As shared in a special insert in our March events mailing, membership dues will increase modestly in the coming Fiscal Year, the first increase in nearly a decade. We'd ask all members to review this note which discusses the increase.
Those of you who earlier received a letter in the mail along with the February 24 Lecture flyer, marked "3rd Renewal Reminder," have not yet paid dues for the current Membership Cycle, which runs Apr. 1, 2024-Mar. 31, 2025. Please renew TODAY to keep your membership in good standing. Your payment before March 31, 2025 will be at the current membership rates, which will remain live on the Membership page of our website through March 31. Help us have a strong end to the Fiscal Year by renewing your support today!
All others with Annual memberships should may wait until April 1 to pay for the upcoming Fiscal/Membership Year, at which point the new, higher fees will be live on our website Membership page.
Finally, if you've ever considering an upgrade from an Annual to a LIFE membership (a larger, 1-time payment), there's no better time to do so than now! Life membership fees will also increase come April 1. If you renew today and upgrade to Life status, it will be at the current rates, through March 31, a savings of $100.
- All membership dues payments are tax-deductive.
Gifts to the "Luck of the Irish" fundraiser are not applied to Membership dues-payable.
Finally: If you are not sure of your membership status, please contact Ann at or (401) 841-5493, before making a payment, and she'll get right back to you.
Please do not send payments or other correspondence to our seasonal Thames Street Interpretive Center address.