Track & Field 2025

February 3, 2025

Greetings Alan,

We are so excited the first Week of our 2025 season is here! Tomorrow, Feb 4th is our parent orientation! All new and returning athlete should try to come! We will have a Fleet Feet Store, with shoes, and spike shoes to purchase or order. You can also pick up your uniform. You are welcome to bring your athlete, especially if you want to buy shoes, but it not mandatory. Our Storm merchandise store is now open, please see details below. This is an important meeting to help you understand our program!

Please bring any birth documentation or fee payments if you have not done so yet. This meeting is to help you all be more prepared for the season, meet the coaches, and get your questions answered

We have 2 sessions, the 5:30 - 6:30 is mainly for our Sub-Gremlin and Gremlin age group, and the 6:30 - 7:30 is for all other age groups. If you are unable to come at the correct time you are welcome to come to either session. If you have athletes in both age groups you can come to the either time, but Gremlin Coaches may not be at the 2nd session. We will meet in the Sycamore room at the Sports Centre.

We will have a roster up so you can look to see if your registration is complete. If your name is highlighted, please see the volunteer at the table to see what we need.

Please review our Parent Handbook prior to the meeting!

Please make sure you have competed all the steps for registration:

1) sign up contract

2) complete payment,

3) order uniform, all athletes need a uniform if last years does not fit

4) upload birth document.

If you have done this already, thank you! All links are below and on the website.

We are almost full at this point we are near 300 athletes, so if you know anyone that would like to join please let them know! We will turn off registration when we reach 300.

Jelly Beans/Jolly Ranchers - We offer these at the end of every practice. We ask each family to donate 2 large packages of either of these items. We will also need parents to volunteer to put the jelly beans in a individual baggies, and help hand out at the end of each practice. We will provide the baggies and the scoops! This a great way to volunteer if you can not help at the practice or meet! The athletes love this and it helps replace the glycogen used during practice, and it puts a smile on their face. You can bring this to the parent meeting or any practice!

We offer this to all athletes only, if you would like sibling to take one please bring extra so that we make sure we have plenty every day!!

Newsletter - If you would like to add another email to receive our Newsletter, please click on the "join our newsletter" link on the website and add the email to our 2025 track and field list. We use this for all our important communication

We are currently looking for a Track and Field Director to fill our board, please contact Elaine if you are interested in joining our board!!

Important Upcoming Dates:

Feb 4th - Parents Orientation -5 :30 pm - 6:30 pm Sub Gremlin and Gremlin age 5- 8 and athletes as of Dec.31st 2025 .

All other athletes - 6:30- 7:30 at the Santa Clarita Sports complex - 20870 Centre Pointe Pkwy. for both meetings in the Sycamore Rm.

Practice Schedule - First week - All Practices at Castaic High School

(times on Saturdays are subject to change )

Saturday Feb 8th - 12:00 -2:00 pm -(Gremlins 1:20) Castaic High school - 31575 Valley Creek Rd Castaic times on Saturdays are subject to change

Monday Feb. 10th - 6:00 - 7:45 ( Sub Gremlin and Gremlin ends at 7:15)

Tuesday Feb. 11th - 6:00 - 7:45 ( Sub Gremlin and Gremlin ends at 7:15)

Thursday Feb 13th - 6:00 - 7:45 ( Sub Gremlin and Gremlin ends at 7:15)

Saturday Feb 15th - 10:00 am - 12:00 ( Sub Gremlin and Gremlin ends at 11:15) times on Saturdays are subject to change

Coaches Needed - Track and Field is a very unique sport and needs many different areas of coaching events! We can train you and help guide you in any one of those areas. We need many assistant coaches. No experience needed, just a willingness to learn and care for the athletes! Storm is a family of many different backgrounds! If you would like to coach for our great organization, please contact Coach Elaine at We are an all-volunteer organization and completely rely on volunteers to make us great!!

Coaches needed -

Assistant Sprint Age group coaches - all ages We are in need for coaches in the Sub-gremlin group the most right now, as many of our coaches have moved up! It is so fun for our 5/6 year old!!

Long Jump

High Jump

Shot Put





Storm Spirit Merchandise

Our spirit merchandise store is now open! We have shirts, hoodies, warm up gear, and many other items are available to purchase! Show you team spirit! All items are made to order so please be careful with your sizes as there are not returns! Items will take a few weeks to arrive.

Visit our Store

2025 Track & Field Sign Ups

Sign ups for the 2024 Track & Field Season are OPEN



Athletes compete in a variety of running and field events

according to their year of birth



5-6 Girls and Boys (SG/SB)

(Year Born) 2020-2019

100 Meter, 200 Meter, 400 Meter, 800 Meter, 1500 Meter, 4×100 Meter relay, Long Jump



7-8 Girls and Boys (GG/GB)

(Year Born) 2017-2018

100 Meter, 200 Meter, 400 Meter, 800 Meter, 1500 Meter, 4×100 Meter relay, Long Jump



9-10 Girls and Boys (BG/BB)

(Year Born) 2016 -2015

100 Meter, 200 Meter, 400 Meter, 800 Meter, 1500 Meter, 4×100 Meter relay, 4×400 Meter relay, Long Jump, High Jump, Shot Put



11-12 Girls and Boys (JG/JB)

(Year Born) 2014 -2013

100 Meter, 200 Meter, 400 Meter, 800 Meter, 1500 Meter, 3000 Meter, 4×100 Meter relay, 4×400 Meter relay, 80 Meter hurdles, Long Jump, High Jump, Shot Put



13-14 Girls and Boys (YG/YB)

(Year Born) 2012 -2011

100 Meter, 200 Meter, 400 Meter, 800 Meter, 1500 Meter, 3000 Meter, 4×100 Meter relay, 4×400 Meter relay, 100 Meter hurdles, Long Jump, High Jump, Shot Put


15-18 Girls and Boys

(Year Born) 2010 - 2007

100 Meter, 200 Meter, 400 Meter, 800 Meter, 1500 Meter, 3000 Meter, 4×100 Meter relay, 4×400 Meter relay, 100 Meter hurdles, Long Jump, High Jump, Shot Put


Please be sure to read the Parent Handbook it will answer most questions anyone should have. (It should be posted to our website in a couple of days).


The above paperwork files require  Adobe Acrobat Reader , Click here to download a free copy.



Elaine Bingham , Head Coach Track & Field

OPEN , Director Storm Track & Field

Alan Bingham , President, Santa Clarita Track Club

Please visit our 2025 Track and field sign up page on our website

Our Track and Field Sign Up Page

Track & Field is a competitive sport, all athletes must attend at least three meets on Saturday, to be on the team. There will be no practice only athletes.

We have reached the point that we just can no longer accept athletes who only want to practice on our team, that takes away our coaches time in training our athletes who do compete, so our policy is that we do not accept practice only athletes. Saturday Meets are mandatory

Please click the following button to register for the 2024 Track & Field Program. Please note that the terms and conditions to registration belong to the Valley Youth Conference. This form is an exact electronic copy of the paperwork we had last year which was on paper.

2025 Track and Field Sign Up Form
The payment option is a separate option.

Pay 2025 Track & Field Registration Fees
Uniform purchase is also a separate option. (Every athlete must compete in a uniform, but you are not required to buy a new one every year, if your uniform from last year or cross country is still good you may use that one, if your child has out grown it, you might want to purchase a new one).
Order Uniforms

New athletes we must have a copy of the proof of age (see below).

A proof of age document must be uploaded using the form on the website for each athlete that is New to the club. If you competed in 2023 Track & Field or 2023 Cross Country for Storm we have your proof of age document still on file.

The following items are acceptable:

1. Birth Certificate.

2. Photocopy of Birth Certificate.

3. Military Birth Certificate.

4. Passport.

5. Foreign Birth Document or Green Card.

6. Copy of School Record with documented date of birth.

7. Court decree.

8. Valid California Identification Card

Submit Proof of Age
Alan Bingham
Santa Clarita Track Club
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