December 2024


A Note From Our Pastor

I pray this note finds you happy, healthy, and holy. A few weeks ago we received a decree from our bishop affecting our parishes. In order to provide clarification, I remind you that this past summer, parishes throughout our diocese learned how they would be impacted by the Growing Disciples Initiative. We learned then that St. Mary Church in Downs and St. Patrick Church of Merna would be joined, forming a new parish with St. Patrick’s Church being the primary worship site and St. Mary’s Church being a secondary worship site.

As instructed by the diocese, I put together a transition team, consisting of members of both parishes. At a meeting a few months ago, our team talked about the histories of our parishes, reflecting on their “personalities” and any other related information that should be considered when discerning a new name. We had wonderful conversations. I have worked with a lot of people and been to countless meetings. This meeting was distinctly different. It was apparent to me the Holy Spirit was working. Going into this meeting, I was pretty certain what names would be submitted, yet through conversation we were led in a different direction and all the members were agreeable to the names we decided. We left that meeting with three names and we were at peace submitting them to our bishop. After this meeting, desiring all parishioners to peacefully embrace whatever name our bishop would choose, I decided to not share the names we submitted. I didn’t want people having favorites or forming opinions.

A few weeks ago we received the decree from our bishop revealing our new parish name: Most Holy Eucharist Parish. Honestly, I was excited, this was our top choice. We wanted our name to relate to our parish school, Corpus Christi, without causing confusion with other churches in the area like “historic” St. Patrick and St. Mary’s “on Jackson”.  We also wanted our new parish name to provide a theme or saint that all could easily embrace. We thought if we can’t unite under the Most Holy Eucharist, what could we unite under? I understand that change is difficult and there will be much work to do by our staff and transition team to make this transition as smooth as possible. I ask that you pray for the grace to not only accept, but embrace our parish name. I am more convinced than ever that our parishes will be stronger together than apart, and ask for your prayers and support leading up to and after February 22, 2025 when our two parishes officially become one. 

Lastly, I pray you all have a very blessed advent season as we spiritually prepare for our Lord’s coming. I encourage you to avail yourself to receive God’s abundant mercies in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Each area parish will be hosting Advent Penance Services on different nights to provide ample opportunities for the faithful to utilize this gift before Christmas. God bless.

In Christ,

Fr. Schultz

Parish News & Upcoming Events

Christmas Senior Luncheon

The Parish Hospitality Directors are sponsoring the Christmas Senior Luncheon on Wednesday, December 11th, at 12pm in Shamrock Hall. The menu will include salads, soups, and desserts. Our program will include singing Christmas Carols with Jana Schopp leading the singing and Julie Ryan on the piano. Jess Elliott will provide a short spiritual message about the holiday season. Please join us for this fun event! Sign up using the button below, at the welcome center, or by calling the church at (309) 662-7361 by Sunday, December 8th.

Sign Up Here

Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist: Study

Join us for an upcoming book study beginning mid-January on Brant Pitre's book "Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist: Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper." More information forthcoming. You can order the book here. Please contact Marylynn Meredith with questions.

Online Giving

Fuel faith this winter by giving with a warm heart! As we journey through winter and prepare for spring, we set new goals dedicated to strengthening our church. Faithfulness in giving allows us to share the gifts that God has given us, so our spiritual home may thrive. That is why our church offers Online Giving as an option to support our ongoing mission and ministries. Online Giving helps support our church by allowing you to make donations, payments, and pledges via your mobile phone, smart device, or computer. Set up your gift today or consider an additional gift via Online Giving!

Offertory Envelope Update

Please note that as of January 2025, we will send offertory envelopes to those who regularly use or request them. With so many giving online or through recurring gifts, we will not purchase envelopes for every household. This helps us be good fiscal stewards of the parish budget. If you have any questions, please contact the parish office at (309) 662-7361. Thank you for your understanding.

Save the Date for the Next Foundations of Marriage!

Foundations of Marriage: Managing Conflict

Friday, January 24th, 2025 / Shamrock Hall / 7:30p-8:30p (Q&A until 9p) 

Limited childcare available! 


We cannot thank you all enough! Your donations were amazing!

We are extremely GRATEFUL for our generous parishioners. The boxes were overflowing with donations. This is only a portion of our total donations!

Grow in Faith

Why Do We Sing That?

Our wonderful Music Director, Lindsey Adams, put together the following videos to help answer some commonly asked questions and help us better understand some of the special music heard at Mass. Take a listen and grow in your faith and deepen your prayer life!

Into the Garden Blog

Into the Garden is a blog of spiritual reflections, written by Jess Elliott, our Director of Evangelization. Drawn to the imagery of the garden throughout Scripture, from Eden to Gethsemane, this writing serves to connect us with the garden of our own hearts, where we need Jesus to come and make all things new. 

“I remember being so comforted by the truth that Jesus is not afraid of what is within me, even if I am. I can go there with Him; I am safe with Him. He will radiate His light in the darkness, and the darkness will not overcome it (Jn 1:5).”

Read more of her post, wilderness to Eden, here

St. Patrick Church Of Merna

1001 N Towanda Barnes Rd.

Bloomington, IL 61705

(309) 662-7361

St. Mary Church in Downs

108 E. Washington St.

Downs, IL 61736

(309) 662-7361