"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness" (Lamentations 3:22-23).
Aren’t new things wonderful? We’ve just come through the Christmas season where everything was bright, shiny, and new. New memories with loved ones were created, new gifts were opened, and renewed excitement was experienced as we rejoiced at the inbreaking of Christ into His creation. A week after Christmas, another celebration took place as we hung up our new calendars, attended parties, and made New Year’s resolutions. Hope abounded as we put aside the old year and rang in the new. Last week we observed Epiphany and reflected on the new life that Jesus came to give to all!
Now it’s the second week of January, and I’ll be perfectly honest — this is my least favorite time of the year. Nothing feels new and beautiful this week. The colors and decorations of Christmas have been taken down, and it will be months before the first blossoms of spring will take their place. It’s cold, the trees are bare, the parties are over, and the resolutions have been broken. Everything just seems old. It’s no wonder that feelings of sadness, emptiness, and anxiety abound. During this dark time of the year, it’s incredibly important that we hear a reminder: Our feelings do not define the truth — God does!
The writer of Lamentations was no stranger to hard feelings. Take a minute to open your Bible and read chapters 1, 2, and the first 20 verses of chapter 3. Yikes! But then the author calls to mind God’s truth, and we hear one of the most beautiful promises in all of Scripture. My friends, this is the truth about our God:
- He is faithful: There is absolutely nothing that you can do to make Him turn away from you.
- His love is unwavering: Chesed (steadfast love) is my favorite description of God. It is unshakable and unlike any love that people can have for each other — God’s love just IS. We can trust it completely.
- His mercies are new every morning. Every. Single. Morning.
When you entered the waters of baptism, you were crucified with Christ and were raised to new life with Him. You are a new creation! Here is a challenge for you this week:
Each morning when you first come across water, whether in your first sip or as you wash your face, pause and make the sign of the cross. Say out loud, “I am baptized. In Christ, I am a new creation. The old has passed away, and the new has come. God’s mercies are new every morning!” Then pray to God, thanking Him for His steadfast love and faithfulness. Let His truth come before your feelings and see how it sets the tone for the rest of your day. New things are certainly wonderful!