• THIS WEEK IN PNEC     December 12, 2024

PNEC Vision Statement:

"United in Faith...Committed to Love...Created to Serve"

Penn Northeast Conference UCC, 431 Delaware Ave., Palmerton, PA 18071  610-826-3113

Conference Minister, Rev. Dr. Bonnie Bates      

Barbara Jennings

Patty Rehrig


Bonnie's Letter

“Is this not the fast I choose: to loose the bonds of injustice, to undo the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see them naked, to cover them and not to hide yourself from your own kin” (Isaiah 58:6-9 NRSVUE)

Dear friends,

I have spent the last week with Conference Minister colleagues, members of the national staff, and conference staff from across the country as we have reflected on and explored our spirituality and learned much about how we work in the UCC in Authorizing Ministry. It has been renewing, tiring, challenging, affirming, and important work. Reflections on how God is moving in my life and in my vocation was an important part of the Council of Conference Ministers Retreat. I was tired but refreshed spiritually when I arrived in Tempe for the Authorizing Ministry in the 21st Century workshops, plenaries, and worship.

I am now more tired than I thought was possible – even with 6-7 hours of sleep each night. The tiredness is an outgrowth of the self-examination required to unravel racism, sexism, homophobia, and misogyny in our systems and processes. As a woman in ministry, I have encountered sexism in my path to judicatory leadership, but racism and homophobia are not encounters I have experienced. The scripture quoted at the beginning of this letter is Isaiah’s admonition to the Jewish people that their acts of fasting, making offerings, and pseudo-humbling themselves is not what God is looking for in them. Likewise when we, in the United Church of Christ, have created systems, that intentionally or unintentionally, abuse, exclude, marginalize, or condemn beloved children of God because they are different from ourselves, or have a different opinion, or seek God in a different way, we need to unravel those processes, take away those coverings that impede truth, grace, and love from being shared openly and equitably among us.

As we move through this Advent season, it is easy to miss the need to seek justice, to welcome the stranger, and to care for the lost and the least – or maybe it isn’t. A lot of congregations do food collections, gift trees, giving celebrations for those in need in our communities – and then – after Christmas - we seem to forget about the continuing needs of the marginalized, impoverished, and least among us. Perhaps we need to reframe our “fasting” and carry the giving, feeding, comforting, and blessing into January and February and March and April…. Perhaps we need to remember that those in need still need us as we move into 2025. Maybe our fasting, our humbling, needs to be a part of our everyday life, our everyday relationships, our everyday faith walk. As we move through this season of giving – let us take the giving, the offering, the blessing we can share with us, and offer ourselves to God and our neighbor. ~Blessings, Bonnie

About Your Church’s PA Sales Tax Exemption Certificate

The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue has been in contact with PNEC about renewing the sales tax exemption certificates for our subsidiary churches (specifically those churches who received their certificates from us five years ago). We were assured by the State that the certificates will be issued closer to the date of expiration which is March 15, 2025. If you have any questions/concerns, please contact (610.826.3113).

Five (5) continuing education credits for this Book Study for Authorized Ministers

2025 PA UCC Women’s Clergy Retreat

“Fearfully and Wonderfully Made”

January 14, 2025 @ 4:00 pm - January 16, 2025 @ 12:00 pm

$190 per person (massages available for additional fee)

Registration closes January 3rd.


Join us for 44 transformative hours with your Sisters in Christ at a serene retreat center in Shillington, PA. Together, we will celebrate the incredible truth that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. This retreat offers a peaceful environment to nurture your soul and body, with a few group gatherings focused on healing, self-recognition, and embracing the beauty of the person you were created to be.


Expect plenty of opportunities for laughter through fun group activities, as well as time for personal renewal. Unwind with a soothing massage, curl up with a good book in a cozy corner, or enjoy the refreshing outdoors with a peaceful walk. For deeper connection, gather in the living room for heartfelt conversations and lots and lots of snacks!

Additionally, there will be opportunity for one-on-one Gestalt Pastoral Care healing sessions with Deaconess Susan Silhan, our presenter, to reflect and receive spiritual guidance. This retreat is designed to refresh, heal, and uplift—don’t miss this chance to connect, grow, and be celebrated as you truly are!

To register, click here.


Questions? Please contact: Kim Berenotto at or Tammie Wisniewski at

Lake Institute on Faith & Giving

Let There Be Light: Inspiring Generosity and End-of-Year Giving

By Meredith McNabb, Associate Director of Education, Lake Institute 

As the year draws to a close, many religious organizations look to end-of-year giving to meet their financial goals, but there’s more to it than balancing budgets. Meredith McNabb explores how religious traditions tie the season of generosity to profound spiritual values, with rituals and teachings that focus on light, gratitude, and service. McNabb encourages leaders to tap into the spiritual essence of generosity through storytelling and thoughtful engagement, inviting donors to connect their giving with their faith’s call to serve and heal the world. Read More...

PATHWAYS Theological Education

Throughout history, people have used the gifts of the land creating structures to make our lives easier. The Bailey Island Bridge is such a creation of granite slabs strong enough to withstand the powerful tidal forces traveling between Orrs and Bailey Islands. How do human creations hurt or help our relationship with all people, biodiversity, and the planet? PATHWAYS responds to this question through its Environmental Justice Program, introducing theology, ethics, scripture, policy, pastoral care, preaching and worship that embraces diverse cultures, creatures, and the Earth, Our Common Home.


Sign up now and sample an Environmental Justice course, Biomes and Landforms in Scripture (beginning January 8), connecting our lives and lands with the life and land found in Scripture.


Visit our website and learn more about PATHWAYS Theological Education, Inc. You may also contact the Academic Dean, Rev. Dr. Ruth Shaver ( or the Registrar, Rev. Melissa Ashmore ( with your questions.

PNEC's Communities of Practice for 2025

It is that time of year again for those who are interested in joining a Community of Practice (COP) to be int ouch with Patty Rehrig at the Penn Northeast Conference ( to check on availability for the following COP's:

  • Retired Pastors - no availability
  • Licensed Studying Lectionary Texts
  • Choose Your Own Adventure (topic not determined for 2025)
  • General Ministry
  • New Models of Church
  • Spiritual Disciplines and Practices - no availability
  • A Women's Group
  • Multiple Church Pastors
  • Practices of Ministry & Church's Legacy - not sure of this one - needs a new leader??
  • Open and Affirming (ONA)
  • Pastors and Mental Health Providers (this will be a new COP if enough are interested)

Looking forward to hearing from those interested! Participation in a COP counts for 1/2 of your continuing education hours. The cost is $250/year


Jason Shott Joins Phoebe Ministries as New Chief Operating Officer

Allentown, Pennsylvania—Phoebe Ministries welcomes Jason Shott as their new Chief Operating Officer (COO). Shott recently relocated to Pennsylvania from New York, where he was Regional Vice President of Operations for Atria Senior Living. 

As a member of the executive leadership team, Shott oversees Phoebe’s overall operations, sales, and marketing efforts. With a career spanning 24 years in healthcare and 16 years specifically in the senior living sector, he is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for seniors and driving innovation in care services. 

Shott is replacing Robert Richards, Phoebe’s current COO, who retired on December 6, 2024. Shott started at Phoebe in October, working closely with Richards and Phoebe’s leadership team during the transition. In addition to his role at Phoebe, Shott served on the Board of Directors for both the Connecticut Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association and the Pennsylvania Assisted Living Association. 

Shott is excited about his new role at Phoebe. “I am truly excited to join this remarkable organization dedicated to serving seniors,” said Shott. “The opportunity to work with a team committed to enhancing the lives of older adults is incredibly inspiring. I look forward to advancing our mission by providing support, care, and connection to the senior community, and making a positive impact together." 

Shott received his master’s degree in social work from The Catholic University of America. He has been licensed in Clinical Social Work since June 2011. 

Jason resides in Lower Macungie, PA, with his wife Brittany and their son Noah. 

To learn more about Phoebe Ministries' mission and our executive leadership team, visit

The Antoinette Brown Award nominations are now open!

Nominees for Emerging Innovators, Trailblazers, Elders must be clergywomxn* in the UCC who honor Antoinette Brown’s vision of womxn’s calling to leadership in church and society. We seek to honor exceptional emerging leaders, those currently blazing new trails, and those whose work exemplifies a lifetime of achievement, with an emphasis on forging a path for women in ministry, and a commitment to racial justice. Nominees for Community Catalysts must be clergywomxn serving in Specialized Settings whose projects, collectives, or organizations provide a provocative space that advances racial justice and empowers women in ministry. Please share the attached nomination form broadly and invite folk to nominate their peers and colleagues. The nomination deadline is January 31, 2025, please email Rev. Tara Barber ( with questions. (*Clergywomxn = womxn spelled with an “x” is an inclusive and expansive spelling embodying and honoring the complexity of gender beyond the spectrum.)

Click Here for Nomination Form

Conversations of Hope: An Opportunity for Support 

Sponsored by The PNEC Mental Health Ministry Team

Monday, December 16, 2024 

4:00 pm – 7:00 pm 

The election and holiday seasons are difficult for many of us. Everyone is welcome to share your concerns, joys, fears, grief, and anxiety in a faith-safe setting. Join the conversations by logging on to:

Provisions will be made for individual prayers and consultation with trained pastoral counselors. FMI, contact Rev. Emily Hall, convener of the Mental Health Ministry Team, at 


Education Spotlight: Upcoming Webinars and Events

from LeadingAge PA

Live Webinars and In-Person Events

For-credit On-demand Webinars


Kirkridge Retreat Center, Bangor, PA

CLICK HERE for events happening at Kirkridge

Click Here for 2025 Events

Christmas Fund Offering is

December 22, 2024

The Christmas Fund for the Veterans of the Cross and the Emergency Fund is a Special Mission Offering that congregations have been supporting for over 100 years. The offering is administered through the United Church Board for Ministerial Assistance, the charitable arm of the Pension Boards. Funds provide direct financial support to those who serve the church and are facing financial difficulties. Active and retired clergy, lay employees, and their surviving spouses may be eligible for the Supplementation of Small Annuities, Supplementation of Health Premiums, Emergency Grants, and/or Christmas “Thank You” Gift Checks.


The Pennsylvania Academy of Ministry

at Lancaster Theological Seminary

has its popular "Liturgical Practices" course beginning in mid-January 2025. This class provides participants with the opportunity to plan, prepare, and practice versions of rites and rituals tailored to their own denominational and cultural contexts, including leading Sunday worship, baptisms/child dedications, weddings/union services, and funerals/memorial/homegoing services.

More Information at

Disaster Ministries

Application deadline coming soon for security grants...The Department of Homeland Security, through FEMA, is accepting applications for $210 million in Nonprofit Security Grant Program funds to protect faith-based institutions and nonprofit organizations against targeted attacks. All applications need to go through a State Administrative Agency. In Pennsylvania that agent is the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency, which applies to FEMA on behalf of eligible nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of terrorist or other extremist attacks. A consortium of nonprofit organizations is also eligible. A consortium application is an opportunity for an eligible nonprofit organization to act as a lead and apply for funding on behalf of itself and any number of other participating NSGP-NSS eligible nonprofit organizations.


The Notice of Funding Opportunity was published Oct. 28. Supporting materials for stakeholders are available on the NSGP webpage. Applications for the NSGP - National Security Supplemental will close at 5:00p on Dec. 16. Complete details, and the application submission instructions, can be found on PEMA's website at


Download "NSGP_National Security Supplemental_NOFO_.pdf"


Download "NSS Key Changes.pdf"


Aid is available to churches in response to H. Debbie - Click Here
