I hope everyone had a peaceful, easy holiday season.
I haven’t communicated much in the last few months. I lost my best friend to cancer, revamped my pet sitting business, and found myself questioning where to go next with my work. I took some time off for healing, self-care, and reflection. I am back and looking forward to helping animals and their people find more harmony, peace, and balance in 2025.
Blinding flashes of inspiration with bits of clarity have been bombarding me like a spectacular meteor shower this week. From listening to Braiding Sweetgrass to remembering a message from a wise equine friend, listening, awareness, connection, and joy are bubbling to the top. These will guide my life and work this year. Stay tuned for more on what these mean in our relationships with our animals. What is bubbling up for you in the new year? I would love to hear from you!
As my focus shifts to being more aware and connected with the universe, animals and nature, I am shifting away from social media. It has become tedious and energetically draining. My newsletter will be my primary means of communication for the near future. I will share stories, experiences and announcements about events and classes via a regular newsletter. Please share with anyone who might be interested. And, as always, shoot me an email if you have question or something to share!
Read my latest blog, a book recommendation and a little about what is in the works for this year below.
Wishing you much joy,