Synod Authorized Minister - Arlin Scott

For the week ending January 11, 2025

Grace Notes

Friday Devotional:

Psalm 29

Anyone excited about thunderbolts and lightning, whirlwinds and floods is probably watching the weather from within a secure location. If we hear the power of nature as a call to worship within the strong stone walls of the temple and as a matter of reflection rather than present danger, one might indeed be moved to respond, "Glory!" (v.9).

But most of the time, not least when storms threaten us, we want assurance not just of God's raw power but of God's love. And so we gladly hear echoes of the psalmist's refrain, "the voice of the Lord," at Jesus' baptism: "You are my beloved child, with whom I am well pleased." Later, when this same Jesus is with his disciples in a raging storm at sea, his voice-also God's voice-says, "Peace! Be still!" (Mark 4:39).

We sing with awe at nature's terrifying wonders. But most of all we seek God where God wants to be found-in the Lord Jesus, our friend, our defense, our sure and everlasting peace.

God, Most High, thank you for coming to us in Jesus and proving you are on our side. Amen.

An excerpt from Christ in Our Home

If you would like a copy of Christ in Our Home

 please contact the church office: at 805-983-0612

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January Birthdays

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Synod Authorized Minister - Arlin Scott

For any questions:

 (805) 983-0612 |

805-983-0612 | |
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