• THIS WEEK IN PNEC     March 6, 2025

PNEC Vision Statement:

"United in Faith...Committed to Love...Created to Serve"

Penn Northeast Conference UCC, 431 Delaware Ave., Palmerton, PA 18071  610-826-3113

Conference Minister, Rev. Dr. Bonnie Bates      

Barbara Jennings

Patty Rehrig


PNEC is Producing a Final Directory of Authorized Ministers

At the Spring Meeting May 3, 2025, at Union UCC, Neffs, we are asking each Authorized Minister to have their photo taken for the final Directory of PNEC Authorized Ministers (the last one we did was back in 2017). If you are unable to make this photo session at the Spring Meeting, we hope to have a make-up session early summer. We want to have the Directory ready for distribution at the final PNEC Meeting (November 1 at St. John’s UCC, Nazareth). 

Bonnie's Letter

“There is no such thing as a ‘safe space’ – we exist in the real world. We carry scars and have caused wounds. This space seeks to turn down the volume of the world outside and amplify voices that have to fight to be heard elsewhere, this space will not be perfect. It will not always be what we wish it to be, but it will be our space together, and we will work on it side by side.” Untitled Poem by Beth Strano  

Dear Friends,

This week I spent time with the Council of Conference Ministers; the General Minister and President of the UCC, Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson; Heather Kimmel, our chief counsel; the leadership of CHHSM (Center for Health and Human Services); the Insurance Board; and Elizabeth Dilley, our leader of the Ministerial Excellence, Support, and Authorization team. It was an honor to be with these colleagues. And during this week, we are beginning Lent. Jamar Doyle from CHHSM shared the poem I quoted above. I wonder if in our days together during Lent if can we look at where we can provide safety, where we can heal wounds, where we can listen to those whose voices are not heard, and where we can work side by side – together.

Lent is a time for reflection and reconciliation, a time for our prayer and fasting and moving into truthful, nurturing relationships with each other. How do we move toward becoming the voice of reason, peace, and justice? How do we let go of our own pain and see the pain of others? How do we move into the ideal relationships that Jesus calls us into – relationships of love of God and love of our neighbors, all our neighbors?

We have a gospel mandate to follow Jesus, to make disciples of all nations, to share the good news. We also have a gospel mandate to care for ourselves, to spend time in reflection and prayer. I remember as a child, the focus of Lent was to give up something I enjoyed. In my adulthood, I try to add a spiritual practice to my schedule – to take time for meditation or prayer, to listen for the voice of God in the stillness of my heart. This requires even more discipline than giving up chocolate did when I was young. 

My life, like yours, is full of responsibilities, tasks, chores, work, and other worldly items that can take over my minutes, hours, and days. Yet, I will be working on reflection and prayer, spiritual disciplines, and prayer this Lent. What will you be doing to feed your soul, to spread God’s grace, to share love this Lent? Share with me, with your colleagues, with your family and friends how you will nurture your heart. I will be listening and working side by side with you. ~Blessings, Bonnie


PA Annual Report Filing 

Please pass this along to your Church’s Governing Board/Consistory/Council/Treasurer

Starting in 2025, Pennsylvania requires most registered businesses (including churches) to file an annual report with the Department of State. This new requirement replaces the previous decennial filing system and aims to enhance transparency and accountability among businesses (churches) operating in the State.


Many of our churches are being contacted by law firms willing to file the Annual Report for a fee. As you can see by the information required by the State (listed below), it is not necessary for the church to pay a law firm to do this.

The Annual Report must include:

  • Business name
  • Jurisdiction of formation
  • Registered office address
  • Principal office address
  • Name of at least one governor (e.g., director, member, partner)
  • Names and titles of principal officers (if any)
  • Entity number issued by the Pennsylvania Department of State

The filing deadline for churches is June 30. There is no fee for nonprofit churches. To file, churches should use the online portal at Filing online is strongly recommended, as it ensures timely processing and immediate approval. Failure to file the annual report by the deadline may result in administrative dissolution, termination, or cancellation of the business entity's registration. Therefore, it is crucial for churches to comply with this new requirement to maintain good standing in Pennsylvania.

UCC Digital Programming

Nurture the Soul

Love of Children


Mark Your Calendars!!

Townhalls scheduled for the Keystone Conference Constitution and Bylaws

The proposed Constitution and Bylaws and an accompanying letter can be found at and/or

Tuesday, March 18 - 6:30PM via zoom (hosted by Pennsylvania Southeast Conference)

(Click Here for Zoom Link)

Wednesday, March 19 - 1:30PM via zoom (hosted by Penn West Conference)

(Click Here for Zoom Link)

Tuesday, April 1 - 6:30PM via zoom (hosted by Penn Northeast Conference)

(Click Here for Zoom Link)

Wednesday, April 2 - 2:00PM via zoom (hosted by Penn Central Conference)

(Click Here for Zoom Link)

Register for Pennsylvania UCC Weekly Lenten Prayer Time

Join us at noon every Thursday in Lent for a short time of prayer led by Conference Staff from the Pennsylvania Conferences, March 6-April 10, with a renewal of ordination vows on April 17 at 11:00a. Please register here to receive the Zoom links.

Re-affirmation of Ordination Vows 2025

The Conference Ministers of the four Pennsylvania UCC Conferences will host a Service of the Reaffirmation of Ordination Vows for ordained clergy on Maundy Thursday, April 17, at 11:00a via ZOOM. The Rev. Dr. Carrie Call will deliver the sermon. Register here

Summer Position and Donation Letter from James Lawson Freedom School

Please click here for the positions available .


Thank you, Delia Mitchell, M.S.; Program Director, James Lawson Freedom School



Boundary Training for Authorized Ministers

The Penn Northeast Conference of the United Church of Christ, in partnership with the Mountain Laurel 

Presbytery, the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference, the Moravian Church Northern Province, and the Northeast Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is pleased to offer this virtual Boundary Training for Authorized Ministers.

When:  Thursday, March 20

What: Basic Boundary Training 9-12 via zoom;

Advanced Boundary Training 1-4pm via zoom

Cost: $35 for one session; $60 for both sessions

Learn about the need for and management of excellent boundaries.

 CLICK HERE for Full Flyer & Registration Details.

The Seminaries at Moravian University

Ministerial Ethics and Professional Development course through the Lancaster Theological Seminary's Pennsylvania Academy of Ministry. Led by Rev. Dr. Linwood Smith, Pastor at Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in York, PA, and serves on the Board of the National Institute of Rural and Minority Health. This class provides an opportunity for leaders in congregations and Faith-Based organizations to consider how their purpose, personal experiences, perspectives, and ethical guidelines provide a framework for ethical decision-making. Explore community and church guidelines in your ministerial context, identify ongoing professional support, and develop self-care plans. Tuesdays, 7–8:30pm ET; March 4, 11, 18, 25, April 1 and 8. Learn more:


100% Tuition Scholarships are available to members of the United Church of Christ (UCC) who complete their application for a Master Level Program at the Seminaries at Moravian University (Moravian Seminary & Lancaster Theological Seminary) before March 1, 2025. For new applicants only. or

Next Theology with a Twist on DEI with Dr. Greg Carey 

Theology with a Twist will next be held March 18 at 7:00p with Dr. Greg Carey presenting "DEI: What It Is, Why People Are Out to End It, and Why It Matters". Note the date change: instead of the first Tuesday, this will be March 18 to accommodate the speaker. In recent years DEI has become a flashpoint for political controversy. Many cultural institutions like businesses, schools, and nonprofits have embraced Diversity, Education, and Belonging programs. Meanwhile, opponents of DEI have criticized initiatives as overzealous and unfair. The Trump administration, following recommendations from Project 2025, has sought to eliminate DEI from government and to purge it from public life. Join Dr. Greg Carey as he explains what DEI is, why it is valuable, why it has become so politically charged, and what are some legitimate complaints about DEI. For more info, click here.


THE BIBLE AS GUIDE: Biomes and Landforms in Scripture, one of PATHWAYS' Environmental Justice foundational courses begins on March 19, 2025. The course focuses on biomes and landforms in the Bible and then requires that one notice one's own neighborhood and regional flora, fauna, and landforms. Like all the foundational courses, the participant does not just read about Bible, history, or theology. For instance, the outcome project for this course will be a multimedia 3-session (1 hour each) Bible study that connects the biomes and land features of the Bible to the biomes and land features of the area in which the learner lives or serves. The challenges of environmental justice and creation care are local, not abstract. Go to the PATHWAYS website ( to sign up

Climate Church, Climate World Book Study

Facilitated by: Members of The PSEC Enviromental Justice Team

Open to clergy and lay persons.

Dates: Every Monday afternoon in March, beginning March 3 thru March 31

Times: 12:30 – 1:30 pm on Zoom --- Cost: Free

Requirements: Purchase of the book and read the introduction and first two chapters prior to the first session on March 3rd. Book can be found on Amazon and at Hearts and Mind bookstore.

Climate Church, Climate World by Jim Antal addresses “the long emergency” known as the climate crisis. Grounded in Scripture, informed by science, this book offers a way for people of faith to listen carefully to how God is calling us to embrace our vocation of bearing witness to the crisis and to initiate a moral intervention to sustain God’s gift of creation. The study will be led by the members of the Environmental Justice Team. To register, click click here..

UCC Webinar with Kelly Brown Douglas, Jim Antal, and Cameron Trimble

America in Search of a Soul

In a 1976 sermon entitled, “America in Search of a Soul,” Howard Thurman prophetically understood that the soul of America was threatened by “the Cult of Inequality.” Today, we face our own moment of reckoning as we confront the crises of societal inequality and climate change. Three prophetic ministers and popular authors will help us unpack the threats and opportunities before us as people of faith. Rev. Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas is the Visiting Professor of Theology at Harvard Divinity School and has authored numerous books including “The Black Christ.” The Rev. Cameron Trimble is the founding CEO of Convergence and the author of “60 Days of Faith for Women” along with other books. The Rev. Dr. Jim Antal is a leading faith-rooted climate activist and the author of "Climate Church, Climate World."

Register now!!

Crossroads and Connections: Building Relationships and Community

Immigration Front and Center

The former president and CEO of the Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians and immigratio n lawyer Peter Gonzales will provide a brief overview of the recent executive orders targeting immigrants, refugees and the organizations that support them. He will then facilitate a conversation with the City of Philadelphia’s former Mayor Jim Kenney and the former director of the City’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, Amy Eusebio. They will share tactics they used to respond to Trump’s attacks on “sanctuary cities” during his first term. They will also share how they built collaborative networks with nonprofit organizations and with immigrant and refugee communities to help establish Philadelphia as the largest certified welcoming city in America.

Understanding Recent Immigration Policy Changes & Their Community Impact

Dates, start times and registration links of each workshop:

Tuesday, March 11, 2025 – Noon EST –

Wednesday, March 19, 2025 - 6:00 PM EST -

Monday, March 24, 2025 - 6:30 PM EST -

Length of each workshop: One Hour

Kirkridge Retreat Center, Bangor, PA

Click Here for 2025 Events


300th Anniversary of the German Reformed Church in the United States

A 300th Anniversary Committee has begun the work of planning a series of events and worship celebrations to mark the occasion. They include (among other things) quarterly presentations of German Reformed History, a liturgy for congregations to share on the morning of Sunday, October 12th and a Festival of Celebration on Wednesday, October 15th. Please watch your conference newsletters for more details will be forthcoming.

Lake Institute on Faith Giving

Remaking the Commons: Forming a Moral Imagination for Possession and Philanthropy in Place

Speaker: Dr. Willie Jennings

Friday, April 11, 2025, at 4:00 PM

Livestream available. Register Here


Protect Trans Nonbinary and Intersex People's Civil Rights

UCC Office of Public Policy and Advocacy

Click Here to Read


What to do if ICE comes to Your Congregation

Date/time: March 13 @ 7:00 – 8:30p online



A recent policy change that offers the Department of Homeland Security allowing greater leeway for immigration enforcement in “sensitive locations,” including houses of worship, has rightly stirred the ire of religious communities around the county and in our Conference. Our UCC tradition affirms that God’s presence is not limited to any one place, yet we also recognize the power of setting apart sacred spaces for worship, reflection, and action. A consecrated church space is not just a building — it is a sovereign space where God’s presence is acknowledged, where Christ is proclaimed, and where the Spirit moves freely among God’s people. It is a place where heaven and earth meet.

The 44th Annual Rural Ministry Conference

March 9-11, 2025

Wartburg Theological Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa

Form Follows Mission:  Creative Ways STaR Congregations are Adapting for the Sake of Vitality and Sustainability in Mission and Ministry


In response to the on-going challenges of demographic, economic, and cultural change, small town and rural (STaR) congregations and small membership congregations in metropolitan contexts and their judicatories are creating and/or recreating a spectrum of innovative responses in leadership training and missional form to sustain and enhance the sustainability and vitality of mission and ministry. We will gather to learn what God is doing out there, cross-pollinate with ideas from one place which might work in another, and dream together (Acts 2:17) and perhaps perceive of a new thing (Isaiah 43:19).


Keynote speaker this year is Pastor Nancy Nyland, Pastor Nyland has a breadth of experience ranging from parish ministry to serving as Director of Evangelical Mission for the Indian-Kentucky Synod. She has collaboratively developed a transformational ministry process, a spiritual renewal process, and a shared ministry process for congregations in the synod. She also has led congregational vitality trainings across the ELCA, worked with congregations in transition and assisted congregations with visioning, and identifying their purpose and guiding principles.


For more information and registration, including a virtual Zoom option, please visit:


Please contact Pastor Lisa Robison with any questions.

Disaster Ministries

Pastoral care for those have been impacted by disasters with the UCC's Emotional and Spiritual Care Team. I am pleased to announce that have we launched our application process for this initiative.  


The United Church of Christ's Emotional and Spiritual Care Team is a program of Disaster Ministries focused on providing support to spiritual caregivers serving at the local church, association, and conference levels, as they provide pastoral care to their impacted communities. We welcome trained pastoral care providers, parish nurses, counselors, chaplains, clergy, and others feeling the call to disaster emotional and spiritual care to apply for this volunteer position.


To apply visit:


Click Here to read "Ready PA Monthly."