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March 21, 2025

Here are a few important reminders about upcoming events at Trivium Prep. Please visit our website,, for more information.

The latest Friday Flash newsletters can always be found on our website under 

Parent Resources->Latest News.

Upcoming Events:


Order Hot Lunch

Volunteer in the Lunchroom


Deadline to Register for 6th Grade Field Trip

Friday, March 21

8th Grade House Breakfast, 7 AM, MPR

Sign up to Contribute

Friday, March 21

Uniform Collection, 5-7 PM, Archway MPR

Saturday, March 22

PSO Uniform Exchange, 12-2pm, MPR

Early shopping with voucher, 11am

March 24-31

Lands' End Online Uniform Sale

View Coupon

Wednesdays, March 26 and April 2

Senior Thesis Defenses, after school

Friday, March 28

"Jeans and Crazy Sock Day"

Students may wear Spirit Wear, jeans, crazy socks and non-uniform athletic shoes

Friday, March 28

Deadline to Register for 8th and 11th Grade Field Trips

(see below for links)

March 31-April 10

State Testing, see below for grade-level details

Monday, March 31

Last Day to Purchase Tickets for Spring Formal (11th-12th Grades)

Guest Forms Due by 3/28

Tuesday, April 1

12th Grade At-home Learning Day

Friday, April 4

11th Grade House Breakfast

Sign up to Contribute

Tuesday, April 8

PSO Restaurant Night at Moe's Southwest Grill, 4-9 PM

Friday, April 11

12th Grade House Breakfast

Sign up to Contribute

Saturday, April 12

Spring Formal for Juniors/Seniors

Purchase Tickets by 3/31

Tuesday, April 15

Community Knights - Meet the New Headmaster, 6-7 PM, Library

RSVP Online

2024-25 Academic Calendar

Join us in cheering on the Crimson Knights!

Trivium Prep Athletics Calendar

Prep Crest.jpg

Contact Information

Please make note of these important contact numbers:

Trivium Prep Main Office: (623) 866-4730

Attendance Line: (623) 209-0604


A Message from Headmaster Schutten

Hello, Trivium families, and welcome back from Spring break! I hope you had some much needed rest and leisure over break.

As we begin to look ahead to next year, I wanted to give an update on our college credit opportunities including dual enrollment. As promised, we are very excited to announce that we are expanding our dual enrollment offerings for next year! The flyer below will lay out all of the opportunities for earning college credit: CLEP &AP tests, current dual enrollment offerings, new dual enrollment courses for next year, and even our proposed courses to add in the 26-27 school year.

For the upcoming 25-26 school year – in 10th grade, we will now be offering Humane Letters, Chemistry, and Econ for dual enrollment; 11th grade will now include Humane Letters and all foreign language courses; and 12th grade will add Calculus II to the list.

We will communicate early next year about enrollment deadlines etc. so stay tuned for that. In the meantime, please reach out to our college counseling department with any questions regarding college credit! Thank you!


Headmaster Schutten

Quarter 3 Evaluations

Student evaluations are now available for viewing in the Powerschool Parent Portal.

The Middle School Minute

Scholarly Behavior

Scholarly behavior refers to the actions, attitudes, and habits that contribute to success in an educational setting. It encompasses a range of behaviors that promote learning, achievement, and positive engagement with the academic environment.

1. Being Respectful

2. Active Participation

3. Completing Assignments on Time

4. Following Rules

5. Arriving on Time

6. Positive Engagement with Peers

7. Practicing Good Manners

8. Taking Responsibility

9. Demonstrating Integrity

10. Behaving in a Way that Promotes the Good of the Community

It's time to take the Tax Credit!

The time to give is now! Please open your hearts and give. We are currently at 14% school participation for Tax Credit. The Arizona Public School Tax Credit (TC) drive supports character-building activities including enrichment course, and field trips.  

Every Arizona resident is eligible to contribute their Public School Tax Credit, claim it on their state taxes, and receive the same amount on their tax return. 

We ask parents to give $200 if they file individually or $400 if they file jointly. We also ask extended family, faculty, and friends to give their Tax Credits as well. 

Contribute your Tax Credit Today

State Testing Dates

Please mark your calendars for the following state-testing dates. In order to best prepare for the exams, we ask that you take note of the dates below and plan ahead. If a student leaves the testing environment, s/he cannot continue their exam and it will be submitted as-is. Please do not schedule appointments for these dates or pull your children out early.

To accommodate testing, our 12th grade students should plan to complete schoolwork off-campus/at home on Tuesday, April 1.

We recommend that your scholars get a good night's sleep the day before and a nutritious breakfast in the morning. Students may bring the following to the testing room: water and an approved calculator (optional). 6th grade students are encouraged to bring a book to read after the test and a health snack for the recess break.

High School students may bring a calculator that complies with the ACT Calculator Policy. Middle school students (7th & 8th only) may bring a calculator that follows these guidelines.

Upcoming Testing Dates:

6th-8th Grades: March 31, April 1, April 3

9th Grade: March 31-April 2

10th Grade: April 9

11th Grade: April 10

Now Hiring! Join our Team!

The Trivium Preparatory Health Office has an open position for a full-time nurse. We are looking for a candidate to join the team this April to finish out the school year and move into next school year. If you are a nurse and are interested in applying, please complete the application here: Trivium Prep Health Office

Upcoming House Breakfasts

Each grade level at Trivium Prep will have the opportunity to share a breakfast together before school during the school year.

Our 11th Grade House Breakfast will be Friday, April 4 at 7 AM.

Our 12th Grade House Breakfast will be Friday, April 11 at 7 AM.

Sign up below to bring in food/drinks. Donations should be sent in with your student the morning of the breakfast. This event is for student's only.

April 4 - 11th Grade Sign-up to Donate Breakfast Items

April 11 - 12th Grade Sign-up to Donate Breakfast Items

PSO Uniform Exchange - Saturday, March 22, 12-2 PM

The PSO will host a Uniform Exchange/Sale on Saturday, March 22 in the Archway MPR.

11 AM-12 PM: Exclusive Early Shopping Window for those with a VOUCHER along with those who either have compliant items to EXCHANGE the DAY OF or those with non-compliant items to DONATE to the school.

12 PM-2 PM: Doors open for ALL Trivium families to shop! (Donations and Exchanges will also be accepted during this time.)

If you would like to turn in items in advance of the Uniform Exchange, you are welcome to stop by the Archway MPR on Friday, March 21 from 5-7 PM to exchange items for a voucher.

Call for 2025-26 PSO Board Member Nominations

Nominations are currently being accepted for the Trivium Prep PSO Board for the 25-26 school year. If you are interested in learning more, or would like to self-nominate, please email our PSO President, Alicia Torres, at by April 1 for consideration. We are especially looking for someone to head up our Uniform Exchange, but have general openings as well.


Visit the PSO page on our website for more information. Email your questions /nominations to PSO President, Alicia Torres, at We look forward to hearing from you!

Lands' End Uniform Sale - March 24-31

Our new uniform vendor, Lands' End, is offering 20% off all school uniforms from March 24-31.

View the 20% Off Coupon

Jeans and Crazy Socks Day - March 28

In celebration of our highest response rate yet on the Parent Survey, students may wear Spirit Wear, jeans, crazy socks and non-uniform sneakers on Friday, March 28. Jeans must be pants-length (no holes, no skin-tight pants). Athletic sneakers only (no Crocs, slippers, sandals, etc.).

Purchase Spring Formal Tickets by 3/31

Trivium Prep Spring Formal is Saturday, April 12 from 7-10 PM at the The Vic at Verrado (5325 N. Verrado Way, Buckeye). Spring Formal is for Juniors and Seniors only.

Purchase tickets by Monday, March 31. Tickets are NOT available at the door. 

Ticket purchase includes entrance to dance, dessert, drinks, and photos. 

All guests (Trivium and non-Trivium) must present student ID at dance entrance. Follow the link below for detailed dress code/policies.

Spring Formal Dress Code/Details/Tickets

Meet the New Headmaster - April 15, 6 PM

All Trivium Prep parents are invited to join us for our next "Community Knight" where parents can meet and hear from our new Headmaster for the 25-26 school year, Mr. Mike Johnson. Community Knights is a time to gather as a community, make connections with other parents, and discuss important topics with the Headmaster. Please RSVP below. Thank you!

RSVP to Community Knights on April 15

Register Now for the 6th Grade Field Trip

Our 6th Grade Class will visit the Desert Outdoor Center on either April 2 or April 9, 2025.

  • On Wednesday, April 2, Mr. Agboola's students will attend the field trip. 
  • On Wednesday, April 9, Ms. Perkins' students will attend the field trip.

On the day your student is not attending the field trip, school will proceed as usual. 

Deadline to pay/register: March 17, 2025

Learn More and Register for 6th Grade Field Trip

Register Now for the 8th Grade Field Trip

Our 8th Grade Class will visit Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament on April 17, 2025. Buses will leave about 9am from school and attend Medieval Times. Buses will return to the school about 2:00 for 6th period and pickup will be as usual, at the end of the school day. 

Deadline to pay/register: March 28, 2025

Learn More and Register for the 8th Grade Field Trip

Register Now for the 11th Grade Field Trip

Our 11th Grade Class will visit Northern Arizona University and Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff on April 17, 2025. Buses will depart immediately after first period attendance and return to the school about 5:30 PM.

Deadline to pay/register: March 28, 2025

Learn More and Register for the 11th Grade Field Trip

Health Office Update

The health office is in need of donations: Clorox wipes, water bottles and Kleenex. We are fully stocked on snacks now, thank you so much for the support! Don't forget to label donations for the Trivium Prep health office. We really appreciate your support during this Flu season.

As a reminder, scholars should stay home if they have any of the following:  

  1. They have a fever above 100 degrees Fahrenheit within the past 24 hours. (Must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications)
  2. They have had episodes of vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours.
  3. They are ill and unable to participate in class.

In partnership,

Hannah Andrade, RN & Marjaan Khan, BSN-RN 

Trivium Prep Yearbook Sales have Closed

Trivium Prep 6th-12th grade yearbook sales have ended. If you did not order a yearbook, and would like to be placed on the wait list, please email with the name and grade of your student. You will get an auto response with more information and will automatically be placed on a waitlist in the order of when your email was received.

Trivium Athletics Updates

Check the Athletics Webpage for announcements and updates:

For questions, please reach out to our Athletic Director, Derek Wahlstrom, at

Hot Lunch Ordering - Sign up Now to Volunteer!

My Hot Lunchbox online ordering is now available at: If you are a first-time customer, visit the My Hot Lunchbox website to create your free account. Families with students at Archway Trivium and Trivium Prep should create only ONE account per family.

Important Note: You will need to update your profile with the student's grade for the current school year in the "My Profiles" section before ordering.

If you have any questions, please review the Parent Lunch FAQ or contact My Hot Lunchbox at (888) 894-8295 or by email at Ordering is easy! Follow the link below to get started or visit the PSO Lunch page on the school website for more information.

The Trivium Lunch Program is entirely managed and distributed by our Parent Service Organization volunteers. This program is open to all students, faculty, and staff at Trivium. 

Fall 2024 Lunch Vendors:

  • Monday – Raising Cane’s
  • Tuesday – NYPD Pizza
  • Wednesday – Chick-fil-A
  • Thursday – Jimmy John’s
  • Friday – Noodles & Co

Order Hot Lunch

Volunteer in the Lunch Room

Sign up as a volunteer to help distribute lunches and receive free lunch from My Hot Lunchbox! (Volunteer clearance is required to volunteer). We will be awarding a $5 a day/per person credit to each school. All credits will be applied at the end of each month. Please email our lunch coordinator at if you have any questions regarding the credits. Thank you for helping to make the lunch program a success at our school!

Click Here to Volunteer

As a reminder: The front office does not accept food deliveries for students from restaurants/third-party vendors. Students must bring a lunch from home or order through My Hot Lunchbox.

Happy Birthday!

Join us in wishing "Happy Birthday" to the following Trivium Prep faculty and staff with recent/upcoming birthdays! Faculty Favorites lists are available on our website.

Rebecca Schafer - School Counselor - Mar 1

Nikhol Pluta - 9th Science - Mar 10

Krystina Julian - ESS Assistant - Mar 12

Sara Stefan - ESS Assistant - Mar 12

Ann Marshall - 7th Lit/Comp - Mar 15

Mariamma John - 6th, 7th Math - Mar 16

Daniel DePauw - 6th Latin - Mar 21

Michael Denk - 7th Science - Mar 23

Myriam Acherbo - 10th Spanish - Mar 25

Jodi Bradshaw - Director of Operations - Mar 26

Nicole Bullard - 7th Lit/Comp - Mar 28

John Pedler - 8th Lit/Comp, 11th Humane Letters - Mar 29

Configio/Parent Payment Portal Refunds for Charges made prior to Nov 1

Please be aware that some refunds for purchases made in the Configio/Parent Payment Portal prior to November 1 may not be processed back to the original credit card used. In these instances, you will receive an email with a secure link from Kleercard, prompting you to enter your ACH information for the refund. This is a legitimate process and not a phishing attempt. The link from Kleercard is safe and does not provide anyone at Great Hearts access to your account information. Using Kleercard allows for a quicker and more secure refund process than mailing a paper check through the United States Postal Service. If you prefer to receive your refund via a paper check, please contact your campus office manager.

Notice regarding Special Education Records

Four years after fiscal year of final enrollment, special education records (including placement records, final enrollment in referrals, evaluations, testing program) will be destroyed, and this serves as notice. Special Education Census records will be destroyed five years after records are created or received, and this serves as notice.

Used Uniform Donations

Did you know there is a bin for uniform donations in the Trivium front office?

If you have used school uniforms that you no longer need, you are welcome to drop off items here anytime throughout the school year. They will used to support the PSO Uniform Exchange, the school health office and other needs. If you would like to receive a donation voucher for Dennis/Anton items, please hold onto your items and watch the Friday Flash for PSO Uniform Collection dates to be announced throughout the year. Thank you for supporting our school in this way!

Quick Links

School/Office Hours:

2024-25 School Hours

2024-25 Office Hours


6th-8th Grades: 7:50 AM-3:15 PM

9th-12th Grades: 8:00 AM-2:35 PM (New HS Start Time)


7:30 AM-3:30 PM

Wednesday (Early-Release):

6th-8th Grades: 7:50 AM-1:30 PM

9th-12th Grades: 8:00 AM-1:40 PM

Wednesday (Early-Release):

7:30 AM - 1:50 PM

Half Days:

6th-8th Grades: 7:50 AM-11:50 AM

9th-12th Grades: 8:00 AM-12:10 PM

Half Days:

7:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Communication Updates

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You can find all school-wide communications on our website on the Latest School Updates page.

If you know of parents who are not receiving these communications, please ask them to check their junk/promotions email folders, and then email for assistance. 

School Messenger Communication

Great Hearts and Trivium Prep continue to utilize the system School Messenger for emails, robo-calls, and text messaging to inform families of campus related academy emergencies and other communications. SchoolMessenger has a new automatic opt-in for text feature. During the registration/re-enrollment process families confirmed their wish to participate in text communications. Great Hearts will now automatically opt in contact information given during the registration/re-enrollment process with the options you selected. You will notice at the beginning of July you will be opted in for text messaging. If you would like to opt out of text messages simply reply STOP to the text from 67585. You can also enter the code 67585 with the message STOP to block any text messaging. Please note, if opting out, you will not receive texts regarding emergencies on campus.

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