February 27, 2025

Hospital Discounted Care Newsletter

This newsletter provides information and updates on the implementation of House Bill (HB) 21-1198, Health Care Billing Requirements for Indigent Patients, otherwise known as Hospital Discounted Care. Low-income patients who aren't enrolled in Health First Colorado or Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) will have the opportunity to apply for financial assistance or charity care programs at the health care facility where they receive care.

Please visit our Hospital Discounted Care webpage for more information.

Hospital Discounted Care Updates

March 2025 Training: Professional Data Reporting Template

The Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) will hold Data Reporting Template training for licensed health-care professionals (professionals) in March 2025. HCPF highly encourages professionals to attend one of the scheduled training sessions so your questions can be answered by HCPF staff. If you are unable to attend any of the scheduled training dates, a recording will be available in the weeks following the scheduled training. Please Register Here for training and select the date/time you are available to attend:


Session 1: March 11, 2025, 10:00 a.m.

Session 2: March 11, 2025, 5:00 p.m.

Session 3: March 13, 2025, 5:00 p.m.


If you have any questions on the training you may contact the HCPF data team via email at

Office Hours

HCPF is holding office hours every other Wednesday at 9 a.m. No registration is required. The Zoom link and call in information are on the Hospital Discounted Care website.

Stay Informed

Sign up for the Hospital Discount Care newsletter to stay informed about the implementation of HB 21-1198.

Sign up for our newsletter.