chfa enews - chfa<strong>reach</strong>
March 20, 2025

april highlights

Time Management: Planning for Interruptions and Fires, Webinar │April 2, 2025

Even the most organized among us face distractions, interruptions, and “fires” that leave our to-do list untouched.

Successfully fielding life’s curveballs takes skill and intention. Attend this session to learn practical strategies for real life and work. You will leave with new tools and perspectives, knowing you are not alone.

Click here for more information and to register for "Planning for Interruptions and Fires."

Budgeting Series, Part 1: Maximizing the Budget You Have, Webinar │ April 3, 2025

Your property budget helps direct the success of the property through the year. Having access to and reviewing that budget is one thing, but understanding and following it makes the difference.

Grab your property budget and financial reports and join us for session one of a four-part series. This interactive class will go over reports, tracking, property projects, and planning that can help improve the current bottom line.

Owners, Agents, accounting staff, and site team members are invited help the property stay on track by maximizing the budget you have.

Click here for more information and to register for "Maximizing the Budget You Have."


Interested in further training? Browse events and register for chfareach and Housing Professionals Institute (HPI) classes on our website.

Chfareach provides resources, education, and assistance for Colorado multifamily housing. Membership in chfareach is not required to attend trainings. Please email at any time for assistance with your registration.

Belinda Waldron
chfareach Coordinator

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