January 14, 2025

Principal's Message

Education in Virtue

Dear St. Philip Neri School Families and Friends,

During the fall of this school year, our teachers familiarized themselves with a new supplemental Religion program called Education in Virtue. Education in Virtue is not only a curriculum, “it’s a way of life, the means to a happy life.” The Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist developed this program based on St. Thomas Aquinas’ teaching on the virtues and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We believe that by focusing on understanding the virtues and practicing them in our daily lives, in addition to our School wide Learning Expectations of respect, reverence, responsibility, and lifelong learning, we are setting up our students to experience more peace and happiness in their lives. Each month we will focus on a specific virtue schoolwide. The virtue focus for January is Self Control. Each grade level will have lessons on Self Control, what it means, what it looks like and sounds like, and how it can be a means to staying close to God and experiencing peace in our lives. Ask your students what they have learned about self control and being virtuous.

Finally, NASA is coming to SPN. Yes, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, that NASA, is partnering with our fifth through eighth grade science teachers to bring the Plant the Moon Challenge to SPN. Today, the lead of NASA’s Innovation and Technical Partnerships and the NASA Solar System Exploration Research division, Joseph Minafra, visited the fifth through eighth grade classes along with Jen Bear, a NASA Graphic Artist, to share Jen’s book and to introduce them to meteorites– real meteorites– and to begin the project. “The Plant the Moon Challenge (PTMC) is a global science experiment, citizen science research project, and transdisciplinary educational challenge where K-12 and college students conduct experiments to help NASA understand how crops grow in Lunar or Martian regolith.” This is a special opportunity for our students to meet with astronauts and scientists of NASA and to problem solve using the scientific method. We are very grateful to fifth grader and aspiring astrophysicist, Liam Weesner for introducing us to Joseph Minafra, his mentor, and his team of colleagues for bringing this opportunity to St. Philip Neri School. 

Please read through this Newsletter to stay informed on upcoming events and opportunities.

Peace & Blessings,

Ms. Thomas

Health and Wellness Updates

This is a reminder to stay vigilant in keeping sick students home and informing the Office of symptoms so we can guide a safe return to school. We have had 0 cases of COVID since September 4, 2024.

Today's NASA presentations 


January 2025

Jan 14 T2 Progress Reports

Jan 17 NO SCHOOL: Elementary Staff Day - No Share and Care

Jan 20 NO SCHOOL: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - No Share and Care

Jan 21 Free Dress for January B-days

Jan 22 Spirit Day - Pajama Day

Jan 22 Noon Dismissal/ Teacher Professional Development

Jan 23 8th Grade Graduation Picture Day

Jan 26 Kick-off Catholic Schools Week with All School Mass, 9:00 a.m.

Jan 26 Open House, immediately following Mass, 10:00-11:30 a.m.

Jan 27 Celebrate Community

Jan 27 School Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

Jan 28 Student Appreciation Day

Jan 29 SPN Parent Appreciation

Jan 30 Oratorical Fest, 1:00 p.m. in the church.

Jan 31 Noon Dismissal, No Share and Care - Teacher Appreciation

February 2025

Feb 1 SPN Crab Feed (Athletic Fundraiser)

Feb 2 Family Mass, 9:00 a.m., Hosted by grades 3rd & 4th

Feb 10 PTG Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

Feb 14 St. Valentine's Day, Noon Dismissal

Feb 17 NO SCHOOL: Presidents Day - No Share and Care

Feb 18 Free Dress for February B-days

Feb 24 School Board Meeting, 6:30 p.m.

Feb 28 End of 2nd Trimester

Teacher Appreciation Day

Hello SPN Community! 

Catholic Schools Week is fast approaching. One of our important events of the week is on Friday 1/31/25, when we have the honor of appreciating our fabulous SPN teachers, with a brunch sponsored by the PTG. 

We need your help in providing both classroom volunteers and brunch items, so that our teachers can all leave the classroom for a short time and enjoy their breakfast together.

 Please see the attached Sign Up Genius' to volunteer and for the list of needed items. 

Please remember that to volunteer in the classroom, you must have all completed Virtus training and fingerprinting requirements.

Our teachers do so much for our students. If you have the ability to volunteer, please consider this opportunity! If you have any questions, please reach out to

SPN Mini Maker Faire

Volunteer at the Mini Maker Faire on Student Appreciation day!

Join us on Jan 28th 2025 from 9:30am-2:30pm at O’Brien Hall for our exciting Mini Makers Fair! Students will craft Mini Terrariums, LED Art Panels, String Art, Button Crafts, Potpourri Sachets etc. We need enthusiastic volunteers to assist at the crafting stations and help students bring their creations to life. It’s a fantastic opportunity to get involved and share in the fun. We are also looking for help with set up from 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. Sign up today to make this event a success!

From the Emergency Safety Team

Each month, our Safety Team conducts drills for a variety of situations including earthquakes, fire, and shelter-in-place. Tomorrow at 11:30 a.m. we will have a shelter-in-place drill (lockdown for internal threat). 

Given the nature of situations that warrant a lockdown, we wanted to let you know about the drill beforehand so you can take advantage of the opportunity to talk with your child about it. Our teachers prepare students in the best way possible for these drills, using age-appropriate terminology and the resources and training provided by the Diocese of Oakland. We identify this as a "shelter-in-place" drill, and that is the only thing the students hear, we never mention "mock intruders. "Our procedure for this type of situation is in our comprehensive safety plan for shelter-in-place. 

Here are some resources you might find helpful: 


Self Control: An example of Temperance.

Looks like: Following directions the first time you’re asked.

Sounds like: “I won’t wait to get started.”

Scripture: Philippians 3:13-14: “Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

Admissions for 25-26

We have begun to prepare for the 2025-26 school year, and that includes applications for Preschool through Grade 7 (there are currently no openings for 8th grade for next year). If you or someone you know has a child 3 years or older who is looking for placement, please have them go to our website and register for one of our upcoming events.

  • Come Play in TK & K, Wednesday, January 15, 9:00-10:30 a.m. (reserve a spot)
  • Open House, Sunday, January 26, 10:00-11:30 a.m. (register for a tour)
  • Private tours with the Principal on Wednesdays or by appointment

SPN Jeans Day Fundraiser

Science Fair

Science Fair Judges Request - Friday, January 24, 9am - 12 pm

If you or any of your friends have a science or engineering background, I would love to invite you to help out as a science fair judge this year. It means so much for students to be able to share their work with curious adults. You would need to be available from 9-12 next Friday, January 24. Please let me know if you're interested.

James Toner

Busy times for the Athletic Department here at Saint Philip Neri!

1. Volunteers are needed for our next hosting date on 1/26 at Alameda Point Gym. This is a great way to support our programs and school by helping us score games, sell tickets, snack bar etc. Awesome way to get your hours in! Also a gentle reminder that families who play sports need an ADDITIONAL five hours of service. Link below is to sign up.

1/26 Hosting Day sign up

2. Spring Sports registration is now open! In the Spring we offer Track and Field (TK-8, Co-ed), Girls Basketball (3-8), Sand Volleyball (5-8, Co-ed) and our newest addition of Golf (TK-8, Co-ed).

Golf will be a club sport that we are offering for the first time ever, more details to follow but there will be a fee to play. Link below is to register for sports.

Spring Sports Registration

3. Last but definitely not least, our Crab Feed! On Saturday February 1st at 6:00 in the hall will be our event that will help support Athletics here at Saint Philip Neri. Tickets must be bought in advance as there will be no ticket sales at the door (we need to know how much crab to order). Only a few tickets are still available so act fast so you do not miss out!

We will be drawing a winner for our 50/50 raffle at the crab feed so make sure to purchase your tickets ahead of time. Tickets will be sold daily in the school office or contact to put your order in. The pot is growing bigger and bigger, don't let the opportunity to be the winner pass you by. Link for Crab Feed Tickets is below.

Crab Feed Tickets

Thank you and Go Spartans!

Save the date!

Ahoy, Me Hearties!

The 2025 SPN Auction committee has had all hands on deck making sure everything is shipshape in preparation for the upcoming Spartans of the Caribbean bash on March 15, 2025. One of our first orders of business was to secure a vessel for our evening voyage into the dark sea (i.e., a location for the party), and we are pleased to announce we have succeeded in our task.

Never fear, the SPN Auction Committee has locked down a gorgeous new location. This year’s Spartans of the Caribbean Auction will be held at . . . drumroll please . . . Fairview Events at METROPOLITAN GOLF LINKS. Yo Ho Ho! 

This year’s Spartan of the Caribbean Auction will be more fun than ever before! We will have new and exciting experiences to bid on at our live auction, a bucket raffle during our cocktail hour, photo booth, a DJ to keep us moving and shaking well into the evening, and an OPEN BAR for the entire event, from the cocktail hour to last call! 

Get out your spyglass and be on the lookout for more information on tickets, reserving tables and sponsorships. 

Avast ye! Leave your lads and lassies at home, bring your loot and get your sea legs ready. This ship sails on March 15, 2025, and you do not want to be marooned at home! Are you ready to voyage? We will see you on deck! 

Your Auction Chairs,

Monica and Zane


Please continue to follow parking and traffic rules– NO PARKING IN RED ZONES, NO JAYWALKING, NO DOUBLE-PARKING– during morning drop off and afternoon pick up to maintain safety for our students as well as to not be cited by law enforcement.

PTG - Sign Up Form


Earn Volunteer Hours & Link to Log Hours

Families can now get volunteer hours for buying items from Grade Level and Department Amazon Wishlists. You will get 1 volunteer hour for every $20 spent. If the class does not have any items available on their list, Amazon gift cards are welcome, too!

Please include a gift receipt so we know who to thank!

Please contact Ms. Trujillo with any questions.

Log your Volunteer hours Here




1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade





Office/Shared Areas



Share & Care



Choice Lunch Calendar for Volunteer

Thank you so much to Needlyn D'Mello for creating the calendar this year.

A Better Way to Buy Scrip

Do you want to get a head start on your Scrip purchases for the 2024-2025 school year? We now have an easier way to start earning!  Order your gift cards to be delivered to the school or your home. Raise Right also features an app that allows you to purchase egift cards delivered to your ewallet within seconds. There are hundreds of stores available including gas stations, grocery stores, clothing & shoe stores, hotels and more. Check it out today!

Enter enrollment code 432BQIZ543ML at 

Saint Philip Neri Social Media

Have you joined SPN on social media? 

We would love to have you as a part of our social media community.

It only takes a few seconds to join.

Check us out on Instagram at “spnalameda”.

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