AAVN Newsletter November/December 2024 | |
The AAVN E-News is now being distributed to all of our friends and contacts.
Learn More About AAVN Membership Here
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Message from the President
Megan Sprinkle, DVM
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Dear Colleagues,
Happy Holidays! I hope you can enjoy some time this season to celebrate with family or friends.
This coming year is a big one for AAVN.
2025 marks the 25th Anniversary of our Clinical Nutrition and Research Symposium. I hope that you will be able to join us in Louisville to celebrate this milestone. As a reminder, this year the Symposium has moved to the Saturday following ACVIM, June 21. The AAVN symposium isn't complete without you, especially our great abstract presenters. Our Education Committee has issued the Call for Abstracts with a deadline of February 7, 2025.
I am also excited about our newest offering – the AAVN Technician Nutrition Workshop, happening April 4-6, 2025 in Pittsburgh, PA. Thank you to our talented planning team (Robin Saar, Ashley Self, and Kara Burns) and our committed sponsors, for making this program possible. Additional details are in this issue of the e-news (below). Please share this event with technicians you know who are interested in advanced nutrition education.
On behalf of the AAVN Executive Board, I wish you a happy and healthy new year!
Megan Sprinkle, DVM, DACVIM (Nutrition)
p.s. Thanks to many of you who sent congratulations on the birth of my daughter, Abigail. My husband and I are enjoying these early days with our baby girl and appreciate all of your good wishes!
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Former Residents Recognize Dr. Bob Backus' Contributions to the Veterinary Profession
Contributed by
Dr. Allison Wara
A group of veterinary nutritionists gathered in Columbia, Missouri to celebrate the retirement of Dr. Bob Backus and the legacy he leaves at the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine.
During his 20-year tenure, Dr. Backus made a significant impact on the field of veterinary nutrition by mentoring future veterinarians and specialists and expanding knowledge of canine and feline nutrition through research.
Pictured above and below are some of his former residents, now board-certified specialists, who traveled across North America to honor his achievements. The celebration included a surprise picnic at a local park and a private dining event at a local restaurant.
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Picture 1 (picnic pavilion) - Bob Backus, Allison Wara, Lauren Foster, Bob Foster, Devon Ueda, Jenna Manacki, Catherine Ruggiero, Craig Datz.
Picture 2 (restaurant) - Craig Datz, Bob Backus, Lauren Foster, Bob Foster, Allison Wara, Devon Ueda, Kathleen Backus, Jenna Manacki
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Contributed by Dr. Sarah Abood
- The best welcome home (even when you leave for an hour)
- Our pets help us feel safe and secure
- The perfect excuse to get outside for a walk
- Encouraging us to live in the moment
- Cat head butts
- No need for an alarm clock
- Lowering our blood pressure and raising our serotonin
- No judgment!
- Enhancing our compassion
- Constant love with no strings attached
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The AAVN Education Committee is pleased to announce the keynote speakers for the 2025 Clinical Nutrition and Research Symposium. They are:
Large Animal Nutrition Panel
Moderator: Megan Shepherd, DVM, DACVIM (Nutrition)
Panelists: Mark Fagundes, DVM; Pat Harris, MA, VetMB, PhD, DECVCN, MRCVS; Ashley Self, BS, LVMT, VTS (Nutrition); Robert Van Saun, DVM, MS, PhD, DACT, DACVIM (Nutrition)
Kelly S. Swanson, MS, PhD
University of Illinois
Stephanie Valberg, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, DACVSMR
Valberg NMDL LLC
Kentucky Equine Research
Plus, an AAFCO Update from Renee Streeter, DVM, DACVIM (Nutrition).
For a draft schedule for the event, click here
More Details Coming Soon!
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AAVN Veterinary Nutrition Workshop for Technicians to Debut in April - Sign Up Today!
AAVN is excited to announce a new program! In April 2025, we will host our first ever workshop designed specifically for licensed veterinary technicians. Attendees will earn 13 RACE approved CE credits. They will also have the opportunity to form a network of technicians in their region that they can connect and consult with on nutrition and other topics.
Sponsorships Available! Pet food and related service companies - we want the technicians to meet you! Companies are invited to sponsor a meal/other item and have a table at the event. For more details, please contact Jen Gazdacko at aavnexecutive@gmail.com
AAVN's goal is to offer this program on a regular basis in different regions across the United States.
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AAVN Student Member Committee Representative Application Deadline Extended to 12/15! | |
The application deadline for our 2nd Year Student Representative position has been extended to December 15.
This is a great opportunity for students to connect with animal nutrition professionals and build leadership skills. Student reps participate on the AAVN Student Committee and are also invited to attend Executive Board meetings. Funding is provided for attendance at SAVMA and the AAVN Symposium. For more details click here
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University of Wisconsin Student Chapter Uses AAVN Funds to Host a Lunch & Learn Session
On Tuesday, November 5, the AAVN Student Chapter at the University of Wisconsin hosted a Lunch and Learn viewing of Dr. Megan Shepherd's AAVN student webinar, "What's Foraging Got to Do With It? Navigating Forage for Horses with Different Needs."
Approximately 30 students, including the Executive Board, were in attendance.
This event marked an important milestone for the University of Wisconsin chapter, which has seen significant growth in the past year.
"It was a valuable opportunity to share nutrition knowledge with students interested in large animal medicine," explained Maria Peralta, DVM Class of 2026, "We really appreciate the funding!"
AAVN Funding is Available for Student Chapters
Student chapters can apply for grants of up to $500 annually to support chapter activities.
Only active student chapters may apply.
Active student chapters are those who have submitted a list of current officers and faculty advisors with contact information by October 15 of this calendar year. New student chapters who have submitted their draft constitution to the AAVN Student Committee for review are also eligible for funds, if a list of officers and faculty advisors with contact information has been submitted to AAVN.
Requests for funding must include:
Date of the request
Student chapter name
Primary student contact and faculty advisor, with email and phone number
Date(s) of the activity/event
Amount requested and budgeted expenses
Description of the activity including goal(s) and anticipated outcome(s)
There is no deadline for funding requests.
Please submit to aavnexecutive@gmail.com.
Student Chapters receiving funds are required to:
Submit a write up (250 words MAX) of the event or activities, including pictures, for the AAVN e-newsletter. This summary is due within 1 week concluding the event/activity and can be sent via email to aavnexecutive@gmail.com
Create a social media post that includes photos. This post must be shared within 1 week of the event/activity. This event can be shared on Facebook or Instagram by the student chapter or sent to AAVN at aavnexecutive@gmail.com.
- Provide receipts to the AAVN Executive Director following the event.
AAVN Student Webinar Recording
”What Are You Feeding Your Pet? – How To Talk To Clients About Alternative Pet Food Formats”, presented by Dr. Dan Su.
Please find the recording here.
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Upcoming CE Opportunities
ACVIM On Demand Course
A Comprehensive Approach to Enteral Feeding: When, Why, How
For more information and registration click Here
Fetch West December 6-8, 2024 Long Beach, CA
For more information and registration, click here
VMX Veterinary Meeting & Expo
January 25-29, 2025
Orlando, FL
For more information and registration, click here
WVC Annual Conference
March 2-5, 2025
Las Vegas, NV
For more information and registration, click here
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Classified Ads
Faculty Position in Clinical Nutrition, Kansas State University.
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor (Tenure Track)
For more details click here.
Waltham Petcare Science Institute is looking for an established scientist with expertise in pet nutrition. As Nutrition Science Expert this role requires strong technical leadership, and the ability and drive to ensure Mars policies, standards and positions on pet nutrition to make a better world for pets.
Click here for additional details.
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AAVN Membership Renewal -- Are You Caught Up on Dues?
Renewing after September 1 means a late fee of $20 to be assessed.
To Renew Your Membership:
Sign in to the AAVN website
- Your username is your email address
- If you don't remember your password, you may use the automated password reset request
- Click on Invoices and Payments and process payment for your open membership invoice
Only by renewing can you continue to receive these member benefits:
- Access to the AAVN Membership Directory
- Free webinars on cutting edge veterinary nutrition topics (4 per year)
- Discounted registration for the Annual Clinical Nutrition & Research Symposium
- Access to “Members Only” information on the AAVN website, including Symposium proceedings and recordings
Monthly E-Newsletter
- Access to the AAVN List Serve (includes job and training posts)
- Opportunity to submit research abstracts for consideration at the annual Symposium
If you have any difficulty signing in or with the renewal process, please contact us at aavnexecutive@gmail.com.
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Click on the pup below to start shopping at our Spreadshop. | |
Are you planning on publishing an article or making a nutrition presentation some time in 2025? We'd love to announce it for you! Please send to the Executive Directors at aavnexecutive@gmail.com. | |
AAVN Advertising Opportunities
Listserv (Members Only)
Posting a job opening on the AAVN listserv is free for members. This option is not available for non-members. Members can post by sending an email to AAVN-L@LISTS.PSU.EDU or sending the ad to aavnexecutive@gmail.com.
Please use the following text in the subject line of your list serve post: “Company/ Organization Name - Job Opening”.
Monthly E-Newsletter and Website
(Members and Non-Members)
The AAVN e-newsletter is sent to 1,100+ contacts each month. The e-news open rate is 56%. For samples of the e-newsletter click here
Website ads will be posted on this page
Classified Ads (including job ads) are text only and limited to 100 words.
Members can post classified ads, including job openings, at no charge in the e-newsletter and on the AAVN website.
The cost for Non-Members to post a classified ad, including a job opening, in the e-newsletter is $150/ month. This includes a 60-day run on the website.
Display Ads include a graphic or photograph (size limit: 5 MB). The cost to post a display ad or paid content is $100/ month for members or $300/ month for non- members. The AAVN does not offer display ads on the website.
If you have questions or would like to review sample ads, please email aavnexecutive@gmail.com.
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Guidelines for FOR-profit Industry Content in the AAVN E-Newsletter | |
- Content can be up to 150 words (approximately three paragraphs) and can include a weblink or link to PDF
- Content will be labeled clearly: PAID FOR AND CREATED BY (company name)
- Content must be approved by the AAVN Outreach Committee
- Content should be submitted to aavnexecutive@gmail.com before 5:00pm EST on the first Friday of each month
- Once content is approved, the AAVN will contact you to coordinate payment.
- The cost is $500 per issue.
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