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Holistic Therapy


Positive Movement - More FREE Wellbeing Sessions for over-60's

For anyone with mobility problems or who is living with a long-term condition.



Wednesdays 12pm - 13:30pm

Westmill Community Centre

John Barker Place

Hitchin SG5 2PG


Fridays 2pm 3:30pm

Baldock Community Centre

Simpson Drive

Baldock SG7 6DH

Positive Movement (PM) is an award-winning gentle exercise approach developed by The Sadie Centre which combines techniques drawn from Adaptive Yoga with the principles and methods of the Alexander Technique and Mindfulness. Sessions are open to anyone over 60 with a mobility problem or who is living with a long-term condition.

PM consists of an hour of gentle movement which is followed by a further ½ hour of time to socialise with members of the group. It is both fun and effective – and it is FREE!

To book: contact Clare Chambers at

or call 01462 410893/678804.

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What people have said about Positive Movement...

“I would just like to add my thanks for the Positive Movement online classes. They are a fantastic opportunity to participate in well planned beneficial exercises in the comfort and privacy of your own home. Rebecca is a fantastic teacher who provides lots of encouragement and different ways of doing the same exercises so that you can select according to how you feel. The relaxation part is amazing!

“Before I started Positive Movement I had back pain, and I walked hunched over. I now walk straight and correct my posture. I’ve learnt to look forward and focus in front. The tutor was very patient, helpful, and clear in how we should do things. This has made such a massive difference to my life, and health. My coughing has reduced and I am now able to regulate my breathing, it has helped such a lot. My husband comments he has never seen me with such energy! I looked forward to the classes every week; my confidence has improved so much I’ve even started line dancing!”

“When I leave the Positive Movement sessions I feel as if I am floating on air! I have bad ankles and the exercises have helped enormously. I also have pain in my ribs following cancer treatment and the breathing exercises have helped me a lot to reduce the pain that I experience. It’s a lovely group and I really feel the benefit. In my opinion the psychological benefits are just as important as the physical ones because if you feel well, relaxed, not stressed, you are less likely to feel ill physically.”

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