March 2025


A Note From Our Pastor

I pray this note finds you happy, healthy, and holy. This year is moving right along and it’s very hard to believe that the date of the merging of our two parishes into Most Holy Eucharist Parish has come and gone. Our staff continues to diligently work through all that needs to be done for this merger and we appreciate your patience and support during this time of transition.

I would like to give you an update on our parish’s rectory project. We have finalized the rectory plans and have received all of the necessary permissions from the diocese for this project. We are planning on breaking ground later this month. A reminder, the rectory will be located on the east side of our property between the back drive and our existing building.

Throughout this past year I have been speaking about this project and parishioners from both of our previous parishes approached me expressing their desire to financially support this endeavor. To date we have received just over $650k from these individuals with another $50k promised, bringing our total to just over $700k in anchor gifts! On behalf of a grateful parish, I thank these parishioners! I also am grateful for the support that you have offered over the years because with the money from the sale of our current rectory and the money we have in our reserves, we will be able to complete the project without going into debt and without draining our savings!

I am so grateful that as a parish we are in such a good place with the building of this rectory. This past fall as I was working on this project, I was troubled by the local affordable housing crisis and the number of those homeless in our area. As our anchor gifts continued to pour in, I wondered if our Lord was calling us as a parish to support those in crisis. I approached our finance council with this idea and all were in support. After discerning what efforts we could support and deciding on an amount, I am happy to share with you that our parish is going to donate $25k to St. Vincent de Paul Society to help keep people in their homes and $25k to Home Sweet Home Ministries to help give people homes.

In Christ,

Fr. Schultz

Parish News & Upcoming Events

Expanding Tuesday Adoration Hours

The season of Lent is an invitation for us to return more fully to the Lord. One of the greatest ways to grow in relationship with Him is through prayer, particularly in His Eucharistic Presence. Beginning on Tuesday, March 11th, we will expand our Tuesday Adoration hours. Instead of 4:30pm-8:30pm, Adoration will begin after the 8:30am Mass, from about 9am-8:30pm. Currently, coverage is needed between 9am-4pm on Tuesdays. If you are part of a group, consider signing up as a group and rotating coverage, or sign up individually. If this time frame doesn't work, consider signing up for any hour you are available. Sign up HERE. Reach out to Jess Elliott with questions.

Fish Fry at St. Mary Church in Downs

St. Mary's will host their annual fish fries on March 14th & 18th and April 11th, from 5-7pm. Dine-in and carry-out are available. Cost is $11 for adults and $5 for kids (6-12). The menu includes walleye, pizza, grilled cheese, French fries, green beans, coleslaw, and homemade desserts.

Sharing the Grief Journey

All those continuing to grieve the loss of a loved one are invited to attend a monthly gathering with other parishioners on a similar journey. Join us on Thursday, March 27th at 6:30pm in Room 6. These gatherings are designed to encourage healing through connection and shared experiences. This is open to all in our community. No registration is required. Contact Dianne Lerman or call the parish office with questions.

Foundations of Marriage: Challenging Topics

Marriage is a beautiful gift from God and maintaining a healthy, secure marriage takes a lot of hard work. Join us on Friday, April 4th at 7:30pm in Shamrock Hall at St. Pat's. Come learn strategies to help enrich your marriage from two Catholic Marriage and Family Therapists: Zoe Myers Solomon, ALFMT and Mia Teehan, LMFT. This is the third of a four-part series for married and engaged couples; each talk can stand alone if unable to attend all four. Limited childcare is available for ages 9 months or mobile, through age 4. Refreshments provided. Please contact Jess Elliott with questions. Click the button below to RSVP.


April Encounter Night

Come for a night of prayer and rest on Wednesday, April 2nd at 7:30pm at St. Patrick Church of Merna. Phil Olinger will share his witness with Jesus in the Eucharist, and prayer teams will be present for anyone who would like to receive prayer.

Cubs vs. Cards Bus Trip

The annual Cubs vs. Cards Parish Bus Trip is to Busch Stadium in St. Louis on Thursday, June 26th at 1:15pm. The cost is $100 per person, which includes group tickets in Section 235 on the first base side and first class coach bus with restrooms (bus parking will be across the street from Busch Stadium’s right field). Donuts, coffee, and other refreshments will be served on the bus. The bus will leave from the St. Patrick Church of Merna parking lot at 8am, with enough time to get lunch in the neighborhood. Game time is subject to change; the bus will return the same evening. Contact Jeff Lopez with questions. Use the button below to get your tickets today!

Get Tickets Here

New Diocesan Vestments for Priests

As part of the Diocese's 150th celebration, all Diocesan priests will receive a newly-designed diocesan vestment. The Diocese is giving the opportunity to make a contribution toward the cost of the new vestments as a way of saying “thank you” to our priests. You are also invited to write a note of encouragement to your priest or all the priests of our diocese. Click HERE to make a donation or leave a note. *Please note - you don’t have to make a donation if you would simply like to send a note.

Grow in Faith

God’s Princesses 

“God’s Princesses” is a new series on FORMED from the creators of Brother Francis, with fun, faith-filled stories that remind all young Catholic girls that they, too, are part of God’s Royal Household! Check out episodes on St. Joan of Arc and St. Josephine Bakhita. 

"Be Holy for I am Holy" Women's Retreat

The Brothers of Saint John in Princeville, IL will host their annual Women’s Retreat from March 27 - 30 at the priory. It will be preached by Fr. Anthony Mary. The theme is: "Be Holy for I am Holy" (1 Peter 1:16). Click here for more information.

Serving with the Heart of Christ

Thank you to all parishioners who have completed and submitted your Commitment Card to the church. Each and every one of you is a vital member of our parish community and we want to hear from you! This is an opportunity to reflect upon and renew your sacrificial commitment to support the mission of St. Patrick Church of Merna & St. Mary Church in Downs. For those who are able – there is also an opportunity to make a one-time gift to the parish.  If you have any questions, please contact the church officeAll cards are due on Sunday, March 9th! 

Program Brochure
More Information
Online Giving

St. Patrick Church Of Merna

1001 N Towanda Barnes Rd.

Bloomington, IL 61705

(309) 662-7361

St. Mary Church in Downs

108 E. Washington St.

Downs, IL 61736

(309) 662-7361