette Maiss

SNR Eblast Coordinator