Important Info About Spring Break
Checking out of residence halls: The last person leaving your dorm room should visit
Housing requests: Residence Halls on both campuses, including University Heights College Suites, close for spring break at 11 a.m. on Saturday, March 8, and reopen at 9 a.m., Sunday, March 16. If you require on-campus housing during spring break, complete the Spring Break Housing Application by Wednesday, March 5, for consideration. You will be informed of the decision via email. If you are approved to stay over spring break, the $125 fee will be applied to your student account.
Dining hours: On Friday, March 7, Buchman in Troy closes at 2 p.m. and McKinstry in Troy and Kahl in Albany close at 6 p.m. All campus dining locations will be closed Saturday, March 8, through Saturday, March 15. McKinstry and Kahl will be open 4-6:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 16; normal hours resume on Monday, March 17.
Campus hours: College offices will be closed on Monday, March 10, and some offices may have adjusted hours between March 11-15. Please reach out to before you make a special trip to the campuses during spring break.
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Weekly Events
Open Discussion with Chaplain Darren Gundrum: Tuesdays, noon, Buchman, Troy. Drop by!
Group Fitness Training: Fridays, 5 p.m., McKinstry Fitness Center, Troy. Sign up for Group Fitness Training.
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Wicked Dine and Dance
Tuesday, March 4, 5 p.m., Bush, Troy
Join Dance Ensemble and ACE for a magical evening! Enjoy a special screening of Wicked, delicious food, and a night of fun and enchantment! Free, with raffle tickets available for purchase.
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Artist Talk: Shawn Snow's Into the Void
Tuesday, March 4, 7 p.m., Opalka Gallery, Albany
Shawn Snow will discuss his show, Into the Void, which opens at the Little Gallery in Rathbone Hall, Albany, on March 7.
Visit shawn_snow_art on Instagram.
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Free Professional Headshots
Wednesday, March 5, noon-1 p.m., Albany
Upgrade your LinkedIn profile with a free professional headshot. No appointment needed — just stop by.
Meet the photographer in the lobby outside the Career and Self-Discovery Center in KCC.
(Available every Wednesday in March!)
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Q&A With Director of Accessibility Services Tandrea Skinner
Tandrea Skinner works to ensure RSC students with disabilities can access the accommodations they might need for academic success. She joined RSC in January and said her most recent position advising high school students during their college search inspired her interest in working in higher ed. Learn more about her in this Q&A.
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Sale on Champion at Bookstores
Take 20% off Champion brand merchandise through March 4,
in store and at and
Bookstore hours are Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and Friday 9 a.m.-3 p.m., both campuses.
Some exclusions apply.
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Theatre Grad Danielle Lee Greaves ’88 Stars in Parade National Tour
Read a Q&A with Danielle Lee Greaves, an RSC Theatre grad currently playing Minnie McKnight on the 17-city tour of the Tony Award-winning musical Parade. (The tour had preview performances in Schenectady, just a short distance from RSC’s Albany and Troy campuses!)
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Several members of the Russell Sage College community attended the Capital District Feminist Studies Consortium’s 2025 Conference on February 26 at Union College, including Hannah Voorhaar (left, in photo on left) , who presented “Gun Safety is a Feminist Issue: Gender, Race, and Political Affiliation and Attitudes About Gun Policies,” and Daniel Kagan (center, in photo on right), who presented “Breaking the Silence: Women with Young Onset Parkinson’s Disease.” Find more news and photos from the conference on | |
After Fieldwork, Graduate Students Volunteer at Double H Ranch
A two-week occupational therapy fieldwork placement at an organization that provides recreation for children with chronic illnesses turned into an ongoing volunteer commitment for OT graduate students.
Pictured: Marissa Key and Cayla Callan at Double H Ranch's winter weekend featuring adaptive skiing.
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Looking for something to do?
New events are added to The Chomp every day. Check it often to see what is going on!
Have an event to promote?
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Library Cafes are Open, With
Writing Assistance Available!
Hazel's cafe in the Albany Campus Library and Lucille's in Troy's Shea Learning Center library are now open!
Purchase coffee, soft drinks, water, and snacks weekdays, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Meal plan Declining Dollars or Flex Dollars, cash, and credit accepted.
Peer tutors are usually available in the cafes, Monday through Friday, noon to 5 p.m. Make an appointment or walk in for assistance with a writing assignment. It's free!
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Student Senate meeting: Thursday, March 27, 6 p.m., KCC 224, Albany. All undergraduate students are welcome.
For reference: Institutional Response to Federal Issues
Username: and Password: Thrive2020
RSC wants to increase the number of student reviews on Niche: Can you take a couple minutes to fill out the Niche survey? Thank you!
Discounts for RSC students: Receive a discount at businesses in Troy with your RSC ID. Find a list of merchants and discounts.
Discount for Summer on Stage Camp: Russell Sage College community members get a $100 discount on camp with promo code SAGE100. Find a Summer on Stage registration link and more info.
Free concerts: Friends of Chamber Music of Troy, New York invites Russell Sage students to attend concerts for free with a student ID. See the Friends of Chamber Music website for upcoming performances.
PT researchers seeking volunteers for study: Do you know someone who qualifies?: Researchers from Physical Therapy are evaluating the effectiveness of low-level laser therapy on pain in individuals with painful peripheral diabetic neuropathy. They are seeking individuals between 40 and 70 years old with a diagnosis of painful peripheral diabetic neuropathy and the ability to walk with or without an assistive device to participate. Participants will be compensated $50 for their time. Reach out to Associate Professor of Physical Therapy Rupali Singh at or 518-244-4550.
Specials from Papa Johns: Thanks to a partnership with the athletics department, Papa Johns on New Scotland Avenue is offering two Gator Bite specials. Order at or call 518-438-7272:
- Two medium one-topping pizzas for $5.99 each; must buy in group of two (code: gator1).
- Medium one-topping pizza and bread or garlic parm sticks for $12.98 (code: gator2).
Hope to hear from YOU! Email with photos, events, achievements, or other news you would like us to consider including in the college newsletters.
Have questions?: There are Solutions desks in each library, where you can ask anything. Stop by, call 518-244-2020, or email*
*Unless you have something you would like us to consider for Solutions: The Newsletter! In that case, please email by Wednesday for the following Sunday's newsletter.
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Freddie's, Kahl Campus Center, Lower Level (Albany)
McClellan Student Center, McKinstry Hall (Troy)
Open daily, noon-9 p.m.
Commuter Lounge, Hart Hall (Troy)
7:30 a.m.-9 p.m.
Armory Fitstop (Albany)
McKinstry Fitness Center (Troy)
Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-10 p.m.
Friday, 9 a.m.-7 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Kahl Campus Center, Lower Level (Albany)
Kellas Hall, 1st Floor (Troy)
Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
After-Hours Care
Albany bookstore (Albany College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences' Gozzo Student Center)
Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Friday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
M.o.s.s. books and other provisions (Gurley Hall, Troy)
Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Friday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
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